292 research outputs found

    Transmission of Influenza on International Flights, May 2009

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    Understanding the dynamics of influenza transmission on international flights is necessary for prioritizing public health response to pandemic incursions. A retrospective cohort study to ascertain in-flight transmission of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and influenza-like illness (ILI) was undertaken for 2 long-haul flights entering Australia during May 2009. Combined results, including survey responses from 319 (43%) of 738 passengers, showed that 13 (2%) had an ILI in flight and an ILI developed in 32 (5%) passengers during the first week post arrival. Passengers were at 3.6% increased risk of contracting pandemic (H1N1) 2009 if they sat in the same row as or within 2 rows of persons who were symptomatic preflight. A closer exposed zone (2 seats in front, 2 seats behind, and 2 seats either side) increased the risk for postflight disease to 7.7%. Efficiency of contact tracing without compromising the effectiveness of the public health intervention might be improved by limiting the exposed zone

    Mucosal Immunization with the Moraxella Catarrhalis Porin M35 Induces Enhanced Bacterial Clearance from the Lung: A Possible Role for Opsonophagocytosis

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    Moraxella catarrhalis is a significant cause of respiratory tract infection against which a vaccine is sought. Several outer membrane proteins are currently under investigation as potential vaccine antigens, including the porin M35. We have previously shown that the third external loop of M35 was immunodominant over the remainder of the protein for antibody produced in mice against the refolded recombinant protein. However, as this loop is predicted to fold inside the porin channel we also predicted that it would not be accessible to these antibodies when M35 is expressed on the surface of the bacteria in its native conformation. This study investigated the functional activity of antibodies against M35 and those specific for the loop 3 region of M35 in vitro and in vivo. Antisera from mice immunized with M35 or the loop 3-deletion, M35loop3−, recombinant proteins were not bactericidal but did have enhanced opsonic activity, whereas antibodies raised against the loop 3 peptide were not opsoniszing indicating that the immunodominant loop 3 of M35 was not accessible to antibody as we had previously predicted. Mucosal immunization with M35, M35 that had an antigenically altered loop 3 [M35(ID78)] and M35loop3− enhanced the clearance of M. catarrhalis from the lungs of mice challenged with live M. catarrhalis. The in vivo clearance of bacteria in the mice with the M35-derived protein constructs correlated significantly (p < 0.001) with the opsonic activity assessed an in vitro opsonophagocytosis assay. This study has demonstrated that the immunodominant B-cell epitope to loop 3 of the M. catarrhalis outer membrane protein M35 is not associated with immune protection and that M35-specific antibodies are not bactericidal but are opsoniszing. The opsoniszing activity correlated with in vivo clearance of the bacteria suggesting that opsoniszing antibody may be a good correlate of immune protection

    Cytokine-stimulated T cells induce macrophage IL-10 production dependent on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and p70S6K: implications for rheumatoid arthritis

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    IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine produced in the joint in rheumatoid arthritis by macrophages and infiltrating blood lymphocytes. Regulation of its expression is poorly understood, but previous findings have suggested that physical interactions with T cells may play a role. This report investigates signalling mechanisms involved in the production of macrophage IL-10 upon interaction with fixed, cytokine-stimulated T cells (Tck). Elutriated monocytes were differentiated to macrophages by macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and co-cultured with fixed T cells chronically stimulated in a cytokine cocktail of IL-2/IL-6/tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha in the presence or absence of wortmannin and LY294002, inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), or of rapamycin, an inhibitor of p70 S6-kinase (p70S6K). Spontaneous IL-10 production by rheumatoid arthritis synovial-membrane mononuclear cells (RA-SMCs) and co-cultures of rheumatoid arthritis T cells (RA-Ts) and macrophages was also assessed. RA-T and Tck induction of macrophage IL-10 production was suppressed by cell separation and inhibition of PI3K and p70S6K. PI3K involvement was also shown by phosphorylation of the downstream effector protein kinase B. Spontaneous IL-10 production by RA-SMCs was also inhibited by LY294002 and depletion of the nonadherent (T-cell-enriched) fraction of the cell population. IL-10 production in RA-SMCs and M-CSF-primed macrophages, activated by interaction with Tck, is PI3K- and p70S6K-dependent

    Oral activated charcoal prevents experimental cerebral malaria in mice and in a randomized controlled clinical trial in man did not interfere with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate.

