949 research outputs found

    Detection and Evaluation of Effective of Digital Communication of Drug on Human Body

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    Nowadays, there is a wide using of mobile and internet from various ages, due to some bad systems which they work to send signals(sound wave frequency) within the music or will be spread to affect the brain of the humankind. Therefore, this paper expresses thedetection and evaluation of (the signal of sound frequency) which influence the human brain, it has been measured some frequency byprogramming in the mobile and found a trend to detect such frequencies and a way to produce a human being from it

    Study on properties of tapioca resin polymer

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    Environmental, global warming, renewability, recyclability, and biodegradability issues have encouraged scientists and engineers to partially substitute petrochemical-based polymers with green polymers such as natural fibre polymer composites. A major drawback in the development of natural fiber polymer composites is the incompatibility between the matrix and fibre processing temperature, given the high temperature of the matrix based on petroleum and the low degradation temperature for natural fibre. The creation of poly lactic acid as a “green matrix” provides an alternative and a solution for the development of natural fiber polymer composites. In this work, the physical, thermal and mechanical properties of PLA tapioca resin biopolymer derived from industrial grade tapioca were reported in order to determine the optimum processing temperature. A drying process, injection moulding and hot press process are involved in sample preparation. A density test, hardness test, thermogravimetric analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry have been conducted. Afterwards, a tensile test was performed with samples at five different injection temperatures of 160°C, 165°C, 170°C, 175°C and 180°C in order to determine the optimum processing temperature. The sample at 165°C shows the highest result of ultimate tensile strength with 14.904 MPa, and 320.564 MPa for the elastic modulus result. As a conclusion, 165°C was finalized as the optimum processing temperature of PLA tapioca resin biopolymer for future application in the research and development of natural fibre reinforced tapioca resin biopolymer composite

    Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polyurethane-Palm Fronds Ash Composites

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    The aim of the article is to study the influence of environmentally friendly palm frond ash on the mechanical and thermal properties of polyurethane used as filler. Various weight filler ratios with particle sizes around (125 μm) were examined and characterized using elongation, tensile strength, Young's modulus, compressive strength, average burning time, and infrared spectroscopy. The results showed that the addition of 20 wt.% palm frond ash powder significantly improved the hardness mixture by about 2.83 MPa. In addition to that, the highest value of the compressive strength of the polymer with the additive was recorded at 10 wt.%. Also, the most excellent value of Young’s modulus was 2 MPa at a ratio of 50 wt. %, as was the average burning time of about 33 sec. The mechanical properties of polyurethane were affected by adding palm frond ash, which increases the tensile and compressive strengths, making it suitable for use in many applications. Moreover, the environmentally friendly material reflects the benefits of waste recycling. The addition of filler affects the morphology and strengthens the brittleness. Additionally, the use of fly ash from palm frond combustion in the technology of polyurethane materials complies. Partial replacement of petrochemical components with waste filler also reduces the total energy consumption in producing PU composites. &nbsp

    Studies on Growth, Carcass Traits and Body Composition of Goats Raised either in Intensive or Pasture Conditions (1-Growth Performance and Carcass Traits).

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    Thirty two weaned (90 days) males (16) and females (16) native kids with an average live weight of 16.22±0.80 for males and 17.00 ±0.7 kg for females were used in this experiment. Each sex was divided randomly into two groups, the first (8 males and 8 females) was penned individually and fed on concentrate, and the second group (8 males and 8 females) was raised on pasture to be fattened and slaughtered at 20 kg or 30 kg. Result revealed that daily gain in weight averaged 75.65±5.54 g/day. No significant differences were observed due to the effect of sex, feeding system and slaughter weight on this trait. Male kids and those slaughtered at 30 kg were more efficient in converting feed than females and kids slaughtered at 20kg. Dressing percentage based on live weight and on empty body weight averaged 46.54 ±0.50 and 56.76 ± 0.44 %, respectively. Kids received concentrate and those slaughtered at 30 kg had significantly (p<0.05) higher dressing percentage than kids raised on pasture or slaughtered at 20kg. Kids slaughtered at 30kg had significantly (p<0.05) larger rib eye area and thicker fat than kids slaughtered at 20kg. Kids raised on pasture had significantly higher proportion of leg (31.8 vs. 29.98%) and lower proportion of shoulder (17.72vs. 19.92%) than kids received concentrate. Key words: growth, carcass, feeding regimens, goat

