36,046 research outputs found

    Fabrication and characterization of high current-density, submicron, NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions

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    At near-millimeter wavelengths, heterodyne receivers based on SIS tunnel junctions are the most sensitive available. However, in order to scale these results to submillimeter wavelengths, certain device properties should be scaled. The tunnel-junction's current density should be increased to reduce the RC product. The device's area should be reduced to efficiently couple power from the antenna to the mixer. Finally, the superconductor used should have a large energy gap to minimize RF losses. Most SIS mixers use Nb or Pb-alloy tunnel junctions; the gap frequency for these materials is approximately 725 GHz. Above the gap frequency, these materials exhibit losses similar to those in a normal metal. The gap frequency in NbN films is as-large-as 1440 GHz. Therefore, we have developed a process to fabricate small area (down to 0.13 sq microns), high current density, NbN/MgO/NbN tunnel junctions

    Analytical and experimental performance of a dual-mode traveling wave tube and multistage depressed collector

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    A computational procedure for the design of traveling-wave-tube(TWT)/refocuser/multistage depressed collector (MDC) systems was used to design a short, permanent-magnet refocusing system and a highly efficient MDC for a medium-power, dual-mode, 4.8- to 9.6-GHz TWT. The computations were carried out with advanced, multidimensional computer programs which model the electron beam and follow the trajectories of representative charges from the radiofrequency (RF) input of the TWT, through the slow-wave structure and refocusing section, to their points of impact in the depressed collector. Secondary emission losses in the MDC were treated semiquantitatively by injecting representative secondary-electron-emission current into the MDA analysis at the point of impact of each primary beam. A comparison of computed and measured TWT and MDC performance showed very good agreement. The electrodes of the MDC were fabricated from a particluar form of isptropic graphite that was selected for its low secondary electron yield, ease of machinability, and vacuum properties

    The X-ray luminosity function of galaxies in the Coma cluster

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    The XMM-Newton survey of the Coma cluster of galaxies covers an area of 1.86 square degrees with a mosaic of 16 pointings and has a total useful integration time of 400 ksec. Detected X-ray sources with extent less than 10" were correlated with cataloged galaxies in the Coma cluster region. The redshift information, which is abundant in this region of the sky, allowed us to separate cluster members from background and foreground galaxies. For the background sources, we recover a typical LogN-LogS in the flux range 1.e-15 - 1.e-13 ergs/s/cm^2 in the 0.5-2.0 keV band. The X-ray emission from the cluster galaxies exhibits X-ray colors typical of thermal emission. The luminosities of Coma galaxies lie in the 1.e39-1.e41 ergs/s interval in the 0.5-2.0 keV band. The luminosity function of Coma galaxies reveals that their X-ray activity is suppressed with respect to the field by a factor of 5.6, indicating a lower level of X-ray emission for a given stellar mass.Comment: 16 pages, 2004 A&A in pres

    Comparison of the Effects of Supplemental Red Palm Oil and Sunflower oil on Maternal Vitamin A Status.

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    Conflicting results have been reported on the ability of dietary carotenoids to improve vitamin A status in lactating women. Red palm oil is one of the richest dietary sources of beta-carotene. We aimed to determine the efficacy of red palm oil in increasing retinol and provitamin A status in pregnant and lactating women. Ninety rural, pregnant Tanzanian women from 3 randomly selected villages were recruited during their third trimester to participate in 3 dietary intervention groups: a control group, who were encouraged to maintain the traditional practice of eating staples with dark-green leafy vegetables, and 2 study groups, who were given either sunflower or red palm oil for use in household food preparations. The intervention lasted 6 mo. Plasma samples were collected at the third trimester and 1 and 3 mo postpartum, and breast-milk samples were collected 1 and 3 mo postpartum. Supplementation with red palm oil, which is rich in provitamin A, increased alpha- and beta-carotene concentrations significantly (P < 0.001) in both plasma and breast milk. Plasma retinol concentrations were similar in all dietary groups. Breast-milk retinol concentrations tended to decrease from 1 to 3 mo postpartum in the control group, but were maintained in both oil groups. The difference in change in breast-milk retinol concentration between the red palm oil group and the control group was significant (P = 0.041). Consumption of red palm oil increases concentrations of alpha- and beta-carotene in both breast milk and serum and maintains breast-milk retinol concentrations. Sunflower oil consumption seems to conserve breast-milk retinol similarly to consumption of red palm oil. Breast-milk retinol might be maintained through increased dietary intake of these vegetable oils and use of mild cooking preparation methods (such as the addition of oil at the end of cooking and avoidance of frying)