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    BACKGROUND: Safe, cheap and effective adjunct therapies preventing the development of, or reducing the mortality from, severe malaria could have considerable and rapid public health impact. Oral activated charcoal (oAC) is a safe and well tolerated treatment for acute poisoning, more recently shown to have significant immunomodulatory effects in man. In preparation for possible efficacy trials in human malaria, we sought to determine whether oAC would i) reduce mortality due to experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) in mice, ii) modulate immune and inflammatory responses associated with ECM, and iii) affect the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate in human volunteers. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that oAC provided significant protection against P. berghei ANKA-induced ECM, increasing overall survival time compared to untreated mice (p<0.0001; hazard ratio 16.4; 95% CI 6.73 to 40.1). Protection from ECM by oAC was associated with reduced numbers of splenic TNF(+) CD4(+) T cells and multifunctional IFNgamma(+)TNF(+) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, we identified a whole blood gene expression signature (68 genes) associated with protection from ECM. To evaluate whether oAC might affect current best available anti-malarial treatment, we conducted a randomized controlled open label trial in 52 human volunteers (ISRCTN NR. 64793756), administering artesunate (AS) in the presence or absence of oAC. We demonstrated that co-administration of oAC was safe and well-tolerated. In the 26 subjects further analyzed, we found no interference with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral AS or its pharmacologically active metabolite dihydroartemisinin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: oAC protects against ECM in mice, and does not interfere with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate. If future studies succeed in establishing the efficacy of oAC in human malaria, then the characteristics of being inexpensive, well-tolerated at high doses and requiring no sophisticated storage would make oAC a relevant candidate for adjunct therapy to reduce mortality from severe malaria, or for immediate treatment of suspected severe malaria in a rural setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN64793756

    K21-Antigen: A Molecule Shared by the Microenvironments of the Human Thymus and Germinal Centers

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    The mouse IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) K21 recognizes a 230-kD molecule (K21-Ag) on Hassall's corpuscles in the human thymus. This mAb also stains cultured thymic epithelial cells as well as other epithelial cell lines, revealing a predominant intracellular localization. Further analysis with mAb K21 on other lymphoid tissues showed that it also stains cells within the germinal centers of human tonsils, both lymphoid (B) cells and some with the appearance of follicular dendritic cells. Double immunostaining of tonsil sections shows that K21-Ag is not expressed by T cells, whereas staining with anti-CD22 and -CD23 mAb revealed some doublepositive cells. A subpopulation of the lymphoid cells express the K21-Ag much more strongly. This K21++/CD23++ subpopulation of cells is localized in the apical light zone of germinal centers, suggesting that K21-Ag may be an important marker for the selected centrocytes within germinal centers and may play a role in B-cell selection and/or development of B-cell memory. Flow cytometric analysis showed that K21-Ag is expressed on the surface of a very low percentage of thymocytes, tonsillar lymphocytes, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Analysis of purified/separated tonsillar T and B lymphocytes showed that T cells do not express the K21-Ag; in contrast, B cells express low levels of the K21-Ag, and this together with CD23 is upregulated after mitogenic stimulation. Our data therefore raise the possibility that the K2l- Ag may play a role in B-lymphocyte activation/selection

    Epidemiology of emergency department acute kidney injury

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    Aim The epidemiology of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) diagnosed in the Emergency Department (ED) is poorly described. This study describes the incidence, demographics and outcomes of patients diagnosed with AKI in the ED (ED‐AKI). Methods A prospective cohort study was completed in a University Teaching Hospital, (UK) between April and August 2016. In total 20,421 adult patients attended the ED and had a serum creatinine measurement. The incident ED‐AKI patient episodes were compared to a randomly selected cohort of non‐AKI ED patients. Results 572 patients had confirmed eAlert ED‐AKI (548 incident cases), incidence 2.8% (of all ED attendances). ED‐AKI was associated with a 24.4% in‐patient mortality (non‐AKI 3.2%, p<0.001) of which 22.3% of deaths occurred within 24‐hours and 58% within 7‐days. Progression of the admission AKI stage to a higher AKI stage was associated with a 38.8% mortality compared to a 21.4% mortality in those who did not progress (p<0.001). In multivariate analysis ED‐AKI was an independent risk for mortality (HR, 6.293; 95% CI, 1.887 to 20.790, p=0.003). For those discharged from hospital 20.4% of ED‐AKI patients re‐attend for acute assessment within 30‐days post discharge (non‐AKI 7.6%, p<0.001). At 90‐days post discharge 10.0% of ED‐AKI patients died (non‐AKI 1.4%, p<0.001). 12‐months post discharge 17.8% of ED‐AKI patients developed CKD progression or de‐novo CKD (non‐AKI 6.0%). Conclusion ED‐AKI is an independent predictor of death. Mortality is predominantly in the early stages of hospital admission, but for those who survive to discharge have significant long‐term morbidity and mortality

