631 research outputs found

    Chemical and biological approaches to enhance the bacteriophage as a probe in molecular recognition

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    The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to explore the structural and molecular features of a filamentous bacteriophage for incorporation in biosensing platforms. To tune the bacteriophage surface as a scaffold for molecular recognition, chemical and biological protocols aimed at controlling and enhancing its intrinsic properties were developed. A key part of the work was aimed at anchoring bacteriophage particles by one-end to surfaces, and on labelling its viral capsid with dyes, antibodies and DNA molecules. The tolerance of the bacteriophage for modifications, as well its simplicity and robustness, makes it an attractive probe for biosensors. Furthermore, the filamentous structure of the bacteriophage was demonstrated to be a valuable feature in both microscopy- and spectroscopy-based biosensors. The ability of the bacteriophage to align under flow was considered as a simple, yet efficient approach for the detection of wall shear stress and pathogenic bacteria. A novel method to detect wall shear stress (WSS) was developed by using a fluorescently decorated bacteriophage particle anchored by one-end to a surface. The response of this filamentous nanosensor to flow variations was tracked under a microscope, and gave valuable information on the shear flow of a fluid passing over a surface. Using a custom-made analysis tool and an algorithm, we were able to derive the wall shear stress on the point of attachment of the nanosensor, using endothelial cells as a model system. The proof-of-concept to this work highlighted how a simple bacteriophage construct can be use as a nanosensor for imaging and mapping flow. Linear dichroism (LD) spectroscopy also explores the high aspect ratio of the filamentous bacteriophage. Linear Diagnostics Ltd., a startup company in Birmingham, exploits the natural LD properties of the bacteriophage and integrated it with a biosensing platform targeting pathogenic bacteria. The work reported in this thesis mainly focused on developing alternative approaches that could improve the biosensor sensitivity and simplicity, by modifying the bacteriophage scaffold, further demonstrating its versatility


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    Carbon and oxygen stable isotope values (δ13C, δ18O) were obtained from structural carbonate in the bioapatite of bear bones (Ursus ingressus) from Loutra Arideas cave, Almopia Speleopark, Macedonia, N. Greece. Samples of Late Pleistocene bear bones were studied for palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the area. The age range of the fossil layers is from 32ka BP to a maximum of 38ka BP. Generally, the palaeoclimatic proxy is correlated with literature data for climatic variations in the area during Late Pleistocene, whereas dietary behavior was investigated taking into account possible diagenetic processes that may have affected the carbonate matrix of the bones

    Brain Aging in the Oldest-Old

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    Nonagenarians and centenarians represent a quickly growing age group worldwide. In parallel, the prevalence of dementia increases substantially, but how to define dementia in this oldest-old age segment remains unclear. Although the idea that the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) decreases after age 90 has now been questioned, the oldest-old still represent a population relatively resistant to degenerative brain processes. Brain aging is characterised by the formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and senile plaques (SPs) as well as neuronal and synaptic loss in both cognitively intact individuals and patients with AD. In nondemented cases NFTs are usually restricted to the hippocampal formation, whereas the progressive involvement of the association areas in the temporal neocortex parallels the development of overt clinical signs of dementia. In contrast, there is little correlation between the quantitative distribution of SP and AD severity. The pattern of lesion distribution and neuronal loss changes in extreme aging relative to the younger-old. In contrast to younger cases where dementia is mainly related to severe NFT formation within adjacent components of the medial and inferior aspects of the temporal cortex, oldest-old individuals display a preferential involvement of the anterior part of the CA1 field of the hippocampus whereas the inferior temporal and frontal association areas are relatively spared. This pattern suggests that both the extent of NFT development in the hippocampus as well as a displacement of subregional NFT distribution within the Cornu ammonis (CA) fields may be key determinants of dementia in the very old. Cortical association areas are relatively preserved. The progression of NFT formation across increasing cognitive impairment was significantly slower in nonagenarians and centenarians compared to younger cases in the CA1 field and entorhinal cortex. The total amount of amyloid and the neuronal loss in these regions were also significantly lower than those reported in younger AD cases. Overall, there is evidence that pathological substrates of cognitive deterioration in the oldest-old are different from those observed in the younger-old. Microvascular parameters such as mean capillary diameters may be key factors to consider for the prediction of cognitive decline in the oldest-old. Neuropathological particularities of the oldest-old may be related to “longevity-enabling” genes although little or nothing is known in this promising field of future research

