1,147 research outputs found

    Strategies against nonsense: oxadiazoles as translational readthrough-inducing drugs (TRIDs)

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    This review focuses on the use of oxadiazoles as translational readthrough-inducing drugs (TRIDs) to rescue the functional full-length protein expression in mendelian genetic diseases caused by nonsense mutations. These mutations in specific genes generate premature termination codons (PTCs) responsible for the translation of truncated proteins. After a brief introduction on nonsense mutations and their pathological effects, the features of various classes of TRIDs will be described discussing differences or similarities in their mechanisms of action. Strategies to correct the PTCs will be presented, particularly focusing on a new class of Ataluren-like oxadiazole derivatives in comparison to aminoglycosides. Additionally, recent results on the efficiency of new candidate TRIDs in restoring the production of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) protein will be presented. Finally, a prospectus on complementary strategies to enhance the effect of TRIDs will be illustrated together with a conclusive paragraph about perspectives, opportunities, and caveats in developing small molecules as TRIDs

    Wild food plants of popular use in Sicily

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    In the present work the authors report the result of their food ethnobotanical researches, which have been carried out in Sicily during the last thirty years. Data concerning 188 wild species used in the traditional Sicilian cuisine are reported. The authors underline those species that are partially or completely unknown for their culinary use and they illustrate other species that local inhabitants suggested in the prevention or treatment of symptomatologies caused by a refined diet, poor in vegetables. These data want to contribute to avoid the loss of traditional knowledge on uses and recipes concerning wild food botanicals, and to encourage further studies for those species that have not yet been sufficiently researched in their food chemical and nutritional profile. These studies may also suggest new applications for a few botanicals in medico-nutritional fields. The work includes also a short review of the seaweeds and mushrooms traditionally gathered and consumed in Sicily

    Seasonal changes in morpho-functional aspects of two Anemonia sulcata (Pennant, 1777) wild populations

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    Marine benthic organisms can be used as indicators of the quality of environmental status and as monitoring tools to detect natural or anthropogenic perturbations. In temperate waters, metabolic and biochemical responses may be governed by physiological changes driven by seasonal factors. Gathering baseline information on the mechanisms underlying seasonal acclimation patterns is therefore a critical step towards the understanding of the physiological responses of biological indicators. In poikilothermic metazoans, the production of regulatory metabolic enzymes can be used as tools for deciphering the acclimation potential. The aim of this study was to characterize the natural seasonal variability in biometric traits and enzymatic biomarkers over a 12-month period in the sea anemone, Anemonia sulcata (Anthozoa, Cnidaria), from two areas with different environmental and anthropic impacts. Seasonality and site factors affected enzymatic kinetics at tentacle levels, while seasonality, site and biometrical characteristics modulated the same enzymes in the body column of A. sulcata. The results showed a decrease in enzymatic activity in summer and an increased synthesis of enzymes in the late fall and winter months. The interaction between biometric features and temperature appeared significant for mesolittoral sea anemones but not for infralittoral specimens. This study showed seasonal patterns of variations of biochemical responses in A. sulcata, suggesting that this species, an abundant member of shallow rocky bottom communities in temperate European seas, may represent a sensitive bio-indicator organism worth considering for further ecological studies on climate change as well as for environmental monitoring programs

    Hubungan Kebiasaan Sarapan Dan Status Hidrasi Dengan Konsentrasi Berfikir Pada Remaja

