398 research outputs found

    The relation between gas density and velocity power spectra in galaxy clusters: qualitative treatment and cosmological simulations

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    We address the problem of evaluating the power spectrum of the velocity field of the ICM using only information on the plasma density fluctuations, which can be measured today by Chandra and XMM-Newton observatories. We argue that for relaxed clusters there is a linear relation between the rms density and velocity fluctuations across a range of scales, from the largest ones, where motions are dominated by buoyancy, down to small, turbulent scales: (δρk/ρ)2=η12(V1,k/cs)2(\delta\rho_k/\rho)^2 = \eta_1^2 (V_{1,k}/c_s)^2, where δρk/ρ\delta\rho_k/\rho is the spectral amplitude of the density perturbations at wave number kk, V1,k2=Vk2/3V_{1,k}^2=V_k^2/3 is the mean square component of the velocity field, csc_s is the sound speed, and η1\eta_1 is a dimensionless constant of order unity. Using cosmological simulations of relaxed galaxy clusters, we calibrate this relation and find η11±0.3\eta_1\approx 1 \pm 0.3. We argue that this value is set at large scales by buoyancy physics, while at small scales the density and velocity power spectra are proportional because the former are a passive scalar advected by the latter. This opens an interesting possibility to use gas density power spectra as a proxy for the velocity power spectra in relaxed clusters, across a wide range of scales.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Estimating turbulent velocities in the elliptical galaxies NGC 5044 and NGC 5813

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    The interstellar and intra-cluster medium in giant elliptical galaxies and clusters of galaxies is often assumed to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. Numerical simulations, however, show that about 5-30% of the pressure in a cluster is provided by turbulence induced by, for example, the central AGN and merger activity. We aim to put constraints on the turbulent velocities and turbulent pressure in the ICM of the giant elliptical galaxies NGC 5044 and NGC 5813 using XMM-Newton RGS observations. The magnitude of the turbulence is estimated using the Fe XVII lines at 15.01 A, 17.05 A, and 17.10 A in the RGS spectra. At low turbulent velocities, the gas becomes optically thick in the 15.01 A line due to resonant scattering, while the 17 A lines remain optically thin. By comparing the (I(17.05)+I(17.10))/I(15.01) line ratio from RGS with simulated line ratios for different Mach numbers, the level of turbulence is constrained. The measurement is limited by systematic uncertainties in the atomic data, which are at the 20-30% level. We find that the line ratio in NGC 5813 is significantly higher than in NGC 5044. This difference can be explained by a higher level of turbulence in NGC 5044. The high turbulent velocities and the fraction of the turbulent pressure support of >40% in NGC 5044, assuming isotropic turbulence, confirm that it is a highly disturbed system, probably due to an off-axis merger. The turbulent pressure support in NGC 5813 is more modest at 15-45%. The (I(17.05)+I(17.10))/I(15.01) line ratio in an optically thin plasma, calculated using AtomDB v2.0.1, is 2 sigma above the ratio measured in NGC 5044, which cannot be explained by resonant scattering. This shows that the discrepancies between theoretical, laboratory, and astrophysical data on Fe XVII lines need to be reduced to improve the accuracy of the determination of turbulent velocities using resonant scattering.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Application of interactive forms of professional self-determination: experience «Nizhniy Tagil State Professional College»

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    The article discusses the interactive forms of professional selfdetermination, used by the GAPOU SO N. A. Demidov ": professional tests, excursions to the sites of the Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia), Laboratory of professions "Old sable", interactive platform "PROFnavigator"В статье рассматриваются интерактивные формы профессионального самоопределения, применяемые ГАПОУ СО «НТГПК им. Н. А. Демидова»: профессиональные пробы, экскурсии на площадки проведения Регионального чемпионата «Молодые профессионалы» (WorldSkills Russia), лаборатория профессий «Старый соболь», интерактивная площадка «ПРОФнавигатор