    Procedures for estimating the effects of design and operational characteristics of jet aircraft on ground noise

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    Estimation procedures for effect of design and flight characteristics of jets on ground nois

    Measurements of noise in Josephson-effect mixers

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    We present new heterodyne receiver results obtained at 100 GHz using resistively-shunted Nb and NbN tunnel junctions. In addition, we have carried out accurate measurements of the available noise power of these devices at the L-band (1.5 GHz) IF frequency. Both the heterodyne and the output noise measurements show that the noise of these devices can be a factor of five or more higher than that predicted by the simple current-biased RSJ model. The noise approaches the appropriate thermal or thermal and shot noise limits for bias voltages where the nonlinearity is not strong (i.e., V>ICRN), but as expected from the RSJ model, can be significantly higher at the low voltages where the mixers are typically biased. The bias voltage dependence of the noise shows structure which is associated with resonances in the RF embedding circuit. Surprisingly, we find that changes in the high-frequency (100 GHz) impedance presented to the junction can dramatically affect the magnitude and voltage dependence of the low-frequency (1.5 GHz) noise. This emphasizes the necessity of very closely matching the junction to free space over a wide frequency range

    The application of low crude protein wheat-soyabean diets to growing and finishing pigs: 2. The effects on nutrient digestibility, nitrogen excretion, faecal volatile fatty acid concentration and ammonia emission from boars

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    peer-reviewedThis study received financial support from Telltech Ltd. (Wicklow, Ireland) and Enterprise Ireland (Dublin, Ireland).Diets containing 132, 152, 183 and 206 g/kg crude protein (CP) were fed to growing and finishing boars to evaluate the effect on nutrient digestibility, N balance, faecal volatile fatty acids (VFA) and ammonia-N (NH3–N) emission. Dietary CP concentration was adjusted by altering the ratio of wheat:soyabean meal. Lysine, threonine, tryptophan and total sulphur-containing amino acids were included in all diets at concentrations equivalent to that in the highest CP diet. All diets were formulated to provide 9.7 MJ/kg of net energy. Urine and faeces were collected from 16 boars (4 boars per treatment) housed in metabolism crates. Collections were performed at 72, 80 and 87 kg live weight. NH3–N emission was measured over 10 days using a laboratory scale procedure. Reducing the concentration of dietary CP decreased N intake (linear, P < 0.01), the excretion of urinary N, ammoniacal N and total N (linear, P < 0.001; cubic, P < 0.001) and the emission of NH3–N (linear, P < 0.001; cubic, P < 0.01). Total N excretion and NH3–N emission decreased 8.7% and 10.1% per 10 g/kg reduction in dietary CP concentration between 205.6 and 131.9 g/kg, respectively. There was no interaction between dietary CP concentration and collection period. N balance differed between the collection periods and less NH3–N was emitted at 87 kg than at 72 kg. Decreasing dietary CP reduced faecal VFA concentration (linear, P < 0.05) and the molar proportions of acetic and butyric acids (quadratic, P < 0.01).Enterprise Irelan

    The Curious Conundrum Regarding Sulfur Abundances In Planetary Nebulae

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    Sulfur abundances derived from optical emission line measurements and ionization correction factors in planetary nebulae are systematically lower than expected for the objects' metallicities. We have carefully considered a large range of explanations for this "sulfur anomaly", including: (1) correlations between the size of the sulfur deficit and numerous nebular and central star properties; (2) ionization correction factors which under-correct for unobserved ions; (3) effects of dielectronic recombination on the sulfur ionization balance; (4) sequestering of S into dust and/or molecules; and (5) excessive destruction of S or production of O by AGB stars. It appears that all but the second scenario can be ruled out. However, we find evidence that the sulfur deficit is generally reduced but not eliminated when S^+3 abundances determined directly from IR measurements are used in place of the customary sulfur ionization correction factor. We tentatively conclude that the sulfur anomaly is caused by the inability of commonly used ICFs to properly correct for populations of ionization stages higher than S^+2.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa