20 research outputs found


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    The bases of development of competence in individual health protection and social behavior are considered. Special attention is paid to the support of motivation to keep healthy lifestyle.Рассмотрены теоретико-методологические основы развития компетентности выпускников средних профессиональных и высших учебных заведений в области эффективного здоровье охранительного и ответственного социального поведения личности, сохранения и поддержания мотивации к здоровому образу жизни на протяжении всего жизненного пути

    New Accurate Fit of an Extended Set of Saturation Data for the ν <SUB>3</SUB> Band of SF <SUB>6</SUB>: Comparison of Hamiltonians in the Spherical and Cubic Tensor Formalisms

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    International audienceAn extended set of 321 frequencies of vibration-rotation lines of the ν3 band of SF6 has been measured by saturation spectroscopy using various isotopic species of CO2. A least-squares fit of these data has been performed using an effective Hamiltonian written either with a spherical tensor or with a cubic tensor formalism. We have derived correspondence formulas between the parameters in the two approaches and checked that both formalisms give the same results up to the seventh order. Corrected parameters are given for the fit with a fifth-order Hamiltonian. An accurate representation of the band is obtained at the tenth order (standard deviation ≈ 12 kHz) with a remarkable predictive power (better than 40 kHz) for J values ≤ 100. The convergence properties of the Hamiltonian power expansion are discussed


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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the problem of smoking among students at the Military Institute of the Interior Ministry of Russia. The methodological basis of the prominence of the studies of medicine, pedagogy and psychology. The main methods in the course of the work were: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, the method of deduction, induction method, the dialectical method, synthesis, etc. The results of the study are theoretical positions that can be used in modern medicine and educational practice.Целью данной работы является рассмотрение проблемы табакокурения среди курсантов в военном институте внутренних войск МВД России. Методологической основой работы выступали положения исследований медицины, педагогики и психологии. Основными методами в ходе проведения работы были: анализ, синтез, сравнение, аналогия, метод дедукции, метод индукции, диалектический метод, обобщение и др. Результатами исследования являются теоретические положения, которые можно использовать в современной медицине и образовательной практике

    Infrared Q-branch anomalies on cooling small OCS (pH

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    Infrared spectra of OCS molecules with 8≤ n ≤ 16 attached para-hydrogen (pH2) molecules inside pure 4He droplets at 0.38 K and in mixed 4He/3He droplets at 0.15 K are compared with the same-sized oD2 clusters. In the pH2 clusters the Q-branch is observed at 0.38 K, except for n=12n = 12, but disappears for n ≥ 11 on cooling to 0.15 K, whereas it is present in all the oD2 clusters. The high axial symmetry of the pH2 clusters at 0.15 K is consistent with the onset of microscopic superfluidity resulting predominantly from exchanges accompanying the hindered rotations of two or more rings


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    ^{\ast} General Physics Institute, Vavilov str. 38, 117942 Moscow, Russia ^{\ast} Support by NATO collaborative research grant is gratefully acknowledgedAuthor Institution: Catholic University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld, NL - 6525 ED Nijmegen, NetherlandsThe recent achievements in the nonlinear optics opened the new possibilities in the IR high resolution spectroscopy. In this contribution a two colour spectroscopy of cooled SF6SF_{6} and C2H4C_{2}H_{4} seeded to He beam is presented. The molecules were excited by CWCO2CW {CO_{2}} laser beam crossing the molecular beam. The frequencies of laser beams were tuned near CO2CO_{2} lines by Optoacoustic Modulators (OAM) in the range ±500MHz\pm 500 MHz. The spectral resolution 2 MHz was achieved. The excitation spectra were modelled in the frames of dressed state picture (DSP) and optical Bloch equations (OBE). In C2H4C_{2}H_{4} the one quantum transition (ν=0,{4,1,3}ν=1,{5,0,5}(\nu = 0, \{4, 1, 3\} \rightarrow \nu = 1, \{5, 0, 5\} was investigated. At the moderate intensities of the laser fields (ν1andν2)(\nu_{1} and \nu_{2}) the UP-DOWN-UP - (UDU) scheme of excitation was realized. The P*** \marginpar{*Check**} with the frequencies ν1\nu_{1} and ν2\nu_{2} satisfying the resonant condition (N+1)ν1Nν2=νtranstition(N + 1)\cdot \nu_{1} - N \cdot \nu_{2} = \nu_{transtition} at N = 1 and N = 2 were observed. The AC - Stark shifts of peaks were measured being in the agreement with the results of computer modelling based on OBE. The modelling showed that the increasing of the laser intensities leads to the transition from the UDU picture to the AC - Stark split one photon line picture. In SF6SF_{6} the two quantum ladder type transitions (ν3=0,J=4ν3=1,J=3ν3=2,J=3)(\nu_{3} = 0, J = 4 \rightarrow \nu_{3} = 1, J = 3\to \nu_{3} = 2, J = 3) were investigated. The frequency ν1\nu_{1} was varied near the frequency of the first transition while ν2\nu_{2} was varied near as the frequency of the second transition and the frequency of the two photon transition. The peaks of the dressed states were observed and the AC - Stark shifts of different M - components were measured. The variation of the intensities of peaks due to the interference of many paths of excitation was observed. The DSP was used for the qualitative analysis of the interference effect and the quantitative modelling was based on OBE. The good agreement between measured and simulated spectra was achieved

    The influence of microwave pulse conditions on enantiomer-specific state transfer

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    We report a combined experimental and theoretical study on the influence of microwave pulse durations on enantiomer-specific state transfer. Two triads of rotational states within a chiral molecule (1-indanol) are selected to address the possible scenarios. In the triad connected to the absolute ground state, the simplest triad that exists for all chiral molecules, the enantiomer-specific state transfer process simplifies into a sequence of two-level transitions. The second triad, including higher rotational states, represents a more generic scenario that involves multiple Rabi frequencies for each transition. Our study reveals that the conventional π2ππ2\frac{\pi}{2}-\pi-\frac{\pi}{2} pulse sequence is not the optimal choice, except for the ideal case when in the simplest triad only the lowest state is initially populated. We find that employing a shorter duration for the first and last pulse of the sequence leads to significantly higher state-specific enantiomeric enrichment, albeit at the expense of overall population in the target state. Our experimental results are in very good agreement with theory, substantiating the quantitative understanding of enantiomer-specific state transfer