624 research outputs found

    Are small Sub-Sahara African farmers willing to pay for vegetative propagated orange fleshed sweetpotato planting material? Evidence from Central Mozambique

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    This paper evaluates farmers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for the vegetative propagated orange fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) planting material that is many times considered as a public good. Famers’ WTP for OFSP vines was elicited by conducting a real choice experiment (RCE) among 121 small sweetpotato growers in central Mozambique with prior experience growing OFSP but with no participation in OFSP vine distributions in the previous 3 years of the experiment. Results reveals a higher farmers’ willingness to pay for OFSP varieties (US0.07−0.12)comparedtothenon−orangeplantingmaterial(US0.07-0.12) compared to the non-orange planting material (US 0.03) and compared to the traditional subsidized price of clean sweetpotato vines (US$ 0.06) used in Mozambique. These results may encourage formation of a network of private vine multipliers that would supply permanently OFSP planting material in wider areas.Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Consumer/Household Economics, Farm Management, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy, International Development, Production Economics, Q16,

    Do Pesticide Hazards to Human Health and Beneficial Insects Cause or Result from IPM Adoption? Mixed Messages from Farmer Field Schools in Nicaragua

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    This paper analyzes the interaction between farmer training in pest management and effects on acute pesticide poisoning and populations of beneficial insects in Nicaragua. Using farm level data from Nicaraguan bean growers, including graduates of Farmer Field Schools (FFS), other integrated pest management (IPM) outreach methods, and farmers without exposure to IPM, we found that small farmers are influenced by pesticide-related acute illness experiences when adopting IPM practices and making decisions about pesticide use. However, exposure to IPM extension programs failed to reduce the use of highly toxic pesticides and increased the number of self-reported acute illness symptoms during the most recent bean crop season. IPM training did result in growth of beneficial insect populations.ecosystem service, integrated pest management, agricultural extension, Nicaragua, Farm Management, Q16,

    Multi-Institutional Implementation of Farmer Field Schools among Nicaraguan Bean Growers. Do Different NGOs Perform Differently?

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    This paper analyzes how different characteristics of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working as extension providers affect the delivery of agricultural technologies to farmers. Using farm level data from 436 Nicaraguan bean growers, we evaluate how the institutional characteristics of the NGOs that implement farmer field schools (FFS) affect their impacts on farmer choices of pest management inputs, their adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) and resulting net revenues and pesticide exposure from bean production. After controlling for endogeneity of participation in IPM training programs and for a clustered and stratified sample design, results reveal that institutional focus, expertise in IPM and the capacity of extension providers implementing FFS significantly influence FFS impacts on input choices and adoption of IPM. FFS participation by itself has no influence on farmer' pest management decisions or their net revenues.Crop Production/Industries,

    Modelling exchange bias in core/shell nanoparticles

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    We present an atomistic model of a single nanoparticle with core/shell structure that takes into account its lattice strucutre and spherical geometry, and in which the values of microscopic parameters such as anisotropy and exchange constants can be tuned in the core, shell and interfacial regions. By means of Monte Carlo simulations of the hysteresis loops based on this model, we have determined the range of microscopic parameters for which loop shifts after field cooling can be observed. The study of the magnetic order of the interfacial spins for different particles sizes and values of the interfacial exchange coupling have allowed us to correlate the appearance of loop asymmetries and vertical displacements to the existence of a fraction of uncompensated spins at the shell interface that remain pinned during field cycling, offering new insight on the microscopic origin of the experimental phenomenology.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Contribution presented at HMM 2007 held at Napoli 4-6 June 2007. To be published in J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    Resume of the extension of the Ponchon and Savarit method for designing ternary rectification columns

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    This work presents a summary of the analytical extension of the classical Ponchon and Savarit method for the design of binary distillation columns to ternary systems. For a given feasible separation, convergence is almost always guaranteed in calculation times comparable to those used by commercial simulation packages. However, in this case the total number of stages and the optimal feed location are simultaneously determined. For ternary mixtures it is possible graphical representation keeping all the intuitive characteristics of the original method for binary mixtures. The presented approach include the possibility of approximate (with interpolation, correlation and intersection methods) or rigorous calculations of mass and energy balances and equilibrium relations and the direct calculation of the minimum number of equilibrium stages and the optimum feed point location for a specific product separation with a specified reflux ratio. The distillate flow rate and the reflux ratio can be optimised in an outer loop providing the method a great flexibility.University of Alicante and Institute of Culture Juan Gil Alber

    ParamIni_LL_NRTL: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Selection of NRTL Initial Parameters for the Correlation of Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data (Type I, II, III and 0 (LL island), i.e. with 1, 2, 3 or 0 binary pairs partially miscibles)

