12,267 research outputs found

    Chord Label Personalization through Deep Learning of Integrated Harmonic Interval-based Representations

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    The increasing accuracy of automatic chord estimation systems, the availability of vast amounts of heterogeneous reference annotations, and insights from annotator subjectivity research make chord label personalization increasingly important. Nevertheless, automatic chord estimation systems are historically exclusively trained and evaluated on a single reference annotation. We introduce a first approach to automatic chord label personalization by modeling subjectivity through deep learning of a harmonic interval-based chord label representation. After integrating these representations from multiple annotators, we can accurately personalize chord labels for individual annotators from a single model and the annotators' chord label vocabulary. Furthermore, we show that chord personalization using multiple reference annotations outperforms using a single reference annotation.Comment: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Deep Learning and Music, Anchorage, US, May, 2017 (arXiv:1706.08675v1 [cs.NE]

    Structural basis of the chiral selectivity of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase

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    To investigate the enantioselectivity of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase, inhibition studies were performed with SC- and RC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dialkylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl alkylphosphonates of different alkyl chain lengths. P. cepacia lipase was most rapidly inactivated by RC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dioctylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl octylphosphonate (RC-trioctyl) with an inactivation half-time of 75 min, while that for the SC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dioctylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl octyl-phosphonate (SC-trioctyl) compound was 530 min. X-ray structures were obtained of P. cepacia lipase after reaction with RC-trioctyl to 0.29-nm resolution at pH 4 and covalently modified with RC-(RP,SP)-1,2-dibutylcarbamoylglycero-3-O-p-nitrophenyl butyl-phosphonate (RC-tributyl) to 0.175-nm resolution at pH 8.5. The three-dimensional structures reveal that both triacylglycerol analogues had reacted with the active-site Ser87, forming a covalent complex. The bound phosphorus atom shows the same chirality (SP) in both complexes despite the use of a racemic (RP,SP) mixture at the phosphorus atom of the triacylglycerol analogues. In the structure of RC-tributyl-complexed P. cepacia lipase, the diacylglycerol moiety has been lost due to an aging reaction, and only the butyl phosphonate remains visible in the electron density. In the RC-trioctyl complex the complete inhibitor is clearly defined; it adopts a bent tuning fork conformation. Unambiguously, four binding pockets for the triacylglycerol could be detected: an oxyanion hole and three pockets which accommodate the sn-1, sn-2, and sn-3 fatty acid chains. Van der Waals’ interactions are the main forces that keep the radyl groups of the triacylglycerol analogue in position and, in addition, a hydrogen bond to the carbonyl oxygen of the sn-2 chain contributes to fixing the position of the inhibitor.

    Depolarisation cooling of an atomic cloud

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    We propose a cooling scheme based on depolarisation of a polarised cloud of trapped atoms. Similar to adiabatic demagnetisation, we suggest to use the coupling between the internal spin reservoir of the cloud and the external kinetic reservoir via dipolar relaxation to reduce the temperature of the cloud. By optical pumping one can cool the spin reservoir and force the cooling process. In case of a trapped gas of dipolar chromium atoms, we show that this cooling technique can be performed continuously and used to approach the critical phase space density for BECComment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Interplay of size and Landau quantizations in the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations of metallic nanowires

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    We examine the interplay between size quantization and Landau quantization in the De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations of clean, metallic nanowires in a longitudinal magnetic field for `hard' boundary conditions, i.e. those of an infinite round well, as opposed to the `soft' parabolically confined boundary conditions previously treated in Alexandrov and Kabanov (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 076601 (2005) (AK)). We find that there exist {\em two} fundamental frequencies as opposed to the one found in bulk systems and the three frequencies found by AK with soft boundary counditions. In addition, we find that the additional `magic resonances' of AK may be also observed in the infinite well case, though they are now damped. We also compare the numerically generated energy spectrum of the infinite well potential with that of our analytic approximation, and compare calculations of the oscillatory portions of the thermodynamic quantities for both models.Comment: Title changed, paper streamlined on suggestion of referrees, typos corrected, numerical error in figs 2 and 3 corrected and final result simplified -- two not three frequencies (as in the previous version) are observed. Abstract altered accordingly. Submitted to Physical Review

    Chiral density waves in quark matter within the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in an external magnetic field

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    A possibility of formation of static dual scalar and pseudoscalar density wave condensates in dense quark matter is considered for the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model in an external magnetic field. Within a mean-field approximation, the effective potential of the theory is obtained and its minima are numerically studied; a phase diagram of the system is constructed. It is shown that the presence of a magnetic field favors the formation of spatially inhomogeneous condensate configurations at low temperatures and arbitrary non-zero values of the chemical potential.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    TOBI sidescan sonar mapping of carbonate mound provinces and channel heads in the Porcupine Seabight, W. of Ireland

