1,892 research outputs found

    A Versatile Active Block: DXCCCII and Tunable Applications

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    The study describes dual-X controlled current conveyor (DXCCCII) as a versatile active block and its application to inductance simulators for testing. Moreover, the high pass filter application using with DXCCCII based inductance simulator and oscillator with flexible tunable oscillation frequency have been presented and simulated to confirm the theoretical validity. The proposed circuit which has a simple circuit design requires the low-voltage and the DXCCCII can also be tuned in the wide range by the biasing current. The proposed DXCCCII provides a good linearity, high output impedance at Z terminals, and a reasonable current and voltage transfer gain accuracy. The proposed DXCCCII and its applications have been simulated using the CMOS 0.18 µm technology

    The Effects of Shear and Rotation Anisotropy Upon the Process of Gravitational Instability

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    In this paper, we study the role of shear fields on the evolution of density perturbations embedded in a Friedmann flat background universe, by studying the evolution of a homogeneous ellipsoid model. In this context, we show that while the effect of the shear is that of increasing the growth rate of the density contrast of a mass element, the angular momentum acquired by the ellipsoid has the right magnitude to counterbalance the shear. Finally, our result show that initial asphericities and tidal interaction induce a slowing down of the collapse after the system has broken away from the general expansion, in perfect agreement with the previrialization conjecture (Peebles & Groth 1976; Davis & Peebles 1977)

    Hydrologic homogeneous regions using monthly Streamflow in Turkey

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    Cluster analysis of gauged streamflow records into homogeneous and robust regions is an important tool for the characterization of hydrologic systems. In this paper we applied the hierarchical cluster analysis to the task of objectively classifying streamflow data into regions encompassing similar streamflow patterns over Turkey. The performance of three standardization techniques was also tested, and standardizing by range was found better than standardizing with zero mean and unit variance. Clustering was carried out using Ward’s minimum variance method which became prominent in managing water resources with squared Euclidean dissimilarity measures on 80 streamflow stations. The stations have natural flow regimes where no intensive river regulation had occurred. A general conclusion drawn is that the zones having similar streamflow pattern were not be overlapped well with the conventional climate zones of Turkey; however, they are coherent with the climate zones of Turkey recently redefined by the cluster analysis to total precipitation data as well as homogenous streamflow zones of Turkey determined by the rotated principal component analysis. The regional streamflow information in this study can significantly improve the accuracy of flow predictions in ungauged watersheds

    Migration of giant planets in planetesimal discs

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    Planets orbiting a planetesimal circumstellar disc can migrate inward from their initial positions because of dynamical friction between planets and planetesimals. The migration rate depends on the disc mass and on its time evolution. Planets that are embedded in long-lived planetesimal discs, having total mass of 1040.01M10^{-4}-0.01 M_{\odot}, can migrate inward a large distance and can survive only if the inner disc is truncated or because of tidal interaction with the star. In this case the semi-major axis, a, of the planetary orbit is less than 0.1 AU. Orbits with larger aa are obtained for smaller value of the disc mass or for a rapid evolution (depletion) of the disc. This model may explain several of the orbital features of the giant planets that were discovered in last years orbiting nearby stars as well as the metallicity enhancement found in several stars associated with short-period planets.Comment: 21 pages; 6 encapsulated figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Streamflow and La Niña event relationships in the ENSO-streamflow core areas

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    EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The high index phase of the Southern Oscillation (SO), La Niña, has not been given as much attention as its counterpart, the low index phase of the SO, El Niño. One reason may be related to the fact that many similarities exist among El Niño events but not among La Niña events. ... In this study, we focus on the influences of La Niña phenomena on streamflow anomalies ... to explore the SO-related signal over the United States

    Banking Geography and Cross-Fertilization in the Productivity Growth of US Commercial Banks

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    The US banking industry offers a unique, natural and fertile environment to study geography's effects on banks' behavior and performance. The literature on banks' operating performance, while extensive, says little about the influence of spatial interactions on banks' performance. We compute and examine, using a physical distance-based spatio-temporal empirical model, the state-wide total factor productivity growth (TFPG) indices of US commercial banks for each state for the 1971-1995 period. We observe that the productivity growth of commercial banks in state i depends strongly, positively, and contemporaneously on the productivity growth of commercial banks located in state i's contiguous states. Further, “regulatory space” appears to induce frictions and lessen the documented spatial interactions. These findings support our plea that research on commercial banking sector's behavior need to pay a particular attention to the effects of banking geography.Spatial, Commercial Banks, Total Factor Productivity Growth, Kalman Filter

    Constraints to cosmological parameters through clusters evolution

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    In this paper, I revisit the constraints obtained by several authors (Reichart et al. 1999; Eke et al. 1998; Henry 2000) on the estimated values of Omegam, n and sigma_8 in the light of recent theoretical developments: 1) new theoretical mass functions (Sheth & Tormen 1999, Sheth, Mo & Tormen 2001, Del Popolo 2002b); 2) a more accurate mass-temperature relation, also determined for arbitrary Omega_m and Omega_Lambda (Del Popolo 2002a).Comment: 3 pages; 3 encapsulated figures. Proceedings of Iau Coll. 19