1,751 research outputs found

    Modified Baryonic Dynamics: two-component cosmological simulations with light sterile neutrinos

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    In this article we continue to test cosmological models centred on Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) with light sterile neutrinos, which could in principle be a way to solve the fine-tuning problems of the standard model on galaxy scales while preserving successful predictions on larger scales. Due to previous failures of the simple MOND cosmological model, here we test a speculative model where the modified gravitational field is produced only by the baryons and the sterile neutrinos produce a purely Newtonian field (hence Modified Baryonic Dynamics). We use two component cosmological simulations to separate the baryonic N-body particles from the sterile neutrino ones. The premise is to attenuate the over-production of massive galaxy cluster halos which were prevalent in the original MOND plus light sterile neutrinos scenario. Theoretical issues with such a formulation notwithstanding, the Modified Baryonic Dynamics model fails to produce the correct amplitude for the galaxy cluster mass function for any reasonable value of the primordial power spectrum normalisation.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to JCA

    Pressure effects on collective density fluctuations in water and protein solutions

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    Neutron Brillouin scattering and molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate protein hydration water density fluctuations as a function of pressure. Our results show significant differences between the pressure and density dependence of collective dynamics in bulk water and in concentrated protein solutions. Pressure-induced changes in the tetrahedral order of the water HB network have direct consequences for the high-frequency sound velocity and damping coefficients, which we find to be a sensitive probe for changes in the HB network structure as well as the wetting of biomolecular surfaces

    Measuring the cosmic ray acceleration efficiency of a supernova remnant

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    Cosmic rays are the most energetic particles arriving at earth. Although most of them are thought to be accelerated by supernova remnants, the details of the acceleration process and its efficiency are not well determined. Here we show that the pressure induced by cosmic rays exceeds the thermal pressure behind the northeast shock of the supernova remnant RCW 86, where the X-ray emission is dominated by synchrotron radiation from ultra-relativistic electrons. We determined the cosmic-ray content from the thermal Doppler broadening measured with optical spectroscopy, combined with a proper-motion study in X- rays. The measured post-shock proton temperature in combination with the shock velocity does not agree with standard shock heating, implying that >50% of the post-shock pressure is produced by cosmic rays.Comment: Published in Science express, 10 pages, 5 figures and 2 table

    Quantified Morphology of HI Disks in the Universe

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    he upcoming new perspective of the high redshift Universe in the 21 cm line of atomic hydrogen opens possibilities to explore topics of spiral disk evolution, hitherto reserved for the optical regime. The growth of spiral gas disks over Cosmic time can be explored with the new generation of radio telescopes, notably the SKA, and its precursors, as accurately as with the Hubble Space Telescope for stellar disks. Since the atomic hydrogen gas is the building block of these disks, it should trace their formation accurately. Morphology of HI disks can now equally be quantified over Cosmic time. In studies of HST deep fields, the optical or UV morphology of high-redshift galaxy disks have been characterized using a few quantities: concentration (C), asymmetry (A), smoothness (S), second-order-moment (M20), the GINI coefficient (G), and Ellipticity (E). We have applied these parameters across wavelengths and compared them to the HI morphology over the THINGS sample. NGC 3184, an unperturbed disk, and NGC 5194, the canonical 3:1 interaction, serve as examples for quantified morphology. We find that morphology parameters determined in HI are as good or better a tracer of interaction compared to those in any other wavelength, notably in Asymmetry, Gini and M20. This opens the possibility of using them in the parameterization pipeline for SKA precursor catalogues to select interacting or harassed galaxies from their HI morphology. Asymmetry, Gini and M20 may be redefined for use on data-cubes rather than HI column density image.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, proceeding of the conference "Panoramic Radio Astronomy: Wide-field 1-2 GHz research on galaxy evolution", June 02 - 05 2009, Groningen, update after small edit

    Quantified HI Morphology II : Lopsidedness and Interaction in WHISP Column Density Maps

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    Lopsidedness of the gaseous disk of spiral galaxies is a common phenomenon in disk morphology, profile and kinematics. Simultaneously, the asymmetry of a galaxy's stellar disk, in combination with other morphological parameters, has seen extensive use as an indication of recent merger or interaction in galaxy samples. Quantified morphology of stellar spiral disks is one avenue to determine the merger rate over much of the age of the Universe. In this paper, we measure the quantitative morphology parameters for the HI column density maps from the Westerbork observations of neutral Hydrogen in Irregular and SPiral galaxies (WHISP). These are Concentration, Asymmetry, Smoothness, Gini, M20, and one addition of our own, the Gini parameter of the second order moment (GM). Our aim is to determine if lopsided or interacting disks can be identified with these parameters. Our sample of 141 HI maps have all previous classifications on their lopsidedness and interaction. We find that the Asymmetry, M20, and our new GM parameter correlate only weakly with the previous morphological lopsidedness quantification. These three parameters may be used to compute a probability that an HI disk is morphologically lopsided but not unequivocally to determine it. However, we do find that that the question whether or not an HI disk is interacting can be settled well using morphological parameters. Parameter cuts from the literature do not translate from ultraviolet to HI directly but new selection criteria using combinations of Asymmetry and M20 or Concentration and M20, work very well. We suggest that future all-sky HI surveys may use these parameters of the column density maps to determine the merger fraction and hence rate in the local Universe with a high degree of accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted by MNRAS, appendix not include

    Test engineering education in Europe: the EuNICE-Test project

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    The paper deals with a European experience of education in industrial test of ICs and SoCs using remote testing facilities. The project addresses the problem of the shortage in microelectronics engineers aware with the new challenge of testing mixed-signal SoCs far multimedia/telecom market. It aims at providing test training facilities at a European scale in both initial and continuing education contexts. This is done by allowing the academic and industrial partners of the consortium to train engineers using the common test resources center (CRTC) hosted by LIRMM (Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microelectronique de Montpellier, France). CRTC test tools include up-to-date/high-tech testers that are fully representative of real industrial testers as used on production testfloors. At the end of the project, it is aimed at reaching a cruising speed of about 16 trainees per year per center. Each trainee will have attend at least one one-week training using the remote test facilities of CRTC

    Synoptic study of the SMC SNRs using XMM-Newton

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    We present a detailed X-ray spectral analysis of 13 supernova remnants (SNR) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We apply both single-temperature non-equilibrium ionisation models and models based on the Sedov similarity solution, where applicable. We also present detailed X-ray images of individual SNRs, which reveal a range of different morphological features. Eight remnants, viz DEM S 32, IKT 2, HFPK 419, IKT 6, IKT 16, IKT 18 and IKT 23, are consistent with being in their Sedov evolutionary phase. IKT 6 and IKT 23 both have a clear shell like morphology with oxygen-rich X-ray emitting material in the centre. We draw attention to similarities between these two remnants and the well studied, oxygen-rich remnant IKT 22 (SNR 0102-72.3) and propose that they are more evolved versions of IKT 22. IKT 4, IKT 5, DEM S 128 and IKT 5 are evolved remnants which are in, or in the process of entering, the radiative cooling stage. We argue that the X-ray emission from these four remnants is most likely from the ejecta remains of type Ia SNe. Our modeling allow us to derive estimates for physical parameters, such as densities, ages, masses and initial explosion energies. Our results indicate that the average SMC hydrogen density is a factor of ~6 lower as compared to the Large Magellanic Cloud. This has obvious implications for the evolution and luminosities of the SMC SNRs. We also estimate the average SMC gas phase abundances for the elements O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe.Comment: submitted to A&
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