51 research outputs found
Interactions between variation in candidate genes and environmental factors in the etiology of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder : a systematic review
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (BD) are complex and multidimensional disorders with high heritability rates. The contribution of genetic factors to the etiology of these disorders is increasingly being recognized as the action of multiple risk variants with small effect sizes, which might explain only a minor part of susceptibility. On the other site, numerous environmental factors have been found to play an important role in their causality. Therefore, in recent years, several studies focused on gene × environment interactions that are believed to bridge the gap between genetic underpinnings and environmental insults. In this article, we performed a systematic review of studies investigating gene × environment interactions in BD and schizophrenia spectrum phenotypes. In the majority of studies from this field, interacting effects of variation in genes encoding catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and FK506-binding protein 5 (FKBP5) have been explored. Almost consistently, these studies revealed that polymorphisms in COMT, BDNF, and FKBP5 genes might interact with early life stress and cannabis abuse or dependence, influencing various outcomes of schizophrenia spectrum disorders and BD. Other interactions still require further replication in larger clinical and non-clinical samples. In addition, future studies should address the direction of causality and potential mechanisms of the relationship between gene × environment interactions and various categories of outcomes in schizophrenia and BD
Bilateral double-layered patella in a patient with advanced knee osteoarthritis
Double layered patella (DLP) is a rare anomaly of the patella that may go undiagnosed, especially in patients with progressive knee dysfunction and early degenerative changes. Clinical symptoms such as motion-dependent pain and anterior knee pain most typically occur in adolescents or young adults; however, gradually increasing pain and early generalised degenerative changes have also been seen in patients over 40 years old. Diagnosis of DLP could be difficult, especially in cases with coexisting arthrosis. DLP is considered to be pathognomonic for the diagnosis of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia and usually coexists with other anomalies seen in this syndrome, such as hip dysplasia. In extremely rare cases, DLP can occur as a solitary disorder. The prevalence of such cases, however, is unknown, and they could be easily misdiagnosed. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are the most sensitive radiological methods used in DLP diagnosis. This case report presents a case of a bilateral DLP incidentally found in a 47-year-old patient with advanced arthritis referred for arthroplasty because of increasing symptoms of knee joint failure with no other abnormalities recorded. An important goal of our case study is to raise the awareness of this abnormality with radiologists and orthopaedic surgeons
Arteria lusoria in patients with a normal and a right-sided aortic arch diagnosed with multi-slice computed tomography: a report of two cases
A retro-oesophageal course of the right subclavian artery is referred to as "arteria lusoria". It may be related to severe compression of the trachea and oesophagus, typically resulting in impaired swallowing. The paper presents two patients with arteria lusoria, which in one patient was an aberrant right subclavian artery and in the other an aberrant left subclavian artery, originating from the right-sided aortic arch. In both cases the diagnosis was made with multi-slice computed tomography. The embryology of the anomalies and clinical status of
the patients is discussed. Arteria lusoria should be considered in differential diagnosis in patients with dyspnoea and dysphagia. Multi-slice computed tomography allows this anatomical variant to be reliably visualised
The effect of reduced rates of crop protection agents and adjuvants on productivity, weed infestation and health of spring barley (Hordeum sativum L.)
A field experiment on the cultivation of spring barley was carried out in the period 2009–2011 at the Experimental Farm in Czesławice (central Lublin region) on grey-brown podzolic soil derived from loess (soil quality class II). The study included 3 rates of herbicides, growth retardant and fungicides (100%, 75% and 50%) as well as different types of adjuvant (oil, surface-active, mineral). Plots without adjuvant were the control treatment. A hypothesis was made that the reduction in rates of crop protection agents by 25–50%, with the simultaneous addition of adjuvants, would allow spring barley productivity to be maintained at a level similar to that obtained under the conditions when recommended rates are applied without adjuvant. It was also assumed that particular types of adjuvant would show different interactions with specific groups of crop protection agents. It has been proved that a rational reduction in rates of crop protection agents is up to a limit of 25%, especially when an adjuvant is added to such reduced rates. This allows spring barley productivity to be maintained at the level obtained after the application of full rates (without adjuvant). But a further reduction in rates of crop protection agents by 50%, in spite of the interaction of adjuvants, results in a significant deterioration of all spring barley yield components, since such conditions lead to increased occurrence of agricultural pests (weeds, fungal diseases) as well as increased crop lodging. Among the group of adjuvants tested in the present experiment, the oil adjuvant Atpolan 80 EC showed the best interaction with crop protection agents used
Neoproterozoic crystalline exotic clasts in the Polish Outer Carpathian flysch: remnants of the Proto‑Carpathian continent?
