22 research outputs found

    Banco de Germoplasma de orquídeas nativas de la región litoral

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    El proyecto se centra en el rescate y propagación de especies nativas de orquídeas de la zona del litoral, en particular las que crecen en la diversidad de hábitats palustres y selvas ribereñas de los arroyos de Entre Ríos, contribuyendo a la preservación de las especies ante el avance de las actividades antrópicas en los ecosistemas. El objetivo principal del proyecto es consolidar y ampliar un banco de germoplasma de semillas de orquídeas nativas (BGO) con fines a su conservación y propagación por técnicas de cultivo «in vitro». Se evaluará la viabilidad mediante prueba de tetrazolio de las semillas del BGO y longevidad según las condiciones de almacenamiento, realizando pruebas de germinación «in vitro» y posterior propagación, hasta la etapa de aclimatación de plantas en macetas, confeccionando los respectivos protocolos para las especies evaluadas. Los resultados del proyecto serán transferidos a cultivadores, viveristas, jardines botánicos y público en general, a través de charlas técnicas y cursos de capacitación, lo cual contribuirá a la toma de conciencia en preservación de especies nativas y a la compra de plantas producidas por esta técnica. De igual forma, se vinculará los datos del BGO al Sistema Nacional de Datos Biológicos

    Psychometric Properties of the SymptoMScreen Questionnaire in a Mild Disability Population of Patients with Relapsing–Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Quantifying the Patient’s Perspective

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    Crucial elements for achieving optimal long-term outcomes in multiple sclerosis (MS) are patient confidence and effective physician-patient communication. Patient-reported instruments may provide the means to fill the gap in currently available clinician-rated measures. The SymptoMScreen (SMSS) is a brief self-assessment tool for measuring symptom severity in 12 neurologic domains commonly affected by MS. We conducted a non-interventional study to assess the dimensional structure and item characteristics of the SMSS. A total of 218 patients with relapsing-remitting MS and mild disability (median Expanded Disability Status Scale score 2.0) were studied. Symptom severity was low (SMSS score 13.5, interquartile range 4.2-27), fatigue being the domain with the highest impact. A non-parametric item response theory, i.e., Mokken analysis, found that the SMSS is a robust one-dimensional scale (overall scalability index H 0.60) with high reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.94). The confirmatory factor analysis model confirmed the unidimensional structure (comparative fit index 1.0, root-mean-square error of approximation 0.001). Samejima's model fitted well an unconstrained model with different item difficulties. The SMSS shows appropriate psychometric characteristics and may constitute a valuable and easy-to-implement addition to measure the symptom severity in clinical practice.This study was funded by the Medical Department of Roche Farma Spain. The sponsor also funded the journals Rapid Service fe

    Expert-Agreed Practical Recommendations on the Use of Cladribine

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    Cladribine; Disease-modifying drugs; Relapsing multiple sclerosisCladribina; Medicaments modificadors de malalties; Esclerosi múltiple recurrentCladribina; Medicamentos modificadores de enfermedades; Esclerosis múltiple recurrenteCladribine is a disease-modifying selective immune reconstitution oral therapy for adult patients with highly active relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS). It was approved in the USA in 2019 and in Europe in 2017, thus there are still gaps in existing guidelines for using cladribine tablets in clinical practice. Nine experts with extensive experience in managing patients with multiple sclerosis in Spain identified some of the unanswered questions related to the real-life use of cladribine tablets. They reviewed the available clinical trial data and real-world evidence, including their own experiences of using cladribine, over the course of three virtual meetings held between November 2020 and January 2021. This article gathers their practical recommendations to aid treatment decision-making and optimise the use of cladribine tablets in patients with RMS. The consensus recommendations cover the following areas: candidate patient profiles, switching strategies (to and from cladribine), managing response to cladribine and safety considerations.The publication of this article, as well as journal’s Rapid Service Fee, was funded by Merck, S.L.U., Mollet del Valles, Spain, an affiliate of Merck KGaA

    Baseline Inflammatory Status Reveals Dichotomic Immune Mechanisms Involved In Primary-Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Pathology

