353 research outputs found


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    AbstrakDalam era teknologi ini, kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi bergantung pada penelitian dananalisisyang mendalam. Mekanika fluida memiliki aplikasi luas dalam berbagai sektor, termasuk industri berbagaiskala. Dalam perkembangan industri di Indonesia, peningkatan kinerja produk menjadi kunci, di manamesin dan peralatan memiliki peran sentral. Pendidikan tinggi berperan dalam membentuk sumber dayamanusia terampil.Dalam dunia industri, pompa sentrifugal digunakan secara luas untuk mengatasi hambatan aliran cairanmelalui peningkatan tekanan. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi penyebab dan dampak aliran tersumbat padapompa feed slurry di PT. Indo Bharat Rayon. Solusi dan langkah-langkah pencegahan diusulkanberdasarkan observasi dan wawancara. Hasilnya mengindikasikan penurunan signifikan dalamefisiensi mesin akibat aliran tersumbat.Kata Kunci: mekanika fluida, pompa sentrifugal, aliran tersumbat, efisiensi, industri.AbstractIn this era of technology, the advancement of science and technology relies on in-depth research andanalysis.Fluid mechanics has extensive applications in various sectors, including industries of different scales. In thedevelopment of industries in Indonesia, improving product performance is key, where machinery andequipment play a central role. Higher education institutions contribute to shaping skilled human resources.In the industrial world, centrifugal pumps are widely used to overcome fluid flow obstructions by increasingpressure. This study explores the causes and impacts of flow blockages in the slurry feed pump at PT. IndoBharat Rayon. Solutions and preventive measures are proposed based on observations and interviews. Theresults indicate a significant decrease in machine efficiency due to flow blockages.Keywords: fluid mechanics, centrifugal pump, flow blockages, efficiency, industry

    On the Low-Frequency Dynamics of Turbulent Separation Bubbles

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    The low-frequency modal and non-modal stability characteristics of an incompressible, pressure-gradient-induced turbulent separation bubble (TSB) are investigated with the objective of studying the mechanism responsible for the low-frequency contraction and expansion (breathing) commonly observed in experimental studies. The configuration of interest is a TSB generated on a flat test surface by a succession of adverse and favourable pressure gradients. The base flow selected for the analysis is the average TSB from the direct numerical simulation of Coleman et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 847, 2018). Global linear stability analysis reveals that the flow is globally stable for wavenumbers. The mode closest to the stability threshold appears to occur at zero frequency and low, non-zero spanwise wavenumber. Resolvent analysis is then employed to examine the forced dynamics of the flow. At low frequency, a region of low, non-zero spanwise wavenumber is also discernible, where the receptivity appears to be driven by the identified weakly damped global mode. The results from resolvent analysis are compared to the unsteady experimental database of Le Floc'h et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 902, 2020) in a similar TSB flow. The alignment between the optimal response and the first spectral proper orthogonal decomposition mode computed from the experiments is shown to exceed 95 %, while the spanwise wavenumber of the optimal response is consistent with that of the low-frequency breathing motion captured experimentally. This indicates that the fluctuations observed experimentally at low frequency closely match the response computed from resolvent analysis. Based on these results, we propose that the forced dynamics of the flow, driven by the weakly damped global mode, serve as a plausible mechanism for the origin of the low-frequency breathing motion commonly observed in experimental studies of TSBs

    Unlocking community capability through promotion of self-help for health: experience from Chakaria, Bangladesh

