999 research outputs found

    Impacto de los residuos de ivermectina en los procesos tecnológicos de la leche y sus derivados

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    Se evaluó la estabilidad química de los residuos de ivermectina (IVM, fármaco antiparasitario) en leches bovina y ovina. La estabilidad del fármaco se midió mediante cromatografía liquida de alta performance analizando muestras de leche con residuos de IVM antes y después del tratamiento térmico. Además se evaluó, mediante la prueba del yogur y estudios microbiológicos de recuento de bacterias lácticas, el efecto de los residuos sobre la viabilidad de las bacterias ácido lácticas. Los residuos de IVM en leche demostraron ser estables a los tratamientos térmicos utilizados en la industria láctea de pasteurización: baja temperatura/largo tiempo (LTLT 65ºC, 30 min) y alta temperatura/corto tiempo (HTST 75ºC, 15 s). Los procesos de industrialización de la leche basados en la actividad de las bacterias lácticas tampoco fueron afectados por la presencia de residuos de IVM. Las concentraciones evaluadas no modificaron el incremento de la acidez en la prueba del yogur y no disminuyeron los recuentos de bacterias lácticas presentes en muestras de yogures elaborados con residuos del antiparasitario. El impacto de los residuos de fármacos antiparasitarios en los procesos tecnológicos de elaboración de alimentos y en la salud del consumidor a largo plazo debe ser cuidadosamente analizado.Chemical stability of ivermectin residues (IVM, antiparasitic drug) in cattle and sheep milk was evaluated. IVM residues were measured in milk samples before and after heat treatment by high performance liquid chromatography. Additionally, the effect of drug residues on the lactic acid fermentation was assessed by testing the viability and counts of lactic acid bacteria. IVM concentrations in milk were stable after standard procedures used in dairy industry LTLT pasteurization (65°C, 30 min) and HTST (75°C, 15 s). Industrial milk processing based on the activity of lactic acid bacteria was not affected by the presence of IVM residues. IVM concentrations did not affect the increment of acidity nor the number of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt samples. The impact of the residues of antiparasitic drugs in technological processes of food processing and consumer health must be carefully analyzed to avoid long-term consequences

    Stereotypies in the autism spectrum disorder: Can we rely on an ethological model?

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    Background: Stereotypic behaviour can be defined as a clear behavioural pattern where a specific function or target cannot be identified, although it delays on time. Nonetheless, repetitive and stereotypical behaviours play a key role in both animal and human behaviour. Similar behaviours are observed across species, in typical human developmental phases, and in some neuropsychiatric conditions, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Intellectual Disability. This evidence led to the spread of animal models of repetitive behaviours to better understand the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these dysfunctional behaviours and to gain better insight into their role and origin within ASD and other disorders. This, in turn, could lead to new treatments of those disorders in humans. Method: This paper maps the literature on repetitive behaviours in animal models of ASD, in order to improve understanding of stereotypies in persons with ASD in terms of characterization, pathophysiology, genomic and anatomical factors. Results: Literature mapping confirmed that phylogenic approach and animal models may help to improve understanding and differentiation of stereotypies in ASD. Some repetitive behaviours appear to be interconnected and mediated by common genomic and anatomical factors across species, mainly by alterations of basal ganglia circuitry. A new distinction between stereotypies and autotypies should be considered. Conclusions: Phylogenic approach and studies on animal models may support clinical issues related to stereotypies in persons with ASD and provide new insights in classification, pathogenesis, and management

    The Nuclearization of Biology Is a Threat to Health and Security

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78142/1/bsp.2009.0047.pd

    Biodefense Research: A Win-Win Challenge

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/63273/1/bsp.2008.1114.pd

    Redaction of sensitive data in the publication of dual use research of concern

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    Editorial. The publication of scientific information that derives from dual use research of concern (DURC) poses major problems for journals because it brings into conflict the benefits of free access to data and the need to prevent misuse of that information by others. Recently, a group of authors and a major scientific journal addressed the issue of publishing information on a newly discovered, highly lethal toxin that can be delivered to large populations and for which there are no available countermeasures. The journal addressed this conflict by permitting the redaction of information that is normally considered essential for publication. This action establishes a precedent for redaction of sensitive data that also provides an example of responsible scientific publishing. However, this precedent leaves many questions unanswered and suggests a need for a discussion by all stakeholders of scientific information so as to derive normative standards for the publication of DURC

    Utilizing a user-centered approach to develop and assess pharmacogenomic clinical decision support for thiopurine methyltransferase

