584 research outputs found

    Calculation of dephasing times in closed quantum dots

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    Dephasing of one-particle states in closed quantum dots is analyzed within the framework of random matrix theory and Master equation. Combination of this analysis with recent experiments on the magnetoconductance allows for the first time to evaluate the dephasing times of closed quantum dots. These dephasing times turn out to depend on the mean level spacing and to be significantly enhanced as compared with the case of open dots. Moreover, the experimental data available are consistent with the prediction that the dephasing of one-particle states in finite closed systems disappears at low enough energies and temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral fluctuations effects on conductance peak height statistics in quantum dots

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    Within random matrix theory for quantum dots, both the dot's one-particle eigenlevels and the dot-lead couplings are statistically distributed. While the effect of the latter on the conductance is obvious and has been taken into account in the literature, the statistical distribution of the one-particle eigenlevels is generally replaced by a picket-fence spectrum. Here we take the random matrix theory eigenlevel distribution explicitly into account and observe significant deviations in the conductance distribution and magnetoconductance of closed quantum dots at experimentally relevant temperatures.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Detection of Volcanic Plumes by GPS: the 23 November 2013 Episode on Mt. Etna

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    The detection of volcanic plumes produced during explosive eruptions is important to improve our under- standing on dispersal processes and reduce risks to aviation operations. The ability of Global Position-ing System (GPS) to retrieve volcanic plumes is one of the new challenges of the last years in volcanic plume de - tection. In this work, we analyze the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) data from 21 permanent stations of the GPS network of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo, that are located on the Mt. Etna (Italy) flanks. Being one of the most explosive events since 2011, the eruption of November 23, 2013 was chosen as a test-case. Results show some variations in the SNR data that can be correlated with the presence of an ash-laden plume in the atmosphere. Benefits and limitations of the method are highlighted

    High Bias Transport and Magnetometer Design in Open Quantum Dots

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    We report transport measurements as a function of bias in open semiconductor quantum dots. These measurements are well described by an effective electron temperature derived from Joule heating at the point contacts and cooling by Wiedemann-Franz out-diffusion of thermal electrons. Using this model, we propose and analyze a quantum dot based sensor which measures absolute magnetic field at micron scales with a noise floor of 50μϕ0/Hz\sim 50 \mu\phi_{0} / \sqrt{Hz} at 300 mK.Comment: 10 pages including 3 figure

    Conductance fluctuations and weak localization in chaotic quantum dots

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    We study the conductance statistical features of ballistic electrons flowing through a chaotic quantum dot. We show how the temperature affects the universal conductance fluctuations by analyzing the influence of dephasing and thermal smearing. This leads us to two main findings. First, we show that the energy correlations in the transmission, which were overlooked so far, are important for calculating the variance and higher moments of the conductance. Second, we show that there is an ambiguity in the method of determination of the dephasing rate from the size of the of the weak localization. We find that the dephasing times obtained at low temperatures from quantum dots are underestimated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    «Белая дача» А.П. Чехова – как часть культурного ландшафта Крыма

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    Данная работа написана в рамках научного проекта кафедры культурологии «Культурные ландшафты Крыма» и посвящена рассмотрению «Белой дачи» А.П. Чехова (ныне Дом-музей А.П. Чехова в Ялте) как культурному ландшафту – результату сотворчества человека и природы

    Photocurrent, Rectification, and Magnetic Field Symmetry of Induced Current Through Quantum Dots

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    We report mesoscopic dc current generation in an open chaotic quantum dot with ac excitation applied to one of the shape-defining gates. For excitation frequencies large compared to the inverse dwell time of electrons in the dot (i.e., GHz), we find mesoscopic fluctuations of induced current that are fully asymmetric in the applied perpendicular magnetic field, as predicted by recent theory. Conductance, measured simultaneously, is found to be symmetric in field. In the adiabatic (i.e., MHz) regime, in contrast, the induced current is always symmetric in field, suggesting its origin is mesoscopic rectification.Comment: related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Decoherence in Nearly-Isolated Quantum Dots

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    Decoherence in nearly-isolated GaAs quantum dots is investigated using the change in average Coulomb blockade peak height upon breaking time-reversal symmetry. The normalized change in average peak height approaches the predicted universal value of 1/4 at temperatures well below the single-particle level spacing, but is greatly suppressed for temperature greater than the level spacing, suggesting that inelastic scattering or other dephasing mechanisms dominate in this regime.Comment: Significant revisions to include comparison to theory. Related papers available at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed