399 research outputs found

    Nano-oxidation of silicon surfaces: Comparison of noncontact and contact atomic-force microscopy methods

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    3 pages, 4 figures.Local oxidation lithography by atomic-force microscopy is emerging as a powerful method for nanometer-scale patterning of surfaces. Here, we perform a comparative study of contact and noncontact atomic-force microscopy (AFM) oxidation experiments. The comparison of height and width dependencies on voltage and pulse duration allows establishing noncontact AFM as the optimum local oxidation method. For the same electrical conditions, noncontact AFM oxides exhibit higher aspect ratios (0.04 vs 0.02). The smallness of the liquid meniscus in noncontact AFM oxidation produces smaller oxide widths. We also report a slower oxidation rate in contact AFM oxidation. We explain this result by introducing an effective energy barrier (~0.14 eV) that includes the mechanical work done by the growing oxide against the cantilever (~0.01 eV).This work was financially supported by the Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación (PB98-0471) and the European Commission (GR5D-CT- 2000-00349).Peer reviewe

    Microfluidic Technology in Vascular Research

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    Vascular cell biology is an area of research with great biomedical relevance. Vascular dysfunction is involved in major diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer. However, when studying vascular cell biology in the laboratory, it is difficult to mimic the dynamic, three-dimensional microenvironment that is found in vivo. Microfluidic technology offers unique possibilities to overcome this difficulty. In this review, an overview of the recent applications of microfluidic technology in the field of vascular biological research will be given. Examples of how microfluidics can be used to generate shear stresses, growth factor gradients, cocultures, and migration assays will be provided. The use of microfluidic devices in studying three-dimensional models of vascular tissue will be discussed. It is concluded that microfluidic technology offers great possibilities to systematically study vascular cell biology with setups that more closely mimic the in vivo situation than those that are generated with conventional methods

    Linear viscoelastic behavior of aggregated colloidal dispersions

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    The viscoelastic behavior of a depletion-flocculated dispersion of colloidal spheres is investigated at different volume fractions of the spheres, using a controlled stress and a dynamic rheometer. Combining the results, we obtain the storage G′ and loss G′′ moduli over a frequency range of 0.02<ω<200rad/s. The measured G′ gradually increases with increasing frequency, while G′′ almost remains constant, indicating a broad spectrum of relaxation times. To describe and explain the observed behavior of the moduli as a function of frequency and volume fraction in terms of microscopic parameters, a microrheological model based on the fractal concept is proposed. Comparing experimental results with model calculations, we find a good agreement between the two, with physically plausible parameter values

    Математична модель контактного з’єднання метало-пластмасових циліндричних оболонок

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    We consider alpha scale spaces, a parameterized class (alpha is an element of (0, 1]) of scale space representations beyond the well-established Gaussian scale space, which are generated by the alpha-th power of the minus Laplace operator on a bounded domain using the Neumann boundary condition. The Neumann boundary condition ensures that there is no grey-value flux through the boundary. Thereby no artificial grey-values from outside the image affect the evolution proces, which is the case for the alpha scale spaces on an unbounded domain. Moreover, the connection between the a scale spaces which is not trivial in the unbounded domain case, becomes straightforward: The generator of the Gaussian semigroup extends to a compact, self-adjoint operator on the Hilbert space L-2(Omega) and therefore it has a complete countable set of eigen functions. Taking the alpha-th power of the Gaussian generator simply boils down to taking the alpha-th power of the corresponding eigenvalues. Consequently, all alpha scale spaces have exactly the same eigen-modes and can be implemented simultaneously as scale dependent Fourier series. The only difference between them is the (relative) contribution of each eigen-mode to the evolution proces. By introducing the notion of (non-dimensional) relative scale in each a scale space, we are able to compare the various alpha scale spaces. The case alpha = 0.5, where the generator equals the square root of the minus Laplace operator leads to Poisson scale space, which is at least as interesting as Gaussian scale space and can be extended to a (Clifford) analytic scale space