122 research outputs found

    Improving Health Industries by the Supply-Chain Policy

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    Abstract— the article deals with issues of the policy in the sphere of protection of a Supply-Chain management’s rights and legitimate interests in the health centres. The issues of protection of the rights of Supply-Chain management in the field of health care revealed. In today's global and national economy, businesses are increasingly relying on outsourcing some of their activities and processes. Therefore, more and more companies at the Supply-Chain level, in specific networks, operate and compete with their suppliers and service providers. This process of outsourcing and the growing importance of supply chains has its consequences in the working conditions and health and safety of workers of supply companies and contractors. There are two main networks of Supply-Chain or relationships between companies and members of their supply chain: the main network (a company and suppliers of its specific goods and materials) and the secondary network (a company and its contractors and subcontractors special services such as activities Maintenance, construction, cleaning or catering This report provides an overview, analysis, conclusions and recommendations on how to upgrade health centers through the above Supply-Chain networks

    Climate and Grazing Effects on the Biomass and Photosynthetic Capacity of Dominant Species in Mongolia Steppe Communities

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    Global climate change and grazing are the key factors affecting plant productivity in steppe regions of Mongolia. It is important to separate the impacts of these factors and to assess the contribution of each factor to the biomass of pastoral plants. Here, we studied the grazing and climate impact on biomass and functional traits in three dominant species of Mongolian steppe plant communities: Artemisia frigida Willd., Stipa krylovii Roshev., and Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. Both aridity and grazing significantly influenced the biomass of the studied species but the direction and scope of the changes were species-specific. Grazing had no effect on leaf mass per area (LMA), photosynthesis (

    Change of salt tolerance in common wheat after introgression of genetic material from Aegilops speltoides and Triticum timopheevii

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    To improve biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), novel genotypes with genomic fragments introgressed from other cereal species are extensively developed. One of the most important abiotic environmental factors that impede the expansion of wheat cultivation areas is soil salinity. Salt-sensitive wheat varieties have poor yield and impaired grain quality when exposed to salinity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of influence of alien genetic material on salinity tolerance in common wheat seedlings. Seedlings of introgression lines carrying single fragments of Aegilops speltoides and T. timopheevii genomes in common wheat chromosomes 2А, 5В, and 6В, were tested for salt tolerance. The parental common spring wheat genotypes Saratovskaya 29, Novosibirskaya 29 and Rodina-1, possessing mode- rate salt tolerance, were used as reference. The expe- riment showed that the presence of the translocation T5BS • 5BL-5SL either in Novosibirskaya 29 or in Rodina-1 increased salt tolerance. On the contrary, another translocation between T. aestivum and Ae. speltoides (T6BS • 6BL-6SL) made wheat more sensitive to salinity. Different fragments of T. timo- pheevii genome had different effects: introgression into the chromosome 2A increased salt tolerance, whereas introgression into chromosome 5B reduced it significantly. The observed differences between the parental wheat genotypes and the introgression lines derived from them are discussed with regard to the locations of alien introgression fragments in the lines tested and the map positions of known wheat QTLs and major genes related to salt tolerance. It is assumed that a locus yet undescribed that affects wheat salt tolerance is located distal to the Xgwm0604 marker on the long arm of chromosome 5B

    Zymography: developing of the enzyme soil activity visualization method

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    The enzymes produced by the soil biota are a key link in the regulation of biochemical processes. The soil enzyme activity can be visualized with zymography, a method based on using fluorescent substrates and obtaining two-dimensional images (zymograms). A variant of a zymographic measuring system has been proposed. Characteristics of lighting, photographic equipment and shooting modes, reagents preparation and calibration are presented. Preparing and analyzing soil samples of different texture (sand and clay loam) and processing the study results have been described. The ways of introducing the substrate are considered in this study, namely pipetting, short-time dipping, and saturation. An analysis of the kinetics of incubation of samples was carried out. The possibilities and disadvantages of the method were also considered and options for solving possible methodological problems during the analysis were proposed. The zymography is a promising method that allows comparing data with the results of other methods. The use of neural network technologies makes it possible to obtain the volumetric distribution of soil enzymes with high reliability. The soil zymography requires qualitative preparatory work and extreme accuracy during the analysis. It is necessary to ensure maximum contact between the substrate and the soil, as this is one of the key factors determining the quality of the results. The most optimal way to introduce the substrate is to saturate the membranes with substrate solution for 60 minutes. At this stage of the development of the method, it is not possible to establish a universal sample incubation time, since this depends on characteristics of both the studied soils and the experiment conditions. Also, it is necessary to document the conditions in detail for discussion the study results