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    BACKGROUND: A pharmacogenomic clinical decision support tool (PGx-CDS) for thiopurine medications can help physicians incorporate pharmacogenomic results into prescribing decisions by providing up-to-date, real-time decision support. However, the PGx-CDS user interface may introduce errors and promote alert fatigue. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a prototype of a PGx-CDS user interface for thiopurine medications with user-centered design methods. METHODS: This study had two phases: In phase I, we conducted qualitative interviews to assess providers' information needs. Interview transcripts were analyzed through a combination of inductive and deductive qualitative analysis to develop design requirements for a PGx-CDS user interface. Using these requirements, we developed a user interface prototype and evaluated its usability (phase II). RESULTS: In total, 14 providers participated: 10 were interviewed in phase I, and seven providers completed usability testing in phase II (3 providers participated in both phases). Most (90%) participants were interested in PGx-CDS systems to help improve medication efficacy and patient safety. Interviews yielded 11 themes sorted into two main categories: 1) health care providers' views on PGx-CDS and 2) important design features for PGx-CDS. We organized these findings into guidance for PGx-CDS content and display. Usability testing of the PGx-CDS prototype showed high provider satisfaction. CONCLUSION: This is one of the first studies to utilize a user-centered design approach to develop and assess a PGx-CDS interface prototype for Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT). This study provides guidance for the development of a PGx-CDS, and particularly for biomarkers such as TPMT

    NGS transcriptomic analysis uncovers the possible resistance mechanisms of olive to Spilocea oleagina leaf spot infection

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    Spilocea oleagina is a dangerous obligate fungal pathogen of olive, feared in the Mediterranean countries, causing Peacock's eye or leaf spot infection, which can lead to a serious yield loss of approximately 20% or higher depending on climatic conditions. Coping with this disease is much more problematic for organic farms. To date, knowledge on the genetic control of possible mechanisms of resistance/low susceptibility is quite limited. In this work, comparative transcriptomic analysis (RNA-seq) was conducted in leaf tissues of a low susceptible cultivar Koroneiki and a high susceptible cultivar Nocellara del Belice, both tested in the field using the NaOH test, considering two stages-"zero sign of disease" and "evident sign of infection". Cultivars showed a very large number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in both stages. 'Koroneiki' showed an extensive hormonal crosstalk, involving Abscisic acid (ABA) and ethylene synergistically acting with Jasmonate, with early signaling of the disease and remarkable defense responses against Spilocea through the over-expression of many resistance gene analogs or pathogenesis-related (PR) genes: non-specific lipid-transfer genes (nsLTPs), LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase genes, GDSL esterase lipase, defensin Ec-AMP-D2-like, pathogenesis-related leaf protein 6-like, Thaumatin-like gene, Mildew resistance Locus O (MLO) gene, glycine-rich protein (GRP), MADS-box genes, STH-21-like, endochitinases, glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidases, and finally, many proteinases. Numerous genes involved in cell wall biogenesis, remodeling, and cell wall-based defense, including lignin synthesis, were also upregulated in the resistant cultivar, indicating the possible role of wall composition in disease resistance. It was remarkable that many transcription factors (TS), some of which involved in Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR), as well as some also involved in abiotic stress response, were found to be uniquely expressed in 'Koroneiki', while 'Nocellara del Belice' was lacking an effective system of defense, expressing genes that overlap with wounding responses, and, to a minor extent, genes related to phenylpropanoid and terpenoid pathways. Only a Thaumatin-like gene was found in both cultivars showing a similar expression. In this work, the genetic factors and mechanism underlying the putative resistance trait against this fungal pathogen were unraveled for the first time and possible target genes for breeding resistant olive genotypes were found

    Head-to-head comparison between F-18-DOPA PET/CT and Ga-68-DOTA-peptide PET/CT in detecting intestinal neuroendocrine tumours:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: The imaging of intestinal neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) relies on functional PET tracers; these tumours can be studied by means of both Ga-68-DOTA-peptides and F-18-DOPA PET/CT. As yet, it is unclear which of these two modalities offers the better sensitivity. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis to assess the available data. Design: PubMed, CENTRAL, Scopus and Web of Science were searched for studies comparing the sensitivity of Ga-68-DOTA-peptides and F-18-DOPA PET/CT; papers up to February 2021 were considered. Patients and Measurements: In each study, we considered sensitivity in terms of patient-based (PBA), region-based (RBA) and lesion-based analysis (LBA) and pooled the results yielded by each tracer. Multidisciplinary follow-up served as the standard of truth. Results: Of the 636 records identified, 6 articles published between 2008 and 2021 were finally selected, and 112 intestinal NET patients were included. The pooled sensitivity of F-18-DOPA PET/CT was 83%, 89% and 95% on PBA, RBA and LBA, respectively. Ga-68-DOTA peptide PET/CT showed sensitivity of 88%, 92% and 82% on PBA, RBA and LBA, respectively. No significant differences were found between the two tracers on PBA and RBA. By contrast, a clear trend towards significance in favour of F-18-DOPA PET/CT was identified on LBA. The presence of a significant difference in favour of F-18-DOPA PET/CT was confirmed in a subgroup analysis conducted only on the most recent and largest studies. In all three analyses, mild-to-high heterogeneity was found, while no publication bias was observed. Conclusion: Both F-18-DOPA PET/CT and Ga-68-DOTA-peptide PET/CT are reliable diagnostic procedures in patients with intestinal NETs. However, in terms of lesion detection, a non-negligible difference in favour of F-18-DOPA PET/CT was observed. Thus, the use of F-18-DOPA PET/CT could be considered as a first-line molecular procedure in intestinal NETs