291 research outputs found

    Thermoviscoplastic modelling of asymmetric effects for polymers at large strains

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    AbstractGlassy polymers such as polycarbonate exhibit different behaviours in different loading scenarios, such as tension and compression. To this end a flow rule is postulated within a thermodynamic consistent framework in a mixed variant formulation and decomposed into a sum of weighted stress mode related quantities. The different stress modes are chosen such that they are accessible to individual examination in the laboratory, where tension and compression are typical examples. The characterisation of the stress modes is obtained in the octahedral plane of the deviatoric stress space in terms of the Lode angle, such that stress mode dependent scalar weighting functions can be constructed. Furthermore the numerical implementation of the constitutive equations into a finite element program is briefly described. In a numerical example, the model is used to simulate the laser transmission welding process

    Investigation of fluorescent properties of plasma exosomes in diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer

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    Exosomes of blood plasma were studied using multiphoton tomography (two-photon microscopy). Exosomes were isolated in patients with colorectal cancer and in healthy donors. Images of fluorescence of exosomes were obtained at a wavelength of 760 nm and second harmonic generation at a wavelength of 380 nm. As a result of the analysis of the obtained data, qualitative differences were found between samples from patients with colorectal cancer and healthy donors

    The Problem Of Social Well-Being In The Period Of Perestroika

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    A qualitatively new stage in the development of the scientific-educational complex in Tomsk, as well as in the whole country, came with the speech of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M.S. Gorbachev at the April plenum of the party, which marked the beginning of the period of "perestroika" in 1985. The era of perestroika was marked by a number of contradictory tendencies in the science and educational institutions of the country in general and SPhTI in particular. "Perestroika" went under the slogans of "glasnost", "new political thinking". On the one hand, the processes of democratization that began in the country served as a powerful impetus for the academic community to find new ways to solve the urgent economic, environmental and social problems. On the other hand, at that time the alarming tendencies of the obsolescence of the material and technical base for research and academic institutions, ineffectiveness or the lack of active implementation of applied developments began to make themselves felt. Particular attention is paid to identify and analyze the dynamics of the transformation of organizational forms of research development in the Tomsk scientific-educational complex; analyze the specifics of state budget financing and contractual activity as reasons for the reduction of the staff of physicists and analyze the specifics of the material and living conditions of the academic community of Tomsk in the period of Perestroika. For all who are interested in the history of science, the history of Siberia and Russia

    Технологические решения для строительства эксплуатационной наклонно-направленной скважины глубиной 2510 метров на Пуглалымском нефтяном месторождении (Томская область)

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    Объект исследования эксплуатационная скважина месторождения Западной Сибири, Томской области. В геологической части приведены общие сведения о месторождении, литолого-стратиграфический разрез скважины, характеристика пласта, интервалы осложнений, комплекс проводимых геофизических исследований.The object of investigation is the production well of the West Siberia, Tomsk region. In the geological part general information about the deposit, lithologic-stratigraphic section of the well, characteristics of the formation, intervals of complications, complex of conducted geophysical studies