3,011 research outputs found

    The Phillips Curve, the Persistence of Inflation, and the Lucas Critique:Evidence from Exchange-Rate Regimes: Comment

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    The purpose of this comment is to demonstrate that their theoretical result concerning the first order derivative of relative inflation persistence with respect to the degree of accommodation is incorrect. As a consequence, the sign of the first derivative becomes ambiguous. We provide an economic explanation of this result, elaborating on the three distinct transmission mechanisms in the AS (relative) model. Moreover, we propose an economically meaningful modification of the original AS model that restores a strictly positive relation between exchange rate accommodation and relative inflation persistence.international economics and trade ;

    International linkages in the term structure of interest rates

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    Interest rates ; Banks and banking, International

    Initial steps towards automatic segmentation of the wire frame of stent grafts in CT data

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    For the purpose of obtaining a geometrical model of the wire frame of stent grafts, we propose three tracking methods to segment the stent's wire, and compare them in an experiment. A 2D test image was created by obtaining a projection of a 3D volume containing a stent. The image was modified to connect the parts of the stent's frame and thus create a single path. Ten versions of this image were obtained by adding different noise realizations. Each algorithm was started at the start of each of the ten images, after which the traveled paths were compared to the known correct path to determine the performance. Additionally, the algorithms were applied to 3D clinical data and visually inspected. The method based on the minimum cost path algorithm scored excellent in the experiment and showed good results on the 3D data. Future research will focus on establishing a geometrical model by determining the corner points and the crossings from the results of this method.\u

    Гидронимия верховьев Дона

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    В публикации (носящей пробный характер) представлен фрагмент первой части каталога названий всех водных объектов бассейна реки Дон - от его истоков до устья его правого притока р. Таболы.У публікації наводиться гідромінікон верхів'їв Дону від його початку до гирла правої притоки Таболи, а також суміжні географічні назви з однаковою лексичною базою. Подається велика кількість синхронних і діахронних варіантів і дублетів цих назв.The article investigates hydronymicon of upper reaches of the Don from its beginning of river head of the Tabola and adjacent geographical names with the equal lexical base. The great number of synchronous and diachronous variants and duplicates of these names is adduce

    Accretion disk reversal and the spin-up/spin-down of accreting pulsars

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    We numerically investigate the hydrodynamics of accretion disk reversal and relate our findings to the observed spin-rate changes in the accreting X-ray pulsar GX~1+4. In this system, which accretes from a slow wind, the accretion disk contains two dynamically distinct regions. In the inner part viscous forces are dominant and disk evolution occurs on a viscous timescale. In the outer part dynamical mixing of material with opposite angular momentum is more important, and the externally imposed angular momentum reversal timescale governs the flow. In this outer region the disk is split into concentric rings of material with opposite senses of rotation that do not mix completely but instead remain distinct, with a clear gap between them. We thus predict that torque reversals resulting from accretion disk reversals will be accompanied by minima in accretion luminosity.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Verlinde formulae on complex surfaces: K-theoretic invariants

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    We conjecture a Verlinde type formula for the moduli space of Higgs sheaves on a surface with a holomorphic 2-form. The conjecture specializes to a Verlinde formula for the moduli space of sheaves. Our formula interpolates between KK-theoretic Donaldson invariants studied by the first named author and Nakajima-Yoshioka and KK-theoretic Vafa-Witten invariants introduced by Thomas and also studied by the first and second named authors. We verify our conjectures in many examples (e.g. on K3 surfaces).Comment: Published version. 37 page

    Online tracking: Questioning the power of informed consent

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    Online tracking technologies have raised considerable concerns regarding privacy and the protection of personal data of users. In order to help users to regain control over their personal data, Europe has amended its ePrivacy directive towards an opt-in regime. There are however many open questions concerning its implementation, especially regarding the issue of informed consent. This paper explores how the new legal situation impacts on behavioral advertising practices via the storing and reading of cookies in the Netherlands. The results show that the majority of the surveyed parties involved in behavioural advertising do not inform users about the storing of cookies or the purposes of data processing of the subsequently obtained data, neither do they have obtained users' consent for the storage of cookies. We also found that the majority of users lack the skills and knowledge how to handle cookies. These findings critically question the wisdom of the informed consent regime which lies currently at the heart of Europe's ePrivacy directive. --Online behavioural advertising,profiling,cookies,informed consent,Do Not Track,ePrivacy Directive

    Orbital Parameters and Chemical Composition of Four White Dwarfs in Post-Common Envelope Binaries

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    We present FUSE observations of the hot white dwarfs in the post-common envelope binaries Feige 24, EUVE J0720-317, BPM 6502, and EUVE J2013+400. The spectra show numerous photospheric absorption lines which trace the white dwarf orbital motion. We report the detection of C III, O VI, P V, and Si IV in the spectra of Feige 24, EUVE J0720-317 and EUVE J2013+400, and the detection of C III, N II, Si III, Si IV, and Fe III in the spectra of BPM 6502. Abundance measurements support the possibility that white dwarfs in post-common envelope binaries accrete material from the secondary star wind. The FUSE observations of BPM 6502 and EUVE J2013+400 cover a complete binary orbit. We used the FUSE spectra to measure the radial velocities traced by the white dwarf in the four binaries, where the zero-point velocity were fixed using the ISM velocities in the line of sight of the stellar systems. For BPM 6502 we determined a white dwarf velocity semi-amplitude of K_WD = 18.6+/-0.5km/s, and with the velocity semi-amplitude of the red dwarf companion (K_RD = 75.2+/-3.1 km/s), we estimate the mass ratio to be q = 0.25+/-0.01. Adopting a spectroscopic mass determination for the white dwarf, we infer a low secondary mass of M_RD = 0.14+/-0.01 M_solar. For EUVE J2013+400 we determine a white dwarf velocity semi-amplitude of K_WD = 36.7+/-0.7 km/s. The FUSE observations of EUVE J0720-317 cover approximately 30% of the binary period and combined with the HST GHRS measurements (Vennes et al. 1999, ApJ 523, 386), we update the binary properties. FUSE observations of Feige 24 cover approximately 60% of the orbit and we combine this data set with HST STIS (Vennes et al. 2000, ApJ, 544, 423) data to update the binary properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Using New Submillimetre Surveys to Identify the Evolutionary Status of High-z Galaxies

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    This paper describes a key submillimetre survey which we are currently conducting to address some of the outstanding questions in cosmology - how, at what epoch and over what period of time did massive galaxies form at high redshift? A summary of the technical feasibility of future submillimetre observations with new ground-based, airborne and satellite telescopes is also presented.Comment: 6 pages, 3 postscript figures, LaTex uses Kluwer book style file crckapb10.sty, to appear in "Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys", 13-15 January 1997, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, M.Bremer, N.Jackson, I.Perez-Fournon (eds.), Kluwe