    A New Lower Bound for Deterministic Truthful Scheduling

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    We study the problem of truthfully scheduling mm tasks to nn selfish unrelated machines, under the objective of makespan minimization, as was introduced in the seminal work of Nisan and Ronen [STOC'99]. Closing the current gap of [2.618,n][2.618,n] on the approximation ratio of deterministic truthful mechanisms is a notorious open problem in the field of algorithmic mechanism design. We provide the first such improvement in more than a decade, since the lower bounds of 2.4142.414 (for n=3n=3) and 2.6182.618 (for nn\to\infty) by Christodoulou et al. [SODA'07] and Koutsoupias and Vidali [MFCS'07], respectively. More specifically, we show that the currently best lower bound of 2.6182.618 can be achieved even for just n=4n=4 machines; for n=5n=5 we already get the first improvement, namely 2.7112.711; and allowing the number of machines to grow arbitrarily large we can get a lower bound of 2.7552.755.Comment: 15 page

    Ultrasound and dynamic functional imaging in vascular cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease

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    The vascular contributions to neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation may be assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography (US). This review summarises the methodology for these widely available, safe and relatively low cost tools and analyses recent work highlighting their potential utility as biomarkers for differentiating subtypes of cognitive impairment and dementia, tracking disease progression and evaluating response to treatment in various neurocognitive disorders. METHODS: At the 9th International Congress on Vascular Dementia (Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2015) a writing group of experts was formed to review the evidence on the utility of US and arterial spin labelling (ASL) as neurophysiological markers of normal ageing, vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Original articles, systematic literature reviews, guidelines and expert opinions published until September 2016 were critically analysed to summarise existing evidence, indicate gaps in current knowledge and, when appropriate, suggest standards of use for the most widely used US and ASL applications. RESULTS: Cerebral hypoperfusion has been linked to cognitive decline either as a risk or an aggravating factor. Hypoperfusion as a consequence of microangiopathy, macroangiopathy or cardiac dysfunction can promote or accelerate neurodegeneration, blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammation. US can evaluate the cerebrovascular tree for pathological structure and functional changes contributing to cerebral hypoperfusion. Microvascular pathology and hypoperfusion at the level of capillaries and small arterioles can also be assessed by ASL, an MRI signal. Despite increasing evidence supporting the utility of these methods in detection of microvascular pathology, cerebral hypoperfusion, neurovascular unit dysfunction and, most importantly, disease progression, incomplete standardisation and missing validated cut-off values limit their use in daily routine. CONCLUSIONS: US and ASL are promising tools with excellent temporal resolution, which will have a significant impact on our understanding of the vascular contributions to VCI and AD and may also be relevant for assessing future prevention and therapeutic strategies for these conditions. Our work provides recommendations regarding the use of non-invasive imaging techniques to investigate the functional consequences of vascular burden in dementia

    Spatio-temporal patterns of recent and future climate extremes in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region

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    Recent and future changes in temperature and precipitation climate extremes are estimated using the Hadley Centre PRECIS ("Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies") climate model for the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region. The area of interest is considered vulnerable to extreme climate events as there is evidence for a temperature rise while precipitation tends to decline, suggesting likely effects on vital socioeconomic sectors in the region. Observations have been obtained for the recent period (1961–1990) and used to evaluate the model output. The spatial distribution of recent temporal trends in temperature indicates strong increasing in minimum temperature over the eastern Balkan Peninsula, Turkey and the Arabian Peninsula. The rate of warming reaches 0.4–0.5 °C decade<sup>−1</sup> in a large part of the domain, while warming is expected to be strongest in summer (0.6–0.7 °C decade<sup>−1</sup>) in the eastern Balkans and western Turkey. The trends in annual and summer maximum temperature are estimated at approximately 0.5 and 0.6 °C decade<sup>−1</sup> respectively. Recent estimates do not indicate statistically significant trends in precipitation except for individual sub-regions. Results indicate a future warming trend for the study area over the last 30 years of the 21st century. Trends are estimated to be positive and statistically significant in nearly the entire region. The annual trend patterns for both minimum and maximum temperature show warming rates of approximately 0.4–0.6 °C decade<sup>−1</sup>, with pronounced warming over the Middle Eastern countries. Summer temperatures reveal a gradual warming (0.5–0.9 °C decade<sup>−1</sup>) over much of the region. The model projects drying trends by 5–30% in annual precipitation towards the end of the 21st century, with the number of wet days decreasing at the rate of 10–30 days year<sup>−1</sup>, while heavy precipitation is likely to decrease in the high-elevation areas by 15 days year<sup>−1</sup>

