73 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Jatropha Oil and Prospective for its Valorization as Feedstock for the Development of Biodiesel Technology in Guinea

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    The continuous depletion of fossil fuel and petroleum products, their limited resources and environment concerns are a matter of concern. The tendency in energy sector represents a challenge as well as an opportunity to look for alternatives of fossil fuels for sustainable development and environmental benefits. Study of biodiesel has become a key objective in the effort towards energy self-reliance. Since Jatropha oil cannot be used in the food industry, its use as energy source becomes very attractive. Before oil extraction, 1000-seed weight of Jatropha was investigated on the point of view of temperature and rainfalls. Seeds were grounded and defatted by extraction using a Soxhlet device. The lipid fraction of Jatropha oil seed were extracted and analyzed for their chemical composition and properties. The content of fatty acid in the extracted lipid was determined by use of Gas Chromatography (GC). Oleic acid (44.7%) and Oinoleic acid (32.8%) represent the dominant fatty acids while palmitic and stearic ones were the saturated fatty acids in the Jatropha oil. The crude oil from an average sample was transformed into biodiesel by transesterification in which a primary alcohol replaces glycerol from crude oil molecules

    Case Report Multifocal Buruli Ulcer Associated with Secondary Infection in HIV Positive Patient

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    Buruli ulcer is a chronic and infectious skin disease, caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. It leads to large skin ulceration and sometimes bone infection which is responsible for deformities. Here, we report a case of multifocal form of Buruli ulcer associated with secondary infection in a 46-year-old human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive woman. The antimycobacterial drugs combined to surgery allowed curing this multifocal case and rose up two relevant issues: the susceptibility of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) occurrence and Mycobacterium dissemination. The deep immune depression, the underline biological, and clinical disorders of the patient might contribute to IRIS occurrence and Buruli ulcer dissemination. Future investigations have to be conducted on the mechanism of IRIS on set and on Mycobacterium ulcerans dissemination after ARV drugs initiation and the patient related underline clinical or biological disorders

    Development and Testing of the Method for the Detection of Lassa virus RNA, Based on real-Time Polymerase Chain reaction with reverse Transcription

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    Abstract. Objective of the study was the development of a method for the detection and quantitative analysis (realtime RT-PCR) to identify genetic markers of Lassa virus - LASV-Fl. Materials and methods. We utilized all the available in the GenBank database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/) Lassa virus sequences that have been aligned to identify conservative sites applying the BioEdit 7.2.5 software package (IbisBiosciences, USA). To test the developed PCR kit, the control panel of Lassa virus RNA and pseudo-viral particles, 27 viral strains belonging to different fami­lies, as well as 37 serum samples from patients with feverish diseases selected in medical institutions of the Republic of Guinea in 2016-2018 and 55 samples of organ suspensions from multi-spiked mice were used. Results and discussion. The analytical sensitivity of the method varied from 103 copies/ml to 105 copies/ml and had 96.4 % diagnostic sensitivity, while the analytical and diagnostic specificity was 100 %. It is shown that the developed technique can be successfully introduced into practice for the detection of Lassa virus in the Republic of Guinea, using various types of material from small mammals, including whole blood and organ suspensions of M. natalensis, as well as samples of human blood sera collected 3-7 days after the onset of the disease. It is also suggested that this method can be used for strains of Lassa virus, common not only in Guinea but also in other endemic areas, but this fact must be confirmed in further studies

    Resurgence of Ebola virus in 2021 in Guinea suggests a new paradigm for outbreaks

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    These authors contributed equally: Alpha K. Keita, Fara R. Koundouno, Martin Faye, Ariane Düx, Julia Hinzmann.International audienc

    Standardization of Clinical Assessment and Sample Collection Across All PERCH Study Sites.

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    BACKGROUND.: Variable adherence to standardized case definitions, clinical procedures, specimen collection techniques, and laboratory methods has complicated the interpretation of previous multicenter pneumonia etiology studies. To circumvent these problems, a program of clinical standardization was embedded in the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study. METHODS.: Between March 2011 and August 2013, standardized training on the PERCH case definition, clinical procedures, and collection of laboratory specimens was delivered to 331 clinical staff at 9 study sites in 7 countries (The Gambia, Kenya, Mali, South Africa, Zambia, Thailand, and Bangladesh), through 32 on-site courses and a training website. Staff competency was assessed throughout 24 months of enrollment with multiple-choice question (MCQ) examinations, a video quiz, and checklist evaluations of practical skills. RESULTS.: MCQ evaluation was confined to 158 clinical staff members who enrolled PERCH cases and controls, with scores obtained for >86% of eligible staff at each time-point. Median scores after baseline training were ≥80%, and improved by 10 percentage points with refresher training, with no significant intersite differences. Percentage agreement with the clinical trainer on the presence or absence of clinical signs on video clips was high (≥89%), with interobserver concordance being substantial to high (AC1 statistic, 0.62-0.82) for 5 of 6 signs assessed. Staff attained median scores of >90% in checklist evaluations of practical skills. CONCLUSIONS.: Satisfactory clinical standardization was achieved within and across all PERCH sites, providing reassurance that any etiological or clinical differences observed across the study sites are true differences, and not attributable to differences in application of the clinical case definition, interpretation of clinical signs, or in techniques used for clinical measurements or specimen collection

    Detection of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Markers in Samples of Ixodes Ticks Collected in the Territory of the Republic of Guinea

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    Objective of the study. This work was carried out to identify markers (antigen and RNA) of CrimeanCongo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus in samples from ticks, collected in all landscape-geographical areas of Guinea: Lower, Middle, Upper and Forest, to obtain up-to-date data on the distribution of the pathogen in the country.Materials and methods. Total of 4276 specimens of 8 species of ticks collected in 2016–2019 in the territory of the Republic of Guinea were studied, which were compiled into 1406 samples. Ectoparasites were collected from livestock animals, dogs, and small mammals. Viral antigen was detected using enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The presence of RNA of the CCHF virus was determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).Results and discussion. As a result of the studies, the antigen of the CCHF virus was detected in 21 samples (1.5 %), and RNA – in 37 (2.6 %). All samples, in which the viral antigen was detected, contained RNA of the CCHF virus. Positive results were obtained in samples from all geographical areas of the country. The main vectors and reservoirs of the pathogen in Guinea are ticks of the species Rh. sanguineus, Rh. geigyi, Rh. annulatus and Am. variegatum. The data obtained confirm the previously available information on the possibility of the pathogen circulation in this region and determine the need for further study of the spread of the CCHF virus in the territory of the Republic of Guinea
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