    Digitalizating rural areas: A traditional context

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    Digitalizing the existing territories is widely declared and procreated in the modern world. The process has become widespread in developed countries and is gaining momentum in developing countries; also attracting a lot of studies in economics, technology, and political science. We argue the necessity of philosophical attitude to cope with the essentials of digitalization. Mostly, the use of philosophy in the matter comes with aspects usually ignored in quantitative methodologies. Actual qualitative reference of unfolding digital nets for rural territories, still representing numerous semantics of a traditional life-world, helps bringing to the limelight opportunities overlooked in intensive indicators and their capacity to describe the actual social and cultural process involved in territorial digitalization. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The effect of ionizing radiation on the properties of medical textile materials was studied. We investigated the following properties: capillarity, wettability, hygroscopicity. The samples were irradiated on an electron accelerator with an energy of 10 MeV. Studies have shown that irradiation with a sterilizing dose of 25 kGy improves these properties. Higher doses worsen the quality of the medical product


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    The effect of ionizing radiation on the properties of medical hygiene products was studied. We investigated the following properties: absorption time, hygroscopicity. Samples were irradiated on an electron accelerator with an energy of 10 MeV. Studies have shown that irradiation with a sterilization dose of 25 kGy and 50 kGy improves these properties. Higher doses worsen the quality of the medical product

    X-ray line formation in the spectrum of SS 433

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    The mechanisms for the formation of X-ray lines in the spectrum of SS 433 are investigated by taking into account the radiative transfer inside the jets. The results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations are presented. The effect of a decrease in line intensity due to scattering inside the jet turns out to be pronounced, but it does not exceed 60% in magnitude on the entire grid of parameters. The line broadening due to scattering, nutational motion, and the contribution of satellites can lead to overestimates of the jet opening angle Θ\Theta from the line widths in Chandra X-ray observations. The fine structure of the lines turns out to be very sensitive to the scattering effects. This makes its investigation by planned X-ray observatories equipped with high-resolution spectrometers (primarily Astro-H) a powerful tool for diagnosing the parameters of the jets in SS 433.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, to be published in Astronomy Letters, v. 38, n. 7, p. 443 (2012

    Environmental turn in running the rural territories: New social technologies of administration

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    Global warm-up makes the political agenda on highest levels. However, the science should make itself publicly heard, and not in the part of fundamental studies of nature only, but in the part of social science and social research of administrative tools as well. We offer three circles of quest that attract numerous scholars in the science of management and administration touching the context of complementing new ecological imperatives in running the rural territories: (1) the relevance of new environmental mentality to practical principles of existing rural administrations, (2) the communication challenges, opportunities, and risks in introducing new qualitative criteria into existing social technologies, which dominate modern rural administration patterns, (3) the importance of alternative in technological development of modern rural territories with a high agrarian overload, including the managing of alternative energy introduction, and trial of unprecedented technological schemes. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020

    Polarization of X-ray lines from galaxy clusters and elliptical galaxies - a way to measure tangential component of gas velocity

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    We study the impact of gas motions on the polarization of bright X-ray emission lines from the hot intercluster medium (ICM). The polarization naturally arises from resonant scattering of emission lines owing to a quadrupole component in the radiation field produced by a centrally peaked gas density distribution. If differential gas motions are present then a photon emitted in one region of the cluster will be scattered in another region only if their relative velocities are small enough and the Doppler shift of the photon energy does not exceed the line width. This affects both the degree and the direction of polarization. The changes in the polarization signal are in particular sensitive to the gas motions perpendicular to the line of sight. We calculate the expected degree of polarization for several patterns of gas motions, including a slow inflow expected in a simple cooling flow model and a fast outflow in an expanding spherical shock wave. In both cases, the effect of non-zero gas velocities is found to be minor. We also calculate the polarization signal for a set of clusters, taken from large-scale structure simulations and evaluate the impact of the gas bulk motions on the polarization signal. We argue that the expected degree of polarization is within reach of the next generation of space X-ray polarimeters.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, accepted to MNRA