131 research outputs found

    Features of self-consciousness of a teacher at different stages of professional formation

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    The paper discusses the features of professional self-awareness of teachers at different stages of professional developmentВ работе рассматриваются особенности профессионального самосознания педагогов на разных стадиях профессионального становлени

    Situational and communication content in the framework of SMM brand promotion in social networks

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    In the article the authors present the study results of the content use in SMM promotion. Information is given about the types of content, situational and communication contents are considered. The main research method chosen for studying the designated research problem is described – content analysis, as well as its types – non-quantitative and quantitative. Non-quantitative implies the presence of a certain indicator without the use of quantitative metrics, quantitative indicates the frequency identification of quantitative indicators occurrence. The study touched upon the content consideration in the VKontakte social network of three brands: “R. O. C. S. Smart Oral Care” – a brand of oral care products, “Danone Russia” – a Russian division brand of the Danone corporation, “Respect” – a Russian trade-mark, a multi-brand chain of stores for men’s and women’s shoes, accessories. The selection criteria for the study were: community belonging to the Russian brand; daily maintenance of content; the number of subscribers from 30 to 70 thousand. The analysis is accompanied by graphs comparing reactions to situational and communication posts of the above-mentioned brands. At the work conclusion, recommendations are given for SMM managers involved in the preparation of content plans, brands’ content strategies. The authors formulate conclusions about what needs to be done for the most effective promotion in social networks

    Digital media preferences’ transformation of modern Russian youth in connection with new realities

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    The article considers features of modern Russian youth media preferences transformation against the activity’s restrictions of digital social platforms as Instagram, TikTok, etc. The authors have assumed that the “flow” of youth audience to other platforms would occur at a very rapid pace, and new platforms would be mastered in the shortest possible time, i.e. adaptation would be maximally effective. It has also been hypothesized that new platforms creation would attract youth audience, which would seek to “close” their consumer preferences through the newly emerging digital platforms in Russia, replacing those that were legally restricted. To test the above hypotheses, we have surveyed young people aged 18–24, who are the main audience that, according to the hypothesis of this study, would be most affected by media environment transformation. The main hypotheses have been tested by means of several blocks of questions to which the respondents gave answers first within the framework of a standardized questionnaire and then in free form within the framework of interviewing by the researchers. As a result of the study, it has been found out that the specifics of media preferences transformation among young people is not so significant compared to general changes in society, and therefore recommendations for further research directions have been put forward

    Changing content plan structure of companies operating in Russia and represented on VK

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    The article identifies six main types of content: communication, entertainment, situational, news, sales, and reputation. The study analyzes changes in content plan structure of companies providing various categories of consumer goods in 2022. The reviewed companies operate in Russia, have official accounts VK and actively interact with users. These companies’ activity on VK has been reviewed and analyzed and trends in various types of content placement considered. The regularities in companies’ content plan change and types of prevailing content for 2022 have been highlighted. The article concludes that Russian companies are facing a serious challenge related to the vacated market niches due to a number of foreign brands market withdrawal. Companies that change their content plan in the direction of active interaction with users and effective use of available social network opportunities will have a clear advantage over those ones that continue to focus their efforts on Western resources, access to which is significantly hindered, and advertising placement and use of paid promotion tools are illegal

    Transforming the structure of unmarried women’s social perceptions of single motherhood through digital technologies