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    To ascertain the role of inflammation in the response to ocrelizumab in primary-progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS).Multicenter prospective study including 69 patients with PPMS who initiated ocrelizumab treatment, classified according to baseline presence [Gd+, n=16] or absence [Gd-, n=53] of gadolinium-enhancing lesions in brain MRI. Ten Gd+ (62.5%) and 41 Gd- patients (77.4%) showed non-evidence of disease activity (NEDA) defined as no disability progression or new MRI lesions after 1 year of treatment. Blood immune cell subsets were characterized by flow cytometry, serum immunoglobulins by nephelometry, and serum neurofilament light-chains (sNfL) by SIMOA. Statistical analyses were corrected with the Bonferroni formula.More than 60% of patients reached NEDA after a year of treatment, regardless of their baseline characteristics. In Gd+ patients, it associated with a low repopulation rate of inflammatory B cells accompanied by a reduction of sNfL values 6 months after their first ocrelizumab dose. Patients in Gd- group also had low B cell numbers and sNfL values 6 months after initiating treatment, independent of their treatment response. In these patients, NEDA status was associated with a tolerogenic remodeling of the T and innate immune cell compartments, and with a clear increase of serum IgA levels.Baseline inflammation influences which immunological pathways predominate in patients with PPMS. Inflammatory B cells played a pivotal role in the Gd+ group and inflammatory T and innate immune cells in Gd- patients. B cell depletion can modulate both mechanisms.Copyright © 2022 Fernández-Velasco, Monreal, Kuhle, Meca-Lallana, Meca-Lallana, Izquierdo, Oreja-Guevara, Gascón-Giménez, Sainz de la Maza, Walo-Delgado, Lapuente-Suanzes, Maceski, Rodríguez-Martín, Roldán, Villarrubia, Saiz, Blanco, Diaz-Pérez, Valero-López, Diaz-Diaz, Aladro, Brieva, Íñiguez, González-Suárez, Rodríguez de Antonio, García-Domínguez, Sabin, Llufriu, Masjuan, Costa-Frossard and Villar

    Conservación de orquídeas nativas de Entre Ríos utilizando técnicas de cultivo de tejidos “in vitro”

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    Este proyecto de investigación se enmarca dentro de la investigación básica y aplicada con transferencia.El preocupante avance de la agriculturización sobre áreas de montes nativos y selvas ribereñasamenaza la biodiversidad. En tal sentido nos preocupa la pérdida de especies nativas de interés desdeel punto de vista ecológico, agronómico u ornamental. El proyecto se centra en el rescate y propagaciónde especies nativas de orquídeas de la zona del litoral, en particular las que crecen en la diversidad dehábitats palustres y selvas ribereñas de los arroyos de Entre Ríos, contribuyendo a la preservación delas especies ante el avance de las actividades antrópicas en los ecosistemas.El objetivo es propagar por técnicas de cultivo “in vitro” especies terrestres y epífitas de orquídeasnativas de la Provincia de Entre Ríos, hasta la etapa de aclimatación de plantas en macetas y/o palos,confeccionando los respectivos protocolos de micropropagación y aclimatación para las especies evaluadas.A partir de semillas, se buscará eficientizar la producción de protocormos y el establecimiento deplantitas “in vitro”, las que serán donadoras de explantos para inducir organogénesis directa o indirecta,con diferentes combinaciones hormonales.La transferencia, a través de cursos, charlas técnicas y cartillas, ofrecidas a viveristas, asociacionesde orquidiófilos y jardines botánicos, contribuirá a la toma de conciencia para no adquirir, ni venderrecursos nativos, en su estado original y propiciar la compra de estas especies obtenidas por técnicasde cultivo de tejidos

    Patients receiving a high burden of antibiotics in the community in Spain: a cross-sectional study