Crystalline exotic boulders within the sedimentary sequences of the Outer Carpathians likely represent Proto-Carpathian
basement, which was exposed and eroded during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic evolution of the Western Carpathian basin. The
majority of the boulders were derived from the Silesian Ridge, which separated the Magura Basin and the Silesian Domains,
and which became a source region during Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene tectonism. Felsic crystalline clasts within the
Silesian Nappe yield U–Pb zircon magmatic protolith ages of 603.7 ± 3.8 Ma and 617.5 ± 5.2 Ma while felsic crystalline clasts
within the Subsilesian Nappe yield an age of 565.9 ± 3.1 Ma and thus represent different magmatic cycles. The U–Pb zircon
data also imply that the Silesian Ridge was a fragment of the eastern part of the Brunovistulia microcontinent. The presence
of inherited zircon cores, dated at 1.3 and 1.7 Ga, suggests a Baltican source for the clasts, as opposed to Gondwana. We infer
that Late Neoproterozoic felsic magmatism within the Proto-Carpathian continent represents a long-living magmatic arc,
which formed during prolonged Timmanian/Baikalian rather than Pan-African/Cadomian orogenesis. Mafic exotic blocks,
found within the Magura Nappe, yield U–Pb zircon ages of 613.3 ± 2.6 Ma and 614.6 ± 2.5 Ma and likely represent a fragment
of an obducted ophiolitic sequence. The protolith of these mafic boulders could represent Paleoasian Ocean floor located to
the east of Cadomia, obducted during later orogenic processes and incorporated into the accretionary prism. All analysed
exotic clasts show no evidence for younger (Variscan) reworking, which is characteristic of both western Brunovistulia and
the Central Western Carpathians and the Cadomian elements of Western Europe. The Silesian and Subsilesian basins thus
had a likely source area in the eastern part of Brunovistulia, while the source of the Magura Basin was the Fore-Magura
Ridge, whose basement potentially represents an accretionary prism on the margin of the East European Craton
Fibrin structure in organized thrombotic material removed during pulmonary artery endarterectormy : the effect of vessel calibre
Pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) is a curative therapeutic approach in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The location-dependent structural differences of thrombotic material found in pulmonary arteries in CTEPH are poorly investigated. We present the case of a 47-year-old woman with antiphospholipid syndrome, diabetes mellitus and abnormal fibrin phenotype, who underwent PEA for CTEPH. Intravascular material removed bilaterally during PEA (from lobar, segmental and sub-segmental arteries) has been studied using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Light microscopy showed tighter fibrous network in the portions of intraluminal thrombotic material facing the vessel wall, which contained collagen and fibrin fibers, and abundant cells. Cells, evaluated by immunostaining, were present in the whole removed material. Tissue factor expression was also observed with the highest values in the portions of intravascular material facing the vessel wall. In the main pulmonary arteries, SEM images revealed thick fibers of fibrous proteins loosly meshed and few erythrocytes and platelets between them (both dysmorphic “wedged” and fresh cells were present). In the fibrotic layers, containing mainly collagen and fibrin, removed from the lobar/segmental pulmonary arteries we found a stepwise increase in fiber density with decreasing vessel calibre, followed by denser fibrous networks composed of thinner fibers. Elastic fibers in the lobar and segmental arteries were aligned along the blood flow vector. These findings demonstrate differences in the structure of endarterectomized PEA material dependent on the vessel calibre and might contribute to understanding of CTEPH pathophysiology
A short educational intervention diminishes causal illusions and specific paranormal beliefs in undergraduates
Cognitive biases such as causal illusions have been related to paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs and, thus, pose a real threat to the development of adequate critical thinking abilities. We aimed to reduce causal illusions in undergraduates by means of an educational intervention combining training-in-bias and training-in-rules techniques. First, participants directly experienced situations that tend to induce the Barnum effect and the confirmation bias. Thereafter, these effects were explained and examples of their influence over everyday life were provided. Compared to a control group, participants who received the intervention showed diminished causal illusions in a contingency learning task and a decrease in the precognition dimension of a paranormal belief scale. Overall, results suggest that evidence-based educational interventions like the one presented here could be used to significantly improve critical thinking skills in our students