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    The correlation of liquid-liquid equilibrium data is still currently a problem not fully resolved, especially for complex systems such as, those involving ionic liquid, where the high nonlinearity and non-convexity of the equations involved produce convergence problems, with a strong dependence on the initialization values used of the obtained solution. To avoid this situation, for the NRTL model, we have analyzed more than 200 LLE ternary systems (including type I, II, III and 0 or island, following the Treybal classification, Figure 1) in order to obtain a good representation of the different possible binodal curves and tie triangles that this model can reproduce satisfactorily, in a wide enough interval of values of the different parameters (taui,j, taui,j). All these systems have been parametrized regarding the main characteristics of the corresponding LLE, such as the number of binary subsystems partially miscible, the size and middle point of the binary tie-lines, the slope of the tie-lines, the location of the plate point, etc. With this parametrization, we have created a database and a new graphical user interface, GUI, that allows loading a set of liquid-liquid experimental data to obtain, using optimization algorithms and machine learning techniques, a consistent set of initial NRTL parameters that predicts a parametrized LLE near the experimental one. This set of parameters can be used now in any correlation data algorithm (using the corresponding equilibrium condition: isoactivity, minimum of the global Gibbs energy of mixing, or the Gibbs energy of mixing minor common tangent plane) to obtain the final rigorous solution. We believe that the present work can help researchers, professionals and students, in the task of correlating experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium data, in order to obtain consistent binary interaction parameters, taking into account that the correct calculation of the phase equilibrium is a key point in the optimal (efficient and sustainable) design of the corresponding processes and equipment. Related references: *Should we trust all the published LLE correlation parameters in phase equilibria? Necessity of their Assessment Prior to Publication. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2017, 433, 243-252 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2016.11.009). *GE Models and Algorithms for Condensed Phase Equilibrium Data Regression in Ternary Systems: Limitations and Proposals. The Open Thermodynamics Journal. 2011, 5, (Suppl 1-M5) 48-62 (http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874396X01105010048). * Checking Liquid-Liquid Critical Point Conditions and their Application in Ternary Systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012, 51(13), 5098-5102 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie202793r). *LLE data correlation using NRTL model for different types of binary systems: UCST, LCST and closed miscibility loops. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020, 59(17), 8469-8479 (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.0c00141). * GMcal_TieLinesLL: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Topological Analysis of Calculated GM Surfaces and Curves, including Tie-Lines, Hessian Matrix, Spinodal Curve, Plait Point Location, Miscibility Boundaries, etc. for Binary and Ternary Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) Data. RUA 2015-2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10045/51725. *GMcal_TieLinesVL: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Topological Analysis of Experimental and Calculated GM Functions for Binary and Ternary (isobaric or isothermal) Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Data (including Tie-Lines, Derivatives, Distillation Boundaries, etc.). RUA 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10045/122857. * Boundaries_LL_NRTL Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Characterization of the NRTL model: Binary Spinodal Surfaces (in the tau(i,j)-tau(j,i)-xi space), LLE Maps and Miscibility Boundaries. RUA 2022 (http://hdl.handle.net/10045/121471). * What does the NRTL model look like? Determination of boundaries for different fluid phase equilibrium regions. AIChE Journal. 2022, e17805 (https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/aic.17805).University of Alicante y Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. PID2021-124139NB-C21: SUS4Energy, 2022/00666/001 (AEI)

    Magnetic Domains and Surface Effects in Hollow Maghemite Nanoparticles

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    In the present work, we investigate the magnetic properties of ferrimagnetic and noninteracting maghemite (g-Fe2O3) hollow nanoparticles obtained by the Kirkendall effect. From the experimental characterization of their magnetic behavior, we find that polycrystalline hollow maghemite nanoparticles are characterized by low superparamagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transition temperatures, small magnetic moments, significant coercivities and irreversibility fields, and no magnetic saturation on external magnetic fields up to 5 T. These results are interpreted in terms of the microstructural parameters characterizing the maghemite shells by means of an atomistic Monte Carlo simulation of an individual spherical shell model. The model comprises strongly interacting crystallographic domains arranged in a spherical shell with random orientations and anisotropy axis. The Monte Carlo simulation allows discernment between the influence of the structure polycrystalline and its hollow geometry, while revealing the magnetic domain arrangement in the different temperature regimes.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures. In press in Phys. Rev.

    Power-law decay in first-order relaxation processes

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    Starting from a simple definition of stationary regime in first-order relaxation processes, we obtain that experimental results are to be fitted to a power-law when approaching the stationary limit. On the basis of this result we propose a graphical representation that allows the discrimination between power-law and stretched exponential time decays. Examples of fittings of magnetic, dielectric and simulated relaxation data support the results.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. B; 4 figure

    Graphical User Interface (GUI): ParamIni_LL_NRTL

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    33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE33), June 18-21, 2023, Athens, Greece (Theme 8. Education and knowledge transfer: Poster 43,Board 107).In the present work, the NRTL model has been analyzed to obtain a good representation of the different ternary liquid-liquid equilibria that this thermodynamic model can reproduce satisfactorily. To do that, the main characteristics of different possible binary subsystems, ternary binodal curves (location in the composition diagram, size, tie-lines orientation, and plait point location), and LLLE tie triangles have been evaluated. With more than two hundred systems studied, the different behaviors have been parametrized to create, as the main objective of the present work, a database and a graphical user interface associated (ParamIni_LL_NRTL, Labarta et al. 2022. RUA: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/130017). This resource (publicly available for teaching and research uses) allows, given a set of ternary experimental LLE data to obtain by comparison with the elements of the database, a consistent set of initial NRTL parameters (taui,j, alfai,j) to start the corresponding correlation data procedure with enough guarantees.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Ministry of Science and Innovation from Spain, under the project PID2021-124139NB-C21: SUS4Energy, 2022/00666/001 (AEI)
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