368 research outputs found

    Mycoplasma Diversity in Arctic Permafrost

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Viable bacterial cells and its genetic material can be stably maintained in Arctic permafrost for a long geological time. Because of the seasonal melting of permafrost strata, it cannot be excluded an access to the surface of ancient highly invasive species with increased pathogenicity. Mycoplasmas are very successful pathogens in humans, mammals, birds, insects, and plants, with high genome plasticity and ability to avoid immune response of host organism. The metagenomic approach allowed us to predict mycoplasma diversity in the Arctic permafrost. The number of mycoplasma DNA fragments in soil deposits of comparable age (∼30,000 years) and origin (the late Pleistocene Ice Complexes) is not so abundant compared with other microorganisms, but it is enough for a chance in the presence of living mycoplasmal cells in permafrost. DNA fragments of human, animal, insect, and plant pathogens were identified. The “ubiquitous” mycoplasma Acholeplasma laidlawii is the undisputed leader in the number of identified sequences in all three metagenomes. It may indicate a higher adaptive capacity and more powerful metabolic potential of A. laidlawii among Mollicutes

    Метод повышения разрешающей способности по дальности радиоимпульсных датчиков систем ближней радиолокации

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    The description of a new method for increasing the resolution of radio pulse sensors (RPS) designed for short- range radar systems (SRRS) for detecting and measuring motion parameters of location objects is presented. The essence of the method is that the controlled area of space with the targets located in it is periodically irradiated with probing radio pulses, and during their radiation, radio pulses reflected from the targets are simultaneously received and divided into two quadrature channels. Next, they are mixed with probing radio pulses, and the time-overlapping parts of these radio pulses are converted into the region of low Doppler frequencies in the form of two quadrature video pulses. Then, the quadrature video pulses received in these channels are sampled by amplitude, stored at multiple points in time and digitally processed according to the proposed algorithm. The method is implemented in the RPS made on the basis of a horn-lens antenna, a Doppler receiving and transmitting module with quadrature outputs of converted signals, a synchronization and pulse generation unit, as well as a digital signal processing unit. The RPS can be used in onboard (for example, automotive) SRRS designed to detect moving targets, measure the distance to them, as well as determine the speed and direction of movement. The results of experimental studies have been obtained on the example of the 8-mm autodyne RPS made on the basis of the oscillator on a planar Gann-diode. Bogatyrev E. V., Vishnyakov D. S., Ignatkov K. A., Noskov V. Ya. Method of increasing the range resolution of radio pulse sensors of short-r ange radar systems. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(2):166–190. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.15826/urej.2023.7.2.005.Представлено описание нового метода повышения разрешающей способности радиоимпульсных датчиков (РЛД), предназначенных для систем ближней радиолокации (СБРЛ) обнаружения и измерения параметров движения объектов локации. Суть метода состоит в том, что контролируемую область пространства с находящимися в ней целями периодически облучают зондирующими радиоимпульсами, причем во время их излучения одновременно принимают отраженные от целей радиоимпульсы и разделяют их на два квадратурных канала. Далее смешивают их с зондирующими радиоимпульсами, преобразуют перекрывающиеся по времени части этих радиоимпульсов в область низких доплеровских частот в виде двух квадратурных видеоимпульсов. Затем полученные в этих каналах квадратурные видеоимпульсы дискретизируют по амплитуде, запоминают во множестве моментов времени и подвергают цифровой обработке по предложенному алгоритму. Метод реализован в РЛД, выполненном на базе рупорно-линзовой антенны, доплеровского приемопередающего модуля с квадратурными выходами преобразованных сигналов, блока синхронизации и формирования импульсов, а также блока цифровой обработки сигналов. РЛД может найти применение в бортовых СБРЛ (например, автомобильных), предназначенных для обнаружения движущихся целей, измерения расстояния до них, а также определения скорости и направления движения. Результаты экспериментальных исследований получены на примере автодинного РЛД 8-мм диапазона, выполненного на основе генератора на планарном диоде Ганна. Богатырев Е. В., Вишняков Д. С., Игнатков К. А., Носков В. Я. Метод повышения разрешающей способности по дальности радиоимпульсных датчиков систем ближней радиолокации. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2023;7(2):166–190. DOI: 10.15826/urej.2023.7.2.005