    Anthocyanins as functional food components

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    Among the natural pigments, anthocyanins are assumed to represent one of the most studied groups. Starting with the first studies on the physicochemical properties of anthocyanins carried out in the 17th century by British naturalist Robert Boyle, the science about these unique compounds has progressed substantially. To date, the structure and functions of anthocyanins in plant cells have been well studied, and the pathway of their biosynthesis is one of the most fully characterized pathways of secondary metabolite biosynthesis at both the biochemical and genetic levels. Along with these fundamental achievements, we are beginning to realize the potential of anthocyanins as compounds of industrial importance, as pigments themselves, as well as components of functional food that contribute to the prevention and reduction of risk of chronic diseases. For a long time, the biological activity of anthocyanins has been underestimated, in particular, due to the data on their low bioavailability. However, studies showed that in humans and animals, these compounds are actively metabolized and the bioavailability, estimated taking into account their metabolites, exceeded 12 %. It has been experimentally shown that anthocyanins have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antimutagenic, antidiabetic, anti-cancer, neuroprotective properties, and they are beneficial for eye health. However, the studies conducted cannot always explain the molecular mechanism of action of anthocyanins in the human body. According to some reports, the observed effects are not due to the action of anthocyanins themselves, but to their metabolites, which can be more biologically active because of their increased bioavailability. Other data ascribe the positive effect on human health not to individual anthocyanins, but to the whole complex of polyphenolic compounds consumed. The review summarizes the results of the studies of anthocyanins as components of functional food. Special attention is paid to genetic control of the pigment synthesis. These data are of particular importance in respect to the initiated breeding programs aimed at increasing the content of anthocyanins in cultural plants

    Прооксидантно-антиоксидантний гомеостаз у кнурів-плідників залежно від типів вищої нервової діяльності