    Brain Aging in the Oldest-Old

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    Nonagenarians and centenarians represent a quickly growing age group worldwide. In parallel, the prevalence of dementia increases substantially, but how to define dementia in this oldest-old age segment remains unclear. Although the idea that the risk of Alzheimer&apos;s disease (AD) decreases after age 90 has now been questioned, the oldest-old still represent a population relatively resistant to degenerative brain processes. Brain aging is characterised by the formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and senile plaques (SPs) as well as neuronal and synaptic loss in both cognitively intact individuals and patients with AD. In nondemented cases NFTs are usually restricted to the hippocampal formation, whereas the progressive involvement of the association areas in the temporal neocortex parallels the development of overt clinical signs of dementia. In contrast, there is little correlation between the quantitative distribution of SP and AD severity. The pattern of lesion distribution and neuronal loss changes in extreme aging relative to the younger-old. In contrast to younger cases where dementia is mainly related to severe NFT formation within adjacent components of the medial and inferior aspects of the temporal cortex, oldest-old individuals display a preferential involvement of the anterior part of the CA1 field of the hippocampus whereas the inferior temporal and frontal association areas are relatively spared. This pattern suggests that both the extent of NFT development in the hippocampus as well as a displacement of subregional NFT distribution within the Cornu ammonis (CA) fields may be key determinants of dementia in the very old. Cortical association areas are relatively preserved. The progression of NFT formation across increasing cognitive impairment was significantly slower in nonagenarians and centenarians compared to younger cases in the CA1 field and entorhinal cortex. The total amount of amyloid and the neuronal loss in these regions were also significantly lower than those reported in younger AD cases. Overall, there is evidence that pathological substrates of cognitive deterioration in the oldest-old are different from those observed in the youngerold. Microvascular parameters such as mean capillary diameters may be key factors to consider for the prediction of cognitive decline in the oldest-old. Neuropathological particularities of the oldest-old may be related to &quot;longevity-enabling&quot; genes although little or nothing is known in this promising field of future research

    Preliminary diagnostic reference levels for endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography in Greece

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    The main objective of this study was to determine the preliminary Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) in terms of Kerma Area Product (KAP) and fluoroscopy time (Tf) during Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) procedures. Additionally, an investigation was conducted to explore the statistical relation between KAP and Tf. Data from a set of 200 randomly selected patients treated in 4 large hospitals in Greece (50 patients per hospital) were analyzed in order to obtain preliminary DRLs for KAP and Tf during therapeutic ERCP procedures. Non-parametric statistic tests were performed in order to determine a statistically significant relation between KAP and Tf. The resulting third quartiles for KAP and Tf for hospitals (A, B, C and D) were found as followed: KAPA = 10.7 Gy cm^2, TfA = 4.9 min; KAPB = 7.5 Gy cm^2, TfB = 5.0 min; KAPC = 19.0 Gy cm^2, TfC = 7.3 min; KAPD = 52.4 Gy cm^2, TfD = 15.8 min. The third quartiles, calculated for the total 200 cases sample, are: KAP = 18.8 Gy cm^2 and Tf = 8.2 min. For 3 out of 4 hospitals and for the total sample, p-values of statistical indices (correlation of KAP and Tf) are less than 0.001, while for the Hospital A p-values are ranging from 0.07 to 0.08. Using curve fitting, we finally determine that the relation of Tf and KAP is deriving from a power equation (KAP = Tf^1.282) with R^2 = 0.85. The suggested Preliminary DRLs (deriving from the third quartiles of the total sample) for Greece are: KAP = 19 Gy cm^2 and Tf = 8 min, while the relation between KAP and Tf is efficiently described by a power equatio