    Sanitary protection of the territory of Russian Federation. Report 2. The differentiation of the territory of a region of Russian Federation for risk of diseases dangerous for people

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    The risk of emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare associated with diseases dangerous for population varies for different municipalities of a region of Russian Federation. Therefore a differentiation of a region for three types of territories (A, B, C) is necessary. Adequate number of sanitary protection measures is determined for each type of territories. The purpose of this study was the development of methodical reception for differentiation of a region of Russian Federation. Point scoping of criteria of external and. internal epidemiological risks for each of municipality is proposed as this method. Criteria of external epidemiological risk allow to take into account the probability of the importation of infectious diseases, requiring measures for sanitary protection of the territory. Criteria of internal epidemiological risk reflect both actual and. potential dangers: morbidity, the registration of particular nosologic forms of diseases in animals and. detection of pathogens in the living and. non-living environment objects. Assessment of internal risk is carried out in the analysis of information about epizootic and. epidemiological situation of infectious diseases, the list of which is proposed, with, consideration of their epidemiological significance and. can be used for any Russian Federation region. According to the results of total assessment of risks for each of municipalities the complex index of epidemiological risk (CIER) is determined. On the basis of CIER the territory type (A, B, C) is determined. Type A, B or C defines for the municipality the volume of measures for sanitary protection of the territory on the basis of a sufficient level for preparedness of forces and means of public health institutions. The method, based, on the assessment of external and. internal epidemiological risks, that allows to differentiate the region of Russian Federation, at municipal level for risk of diseases dangerous for people, is proposed, as the result of this work. A new methodical approach, will contribute to the increase of the preparedness of public health, institutions to emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare associated, with, diseases dangerous for people


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    The results of the object exercise of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Formation (SAEF) of Irkutsk Antiplague Research Institute performed in July 2011 are summarized. According to the exercise plan, SAEF subdivisions carried out tasks on monitoring of surface waters in conditions of an imported, cholera focus. GIS (Geo-Informational Systems)-technologies and. GPS-navigation were used, for optimization, the SAEF actions. Algorithm of measures on the basis of the epidemic significance of vibrios isolated, from surface waters was developed

    Morphology of supported polymer electrolyte ultra-thin films: a numerical study

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    Morphology of polymer electrolytes membranes (PEM), e.g., Nafion, inside PEM fuel cell catalyst layers has significant impact on the electrochemical activity and transport phenomena that determine cell performance. In those regions, Nafion can be found as an ultra-thin film, coating the catalyst and the catalyst support surfaces. The impact of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic character of these surfaces on the structural formation of the films has not been sufficiently explored yet. Here, we report about Molecular Dynamics simulation investigation of the substrate effects on the ionomer ultra-thin film morphology at different hydration levels. We use a mean-field-like model we introduced in previous publications for the interaction of the hydrated Nafion ionomer with a substrate, characterized by a tunable degree of hydrophilicity. We show that the affinity of the substrate with water plays a crucial role in the molecular rearrangement of the ionomer film, resulting in completely different morphologies. Detailed structural description in different regions of the film shows evidences of strongly heterogeneous behavior. A qualitative discussion of the implications of our observations on the PEMFC catalyst layer performance is finally proposed

    Вакцинация детей против COVID-19: зарубежный опыт (обзор литературы)