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    The peculiarities of formation of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis (PAG) in boars of different types of higher nervous activity have been studied. Using motor-nutritional techniques, it has been opposed adult boars of the Large White breed aged 24–36 months according to the main types of higher nervous activity (HNA). Four groups of 3 heads each were formed. The first group includes animals of a strong balanced lively (mobile) type; group II includes a strong balanced calm (inert) type; group III includes a strong unbalanced (unrestrained) type; group IV includes a weak type of higher nervous activity. Sperm was received from boars manually, taking into account the total time of ejaculation, dividing the ejaculate into 4 fractions – F1 – the first, F2 – the second, F3 – the third, F4 – the fourth. PAGs in blood and ejaculates of boars were evaluated by the intensity of peroxidation processes (xanthine oxidase, diene conjugates, TBA-active compounds) and antioxidant defense systems (superoxide dismutase, catalase, reduced glutathione, ascorbic acid, vitamin A and vitamin E). Sperm contained higher amounts of diene conjugates and TBA-active complexes (P < 0.05) compared to blood. The second tissue relative to the first one is characterized by a higher level of antioxidant defense: catalase activity, concentration of ascorbic acid, vitamin A and vitamin E. The process of PAG formation in the tissues of boars depends on the type of higher nervous activity (HNA). Thus, in individuals of a strong balanced lively and calm type, the course of peroxidation processes is somewhat slower because of a lower concentration of diene conjugates and TBA-active complexes. It was determined the fact that in blood and sperm of boars of strong unbalanced and weak types of HNA the course of peroxidation is more intense, the antioxidant defense system is at a lower level that is connected with less superoxide dismutase activity (P < 0.05), concentration of ascorbic acid (P < 0.001), vitamin A (P < 0.01–0.001), and vitamin E (P < 0.001). In the second and third fractions of ejaculate of boars, the PAG is shifted in the direction of probable acceleration of peroxidation processes, especially in strong unbalanced and weak types of HNA because of a higher concentration of diene conjugates, dehydroascorbic acid. Animals of a strong balanced lively and calm types of HNA are characterized by a higher level of antioxidant defence – catalase activity, superoxide dismutase, reduced glutathione, ascorbic acid and vitamin E. In the first and fourth fractions of ejaculate, peroxidation processes are slower and there is no superoxide dismutase activity and the amount of vitamin A and vitamin E.Досліджено особливості формування прооксидантно-антиоксидантного гомеостазу (ПАГ) у кнурів-плідників різних типів вищої нервової діяльності. Використовуючи рухово-харчову методику, протиповано дорослих кнурів-плідників великої білої породи віком 24–36 місяців за основними типами вищої нервової діяльності (ВНД). Сформовано чотири групи по 3 голови в кожній. До I групи зачислено тварин сильного врівноваженого жвавого (рухливого); II групи – сильного врівноваженого спокійного (інертного); III групи – сильного неврівноваженого (нестримного); IV групи – слабкого типів вищої нервової діяльності. Сперму отримували від кнурів-плідників мануально з урахуванням загального часу еякуляції, розділяючи еякулят на 4 фракції – F1 – перша, F2 – друга, F3 – третя, F4 – четверта. ПАГ у крові та еякулятах кнурів-плідників оцнінювали за інтенсивністю процесів пероксидного окиснення (ксантиноксидаза, дієнові кон’югати, ТБК-активні сполуки) і системи антиоксидантного захисту (супероксиддисмутаза, каталаза, відновлений глутатіон, аскорбінова кислота, вітамін А і вітамін Е). У спермі виявлено вищу кількість дієнових кон’югантів та ТБК-активних комплексів (Р < 0,05), порівняно з кров’ю. Друга тканина щодо першої характеризується більшим рівнем антиоксидантного захисту: активністю каталази, концентрацією аскорбінової кислоти, вітаміну А і вітаміну Е. Процес формування ПАГ у тканинах кнурів-плідників залежить від типу вищої нервової діяльності. Так, в особин сильного врівноваженого жвавого і спокійного типів перебіг процесів пероксидації дещо сповільнений – менша концентрація дієнових кон’югантів і ТБК-активних комплексів. Встановлено, що у крові та спермі кнурів-плідників сильного неврівноваженого і слабкого типів ВНД перебіг процесів пероксидації відбувається інтенсивніше, система антиоксидантного захисту на нижчому рівні – менша активність супероксиддисмутази (Р < 0,05), концентрація аскорбінової кислоти (Р < 0,001), вітаміну А (Р < 0,01–0,001), та вітаміну Е (Р < 0,001). У другій і третій фракціях еякуляту кнурів-плідників ПАГ зміщується в напрямі вірогідного прискорення процесів пер оксидації, особливо у сильного неврівноваженого і слабкого типів ВНД – більша концентрація дієнових кон’югатів, дегідроаскорбінової кислоти. Тварини сильного врівноваженого жвавого і спокійного типів ВНД характеризуються вищим рівнем антиоксидантного захисту – активністю каталази, супероксиддисмутази, кількістю відновленого глутатіону, аскорбінової кислоти і вітаміну Е. У першій і четвертій фракціях еякуляту процеси пероксидації відбуваються повільніше та відсутні активність супероксиддисмутази, вітамін А і вітамін Е


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    This article presents a retrospective analysis of infectious complications in the structure of morbidity and mortality of the patients underwent orthotopic heart transplantation. A significant role was assigned to the predisposing to in- fection factors. This study was based on the two years heart transplantation experience in the Republic of Belarus

    Leaf traits of C3- and C4-plants indicating climatic adaptation along a latitudinal gradient in Southern Siberia and Mongolia

