156 research outputs found

    Dakwah Bil-hikmah Di Era Informasi Dan Globalisasi Berdakwah Di Masyarakat Baru

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    Da'wah is an Islamic propagation activity that requires continuing reforms in terms of content, strategies, methods and the da'i's qualifications. This is due to the dynamics of the mad'u (da'wah addressee) conditions as well as the change of social environment that need to such reforms in order to get a relevant and contextual format in conducting da'wah. The da'wah movement in the global era should not only present the conventionally-traditional content, but also the modern way by using technology. Therefore, it can reach the target widely with the contents basing on the needs and challenges of the complex new society. Relying on the authoritative sources of Islam, the Qur'an and the other relevant sources, this paper presents a da'wah bil hikmah in the context of new society.***Dakwah merupakan aktivitas yang menuntut pembaharuan secara terus-menerus baik dari sisi content, cara, strategi, dan atau metodenya maupun kualifikasi pelakunya. Hal ini karena adanya dinamika sasaran dakwah dan lingkungan sosial yang terus berubah yang menuntut selalu adanya pembaharuan. Pembaharuan ini dalam rangka mencari format yang relevan dan kontekstual dalam dakwah. Garakan dakwah di era global sudah sejatinya menyuguhkan content, bukan hanya secara konvensional-tradisional, tapi secara modern dengan menggunakan IT, sehingga menjangkau sasaran dakwah yang luas, melintas batas dengan isi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tantangan masyarakat baru yang kompleks dan dengan penuh kedalaman, meski bernuansa praktis. Dengan berpijak pada sumber otoritatif Islam, al-Qur'an secara tematik dan sumber lain yang relevan, tulisan ini menyuguhkan dakwah bilhikmah dalam konteks masyarakat baru

    Assessment, Aviation Emission, International Law, Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015.

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    Coping with the problem of expansion in aviation transportation with corresponding increase in volume of aviation emission and consequential environmental pollution has become a global issue. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the global body saddled with the responsibility of ensuring reduction in aviation emission created the International Standards Regulations known as Standards And Recommended Practices (ICAO SARPs) for the purpose of regulating aviation emission and achieving clean and sustainable environment. Accordingly all member states of ICAO are expected to adopt and implement the Standards Regulations in their respective states. The newly revised Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015 is meant to ensure adequate reduction in aviation emission in Nigeria through effective adoption and implementation of ICAO’s International Standards Regulations on reduction of aviation emission. This paper assesses implementation of international law on reduction of aviation emission in the newly revised Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015. It adopts doctrinal research method, relying on library based materials from primary and secondary sources. The paper observes that although the adoption of International Standards and Regulations on reduction of aviation emission has commenced in the Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015, the process of actual implementation is yet to take good shape and become effective in Nigeria. Therefore, the paper recommends timely and effective implementation of International Standards and Regulations on reduction of aviation emission in the current Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations.Keywords: Assessment, Aviation Emission, International Law, Nigerian Civil Aviation Regulations 2015

    Tinjauan Terhadap Sistem Multi Partai Dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensial Di Indonesia Pada Era Reformasi

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    Amendment Act of 1945 that occurred in the era of reform based on a commitment to reinforce the Presidential system. In contrast, multi-party system in combination with the current presidential system of government is to encourage parties to form a coalition that actually weakens the presidential system itself. The Coalition is one of the institutions of parliamentary systems which negatively berekses governance. Practices in Indonesian coalition formed before the general election of President and Vice President dominated political dealings regarding the division of public office without the formulation of a common platform. In fact, the coalition was formed not ensure that parties who are members of the coalition that has a representative in the legislature will always support government programs. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government in Indonesia in the reform era at once formulate implications for the executive and legislative relations and the implementation of the ideal. This type of research can be can be classified into types of normative juridical research, because it makes the literature as the main focus. Source of data used, the primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques in this study using the method of literature study.The results showed that the application of multi-party system in the Presidential system of government actually weaken the presidential system and have implications for the executive and legislative relations. Three things that the implications are; First, the number of political parties interests that conflict with government policy. Second, the absence of permanent coalition arrangement. Third, the weak position of President. Ideally the implementation of a multi-party system, in order to create stability in the Indonesian presidential system of government, then there are three (3) things that need to be addressed in our Presidential system, namely: First, the simplification of the political parties, the second, setting the coalition remains, and the third, the strengthening of institutional design presidency. The author suggests needed coalition of political parties that are permanently defined by the rules of Law clearer so that it will produce a strong and efficient government.Keywords: multi-party system, coalition, a Presidential system
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