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    Background People’s participation in health, enshrined in the 1978 Alma Ata declaration, seeks to tap into community capability for better health and empowerment. One mechanism to promote participation in health is through participatory action research (PAR) methods. Beginning in 1994, the Bangladeshi research organization ICDDR,B implemented a project “self-help for health,” to work with existing rural self-help organizations (SHOs). SHOs are organizations formed by villagers for their well-being through their own initiatives without external material help. This paper describes the project’s implementation, impact, and reflective learnings. Methods Following a self-help conceptual framework and PAR, the project focused on building the capacity of SHOs and their members through training on organizational issues, imparting health literacy, and supporting participatory planning and monitoring. Quarterly activity reports and process documentation were the main sources of qualitative data used for this paper, enabling documentation of changes in organizational issues, as well as the number and nature of initiatives taken by the SHOs in the intervention area. Health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) data from intervention and comparison areas since 1999 allowed assessment of changes in health indicators over time. Results Villagers and members of the SHOs actively participated in the self-help activities. SHO functionality increased in the intervention area, in terms of improved organizational processes and planned health activities. These included most notably in convening more regular meetings, identifying community needs, developing and implementing action plans, and monitoring progress and impact. Between 1999 and 2015, while decreases in infant mortality and increases in utilization of at least one antenatal care visit occurred similarly in intervention and comparison areas, increases in immunization, skilled birth attendance, facility deliveries and sanitary latrines were substantially more in intervention than comparison areas. Conclusion Building community capability by working with pre-existing SHOs, encouraging them to place health on their agendas, strengthening their functioning and implementation of health activities led to sustained improvements in utilization of services for over 20 years. Key elements underpinning success include efforts to build and maintain trust, ensuring social inclusion in project activities, and balancing demands for material resources with flexibility to be responsive to community needs

    Grain yield and its components study and their association with normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) under terminal water deficit and well-irrigated conditions in wheat (Triticum durum Desf. and Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Six genotype of Triticum aestivum L. in 1991 and one genotype of Triticum durum Desf. and three of T. aestivum L. in 1992 were studied under different water regimes: full irrigation (R1), mild water stress (R3) and severe water stress (R2) at Magneraud (France). Traits evaluated were grain yield and its components, stress susceptibility index (SSI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The analysis of variance revealed significant differences between regimes and among the cultivars for all traits except between regimes for thousand grains weight in 1991. The regime × variety interaction was significant for grain yield, thousand grains weight and NDVI in 1992 and for grain yield in 1991. For all traits, durum wheat (T. durum Desf.) has higher reduction in the two water stress than the common wheat (T. aestivum L.). Correlations studies revealed that grain yield, grains number/m², thousand grains weight and NDVI were associated with each other except for correlations between thousand grains weight on one hand and grain yield (1992) and grains number/m² (1991) on the other hand. 51.55, 27.88, 4.12% (1991) and 75, 43 and 20.2% (1992) of grain yield, grains/m² and thousand grains weight variability, respectively were explained by means NDVI variability. The grain yield and grains number/m² could be predicted using a single regression with NDVI.Keywords: Grain yield, grain yield components, NDVI, durum wheat and bread wheat

    High concentration of childhood deaths in the low-lying areas of Chakaria HDSS, Bangladesh: findings from a spatial analysis

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    Background: Despite significant reduction of childhood mortality in Bangladesh, large spatial variations persist. Identification of lower level spatial units with higher concentrations of deaths can be useful for strengthening services in these areas. This paper reports findings from a spatial analysis of deaths in Chakaria, a rural subdistrict, where a Health and Demographic Surveillance System has been in place since 1999. Chakaria is an INDEPTH member site. Methods: An analysis was done of 339 deaths among nearly 24,500 children under the age of five during 2005–2008. One ward, the lowest level of administrative units, was the unit of spatial analysis. Data from 24 wards were analyzed. The Discrete Poisson Probability Model was used to identify the clustering of deaths. Results: Deaths were concentrated within 12 wards located in the low-lying deltaic flood plains of the Chakaria HDSS area. The risk of death in the low-lying areas was statistically, significantly higher, 1.5 times, than the non-low-lying areas (p<0.02). Conclusion: Spatial analysis can be a useful tool for identifying high-risk mortality areas. An understanding of the risk factors prevalent in the low-lying areas can help design effective interventions to reduce mortality in these areas

    A procedure for computing the spot production rate in transitional boundary layers