    Splenectomy inactivates the cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway during lethal endotoxemia and polymicrobial sepsis

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    The innate immune system protects against infection and tissue injury through the specialized organs of the reticuloendothelial system, including the lungs, liver, and spleen. The central nervous system regulates innate immune responses via the vagus nerve, a mechanism termed the cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway. Vagus nerve stimulation inhibits proinflammatory cytokine production by signaling through the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit. Previously, the functional relationship between the cholinergic antiinflammatory pathway and the reticuloendothelial system was unknown. Here we show that vagus nerve stimulation fails to inhibit tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production in splenectomized animals during lethal endotoxemia. Selective lesioning of the common celiac nerve abolishes TNF suppression by vagus nerve stimulation, suggesting that the cholinergic pathway is functionally hard wired to the spleen via this branch of the vagus nerve. Administration of nicotine, an α7 agonist that mimics vagus nerve stimulation, increases proinflammatory cytokine production and lethality from polymicrobial sepsis in splenectomized mice, indicating that the spleen is critical to the protective response of the cholinergic pathway. These results reveal a specific, physiological connection between the nervous and innate immune systems that may be exploited through either electrical vagus nerve stimulation or administration of α7 agonists to inhibit proinflammatory cytokine production during infection and tissue injury

    Role of the Mannose Receptor (CD206) in Innate Immunity to Ricin Toxin

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    The entry of ricin toxin into macrophages and certain other cell types in the spleen and liver results in toxin-induced inflammation, tissue damage and organ failure. It has been proposed that uptake of ricin into macrophages is facilitated by the mannose receptor (MR; CD206), a C-type lectin known to recognize the oligosaccharide side chains on ricin’s A (RTA) and B (RTB) subunits. In this study, we confirmed that the MR does indeed promote ricin binding, uptake and killing of monocytes in vitro. To assess the role of MR in the pathogenesis of ricin in vivo, MR knockout (MR−/−) mice were challenged with the equivalent of 2.5× or 5× LD50 of ricin by intraperitoneal injection. We found that MR−/− mice were significantly more susceptible to toxin-induced death than their age-matched, wild-type control counterparts. These data are consistent with a role for the MR in scavenging and degradation of ricin, not facilitating its uptake and toxicity in vivo

    A four-year, systems-wide intervention promoting interprofessional collaboration

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    Background: A four-year action research study was conducted across the Australian Capital Territory health system to strengthen interprofessional collaboration (IPC) through multiple intervention activities. Methods: We developed 272 substantial IPC intervention activities involving 2,407 face-to-face encounters with health system personnel. Staff attitudes toward IPC were surveyed yearly using Heinemann et al’s Attitudes toward Health Care Teams and Parsell and Bligh’s Readiness for Interprofessional Learning scales (RIPLS). At study’s end staff assessed whether project goals were achieved. Results: Of the improvement projects, 76 exhibited progress, and 57 made considerable gains in IPC. Educational workshops and feedback sessions were well received and stimulated interprofessional activities. Over time staff scores on Heinemann’s Quality of Interprofessional Care subscale did not change significantly and scores on the Doctor Centrality subscale increased, contrary to predictions. Scores on the RIPLS subscales of Teamwork & Collaboration and Professional Identity did not alter. On average for the assessment items 33% of staff agreed that goals had been achieved, 10% disagreed, and 57% checked ‘neutral’. There was most agreement that the study had resulted in increased sharing of knowledge between professions and improved quality of patient care, and least agreement that between-professional rivalries had lessened and communication and trust between professions improved. Conclusions: Our longitudinal interventional study of IPC involving multiple activities supporting increased IPC achieved many project-specific goals, but improvements in attitudes over time were not demonstrated and neutral assessments predominated, highlighting the difficulties faced by studies targeting change at the systems level and over extended periods