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    The need to vaccinate children under the age of 12 against COVID-19 remains an object of discussion today. The relatively low risk associated with infection in children and the ambiguous conclusions when comparing the effects of vaccination and the transferred disease are grounds to believe that the ratio of risk and benefit of vaccination in this age group is more complex. One of the key arguments in favor of vaccinating healthy children is to protect them from the long-term effects of COVID-19. In addition, socially significant factors such as a decrease in the spread of infection, the cost of vaccine supplies or damage associated with the organization of quarantine measures (including the closure of schools and the transfer of the educational process to a remote format) should be taken into account. The dynamics of the situation requires a constant reassessment of the risk and benefits of specific prevention in children. The purpose of this literature review is to systematize objective data concerning the foreign experience of vaccination of children against COVID-19; arguments for and against vaccination, which complicate the decision-making on the issue under study at one level or another.Необходимость вакцинации детей в возрасте до 12 лет против COVID-19 на сегодняшний день остается объектом дискуссии. Относительно низкий риск, связанный с инфекцией у детей и неоднозначные выводы при сопоставлении последствий вакцинации и перенесенного заболевания являются основанием полагать, что соотношение риска и пользы вакцинации в данной возрастной группе является спорным решением. Одним из ключевых аргументов в пользу вакцинации здоровых детей является защита их от долгосрочных последствий COVID-19. Кроме того, следует принимать во внимание такие социально значимые факторы, как снижение распространения инфекции, затраты на поставки вакцины или же ущерб, связанный с организацией карантинных мероприятий (в том числе закрытием школ и переводом образовательного процесса в дистанционный формат). Динамика ситуации требует постоянной переоценки риска и пользы специфической профилактики у детей. Целью данного литературного обзора является систематизация объективных данных, касающихся зарубежного опыта вакцинации детей от COVID-19, аргументов за и против вакцинации, которые осложняют принятие решение по исследуемому вопросу на том или ином уровне

    A New Measurement of the π0\pi^0 Radiative Decay Width

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    High precision measurements of the differential cross sections for π0\pi^0 photoproduction at forward angles for two nuclei, 12^{12}C and 208^{208}Pb, have been performed for incident photon energies of 4.9 - 5.5 GeV to extract the π0γγ{\pi^0 \to \gamma\gamma} decay width. The experiment was done at Jefferson Lab using the Hall B photon tagger and a high-resolution multichannel calorimeter. The π0γγ{\pi^0 \to \gamma\gamma} decay width was extracted by fitting the measured cross sections using recently updated theoretical models for the process. The resulting value for the decay width is Γ(π0γγ)=7.82±0.14 (stat.)±0.17 (syst.) eV\Gamma{(\pi^0 \to \gamma\gamma)} = 7.82 \pm 0.14 ~({\rm stat.}) \pm 0.17 ~({\rm syst.}) ~{\rm eV}. With the 2.8% total uncertainty, this result is a factor of 2.5 more precise than the current PDG average of this fundamental quantity and it is consistent with current theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Extracellular membrane vesicles secreted by mycoplasma Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8 are enriched in virulence proteins

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    Mycoplasmas (class Mollicutes), the smallest prokaryotes capable of self-replication, as well as Archaea, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria constitutively produce extracellular vesicles (EVs). However, little is known regarding the content and functions of mycoplasma vesicles. Here, we present for the first time a proteomics-based characterisation of extracellular membrane vesicles from Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8. The ubiquitous mycoplasma is widespread in nature, found in humans, animals and plants, and is the causative agent of phytomycoplasmoses and the predominant contaminant of cell cultures. Taking a proteomics approach using LC-ESI-MS/MS, we identified 97 proteins. Analysis of the identified proteins indicated that A. laidlawii-derived EVs are enriched in virulence proteins that may play critical roles in mycoplasma-induced pathogenesis. Our data will help to elucidate the functions of mycoplasma-derived EVs and to develop effective methods to control infections and contaminations of cell cultures by mycoplasmas.In the present study, we have documented for the first time the proteins in EVs secreted by mycoplasma vesicular proteins identified in this study are likely involved in the adaptation of bacteria to stressors, survival in microbial communities and pathogen-host interactions. These findings suggest that the secretion of EVs is an evolutionally conserved and universal process that occurs in organisms from the simplest wall-less bacteria to complex organisms and indicate the necessity of developing new approaches to control infects. © 2014


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    The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project # 19-37-60023