569 research outputs found

    Assessment of the diversity of vascular plants in phytocenoses with a share of Quercus mongolica on the territory of Relic Oaks State Reserve

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    In this paper, we assess the diversity of vascular plants in phytocenoses with Quercus mongolica (family Fagaceae) on the territory of the Relic Oaks State Reserve (Eastern Siberia, Transbaikal region), where Q. mongolica is located at the northwestern boundary of the areal. The descriptions of phytocenoses have been processed in the PAST3 application. The similarity of species composition has been determined using the Jaccard index. The resulting tree diagram shows two groups of descriptions at a similarity level of 0.14-0.15. The first group includes the descriptions of mixed forest quadrats, in which Q. mongolica is a co-edificator. The second group of descriptions presents the communities where Q. mongolica is the only species in the tree layer. The analysis of the tree diagram shows the dependence of species richness within the phytocenoses on the surface patterns and edaphoclimatic conditions. The phytocenoses located on steep southern slopes show less diversity

    South-Siberian mountain mires: Perspectives on a potentially vulnerable remote source of biodiversity

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    Changes in climate, land-use and pollution are having disproportionate impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity of arctic and mountain ecosystems. While these impacts are well-documented for many areas of the Arctic and alpine regions, some isolated and inaccessible mountain areas are poorly studied. Furthermore, even in well-studied regions, assessments of biodiversity and species to environmental change are biased towards vascular plants and cryptogams, particularly bryophytes are far less represented. This paper aims to document the environments of the remove and inaccessible Altai-Sayan mountain mires and particularly their bryofloras where threatened specias exist and species new to the regional flora are still being found. As these mountain mires are relatively inaccessible, changes in drivers of change ad their ecosystem and biodiversity impacts have not been monitored. However, the remoteness of the mires has so far protected them and their species. In this study, we describe the mires, their bryophyte species and the expected impacts of environmental stressors to bring attention to the urgency of documenting change and conserving these pristine ecosystems

    Geodynamics of the territory of oil fields of the republic of Tatarstan

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    Results of the study confirm the existence of a direct link between the manifestations of modern geodynamics and neotectonic movements. The paper displays the effectiveness of using morphometric method for the prediction and localization of high geodynamic activity. The authors propose an complex method of estimating the deformation of the upper part of the crust

    Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of high purity sulfur hexafluoride enriched with ³²S isotope

