132 research outputs found

    A dualistic model of primary anal canal adenocarcinoma with distinct cellular origins, etiologies, inflammatory microenvironments and mutational signatures: implications for personalised medicine.

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    Primary adenocarcinoma of the anal canal is a rare and aggressive gastrointestinal disease with unclear pathogenesis. Because of its rarity, no clear clinical practice guideline has been defined and a targeted therapeutic armamentarium has yet to be developed. The present article aimed at addressing this information gap by in-depth characterising the anal glandular neoplasms at the histologic, immunologic, genomic and epidemiologic levels. In this multi-institutional study, we first examined the histological features displayed by each collected tumour (n = 74) and analysed their etiological relationship with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The intratumoural immune cell subsets (CD4, CD8, Foxp3), the expression of immune checkpoints (PD-1, PD-L1), the defect in mismatch repair proteins and the mutation analysis of multiple clinically relevant genes in the gastrointestinal cancer setting were also determined. Finally, the prognostic significance of each clinicopathological variable was assessed. Phenotypic analysis revealed two region-specific subtypes of anal canal adenocarcinoma. The significant differences in the HPV status, density of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes, expression of immune checkpoints and mutational profile of several targetable genes further supported the separation of these latter neoplasms into two distinct entities. Importantly, anal gland/transitional-type cancers, which poorly respond to standard treatments, displayed less mutations in downstream effectors of the EGFR signalling pathway (i.e., KRAS and NRAS) and demonstrated a significantly higher expression of the immune inhibitory ligand-receptor pair PD-1/PD-L1 compared to their counterparts arising from the colorectal mucosa. Taken together, the findings reported in the present article reveal, for the first time, that glandular neoplasms of the anal canal arise by HPV-dependent or independent pathways. These etiological differences leads to both individual immune profiles and mutational landscapes that can be targeted for therapeutic benefits

    Inhibition of DDR1 enhances in vivo chemosensitivity in KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinoma

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    Platinum-based chemotherapy in combination with immune-checkpoint inhibitors is the current standard of care for patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). However, tumor progression evolves in most cases. Therefore, predictive bioma ricers are needed for better patient stratification and for the identification of new therapeutic strategies, including enhancing the efficacy of chemotoxic agents. Here, we hypothesized that discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) may be both a predictive factor for chemoresistance in patients with LUAD and a potential target positively selected in resistant cells. By using biopsies from patients with LUAD, KRAS-mutant LUAD cell lines, and in vivo genetically engineered KRAS-driven mouse models, we evaluated the role of DDR1 in the context of chemotherapy treatment. We found that DORT is upregulated during chemotherapy both in vitro and in viva. Moreover, analysis of a cohort of patients with LUAD suggested that high DOR1 levels in pretreatment biopsies correlated with poor response to chemotherapy. Additionally, we showed that combining DORI inhibition with chemotherapy prompted a synergistic therapeutic effect and enhanced cell death of KRAS-mutant tumors in vivo. Collectively, this study suggests a potential role for DDR1 as both a predictive and prognostic biomarker, potentially improving the chemotherapy response of patients with LUAD

    Vitamin K supplementation increases vitamin K tissue levels but fails to counteract ectopic calcification in a mouse model for pseudoxanthoma elasticum

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is an autosomal recessive disorder in which calcification of connective tissue leads to pathology in skin, eye and blood vessels. PXE is caused by mutations in ABCC6. High expression of this transporter in the basolateral hepatocyte membrane suggests that it secretes an as-yet elusive factor into the circulation which prevents ectopic calcification. Utilizing our Abcc6−/− mouse model for PXE, we tested the hypothesis that this factor is vitamin K (precursor) (Borst et al. 2008, Cell Cycle). For 3 months, Abcc6−/− and wild-type mice were put on diets containing either the minimum dose of vitamin K required for normal blood coagulation or a dose that was 100 times higher. Vitamin K was supplied as menaquinone-7 (MK-7). Ectopic calcification was monitored in vivo by monthly micro-CT scans of the snout, as the PXE mouse model develops a characteristic connective tissue mineralization at the base of the whiskers. In addition, calcification of kidney arteries was measured by histology. Results show that supplemental MK-7 had no effect on ectopic calcification in Abcc6−/− mice. MK-7 supplementation increased vitamin K levels (in skin, heart and brain) in wild-type and in Abcc6−/− mice. Vitamin K tissue levels did not depend on Abcc6 genotype. In conclusion, dietary MK-7 supplementation increased vitamin K tissue levels in the PXE mouse model but failed to counteract ectopic calcification. Hence, we obtained no support for the hypothesis that Abcc6 transports vitamin K and that PXE can be cured by increasing tissue levels of vitamin K

    Restoration of Podocyte Structure and Improvement of Chronic Renal Disease in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Renin

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    Proteinuria is a major marker of the decline of renal function and an important risk factor of coronary heart disease. Elevated proteinuria is associated to the disruption of slit-diaphragm and loss of podocyte foot processes, structural alterations that are considered irreversible. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether proteinuria can be reversed and to identify the structural modifications and the gene/protein regulation associated to this reversal.We used a novel transgenic strain of mouse (RenTg) that overexpresses renin at a constant high level. At the age of 12-month, RenTg mice showed established lesions typical of chronic renal disease such as peri-vascular and periglomerular inflammation, glomerular ischemia, glomerulosclerosis, mesangial expansion and tubular dilation. Ultrastructural analysis indicated abnormal heterogeneity of basement membrane thickness and disappearance of podocyte foot processes. These structural alterations were accompanied by decreased expressions of proteins specific of podocyte (nephrin, podocin), or tubular epithelial cell (E-cadherin and megalin) integrity. In addition, since TGFbeta is considered the major pro-fibrotic agent in renal disease and since exogenous administration of BMP7 is reported to antagonize the TGFbeta-induced phenotype changes in kidney, we have screened the expressions of several genes belonging in the TGFbeta/BMP superfamily. We found that the endogenous inhibitors of BMPs such as noggin and Usag-1 were several-fold activated inhibiting the action of BMPs and thus reinforcing the deleterious action of TGFbeta.Treatment with an AT1 receptor antagonist, at dose that did not decrease arterial pressure, gradually reduced albuminuria. This decrease was accompanied by re-expression of podocin, nephrin, E-cadherin and megalin, and reappearance of podocyte foot processes. In addition, expressions of noggin and Usag-1 were markedly decreased, permitting thus activation of the beneficial action of BMPs.These findings show that proteinuria and alterations in the expression of proteins involved in the integrity and function of glomerular and renal epithelial phenotype are reversible events when the local action of angiotensin II is blocked, and provide hope that chronic renal disease can be efficiently treated

    Identification and manipulation of tumor associated macrophages in human cancers

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    Evading immune destruction and tumor promoting inflammation are important hallmarks in the development of cancer. Macrophages are present in most human tumors and are often associated with bad prognosis. Tumor associated macrophages come in many functional flavors ranging from what is known as classically activated macrophages (M1) associated with acute inflammation and T-cell immunity to immune suppressive macrophages (M2) associated with the promotion of tumor growth. The role of these functionally different myeloid cells is extensively studied in mice tumor models but dissimilarities in markers and receptors make the direct translation to human cancer difficult. This review focuses on recent reports discriminating the type of infiltrating macrophages in human tumors and the environmental cues present that steer their differentiation. Finally, immunotherapeutic approaches to interfere in this process are discussed