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    Increasing aridity is one of the most important trends of current climate change. Leaf functional traits suggest a substantial basis for assessing the aridity effects on vegetation. However, since plants possess diverse leaf morphology and anatomy due to different evolutionary history of taxa, the effect of aridity can hardly be revealed in a multi-species analysis. We studied leaf functional traits for 317 samples of 193 plant species in steppe and desert communities along a 1600-km latitudinal gradient in Southern Siberia (Transbaikalia, Russia) and Mongolia. We determined morphological leaf traits, quantitative anatomical parameters, physiological parameters, and photosynthetic pigments content. Different relevance of leaf traits for indication of plant response to climate has been demonstrated. The clearest changes in site-mean values along the aridity gradient were shown for leaf thickness, total chloroplast number per leaf area (Nchl/A) and total surface area of chloroplasts (Achl/A) and cells (Ames/A) per leaf area. Unlike leaf size and leaf mass per area, these quantitative mesophyll parameters related to plant photosynthetic capacity were strongly correlated with climate. We found no evidence for a decrease in sizes of mesophyll cells with aridity, but cell volume as well as chloroplast number per cell were linked with plant functional type (PFT). We revealed an increase in Nchl/A and Achl/A in desert-steppe species in comparison to steppe and forest-steppe vegetation types within each PFT of C3-plants (C3-dicot herbs, C3-dicot shrubs, C3-monocots and C3-succulents). C4-plants were generally characterized by low Achl/A and Ames/A, but had higher rate of CO2-transfer through mesophyll and chloroplast surfaces. C3- and C4-plants differed in response to aridity and showed opposite trends in changes of leaf traits along the aridity gradient. We conclude that leaf mesophyll traits contribute to important mechanism of climatic adaptation in different PFTs along a large latitudinal gradient. © 2018 Elsevier GmbHRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: АААА-А17-117072810011-1, 17-29-05019, АААА-А17-117011810036-3The authors are deeply indebted Joint Russian-Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition RAS and MAS, who supported the field observation and data collection used in this study. The analytical part of this research has been partially supported by RFBR grant 17-29-05019 , and partly by project №АААА-А17-117072810011-1 of Russian Federal Budget . The research of O.A. Anenkhonov was carried out using the framework of project № АААА-А17-117011810036-3 supported by the Russian Federal Budget

    β-Catenin is involved in alterations in mitochondrial activity in non-transformed intestinal epithelial and colon cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: Alteration in respiratory activity and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transcription seems to be an important feature of cancer cells. Leukotriene D(4) (LTD(4)) is a proinflammatory mediator implicated in the pathology of chronic inflammation and cancer. We have shown earlier that LTD(4) causes translocation of beta-catenin both to the mitochondria, in which it associates with the survival protein Bcl-2 identifying a novel role for beta-catenin in cell survival, and to the nucleus in which it activates the TCF/LEF transcription machinery. METHODS: Here we have used non-transformed intestinal epithelial Int 407 cells and Caco-2 colon cancer cells, transfected or not with wild type and mutated (S33Y) beta-catenin to analyse its effect on mitochondria activity. We have measured the ATP/ADP ratio, and transcription of the mtDNA genes ND2, ND6 and 16 s in these cells stimulated or not with LTD(4). RESULTS: We have shown for the first time that LTD(4) triggers a cellular increase in NADPH dehydrogenase activity and ATP/ADP ratio. In addition, LTD(4) significantly increased the transcription of mtDNA genes. Overexpression of wild-type beta-catenin or a constitutively active beta-catenin mutant mimicked the effect of LTD(4) on ATP/ADP ratio and mtDNA transcription. These elevations in mitochondrial activity resulted in increased reactive oxygen species levels and subsequent activations of the p65 subunit of NF-kappaB. CONCLUSIONS: The present novel data show that LTD(4), presumably through beta-catenin accumulation in the mitochondria, affects mitochondrial activity, lending further credence to the idea that inflammatory signalling pathways are intrinsically linked with potential oncogenic signals

    Исследование возможности регенерации иода из газовых потоков при иодидном рафинировании

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    The article considers the possibility of recovering elemental iodine vapor from the waste gas in the zirconium refining section Carbon sorbents of various types produced in Russia were used for the refining. The sorbents were tested in laboratory units and directly in the production area. The optimal sorbent kind was found. The characteristics of iodine recovery from saturated sorbents were determined. Recommendations on the filter design are givenРассмотрена возможность улавливания паров элементарного иода из отходящих газов участка рафинирования циркония угольными сорбентами различных типов российского производства. Испытания сорбентов проведены на лабораторных установках и непосредственно на производственном участке. Подобран оптимальный вид сорбента. Определены показатели извлечения иода из насыщенных сорбентов. Выданы рекомендации конструкции фильтра