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    Latar Belakang : Masalah gizi pada remaja akan berdampak negatif pada tingkat kesehatan masyarakat. Masalah gizi tersebut antara lain anemia dan IMT kurang dari batas normal atau kurus. Prevalensi remaja dengan IMT kurus berkisar antara 30 % - 40 %. Keadaan status gizi remaja salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh pola konsumsi makan yaitu keterbatasan makanan atau membatasi sendiri makanannya karena faktor ingin langsing. Selain itu masalah gizi pada remaja adalah rendahnya kebiasaan sarapan. Remaja yang tidak terbiasa melakukan sarapan 79,2% mempunyai prestasi sekolah yang kurang. Tingginya angka remaja yang tidak terbiasa sarapan berpengaruh pada status hidrasi yang berkorelasi terhadap konsentrasi berfikir. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan antara kebiasaan sarapan dan status hidrasi dengan konsentrasi berfikir pada remaja.Metode:Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah remaja perempuan. Jumlah subjek sebanyak 80 remaja dipilih menggunakan metode simple random sampling . Pengambilan data status hidrasi menggunakan indikator berat jenis urin. Data konsentrasi berfikir menggunakan Digit Symbol Test dan Digit Span Test dari subtest WAIS ( Weschler Adult intelegence Scale) yang dilakukan oleh lembaga psikologi terapan yang tersertifikasi. Data kebiasaan sarapan dikumpulkan berdasarkan wawancara dengan kuesioner.Hasil : Sebanyak 52,5 % siswa terbiasa melakukan sarapan dan 47, 5 % subjek tidak terbiasa melakukan sarapan. Dari hasil analisis berat jenis urin didapatkan sebanyak 70 % subjek mengalami dehidrasi dan 30 % tidak dehidrasi (normal). Berdasarkan hasil test konsentrasi tersebut didapat 48,25 % subjek memiliki kemampuan konsentrasi rendah dan 51,75 % memiliki kemampuan konsentrasi tinggi. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kebiasaan sarapan dan konsentrasi berfikir (p=0,00). Tidak terdapat hubungan antara status hidrasi dengan konsentrasi berfikir (p=0,35)Kesimpulan :Terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan sarapan dengan konsentrasi berfikir . Tidak terdapat hubungan antara status hidrasi dengan konsentrasi berfikir

    Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a spatial-temporal variation using MODIS-Aqua in the Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia, Brazil

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    In this study, the importance of MODIS sensor multispectral imagery on monitoring coastal and oceanic areas as well as marine ecosystems is demonstrated. As an example, the Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), BA, Brazil, was selected. Four 250m Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a satellite-derived images were processed to characterize the TSB in 2009, as well as monthly time-series from July 2002 to January 2010 and monthly maps of 2009 off the coast of Bahia. These results were compared to the Brazilian Water Agency (ANA) discharge data and tidal data. They showed the importance of the latter in physical forcing compared to the former. Benefits from MODIS high temporal and spatial resolution data compared to other sensors to date allowed the characterization between different areas within the TSB

    2D Color Barcodes for Mobile Phones

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    Clean and Green Urban Water Bodies Benefit Nocturnal Flying Insects and Their Predators, Insectivorous Bats

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    Nocturnal arthropods form the prey base for many predators and are an integral part of complex food webs. However, there is limited understanding of the mechanisms influencing invertebrates at urban water bodies and the potential flow-on effects to their predators. This study aims to: (i) understand the importance of standing water bodies for nocturnal flying insect orders, including the landscape- and local-scale factors driving these patterns; and (ii) quantify the relationship between insects and insectivorous bats. We investigated nocturnal flying insects and insectivorous bats simultaneously at water bodies (n = 58) and non-water body sites (n = 35) using light traps and acoustic recorders in Melbourne, Australia. At the landscape scale, we found that the presence of water and high levels of surrounding greenness were important predictors for some insect orders. At the water body scale, low levels of sediment pollutants, increased riparian tree cover and water body size supported higher insect order richness and a greater abundance of Coleopterans and Trichopterans, respectively. Most bat species had a positive response to a high abundance of Lepidopterans, confirming the importance of this order in the diet of insectivorous bats. Fostering communities of nocturnal insects in urban environments can provide opportunities for enhancing the prey base of urban nocturnal insectivores.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    Air Pad Controlled by Means of a Diaphragm-Valve: Static and Dynamic Behaviour

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    This paper presents the analysis of the static and dynamic performance of a passively compensated air pad. The proposed method consists in the integration of a custom-built diaphragm valve and a commercial aerostatic pad. A lumped model is used to simulate the static and dynamic performance of the pad. Results demonstrate that the proposed method is very effective when the system works with excitation frequencies below 10 Hz