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    A large-scale sidescan sonar survey, using the 30 kHz TOBI system of the SOC, was carried out in summer 2002 over the carbonate mound provinces of the Porcupine Seabight and Rockall Trough, W of Ireland (EASSS III contract HPRI-CT-1999-00047, survey partly on behalf of the Porcupine Studies Group). The survey in the Porcupine Seabight focused on the Hovland-Magellan province in the north and the Belgica province on the eastern flank of the basin. Furthermore a reconnaissance track was added over the canyon heads of the Gollum Channel System further south in the Seabight.Each area has different characteristics. The Hovland-Magellan province shows a very homogeneous backscatter in the sidescan mosaics, indicating a quiet depositional environment. Mounds appear as sharp features with a strong backscatter and an acoustic shadow. Some Hovland mounds form multiple, ridge-like structures of more than a km in length. The Magellan mounds are nearly all buried, but leave subtle topographic effects at the seafloor.The Belgica mound province is characterised by much less homogeneous backscatter and a steeper seafloor slope. The mounds are placed en echelon along the slope and are bound to the W by a blind channel. Smaller down-slope channels are also found between the mounds. Many small, high-backscatter features, interpreted as incipient (’Moira’) mounds have been found in this province. Striations in the blind channel, and higher up on the slope of the Belgica province indicate the influence of high current speeds. Pockmarks have been found just south of the Belgica province. The Gollum Channels are steep-flanked, U- or V-shaped channels of ca. 200 m deep. Their steep walls are cut by gullies and feeder channels, and evidence of slope failures is present. Lineations and high-backscatter patches are found on some of the channel floors

    Structure and development of carbonate mounds along the NE Atlantic margin

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    Giant carbonate mounds between 500-1200 m water depth along both the SE and SW margins of Rockall Trough rise 5 to 300 m above the surrounding seafloor and have diameters at their basis of up to 5 km. Buried mounds, at relatively shallow depth below the seafloor are also found. Both individual and complex clusters of mounds can be recognized. Smaller and individual, sometimes buried mounds are found at the upper slope. On the SW Rockall Trough margin, higher, steeper and individual mounds are found deeper downslope (900-1100 m). At the middle slope the mounds merge into a complex structure and form complex clusters with a very irregular upper surface and an apparent lack of internal reflectors (600-1000 m depth). These clusters are oriented perpendicular and slightly oblique to the prevailing bathymetry, and show on TOBI profiles as linear ridges. Further results of the TOBI survey in summer 2002 show that the distribution of mounds along the flanks of SW Rockall Trough is considerably more widespread than previously considered, and also that the mounds appear to form constructional elements on a large plateau. Erosional channels between mounds identify the strong interaction between mound shape and strong bottom currents along the slopes of mounds. On the upper flank the mounds are delineated by a field of large gravelly sediment waves of 500m wavelength oriented parallel to the margin in the central part and more curved to the north. On their lower flank slide scars do locally occur

    Earth-like aqueous debris-flow activity on Mars at high orbital obliquity in the last million years

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    Liquid water is currently extremely rare on Mars, but was more abundant during periods of high obliquity in the last few millions of years. This is testified by the widespread occurrence of mid-latitude gullies: small catchment-fan systems. However, there are no direct estimates of the amount and frequency of liquid water generation during these periods. Here we determine debris-flow size, frequency and associated water volumes in Istok crater, and show that debris flows occurred at Earth-like frequencies during high-obliquity periods in the last million years on Mars. Results further imply that local accumulations of snow/ice within gullies were much more voluminous than currently predicted; melting must have yielded centimetres of liquid water in catchments; and recent aqueous activity in some mid-latitude craters was much more frequent than previously anticipated

    Function of the fully conserved residues Asp99, Tyr52 and Tyr73 in phospholipase A2

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    In the active centre of pancreatic phospholipase A2 His48 is at hydrogen-bonding distance to Asp99. This Asp-His couple is assumed to act together with a water molecule as a catalytic triad. Asp99 is also linked via an extended hydrogen bonding system to the side chains of Tyr52 and Tyr73. To probe the function of the fully conserved Asp99, Tyr52 and Tyr73 residues in phospholipase A2, the Asp99 residue was replaced by Asn, and each of the two tyrosines was separately replaced by either a Phe or a Gln. The catalytic and binding properties of the Phe52 and Phe73 mutants did not change significantly relative to the wild-type enzyme. This rules out the possibility that either one of the two Tyr residues in the wild-type enzyme can function as an acyl acceptor or proton donor in catalysis. The Gln73 mutant could not be obtained in any significant amounts probably due to incorrect folding. The Gln52 mutant was isolated in low yield. This mutant showed a large decrease in catalytic activity while its substrate binding was nearly unchanged. The results suggest a structural role rather than a catalytic function of Tyr52 and Tyr73. Substitution of asparagine for aspartate hardly affects the binding constants for both monomeric and micellar substrate analogues. Kinetic characterization revealed that the Asn99 mutant has retained no less than 65% of its enzymatic activity on the monomeric substrate rac 1,2-dihexanoyldithio-propyl-3-phosphocholine, probably due to the fact that during hydrolysis of monomeric substrate by phospholipase A2 proton transfer is not the rate-limiting step. The Asp to Asn substitution decreases the catalytic rate on micellar 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine 25-fold. To explain this remaining activity we suggest that in the mutant the Asn99 orients His48 in the same way as Asp99 orients His48 in native phospholipase A2 and that the lowered activity is caused by a reduced stabilization of the transition state
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