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    The transformation of the structure of social ideas about marriage and family relations in general and the structure of the modern family has been considered through digital technologies. The problem of the growing number of single mothers has been raised. Statistics for 20 years have been provided. The influence of several factors on the growth dynamics has been analysed. The influence of women`s emancipation, availability of remote work and the image of successful bloggers on changing the fields of social representations of modern unmarried women about single motherhood has been examined. One of the main reasons for changing the attitude of women to the image of single mother, namely the appearance of a new image-”solo-mom”, which is actively used in the digital environment, has been considered. Communities and groups in the social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram and Odnoklassniki, dedicated to supporting single mothers, have been studied. Blogs of single mothers who position themselves as “solo-mothers”, have been reviewed. The results of an empirical study aimed at identifying a factor that affects the change in the system of views and attitudes of unmarried women in the transition zone and the periphery have been presented. The responses of respondents received in 2014 and 2019 by the free Association experiment have been analysed. The respondents answers were divided into three categories: single mother status, status assessment, qualities of the single mother’s personality. The results of a comparative analysis of women’s social perceptions about single motherhood for the period from 2014 to 2019 have been presented. Based on the results obtained, conclusions about the change in perceptions of single mothers over the past 5 years, the emergence of a new image of a single woman with a child – “solo mom”, have been made

    Aspects of choosing by applicants a secondary special or higher education institution

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    A brief overview of the modern system of secondary special and higher education in the Russian Federation has been given. The problem of competitiveness of educational institutions in the Russian Federation and the world in General has been raised. Statistical data conducted at the end of 2019 questionnaires among the students of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations the State University of Management (Moscow) and students of the Faculty of Advertising and Internet Communications, the International College of Arts and Communications (Moscow).The influence of several factors on the choice by learners of studying educational institutions has been explored, key factors for choice has been highlighted. The opinions of students in terms of the applicability of disciplines in their future profession, assessment of students of the faculty of the institution, the relevance of the cost of education quality and prospects for future employment in the profession after graduation have been analysed.According to the results of the survey, answers were given to such questions as: how do applicants themselves choose an educational program – their future profession? How do they perceive the educational service provided to them by the educational institution? How do applicants who have already become students evaluate their choice of educational institution, the quality of educational service and prospects for their future employment? What is necessary for the formation of demand for educational service?Based on the conducted sociological research, conclusions regarding the choice of educational institution by applicants have been made. The authors’ recommendations to educational institutions to attract applicants and increase their competitiveness in the market of educational services are given

    Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Assemblages Features Formation in Large and Medium Industrial Cities of Russia (The Case Study in Kazan, Kemerovo and Grozny)

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the Carabid fauna of three cities: Grozny, Kemerovo, Kazan. It was established that communities of ground beetles clearly respond to varying degrees of recreation by changing the biotopic distribution and ecological structure: the emergence of super dominant species, a decrease in the abundance of zoophages, an increase in the share of stratobionts, and the presence of indicator species

    Emergence of new professions during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The article examines the changes that have occurred in communications in all spheres of human activity: in business, retail, education, culture, banking, which occurred due to the pandemic that began in the winter of 2020. The pandemic has spurred and accelerated the information technologies development, changed the attitude to working from home in general. The article focuses on the global changes that have occurred in the personnel direction. The change in interaction formats – the transition to an online environment, is analysed. Conclusions are drawn about the remote work format perception and about the change in the “remote work” concept perception by both employees, and managers in companies. The data on new emerged professions in this period, and on demanded professions on the online communications development wave, are given

    Digital adaptation issues for different demographics in Russian Moscow region

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    The article aims to analyze the adaptation specifics of four generations to digital technologies in Russian Moscow region. The research theoretical basis consists of the basic socio-demographic generations description within the William Strauss and Neil Hove generations theory. Using methods of sociological research (polls and in-depth interviews), the article analyzes the Strauss-Hove generational theory’s actual elements in relation to the socio-demographic landscape of modern Russian society. The article considers the interaction specifics with the digital environment and gadgets for various demographic sections, as well as their involvement in modern global trends regarding Internet addiction and online positioning. The article concludes that the development of various communication channels depending on demographic targeting is required

    Eschar-associated Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis, Bahia, Brazil

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    In Brazil, Brazilian spotted fever was once considered the only tick-borne rickettsial disease. We report eschar-associated rickettsial disease that occurred after a tick bite. The etiologic agent is most related to Rickettsia parkeri, R. africae, and R. sibirica and probably widely distributed from São Paulo to Bahia in the Atlantic Forest