    Studies on Growth, Carcass Traits and Body Composition of Goats Raised either in Intensive or Pasture Conditions (2- Body Composition and Carcass Tissue Distribution)

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    A total of 32 weaned (90 days) males (16) and females (16) native kids were randomly allocated into two equal groups to be fed either concentrate or to be raised on pasture, and then slaughtered at 20 or 30 kg live body weight. Animals were slaughtered when each kid reached its target body weight. After chilling at 4?C for 24h, the carcass was split along the vertebral column in to two halves. The muscular tissue of the left half- carcass was separated into nine groups. Carcass fat and bones was also, separated and weighed. Lean, fat, bone, lean: fat and lean: bone ratio averaged 64.08± 0.62%, 13.31±0.94%, 22.59±0.45%, 6.02± 0.58 and 2.98±0.09 respectively. Male kids had significantly (p<0.05) higher lean, lean: fat ratio and MG3 and MG4 than females. Kids raised on pasture had significantly (p<0.05) higher proportion of lean, bone and lean: fat ratio and lower proportion of MG3 than kids fed concentrate. Also, kids slaughtered at 30kg yielded significantly (p<0.05) lower lean,bone and higher fat than kids slaughtered at 20kg. Total non- carcass fat, carcass fat and total body fat as a percent of empty body weight averaged 1.856± 0.194% , 3.581± 0.261%  and 5.437± 0.429%,  respectively. Female kids , kids received concentrate and kids slaughtered at 30kg had significantly (p<0.05) higher proportion of total non carcass fat , total carcass fat and total body fat than male kids, kids raised on pasture and kids slaughtered at 20kg. Male kids had higher proportions of bone than females. Significant difference (p<0.05) was observed between the two feeding regimens in the weight of bones. Keywords: Carcass Ttissue Distribution, Feeding Regimens, Goat

    Assessment of Chemical and Bacteriological Parameters of Leek in Sulaymaniyah City, Iraq

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    In the current study, leek samples were collected seasonally from October 2021 to July 2022 from three sites; site 1 (Tanjaro aera), site 2 (Kanaswra), and site 3 (Aziz Awa) in Sulaymaniyah city, Iraq. Cl- rate recorded the maximum mean values in leek, which was 0.05 mg/kg. The Na+ level recorded the highest mean value, at 393.00 mg/kg. The K+ ratio showed the highest mean value, measuring 3614 mg/kg. SO42- concentration had a mean value of 762.33 mg/kg. PO43- level recorded the maximum mean value at 16.13. Regarding heavy metals in vegetables, the results indicated no contamination in leek, except for Pb, which had a high level in the vegetables. In terms of bacteriology, leek samples exhibited total aerobic bacteria and total coliform counts above the normal range. Based on the biochemical test findings, E. coli and Salmonella species were not detected in leek. Different species were isolated from leek, including Citobacter freundii, Citobacter braakii, Acinetobacter baumannii complex, Enterobacter cloacae complex. There is a notable correlation between total aerobic bacteria and lead (r = 0.60) in leek. Copper shows a negative correlation with total aerobic bacteria (r = -0.59), while iron also exhibits a negative relationship with total aerobic bacteria (r = -0.60). Total coliform demonstrates a positive relationship with manganese (r = 0.64)

    Antimicrobial activity of bBanana (Musa paradisiaca L.) peels against food borne pathogenic microbes

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    Banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) peels are usually considered as wastes and are discarded during the processing, which eventually contribute to polluting the environment. Hence, this study was aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of two different varieties of M. paradisiaca peels, i.e., Nangka (M. paradisiaca variety Nangka) and Tanduk (M. paradisiaca variety Tanduk) with regard to generate safe and cheap antimicrobials as well as address pollution related issues due to such wastes. Antimicrobial study was carried out on the extracts using disc diffusion and broth micro-dilution methods. The best activity through disc diffusion method for bacteria and fungi was demonstrated by Tanduk peel’s ethanol and dichloromethane extracts against S. aureus (30 mm) and C. krusei (10 mm), respectively. However, the least active bacteria and fungi were found to be V. parahaemolyticus and C. albicans, respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranged from 6.25 to 100 mg/mL. Tanduk peel’s ethanol extract exhibited the lowest MIC and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values against B. cepacia (6.25 mg/mL) whereas for fungi, Tanduk peel’s dichloromethane extract exhibited lowest MIC and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) values against C. albicans (25 mg/mL). The results of MBC or MFC showed that some extracts were bactericidal or fungicidal while others were bacteriostatic or fungistatic against certain microbes. Banana peel waste’s extracts could be potential antimicrobial alternatives and may be effective to utilize as a natural source of antimicrobial agent in pharmaceutical industries. Key words: Musa paradisiaca L., Nangka, Tanduk, Antimicrobial activity, MIC, MBC, MFC

