880 research outputs found

    Lessons from LHC elastic and diffractive data

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    We discuss a model which gives a `global' description of the wide variety of high-energy elastic and diffractive data that are presently available, particularly from the LHC experiments. The model is based on only one pomeron pole, but includes multi-pomeron interactions. Significantly, the LHC measurements require that the model includes the transverse momentum dependence of the intermediate partons as a function of their rapidity, which results in a rapidity (or energy) dependence of the multi-pomeron vertices.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology in memory of Alexei Kaidalov, Moscow, 21-25 July, 201

    Coherent J/psi production - a novel feature at LHC?

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    Energy dependence of heavy quarkonia production in hadron-nucleus collisions is studied in the framework of the Glauber-Gribov theory. We emphasize a change in the space-time picture of heavy-quark state production on nuclei with energy. Longitudinally ordered scattering of a heavy-quark system takes place at low energies, while with increasing energy it transforms to a coherent scattering of projectile partons on the nuclear target. The characteristic energy scale for this transition depends on masses and rapidities of produced particles. For J/psi, produced in the central rapidity region, the transition happens at RHIC energies. The parameter-free calculation of J/psi in dAu collisions is in good agreement with recent RHIC data. We use distributions of gluons in nuclei to predict suppression of heavy quarkonia at LHC.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; experimental data and reference included, conclusions unchanged; to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Gluon shadowing in the Glauber-Gribov model at HERA

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    We calculate shadowing using new data on the gluon density of the Pomeron recently measured with high precision at HERA. The calculations are made in a Glauber-Gribov framework and Pomeron tree-diagrams are summed up within a unitarity-conserving procedure. The total cross section of \vphot A interaction is then found in a parameter-free description, employing gluon diffractive and inclusive distribution functions as input. A strong shadowing effect is obtained, in good agreement with several other models. Impact parameter dependence of gluon shadowing is also presented.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures; references added, discussion of model enlarged, calculation of low-x contribution corrected; to appear in Phys. Let

    Phenomenology of soft hadron interactions and the relevant EAS data

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    The interpretation of the experimental data in superhigh energy cosmic rays requires the calculations using various models of elementary hadron interaction. One should prefer the models justified by accelerator data and giving definite predictions for superhigh energies. The model of quark-gluon pomeron strings (the QGPS models) satisfies this requirement

    Resolving the J/\psi RHIC puzzles at LHC

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    Experiments with gold-gold collisions at RHIC have revealed (i) stronger suppression of charmonium production at forward rapidity than at midrapidity and (ii) the similarity between the suppression degrees at RHIC and SPS energies. To describe these findings we employ the model that includes nuclear shadowing effects, calculated within the Glauber-Gribov theory, rapidity-dependent absorptive mechanism, caused by energy-momentum conservation, and dissociation and recombination of the charmonium due to interaction with co-moving matter. The free parameters of the model are tuned and fixed by comparison with experimental data at lower energies. A good agreement with the RHIC results concerning the rapidity and centrality distributions is obtained for both heavy Au+Au and light Cu+Cu colliding system. For pA and A+A collisions at LHC the model predicts stronger suppression of the charmonium and bottomonium yields in stark contrast to thermal model predictions.Comment: SQM2008 proceedings, 6 page

    Gluon shadowing in the Glauber-Gribov model

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    New data from HERA experiment on (diffractive) deep inelastic scattering has been used to parameterize nucleon and Pomeron structure functions. Within the Gribov theory, the parameterizations were employed to calculate gluon shadowing for various heavy ions and compared our results with predictions from other models. Calculations for d+Au collisions at forward rapidities at ultra-relativistic energies have been made and are compared to RHIC data on the nuclear modification factor. Results for gluon shadowing are also confronted with recent data on the nuclear modification factor at s=17.3\sqrt{s} = 17.3 GeV at various values of the Feynman variable xFx_F, and the energy dependence of the effect is discussed.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Workshop for young scientists on the physics of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, Hot Quarks 2006. To be published in EPJ

    Nuclear Shadowing and Diffraction

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    The relation between diffraction in lepton-proton collisions and shadowing of nuclear structure functions which arises from Gribov inelastic shadowing, is described. A model realizing such relation, which produces a parameter-free description of experimental data on nuclear structure functions at small xx, is presented. The application to the description of multiplicities in nuclear collisions is discussed and related to other approaches.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 5 eps figures, uses enclosed ws-ijmpa.cls; invited talk given by N. Armesto at the Eighth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, Paris, France, June 7th-11th 200

    J/psi c\bar{c} production in e+e- and hadronic interactions

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    Predictions of the nonperturbative Quark Gluon Strings model based on the 1/N-expansion in QCD and string picture of interactions for production of states containing heavy quarks are considered. Relations between fragmentation functions for different states are used to predict the fragmentation function of c-quark to J/psi-mesons. The resulting cross section for J/psi-production in e+e- annihilation is in a good agreement with recent Belle result. It is argued that associated production of c\bar{c} states with open charm should give a substantial contribution to production of these states in hadronic interactions at very high energies.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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