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    Some patients in the community receive a high burden of antibiotics. We aimed at describing the characteristics of these patients, antibiotics used, and conditions for which they received antibiotics. We carried out a cross-sectional study. Setting: Thirty Health Primary Care Areas from 12 regions in Spain, covering 5, 960, 191 inhabitants. Patients having at least 30 packages of antibacterials for systemic use dispensed in 2017 were considered. Main outcome measures: Prevalence of antibiotic use, conditions for which antibiotics were prescribed, clinical characteristics of patients, comorbidities, concomitant treatments, and microbiological isolates. Patient''s average age was 70 years; 52% were men; 60% smokers/ex-smokers; 54% obese. Overall, 93% of patients had, at least, one chronic condition, and four comorbidities on average. Most common comorbidities were cardiovascular and/or hypertension (67%), respiratory diseases (62%), neurological/mental conditions (32%), diabetes (23%), and urological diseases (21%); 29% were immunosuppressed, 10% were dead at the time of data collection. Patients received three antibiotic treatments per year, mainly fluoroquinolones (28%), macrolides (21%), penicillins (19%), or cephalosporins (12%). Most frequently treated conditions were lower respiratory tract (infections or prophylaxis) (48%), urinary (27%), and skin/soft tissue infections (11%). Thirty-five percent have been guided by a microbiological diagnosis, being Pseudomonas aeruginosa (30%) and Escherichia coli (16%) the most frequent isolates. In conclusion, high antibiotic consumers in the community were basically elder, with multimorbidity and polymedication. They frequently received broad-spectrum antibiotics for long periods of time. The approach to infections in high consumers should be differentiated from healthy patients receiving antibiotics occasionally

    Recommendations for vaccination in patients with multiple sclerosis who are eligible for immunosuppressive therapies: Spanish consensus statement

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    Background: The recent development of highly effective treatments for multiple sclerosis (MS) and the potential risk of infectious complications require the development of prevention and risk minimisation strategies. Vaccination is an essential element of the management of these patients. This consensus statement includes a series of recommendations and practical scenarios for the vaccination of adult patients with MS who are eligible for highly effective immunosuppressive treatments. Methodology: A formal consensus procedure was followed. Having defined the scope of the statement, we conducted a literature search on recommendations for the vaccination of patients with MS and specific vaccination guidelines for immunosuppressed patients receiving biological therapy for other conditions. The modified nominal group technique methodology was used to formulate the recommendations. Development: Vaccination in patients who are candidates for immunosuppressive therapy should be considered before starting immunosuppressive treatment providing the patient's clinical situation allows. Vaccines included in the routine adult vaccination schedule, as well as some specific ones, are recommended depending on the pre-existing immunity status. If immunosuppressive treatment is already established, live attenuated vaccines are contraindicated. For vaccines with a correlate of protection, it is recommended to monitor the serological response in an optimal interval of 1-2 months from the last dose.Antecedentes: La reciente aparición de terapias de alta efectividad para el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple (EM), con potencial riesgo de complicaciones infecciosas, obliga plantear estrategias de prevención y minimización de riesgos. La vacunación constituye una parte esencial del manejo de estos pacientes. Este consenso recoge una serie de pautasy escenarios prácticos de vacunación en pacientes adultos con EM candidatos a tratamiento inmunosupresor. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un consenso de tipo formal. Tras definir el alcance del documento, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica de vacunación en pacientes con EM, así como guías de vacunación específicas de pacientes inmunosuprimidosy en tratamiento biológico con otras enfermedades.Para la formulación de las recomendaciones se empleó la metodología de Modified Nominal Group Technique. Desarrollo: La vacunación en pacientes candidatos a tratamiento inmunosupresor se debe plantear antes de iniciar un tratamiento inmunosupresor siempre que la situación clínica del paciente lo permita. Se recomendarán tanto aquellas indicadas en el calendario vacunal del adulto, como algunas específicas, en función de la inmunidad previa. Si ya está instaurado el tratamiento inmunosupresor las vacunas vivas atenuadas estarán contraindicadas.Para aquellas vacunas que dispongan de un correlato de protección se recomienda monitorizar la respuesta serológica transcurridos de uno a2 meses de la última dosi

    Consenso de expertos sobre el uso de alemtuzumab en la práctica clínica diaria en España

