16,952 research outputs found

    Spin glass behavior in an interacting gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticle system

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    In this paper we investigate the superspin glass behavior of a concentrated assembly of interacting maghemite nanoparticles and compare it to that of canonical atomic spin glass systems. ac versus temperature and frequency measurements show evidence of a superspin glass transition taking place at low temperature. In order to fully characterize the superspin glass phase, the aging behavior of both the thermo-remanent magnetization (TRM) and ac susceptibility has been investigated. It is shown that the scaling laws obeyed by superspin glasses and atomic spin glasses are essentially the same, after subtraction of a superparamagnetic contribution from the superspin glass response functions. Finally, we discuss a possible origin of this superparamagnetic contribution in terms of dilute spin glass models

    The relative influences of disorder and of frustration on the glassy dynamics in magnetic systems

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    The magnetisation relaxations of three different types of geometrically frustrated magnetic systems have been studied with the same experimental procedures as previously used in spin glasses. The materials investigated are Y2_2Mo2_2O7_7 (pyrochlore system), SrCr8.6_{8.6}Ga3.4_{3.4}O19_{19} (piled pairs of Kagom\'e layers) and (H3_3O)Fe3_3(SO4_4)2_2(OH)6_6 (jarosite compound). Despite a very small amount of disorder, all the samples exhibit many characteristic features of spin glass dynamics below a freezing temperature TgT_g, much smaller than their Curie-Weiss temperature θ\theta. The ageing properties of their thermoremanent magnetization can be well accounted for by the same scaling law as in spin glasses, and the values of the scaling exponents are very close. The effects of temperature variations during ageing have been specifically investigated. In the pyrochlore and the bi-Kagom\'e compounds, a decrease of temperature after some waiting period at a certain temperature TpT_p re-initializes ageing and the evolution at the new temperature is the same as if the system were just quenched from above TgT_g. However, as the temperature is raised back to TpT_p, the sample recovers the state it had previously reached at that temperature. These features are known in spin glasses as rejuvenation and memory effects. They are clear signatures of the spin glass dynamics. In the Kagom\'e compound, there is also some rejuvenation and memory, but much larger temperature changes are needed to observe the effects. In that sense, the behaviour of this compound is quantitatively different from that of spin glasses.Comment: latex VersionCorrigee4.tex, 4 files, 3 figures, 5 pages (Proceedings of the International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM2003), August 26-30, 2003, Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France

    Linear and non linear response in the aging regime of the 1D trap model

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    We investigate the behaviour of the response function in the one dimensional trap model using scaling arguments that we confirm by numerical simulations. We study the average position of the random walk at time tw+t given that a small bias h is applied at time tw. Several scaling regimes are found, depending on the relative values of t, tw and h. Comparison with the diffusive motion in the absence of bias allows us to show that the fluctuation dissipation relation is, in this case, valid even in the aging regime.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 references adde

    A microscopic description of the aging dynamics: fluctuation-dissipation relations, effective temperature and heterogeneities

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    We consider the dynamics of a diluted mean-field spin glass model in the aging regime. The model presents a particularly rich heterogeneous behavior. In order to catch this behavior, we perform a **spin-by-spin analysis** for a **given disorder realization**. The results compare well with the outcome of a static calculation which uses the ``survey propagation'' algorithm of Mezard, Parisi, and Zecchina [Sciencexpress 10.1126/science.1073287 (2002)]. We thus confirm the connection between statics and dynamics at the level of single degrees of freedom. Moreover, working with single-site quantities, we can introduce a new response-vs-correlation plot, which clearly shows how heterogeneous degrees of freedom undergo coherent structural rearrangements. Finally we discuss the general scenario which emerges from our work and (possibly) applies to more realistic glassy models. Interestingly enough, some features of this scenario can be understood recurring to thermometric considerations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (7 eps files

    Response of non-equilibrium systems at criticality: Exact results for the Glauber-Ising chain

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    We investigate the non-equilibrium two-time correlation and response functions and the associated fluctuation-dissipation ratio for the ferromagnetic Ising chain with Glauber dynamics. The scaling behavior of these quantities at low temperature and large times is studied in detail. This analysis encompasses the self-similar domain-growth (aging) regime, the spatial and temporal Porod regimes, and the convergence toward equilibrium. The fluctuation-dissipation ratio admits a non-trivial limit value X=1/2X_\infty=1/2 at zero temperature, and more generally in the aging regime.Comment: 27 pages. 3 figures. To appear in Journal of Physics

    Response properties in a model for granular matter

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    We investigate the response properties of granular media in the framework of the so-called {\em Random Tetris Model}. We monitor, for different driving procedures, several quantities: the evolution of the density and of the density profiles, the ageing properties through the two-times correlation functions and the two-times mean-square distance between the potential energies, the response function defined in terms of the difference in the potential energies of two replica driven in two slightly different ways. We focus in particular on the role played by the spatial inhomogeneities (structures) spontaneously emerging during the compaction process, the history of the sample and the driving procedure. It turns out that none of these ingredients can be neglected for the correct interpretation of the experimental or numerical data. We discuss the problem of the optimization of the compaction process and we comment on the validity of our results for the description of granular materials in a thermodynamic framework.Comment: 22 pages, 35 eps files (21 figures

    Aging in lattice-gas models with constrained dynamics

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    We investigate the aging behavior of lattice-gas models with constrained dynamics in which particle exchange with a reservoir is allowed. Such models provide a particularly simple interpretation of aging phenomena as a slow approach to criticality. They appear as the simplest three dimensional models exhibiting a glassy behavior similar to that of mean field (low temperature mode-coupling) models.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figures, REVTeX. Submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Ground state of the Kagome-like S=1/2 antiferromagnet, Volborthite Cu3V2O7(OH)2.2H2O

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    Volborthite compound is one of the very few realizations of S=1/2 quantum spins on a highly frustrated kagome-like lattice. Low-T SQUID measurements reveal a broad magnetic transition below 2K which is further confirmed by a peak in the 51V nuclear spin relaxation rate (1/T1) at 1.4K±\pm0.2K. Through 51V NMR, the ground state (GS) appears to be a mixture of different spin configurations, among which 20% correspond to a well defined short range order, possibly of the 3×3\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3} type. While the freezing involve all the Cu2+^{2+} spins, only 40% of the copper moment is actually frozen which suggests that quantum fluctuations strongly renormalize the GS.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    Dynamical ultrametricity in the critical trap model

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    We show that the trap model at its critical temperature presents dynamical ultrametricity in the sense of Cugliandolo and Kurchan [CuKu94]. We use the explicit analytic solution of this model to discuss several issues that arise in the context of mean-field glassy dynamics, such as the scaling form of the correlation function, and the finite time (or finite forcing) corrections to ultrametricity, that are found to decay only logarithmically with the associated time scale, as well as the fluctuation dissipation ratio. We also argue that in the multilevel trap model, the short time dynamics is dominated by the level which is at its critical temperature, so that dynamical ultrametricity should hold in the whole glassy temperature range. We revisit some experimental data on spin-glasses in light of these results.Comment: 7 pages, 4 .eps figures. submitted to J. Phys.

    Time and length scales in spin glasses

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    We discuss the slow, nonequilibrium, dynamics of spin glasses in their glassy phase. We briefly review the present theoretical understanding of the spectacular phenomena observed in experiments and describe new numerical results obtained in the first large-scale simulation of the nonequilibrium dynamics of the three dimensional Heisenberg spin glass.Comment: Paper presented at "Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2003", Grenoble, August 200