6,799 research outputs found

    On the X-ray Properties of OH Megamaser Sources: Chandra Snapshot Observations

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    We present Chandra snapshot observations for a sample of 7 sources selected from the Arecibo OH megamaser (OHM) survey at z~0.13-0.22 and with far-infrared luminosities in excess of 10^{11} L_sun. In contrast with the known H2O megamasers, which are mostly associated with powerful Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), the situation is far less clear for OHMs, which have been poorly studied in the X-ray band thus far. All of the observed sources are X-ray weak, with only one OHM, IRAS FSC 03521+0028 (z=0.15), being detected by Chandra (with 5 counts). The results from this pilot program indicate that the X-ray emission, with luminosities of less than ~10^{42} erg/s, is consistent with that from star formation (as also suggested in some cases by the optical spectra) and low-luminosity AGN emission. If an AGN is present, its contribution to the broad-band emission of OHM galaxies is likely modest. Under reasonable assumptions about the intrinsic X-ray spectral shape, the observed count distribution from stacking analysis suggests absorption of ~10^{22} cm^{-2}.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    HI and OH absorption in the lensing galaxy of MG J0414+0534

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    We report the detection of \HI 21-cm absorption in the z=0.96z=0.96 early-type lensing galaxy towards MG J0414+0534 with the Green Bank Telescope. The absorption, with total NHI=1.6×1018(Ts/f)cm−2N_{\rm HI}=1.6 \times 10^{18} (T_{\rm s}/f) {\rm cm}^{-2}, is resolved into two strong components, probably due to the two strongest lens components, which are separated by 0.4\arcsec. Unlike the other three lenses which have been detected in \HI, J0414+0534 does not exhibit strong OH absorption, giving a OH/\HI column density ratio of N_{\rm OH}/N_{\rm HI}\lapp10^{-6} (for Ts=100T_{\rm s}=100 K, Tx=10T_{\rm x}=10 K and fHI=fOH=1f_{\rm HI}=f_{\rm OH}=1). This underabundance of molecular gas may indicate that the extreme optical--near-IR colour (V−K=10.26V-K=10.26) along the line-of-sight is not due to the lens. We therefore suggest that despite the strong upper limits on molecular absorption at the quasar redshift, as traced by millimetre lines, the extinction occurs primarily in the quasar host galaxy.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS Letters, 5 (and a bit) pages, 5 figure

    'Notes on a Scandal': Why do Females Engage in Abuse of Trust Behaviours?

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    Although an evident reality in organisations where females work with young people, there has been no specific research to date exploring why females in positions of trust engage in sexually abusive relationships with adolescents. This study investigated the subject through a qualitative analysis of ten case studies from England drawn from the employment and safeguarding environment, comparing findings with existing studies into female sexual offenders in general, research into male 'professional perpetrators' and Gannon et al.'s (2008) Descriptive Model of Female Sexual Offending. The research highlighted a number of key similarities and differences between those who abuse in positions of trust and those female sexual offenders who abuse children in wider contexts. With respect to etiological factors the similarities included unstable lifestyle, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, cognitive distortions and emotional self-management problems. Motivations for this sample appeared to be primarily driven by intimacy needs. Differences were identified relating to lower levels of substance abuse, a higher age range and socio-economic status, less prevalence of severe social skills deficits and chaotic and abusive backgrounds in this subject group. All of the women in the study followed an Implicit Disorganised pathway of abuse and maternal approach to the abusive behaviour

    ALMA Observations of Circumnuclear Disks in Early Type Galaxies: 12CO(2-1) and Continuum Properties

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    We present results from an Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Cycle 2 program to map CO(2-1) emission in nearby early-type galaxies (ETGs) that host circumnuclear gas disks. We obtained ∼0.3′′−\sim0.3''-resolution Band 6 observations of seven ETGs selected on the basis of dust disks in Hubble Space Telescope images. We detect CO emission in five at high signal-to-noise ratio with the remaining two only faintly detected. All CO emission is coincident with the dust and is in dynamically cold rotation. Four ETGs show evidence of rapid central rotation; these are prime candidates for higher-resolution ALMA observations to measure the black hole masses. In this paper we focus on the molecular gas and continuum properties. Total gas masses and H2_2 column densities for our five CO-bright galaxies are on average ∼108\sim10^8 M⊙M_\odot and ∼1022.5\sim10^{22.5} cm−2^{-2} over the ∼\simkpc-scale disks, and analysis suggests that these disks are stabilized against gravitational fragmentation. The continuum emission of all seven galaxies is dominated by a central, unresolved source, and in five we also detect a spatially extended component. The ∼\sim230 GHz nuclear continua are modeled as power laws ranging from Sν∼ν−0.4S_\nu \sim \nu^{-0.4} to ν1.6\nu^{1.6} within the observed frequency band. The extended continuum profiles of the two radio-bright (and CO-faint) galaxies are roughly aligned with their radio jet and suggests resolved synchrotron jets. The extended continua of the CO-bright disks are coincident with optically thick dust absorption and have spectral slopes that are consistent with thermal dust emission.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    High-dimensional quantum dynamics of adsorption and desorption of H2_2 at Cu(111)

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    We performed high-dimensional quantum dynamical calculations of the dissociative adsorption and associative desorption of hydrogen on Cu(111). The potential energy surface (PES) is obtained from density functional theory calculations. Two regimes of dynamics are found, at low energies sticking is determined by the minimum energy barrier, at high energies by the distribution of barrier heights. Experimental results are well-reproduced qualitatively, but some quantitative discrepancies are identified as well.Comment: 4 two column pages, revtex, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A measurement of the turbulence-driven density distribution in a non-star-forming molecular cloud

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    Molecular clouds are supersonically turbulent. This turbulence governs the initial mass function and the star formation rate. In order to understand the details of star formation, it is therefore essential to understand the properties of turbulence, in particular the probability distribution of density in turbulent clouds. We present H2CO volume density measurements of a non-star-forming cloud along the line of sight toward W49A. We use these measurements in conjunction with total mass estimates from 13CO to infer the shape of the density probability distribution function. This method is complementary to measurements of turbulence via the column density distribution and should be applicable to any molecular cloud with detected CO. We show that turbulence in this cloud is probably compressively driven, with a compressive-to-total Mach number ratio b=MC/M>0.4b = \mathcal {M}_C/\mathcal {M}\gt0.4. We measure the standard deviation of the density distribution, constraining it to the range 1.5 < σ s < 1.9, assuming that the density is lognormally distributed. This measurement represents an essential input into star formation laws. The method of averaging over different excitation conditions to produce a model of emission from a turbulent cloud is generally applicable to optically thin line observations
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