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    Методом хромато-масс-спектрометрии впервые исследован примесный состав высокочистого гексафторида серы, обогащенного изотопом ³²S. Для разделения примесей использовали адсорбционную капиллярную колонку GS-GasPro 60 м ´ 0.32 мм с модифицированным силикагелем и колонку 25 м × 0.26 мм, d f = 0.25 мкм с политриметилсилилпропином. Показано, что колонка GS-GasPro позволяет определять примеси веществ с невысокими молекулярными массами: от постоянных газов до пентана. При использовании колонки с политриметилсилилпропином возможно определение примесей с большими молекулярными массами и температурами кипения. Идентификацию примесей проводили сравнением экспериментальных масс-спектров с данными базы NIST. Идентифицировано 26 примесных веществ, из них 18 - впервые по сравнению с известными примесями в SF6 природного изотопного состава. Идентифицированными примесями являются: постоянные газы, диоксид углерода, предельные и непредельные углеводороды С₁-С₈, ароматические и фторсодержашие углеводороды. Количественное определение примесей проводили в режиме селективного ионного детектирования по наиболее интенсивным пикам их масс-спектров. В качестве образцов сравнения использовали аттестованную поверочную смесь на основе высокочистого гелия и градуировочные смеси, приготовленные объемно-манометрическим методом. Диапазон концентраций примесей в использованных смесях составлял 10⁻⁵-10⁻¹ % об. Приводятся результаты анализа реального образца ³²SF₆. Концентрации обнаруженных примесей составляет 9.2∙10⁻³-3∙10⁻⁶ % об. В наибольших концентрациях присутствуют азот и тетрафторид углерода - 9.2∙10⁻³ и 2.8∙10⁻³ % об. Пределы обнаружения примесей составляют 1∙10⁻⁵-5∙10⁻⁸ % об. Правильность определения примесей в ³²SF₆ подтверждали методом варьирования величины пробы. Показано, что систематические погрешности статистически незначимы по сравнению со случайными.The method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used for the first time to investigate the impurity composition of high-purity sulfur hexafluoride enriched with ³²S isotope. For the separation of impurities an adsorption capillary column GS-GasPro of 60 m ´ 0.32 mm with a modified silica gel and a column of 25 m × 0.26 mm, d f = 0.25 microns with a poly trimethylsilyl propyne (PTMSP) were used. It was shown that GS-GasPro column allowed separating the impurity substances with low molecular weights - from permanent gases to pentane. When using the poly trimethylsilyl propyne (PTMSP) column, the determination of the impurities with higher molecular weights and boiling points were possible. The identification of impurities was performed by comparing the experimental mass spectra with a NIST data base. 26 impurity substances were identified, of which 18 - for the first time in comparison with the known SF₆ impurities in the natural isotopic composition. The following impurities were defined: permanent gases, carbon dioxide, saturated, unsaturated hydrocarbons C₁-C₈, aromatics, oxygenates and fluorinated hydrocarbons. The quantitative determination of impurities was performed using the selective ion mode detection of the most intense peaks in the mass spectra. As certified reference samples a reference mixture based on the high-purity helium and calibration mixtures were used. The range of impurity concentrations in the mixtures used was 10⁻⁵-10⁻¹ % vol. The results of the ³²SF6 analysis were presented. The concentrations of impurities in them were 9.2∙10⁻³-3∙10⁻⁶ % vol. Carbon tetrafluoride and nitrogen were present in the highest concentrations - 9.2∙10⁻³ and 2.8∙10⁻³ % vol. respectively. The detection limits of impurities were 1∙10⁻⁵-5∙10⁻⁸ % vol. The correctness of the determination of impurities in in ³²SF₆ was confirmed by varying the value of the sample. It was shown that the systematic errors were not statistically significant when compared with the random ones

    Mathematical Model of the Shell with the Infill for Retaining Structures

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    A description of finite element model and analysis of a shell with an infill is performed. A large diameter thin cylindrical shell structure with the edge leaning against compressible foundation soil is analyzed. Different materials are considered individually for the models of each structure shell and infill component (metal or reinforced concrete shell, and granular or elastic infill in a shell and foundation soil loaded by the structure). Contact conditions between 1) the infill and the shell’s inner surface and 2) between the foundation material and the shell edge are analyzed. An example of calculating strain conditions in the shell according to the proposed finite element model and tasks of its development process and specification are provided in this paper

    Regional Aspects of Nosocomial Infection As a Medical and Social Problem

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    Prevention of nosocomial infection (NI) is an important medical and socioeconomic problem. And though certain organizational and practical measures are implemented in Russia every year to reduce NIs, the problem is still relevant from medical and social points of view. The risk of infection are both for patients and medical workers. In Russia, the minimum economic damage caused by NIs is 2.5–5 billion rubles annually. According to the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Mordovia, the total incidence of NI in the region is at a low level. The incidence rate was 0.01 per 1000 patients in hospitals. The dynamics of the last five years demonstrates a decrease in hospital-acquired infections. In the dynamics of the last five years, incidence rates of purulent-septic infections of newborns and postpartum women, postoperative purulent-septic complications and post-injection complications had an unstable downward trend. Thus, purulent-septic infections of newborns and postpartum women and postoperative infections are dominated in the structure of nosocomial infections. Analysis of dynamics of morbidity in recent years in the Republic of Mordovia suggests that the measures taken to prevent NI are quite effective and are manifested with consistently low rates

    Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of high purity germane

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    Изучена возможность применения капиллярных адсорбционных колонок в сочетании с масс-спектрометрическим детектированием для определения содержания примесей в высокочистом германе. Исследовано влияние количества основного вещества на определение примесей. Увеличение количества дозируемого германа приводит к значительному уширению пиков примесей, расположенных на тыле его хроматографической полосы, и ограничивает снижение пределов их обнаружения. Исследован примесный состав германа. Определены примеси постоянных газов, углеводородов С₁-С₉, фтор-, хлорсодержащих и ароматических углеводородов, эфиров, сероводорода, гомологов германа, алкилпроизводных германа, хлоргермана. Примеси углеводородов С₆-С₉, тригермана, этилдигермана и ряда хлор-, фторсодержащих углеводородов определены впервые. Содержание отдельных примесей в германе высокой чистоты составляет 1.2∙10⁻³-2∙10⁻⁶ % об. Пределы обнаружения примесей составляют 5∙10⁻⁵-4∙10⁻⁸ % об. Достигнутые пределы обнаружения находятся на уровне лучших известных из литературы, а для ряда примесей ниже в 2-5000 раз. Правильность анализа подтверждена методом варьирования величины пробы и сравнением с результатами независимого газохроматографического анализа.The use of capillary adsorption columns in combination with mass spectrometric detection for determining the content of impurities in high-purity germane has been studied. The influence of the amount of the main substance on the separation and determination of impurities was investigated. Increase in the number of dosed germane leads to the substantial broadening of the peaks of impurities located at the end of its chromatographic band and limits the lowering of their limits of detection. The impurity composition of germane has been investigated. The impurities of permanent gases, hydrocarbons С₁-С₉, fluorine-, chlorine-containing and aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, hydrogen sulfide, homologs of germane, alkyl-derivatives of germane, and chlorogermane have been determined. It is for the first time that the impurities of С₆-С₉ hydrocarbons, trigermane, ethyl germane and a number of chlorine- and fluorine-containing hydrocarbons have been discovered. The content of the individual impurities in high-purity germane was 1.2∙10⁻³-2∙10⁻⁶ % vol. The achieved limits of detection correspond to the best results available in the literature and for a number of substances they are by 2-5000 times less. The accuracy of the analysis has been proven by the method of varying the sample volume and by comparison with the results of the independent gas-chromatographic analysis

    Measuring the State Sector and Assessing Its Effectiveness: Approaches and Implications

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    Despite the increasing role of the state sector in the economies of many countries, the criteria and approaches to comparative analysis and evaluation of the performance of state-owned enterprises are still ambiguous, as are the methods for cross-country comparisons of the scale of state presence in the economy. The purpose of the article is to systematize the main approaches to measurement of the size of the state sector using Russian economy as an example, as well as to substantiate the significance of this information in assessing the performance of companies with different forms of ownership in the investment and managerial decision-making process. The problems of the information environment, such as the fragmentation of data, incomplete publication of company reports, and the specifics of national databases in different countries, complicate and distort empirical research. Meanwhile, there are significant differences in the performance of state-owned and private companies, as well as in their investment attractiveness to investors in the financial market. International approaches to solving these problems consist in the formation of consolidated and unified databases, inclusion of stateowned companies in the system of national accounts, and creation of guidelines on uniform principles of transparency and accessibility of financial reports. Given the growing restrictions on access to information along with the trend towards the growth of the state sector in Russia, there is an increasing need to develop a unified methodology to measure its scale and assess its impact on the economy, investment and stock market. The proposed methodology and the obtained empirical results allow not only to comprehensively assess the contribution of the state sector in creating GDP and increasing the capitalization of the stock market, but also to conduct comparative studies of performance indicators and stock returns in companies with different ownership structure, as well as an international empirical analysis of the state sector impact on the economies and the financial and economic performance of companies


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    Pedigree of the family from Krasnoyarsk city with hereditary disorders of intracardiac conduction was studied. The diagnosis of each family member was verified by electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography , bicycle ergometry , ECG Holter monitoring. The family 10-year follow-up showed familial aggregation of intracardiac conduction disorders in grandson, niece, son of the proband niece, ie, in the III-degree relatives. Family history of III-degree relatives with intracardiac conduction disorders and discordant pathology is identified