1,097 research outputs found


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    H\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e-H\u3csup\u3e-\u3c/sup\u3e coincidences from the three-body dissociation of excited H\u3csub\u3e3\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e\u3c/sub\u3e

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    The laboratory energy distribution of protons in coincidence with an H- ion, resulting from the dissociation of excited H3+, has been measured for H+-H- pairs emitted along the beam for 4.0-keV H3+-He collisions. An approximate energy distribution of H+-H- pairs for the collinear configuration of the dissociation products is obtained by transforming the measured laboratory spectrum to the H3+ center-of-mass (c.m.) frame. Coincidence data suggest that the reaction producing H+-H- pairs where the H+ ion has near-zero energies (3+ ions using a full configuration-interaction calculation with a basis set of atomic orbitals consisting of 1s, 1s’, 1p’, 2s, and 2p centered on the protons forming an isosceles (C2vsymmetry) or an equilateral (D3h symmetry) triangle. The states leading to asymptotic H++H++H- limits have been identified by calculating 〈1/r12〉-1, the inverse of the expectation value of the electron-electron repulsion term. The states identified by this procedure have adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer energies of 40–45 eV above the H3+ ground state at the H3+ equilibrium separation. The limits on the total available internal energy to be shared by the three dissociation products that one obtains from the experimentally determined H+-H- coincidence spectrum are consistent with the identified H3+ excited states

    Spin transport in inhomogeneous magnetic fields: a proposal for Stern-Gerlach-like experiments with conduction electrons

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    Spin dynamics in spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields is studied within the framework of Boltzmann theory. Stern-Gerlach-like separation of spin up and spin down electrons occurs in ballistic and diffusive regimes, before spin relaxation sets in. Transient dynamics and spectral response to time-dependent inhomogeneous magnetic fields are investigated, and possible experimental observations of our findings are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; revised and extended version, to appear in PR

    Bonding, Moment Formation, and Magnetic Interactions in Ca14MnBi11 and Ba14MnBi11

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    The ``14-1-11'' phase compounds based on magnetic Mn ions and typified by Ca14MnBi11 and Ba14MnBi11 show unusual magnetic behavior, but the large number (104) of atoms in the primitive cell has precluded any previous full electronic structure study. Using an efficient, local orbital based method within the local spin density approximation to study the electronic structure, we find a gap between a bonding valence band complex and an antibonding conduction band continuum. The bonding bands lack one electron per formula unit of being filled, making them low carrier density p-type metals. The hole resides in the MnBi4 tetrahedral unit and partially compensates the high spin d^5 Mn moment, leaving a net spin near 4 \mu_B that is consistent with experiment. These manganites are composed of two disjoint but interpenetrating `jungle gym' networks of spin 4/2 MnBi4^{9-} units with ferromagnetic interactions within the same network, and weaker couplings between the networks whose sign and magnitude is sensitive to materials parameters. Ca14MnBi11 is calculated to be ferromagnetic as observed, while for Ba14MnBi11 (which is antiferromagnetic) the ferro- and antiferromagnetic states are calculated to be essentially degenerate. The band structure of the ferromagnetic states is very close to half metallic.Comment: 17 pages, containing 10 postscript figures and 5 tables. Two additional figures (Fig.8 and 11 of the paper) are provided in JPG format in separate files. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B on September 20th 200

    Geo-additive modelling of malaria in Burundi

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    Abstract Background Malaria is a major public health issue in Burundi in terms of both morbidity and mortality, with around 2.5 million clinical cases and more than 15,000 deaths each year. It is still the single main cause of mortality in pregnant women and children below five years of age. Because of the severe health and economic burden of malaria, there is still a growing need for methods that will help to understand the influencing factors. Several studies/researches have been done on the subject yielding different results as which factors are most responsible for the increase in malaria transmission. This paper considers the modelling of the dependence of malaria cases on spatial determinants and climatic covariates including rainfall, temperature and humidity in Burundi. Methods The analysis carried out in this work exploits real monthly data collected in the area of Burundi over 12 years (1996-2007). Semi-parametric regression models are used. The spatial analysis is based on a geo-additive model using provinces as the geographic units of study. The spatial effect is split into structured (correlated) and unstructured (uncorrelated) components. Inference is fully Bayesian and uses Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. The effects of the continuous covariates are modelled by cubic p-splines with 20 equidistant knots and second order random walk penalty. For the spatially correlated effect, Markov random field prior is chosen. The spatially uncorrelated effects are assumed to be i.i.d. Gaussian. The effects of climatic covariates and the effects of other spatial determinants are estimated simultaneously in a unified regression framework. Results The results obtained from the proposed model suggest that although malaria incidence in a given month is strongly positively associated with the minimum temperature of the previous months, regional patterns of malaria that are related to factors other than climatic variables have been identified, without being able to explain them. Conclusions In this paper, semiparametric models are used to model the effects of both climatic covariates and spatial effects on malaria distribution in Burundi. The results obtained from the proposed models suggest a strong positive association between malaria incidence in a given month and the minimum temperature of the previous month. From the spatial effects, important spatial patterns of malaria that are related to factors other than climatic variables are identified. Potential explanations (factors) could be related to socio-economic conditions, food shortage, limited access to health care service, precarious housing, promiscuity, poor hygienic conditions, limited access to drinking water, land use (rice paddies for example), displacement of the population (due to armed conflicts).</p

    Mirror-Mark Tests Performed on Jackdaws Reveal Potential Methodological Problems in the Use of Stickers in Avian Mark-Test Studies

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    Some animals are capable of recognizing themselves in a mirror, which is considered to be demonstrated by passing the mark test. Mirror self-recognition capacity has been found in just a few mammals having very large brains and only in one bird, the magpie (Pica pica). The results obtained in magpies have enormous biological and cognitive implications because the fact that magpies were able to pass the mark test meant that this species is at the same cognitive level with great apes, that mirror self-recognition has evolved independently in the magpie and great apes (which diverged 300 million years ago), and that the neocortex (which is not present in the bird's brains) is not a prerequisite for mirror self-recognition as previously believed. Here, we have replicated the experimental design used on magpies to determine whether jackdaws (Corvus monedula) are also capable of mirror self-recognition by passing the mark test. We found that our nine jackdaws showed a very high interest towards the mirror and exhibited self-contingent behavior as soon as mirrors were introduced. However, jackdaws were not able to pass the mark test: both sticker-directed actions and sticker removal were performed with a similar frequency in both the cardboard (control) and the mirror conditions. We conclude that our jackdaws' behaviour raises non-trivial questions about the methodology used in the avian mark test. Our study suggests that the use of self-adhesive stickers on sensitive throat feathers may open the way to artefactual results because birds might perceive the stickers tactilely.JMPS was funded by Ministerio de Educación and Consejería de Innovación, C 420 iencia y Empresa under International Excellence Campus Program (CEI Granada) and TPC was funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia by a postdoctoral contract from the project CGL2011-25634