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    Introducción: Alemtuzumab es un fármaco de alta eficacia aprobado por la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos como tratamiento modificador de la enfermedad en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple remitente recurrente. Objetivo: Elaborar un documento de consenso sobre el manejo de alemtuzumab en la práctica clínica habitual, que sea de aplicación en el ámbito español. Desarrollo: Un grupo de expertos en esclerosis múltiple revisó las publicaciones disponibles hasta diciembre de 2017, de tratamiento con alemtuzumab y esclerosis múltiple. Se incluyeron trabajos sobre eficacia, efectividad y seguridad, despistaje de infecciones y vacunación, administración y monitorización. La propuesta inicial de recomendaciones fue desarrollada por un grupo coordinador con base en la evidencia disponible y en su experiencia clínica. El proceso de consenso se llevó a cabo en 2 etapas; se estableció como porcentaje inicial de acuerdo grupal el 80%. El documento final con todas las recomendaciones acordadas por el grupo de trabajo se sometió a revisión externa y los comentarios recibidos fueron considerados por el grupo coordinador. Conclusiones: El documento aportado pretende ser una herramienta útil para facilitar el manejo del fármaco en condiciones de práctica clínica habitual.Introduction: Alemtuzumab is a highly effective drug approved by the European Medicines Agency as a disease-modifying drug for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Objective: A consensus document was drafted on the management of alemtuzumab in routine clinical practice in Spain. Development: A group of multiple sclerosis specialists reviewed articles addressing treatment with alemtuzumab in patients with multiple sclerosis and published before December 2017. The included studies assessed the drug's efficacy, effectiveness, and safety; screening for infections and vaccination; and administration and monitoring aspects. The initial proposed recommendations were developed by a coordinating group and based on the available evidence and their clinical experience. The consensus process was carried out in 2 stages, with the initial threshold percentage for group agreement established at 80%. The final document with all the recommendations agreed by the working group was submitted for external review and the comments received were considered by the coordinating group. Conclusion: The present document is intended to be used as a tool for optimising the management of alemtuzumab in routine clinical practice

    Consensus statement on the use of alemtuzumab in daily clinical practice in Spain

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    Introducción: Alemtuzumab es un fármaco de alta eficacia aprobado por la Agencia Europeade Medicamentos como tratamiento modificador de la enfermedad en pacientes con esclerosismúltiple remitente recurrente.Objetivo: Elaborar un documento de consenso sobre el manejo de alemtuzumab en la práctica clínica habitual, que sea de aplicación en el ámbito español.Desarrollo: Un grupo de expertos en esclerosis múltiple revisó las publicaciones disponibles hasta diciembre de 2017, de tratamiento con alemtuzumab y esclerosis múltiple. Se incluyeron trabajos sobre eficacia, efectividad y seguridad, despistaje de infecciones y vacunación, admi-nistración y monitorización. La propuesta inicial de recomendaciones fue desarrollada por un grupo coordinador con base en la evidencia disponible y en su experiencia clínica. El proceso de consenso se llevó a cabo en 2 etapas; se estableció como porcentaje inicial de acuerdo grupal el 80%. El documento final con todas las recomendaciones acordadas por el grupo de trabajo se sometió a revisión externa y los comentarios recibidos fueron considerados por el grupo coordinador. Conclusiones: El documento aportado pretende ser una herramienta útil para facilitar el manejo del fármaco en condiciones de práctica clínica habitualtIntroduction: Alemtuzumab is a highly effective drug approved by the European Medicines Agency as a disease-modifying drug for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Objective: A consensus document was drafted on the management of alemtuzumab in routineclinical practice in Spain. Development: A group of multiple sclerosis specialists reviewed articles addressing treatment with alemtuzumab in patients with multiple sclerosis and published before December 2017. The included studies assessed the drug’s efficacy, effectiveness, and safety; screening for infections and vaccination; and administration and monitoring aspects. The initial proposed recommendations were developed by a coordinating group and based on the available evidence and their clinical experience. The consensus process was carried out in 2 stages, with the initial threshold percentage for group agreement established at 80%. The final document with all the recom-mendations agreed by the working group was submitted for external review and the comments received were considered by the coordinating group. Conclusion: The present document is intended to be used as a tool for optimising the management of alemtuzumab in routine clinical practiceLa elaboración de este manuscrito ha sido financiada por Sanofi-Genzym