Current situation in the hard coal mining industry and possibilities for development
Artykuł jest próbą nakreślenia możliwości rozwoju polskiego górnictwa węgla kamiennego. Przyjęto tezę, że w perspektywie do roku 2050 surowce energetyczne, w tym głównie węgiel kamienny, będą najważniejszymi nośnikami energii na świecie, a w Polsce węgiel będzie gwarantem niezależności i bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. Dokonano analizy wpływu czynników zewnętrznych, wynikających głównie z obowiązującego prawa unijnego oraz otwartej i konkurencyjnej, międzynarodowej gospodarki, a także wewnętrznych, związanych z funkcjonowaniem górnictwa węgla kamiennego w Polsce. Na początku przybliżono procesy wielopokoleniowych przekształceń, opisano podłoże dynamicznego rozwoju, nie pomijając przy tym aspektów historycznych, geologicznych oraz uwarunkowań im towarzyszących. Szeroka ocena obecnej sytuacji górnictwa węgla kamiennego, posiadanych zasobów, potencjału produkcyjnego, osiąganej sprzedaży oraz wpływu poszczególnych czynników (bodźców), przeobrażeń polskiej gospodarki, a wraz z nią przemysłu i energetyki, daje podstawy do pełniejszego pokazania perspektyw rozwoju dla polskiego węgla kamiennego, przy jednoczesnej konieczności utrzymania konkurencyjności polskich kopalń oraz podjęcia kosztownych inwestycji modernizacyjnych i rozwojowych. W dalszej części podjęto próbę zdiagnozowania istniejących barier i przeszkód w zapewnianiu polskiemu górnictwu wysokiego poziomu międzynarodowej konkurencyjności i ekonomicznej efektywności. Na końcu zarysowano perspektywy polskiego górnictwa węgla kamiennego i przedstawiono wypływające z analizy wnioski.This paper is an attempt to characterize the possibilities for development of the Polish hard coal mining sector. The thesis has been adopted that in 2050, hard coal will be the most important energy carrier in the world, and in Poland coal will guarantee independence and energy security. An analysis has been conducted of the impact of external factors, resulting mainly from existing EU law and an open and competitive international economy, as well as internal conditions under which coal mining takes place in Poland. The article describes transformation processes occurring over the course of many generations, as well as the dynamics of historical and geological conditions.
The analysis provides a broad overview of available resources, production capacities, and achieved sales levels. The post-communist transformation of the Polish economy - and with it the industrial and energy sectors - provides the basis for further development prospects for Polish coal, taking into account the necessity to maintain the competitiveness of Polish mines and to undertake costly modernization and development investments. The article goes on to diagnose the existing obstacles to ensuring Polish mining provides the high level of international competitiveness and economic efficiency necessary, and concludes with an assessment of the industry's overall prospects
The future of polish power engineering using the resource base of energy resources
Jednym z najważniejszych problemów współczesnej Polski jest określenie – zdefiniowanie właściwego poziomu bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, które leży u podstaw suwerenności Państwa i jest głównym filarem gwarantującym niezachwiany rozwój gospodarczy. Należy zatem szukać odpowiedzi na postawioną tezę: czy można osiągać wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski przy jednoczesnym ograniczeniu kosztów pozyskiwania energii i paliw? W artykule pokazane zostaną przykłady racjonalnego wykorzystania istniejącego potencjału surowców energetycznych, procesy rozwoju energetyki regionalnej oraz możliwości zastosowania nowych technologii wytwarzania energii. Polska powinna współpracować w tej dziedzinie z państwami członkowskimi Unii Europejskiej, a także z krajami nie należącymi do niej. Z uwagi na istniejące uwarunkowania Polska powinna być głównym producentem węgla energetycznego w Europie i powrócić do samowystarczalności pod tym względem.One of the most important issue of modern Poland is how to define proper standards of the energy security which lies at the root of the national sovereignty; the energy security is the central plank what guarantees durable of the economic development. Therefore, one should search for an answer to the thesis: is it possible to achieve high standards of the Polish energy security while reducing costs of obtaining energy and fuels? The article will show examples of rational use of the existing capabilities of energy resources, regional energy development processes and the possibility of using new technologies for the energy production. In this area Poland should cooperate with the Member States of the European Union, as well as with countries not belonging to it. Due to the existing conditions, Poland should be the main producer of energy coal in Europe and return to self-sufficiency in this respect
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