    Design and Performance Analysis of 250 kW Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System in Iraqi Environment Using PVsyst Software

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    A 250 kW grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plant systems have been installed at the Ministry of Electricity in Baghdad and penetrated to the Iraqi national grid since November 2017. This is the first high power grid-connected PV system that has been installed in Iraq and it’s one of the four parts 1MW large-scale PV systems that should be completed in early of 2019. This paper presents the design and performance analysis of this system using a PVsyst software package. The performance ratio and different losses that occurred in the system are also calculated. The results show that the performance ratio is 75% using 1428 photovoltaic panels type (Sharp 175Wp) spread over an area of 1858 m². The total energy injected into the grid is (346692 kWh/year) .Based on the simulation results that developed in this paper, the practical PV grid-tied system has been implemented in Baghdad site

    Transforming traditional CRM into social CRM: an empirical investigation in Iraqi healthcare industry

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    The unprecedented growth of social media usage questions the conventional customer relationship management (CRM). Social CRM strategy is a novel version of CRM empowered by social media technology that offers a new way of managing relationships with customers effectively. The aims of this study are two-fold, examining the important determinants of the successful adoption of the social CRM; and to validate the outcomes on this novel social CRM adoption in the healthcare industry. The proposed adoption model of this study derived with theoretical support from TOE, DOI and ISS theories in IS/IT, social media, and CRM literatures. This undertaking focuses on the use of structural equations modelling, to examine a theoretical social CRM (Social Customer Relationship Management) model involving 17 Iraqi hospitals, and a sample total of 428. The model's principal independent constructs are associated to the viewpoint of top management, IT staff and operational staff, regarding the grounds for social CRM adoption, the operations performed on social CRM, and the themes employed. PLS-SEM was applied for statistical analysis, to evaluate the hypnotized linkages between the variables. The results show that, social CRM adoption has a tremendous impact on healthcare organizations with its perceived benefits. According to the results attained, all constructs have significant impact on social CRM adoption except for leadership knowledge. Consequently, adoption results in remarkable outcomes that gives credence to the intervening performance of social CRM. Following an examination of the model, which included a scrutiny of its pathways, we are of the view that the concerns, past history, and potential let-downs with regards to social CRM adoption, need to be thoroughly investigated. This study is one of the few researches that provide the in-depth knowledge about the constructs impacting CRM transformation and the benefits attained. The results can guide healthcare providers during their efforts to develop effective marketing techniques, and advance the perceived benefits, particularly in the healthcare profession. Moreover, this study contributes to the IS literature by suggesting the empirically extended TOE model which advances the conventional TOE model

    Acoustical Evaluation and Comparison Between Two Classroom Types in Erbil

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    In order to acquire an effective learning process in lecture halls with good speech intelligibility, good acoustical performance is essential. Inappropriate acoustic quality in classrooms reduces learning quality experience and can induce emotional disorders among students. The aim of this study is to evaluate and compare acoustic quality in two classrooms to determine their performance in terms of the learning process, at two types of theoretical halls at the Faculty of Engineering, Tishk International University. The calculation for the acoustical parameters of Reverberation Time (RT, T30), Speech Transmission Index (STI) and sound pressure level (SPL) for the selected educational spaces (classrooms) by simulation software (ODEON) were conducted, and the results were compared with acoustical requirements and guidelines for educational spaces. The results indicated that the closer the receiver (i.e., learner) is to the source (i.e., the lecturer), the lower the reverberation time; conversely, the further students (receivers) are from the teacher (source), the lower the STI and SPL values. This is mainly because of teacher’s direct sound. It can be concluded that the acoustic quality of flat halls is better than raked halls for the learning process