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    The present work describes a method for the computation of the nucleation rate of turbulent spots in transitional boundary layers from particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements. Different detection functions for turbulent events recognition were first tested and validated using data from direct numerical simulation, and this latter describes a flat-plate boundary layer under zero pressure gradient. The comparison with a previously defined function adopted in the literature, which is based on the local spanwise wall-shear stress, clearly highlights the possibility of accurately predicting the statistical evolution of transition even when the near-wall velocity field is not directly available from the measurements. The present procedure was systematically applied to PIV data collected in a wall-parallel measuring plane located inside a flat plate boundary layer evolving under variable Reynolds number, adverse pressure gradient (APG) and free-stream turbulence. The results presented in this work show that the present method allows capturing the statistical response of the transition process to the modification of the inlet flow conditions. The location of the maximum spot nucleation is shown to move upstream when increasing all the main flow parameters. Additionally, the transition region becomes shorter for higher Re and APG, whereas the turbulence level variation gives the opposite trend. The effects of the main flow parameters on the coefficients defining the analytic distribution of the nucleation rate and their link to the momentum thickness Reynolds number at the point of transition are discussed in the paper.[GRAPHICS]

    Tailoring the microstructure of a solid oxide fuel cell anode support by calcination and milling of YSZ

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    In this study, the effects of calcination and milling of 8YSZ (8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia) used in the nickel-YSZ anode on the performance of anode supported tubular fuel cells were investigated. For this purpose, two different types of cells were prepared based on a Ni-YSZ/YSZ/NdNiO-YSZ configuration. For the anode preparation, a suspension was prepared by mixing NiO and YSZ in a ratio of 65:35 wt% (Ni:YSZ 50:50 vol.%) with 30 vol.% graphite as the pore former. As received Tosoh YSZ or its calcined form (heated at 1500 °C for 3 hours) was used in the anode support as the YSZ source. Electrochemical results showed that optimization of the fuel electrode microstructure is essential for the optimal distribution of gas within the support of the cell, especially under electrolysis operation where the performance for an optimized cell (calcined YSZ) was enhanced by a factor of two. In comparison with a standard cell (containing as received YSZ), at 1.5 V and 800 °C the measured current density was -1380 mA cm and -690 mA cm for the cells containing calcined and as received YSZ, respectively. The present study suggests that the anode porosity for improved cell performance under SOEC is more critical than SOFC mode due to more complex gas diffusion under electrolysis mode where large amount of steam needs to be transfered into the cell.The authors would like to acknowledge the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC) of Canada and Fundacion Domingo Martinez and Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (grant no. MAT2015-68078-R) of Spain for funding this research.Peer Reviewe

    Effects of Upstream Wakes on the Boundary Layer Over a Low-Pressure Turbine Blade

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    In the present work, the evolution of the boundary layer over a low-pressure turbine blade is studied using direct numerical simulations, with the aim of investigating the unsteady flow field induced by the rotor-stator interaction. The freestream flow is characterized by the high level of freestream turbulence and periodically impinging wakes. As in the experiments, the wakes are shed by moving bars modeling the rotor blades and placed upstream of the turbine blades. To include the presence of the wake without employing an ad-hoc model, we simulate both the moving bars and the stationary blades in their respective frames of reference and the coupling of the two domains is done through appropriate boundary conditions. The presence of the wake mainly affects the development of the boundary layer on the suction side of the blade. In particular, the flow separation in the rear part of the blade is suppressed. Moreover, the presence of the wake introduces alternating regions in the streamwise direction of high- and low-velocity fluctuations inside the boundary layer. These fluctuations are responsible for significant variations of the shear stress. The analysis of the velocity fields allows the characterization of the streaky structures forced in the boundary layer by turbulence carried by upstream wakes. The breakdown events are observed once positive streamwise velocity fluctuations reach the end of the blade. Both the fluctuations induced by the migration of the wake in the blade passage and the presence of the streaks contribute to high values of the disturbance velocity inside the boundary layer with respect to a steady inflow case. The amplification of the boundary layer disturbances associated with different spanwise wavenumbers has been computed. It was found that the migration of the wake in the blade passage stands for the most part of the perturbations with zero spanwise wavenumber. The non-zero wavenumbers are found to be amplified in the rear part of the blade at the boundary between the lowand high-speed regions associated with the wakes. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4056108