19 research outputs found

    Thrombotic Microangiopathy Associated With Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor agonists

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    Marijuana is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs in the United States. As marijuana is illegal in the majority of countries, the use of readily available and unregulated synthetic cannabinoids (SCBs) has increased. Little is known about the potential adverse effects of SCBs especially in regards to their nephrotoxicity. Case reports of acute kidney injury (AKI) from acute tubular injury secondary to their use have been reported. However, the exact pathology, mechanism, and extent of renal injury remain unknown. We report the first case of biopsy proven thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) associated with SCBs resulting in AKI. The patient suffered significant morbidity with loss of renal function eventually requiring renal replacement therapy

    Chemotherapy Used to Halt Lower GI Bleeding in a Rare Case of Metastatic Choriocarcinoma to the GI Tract

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    Choriocarcinoma, a nonseminomatous germ cell tumor, is a rare type of testicular malignancy that tends to occur in young males. It is, however, exceedingly rare for choriocarcinoma to involve the GI tract. In this article, we present a rare case of a 31-year-old male, diagnosed with choriocarcinoma of the left testes, along with several metastases to distant sites. The patient presented with headaches and severe lower GI bleeding due to metastases to the GI tract, which was eventually controlled with systemic chemotherapy, while requiring several units of packed RBCs during his admission to the hospital. An extensive literature review found very few cases of the occurrence of GI bleeding as a consequence of choriocarcinoma due to metastases to the GI tract


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    В современном мире как никогда повышается актуальность вопроса экологичных способов получения электроэнергии, при этом важным является сохранение стабильного роста производства и потребления. Таким образом, общество встает перед выбором способа получения электроэнергии без ущерба для окружающей среды. Данная статья нацелена на оценку и сравнение атомной энергетики с другими доступными «зелеными» источниками. В результате авторы пришли к выводу о перспективности АЭС. Поскольку для обеспечения того же объема энергии, что АЭС, номинальная мощность ветряных и солнечных электростанций должна быть в 3-5 раз больше, но и при достижении этого нет возможности выдавать эту мощность стабильно, так как сильно зависят от погодных условий и времени суток. Экономический же эффект атомной энергетики связан с низкой долей топлива в структуре затрат на производство, а также возможности опреснения воды на ядерных установках.In the modern world, the urgency of the issue of environmentally friendly methods of generating electricity is increasing more than ever, while maintaining a stable growth in production and consumption is important. Thus, society faces the choice of a way to generate electricity without harming the environment. This article aims to evaluate and compare nuclear energy with other available green sources. As a result, the authors came to the conclusion that nuclear power plants are promising. Since in order to provide the same amount of energy as a nuclear power plant, the rated power of wind and solar power plants should be 3-5 times greater, but even when this is achieved, it is not possible to produce this power stably, since they are highly dependent on weather conditions and time of day. The economic effect of nuclear energy is associated with a low share of fuel in the structure of production costs, as well as the possibility of water desalination at nuclear installations

    Does Knowledge of Mathematics Increase Income in The Financial Market? Experiment Among Students

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    С расширением финансового сектора экономики, а также всеобщей доступностью к операциям на бирже очень важно понять, какие факторы важны для осуществления прибыльной деятельности. Наше исследование показывает, что студенты, обладающие более высокими математическими навыками, способны получать больший выигрыш от деятельности на рынке акций.With the expansion of the financial sector of the economy, as well as universal access to operations on the stock exchange, it is very important to understand what factors are important for the implementation of profitable activities. Our research shows that students with higher mathematical skills are able to gain more from activities in the stock market

    Extra-hepatic bile duct hamartoma in a 10-month-old with a morgagni hernia and multiple anatomical anomalies: a rare and incidental finding

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    Von Meyenburg complexes (VMCs), also known as bile duct hamartomas, are a part of a group of ductal plate malformations. They are typically present intrahepatically. In this case, we present to our knowledge the first report of an extra-hepatic VMC in the pediatric population. The patient presented as a 10-month-old infant with a weeklong history of progressive breathing difficulty. A chest radiograph was obtained, showing intestinal loops in the thoracic cavity consistent with a Morgagni\u27s hernia, unrelated to his breathing difficulty. The patient then underwent an elective repair of his congenital diaphragmatic defect. During the operation, the bile duct hamartoma was found adherent to the accessory lobe of the liver, present to the left of the ligamentum teres

    Competition Research in The Banking Sector of the Russian Federation

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    The article calculates the indicators of competition and market power of firms in the banking sector of the Russian Federation. These indicators, based on empirical data, show that this industry is characterized by a significant degree of concentration, high market power of a number of firms, which does not contribute to the effective operation of the market and makes it necessary to carry out reforms.В статье рассчитаны показатели конкуренции и рыночной власти фирм в банковском секторе Российской Федерации. Данные показатели на основе эмпирических данных показывают, что данной отрасли присуща существенная степень концентрации, высокая рыночная власть ряда фирм, что не способствует эффективной деятельности рынка и делает необходимым проведение реформ

    Green index in semigroups : generators, presentations and automatic structures

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    The Green index of a subsemigroup T of a semigroup S is given by counting strong orbits in the complement S n T under the natural actions of T on S via right and left multiplication. This partitions the complement S nT into T-relative H -classes, in the sense of Wallace, and with each such class there is a naturally associated group called the relative Schützenberger group. If the Rees index ΙS n TΙ is finite, T also has finite Green index in S. If S is a group and T a subgroup then T has finite Green index in S if and only if it has finite group index in S. Thus Green index provides a common generalisation of Rees index and group index. We prove a rewriting theorem which shows how generating sets for S may be used to obtain generating sets for T and the Schützenberger groups, and vice versa. We also give a method for constructing a presentation for S from given presentations of T and the Schützenberger groups. These results are then used to show that several important properties are preserved when passing to finite Green index subsemigroups or extensions, including: finite generation, solubility of the word problem, growth type, automaticity (for subsemigroups), finite presentability (for extensions) and finite Malcev presentability (in the case of group-embeddable semigroups).PostprintPeer reviewe

    Chemotherapy Used to Halt Lower GI Bleeding in a Rare Case of Metastatic Choriocarcinoma to the GI Tract

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    Choriocarcinoma, a nonseminomatous germ cell tumor, is a rare type of testicular malignancy that tends to occur in young males. It is, however, exceedingly rare for choriocarcinoma to involve the GI tract. In this article, we present a rare case of a 31-yearold male, diagnosed with choriocarcinoma of the left testes, along with several metastases to distant sites. The patient presented with headaches and severe lower GI bleeding due to metastases to the GI tract, which was eventually controlled with systemic chemotherapy, while requiring several units of packed RBCs during his admission to the hospital. An extensive literature review found very few cases of the occurrence of GI bleeding as a consequence of choriocarcinoma due to metastases to the GI tract