613 research outputs found

    Children’s Cultural Capital and Teachers’ Assessments of Effort and Ability: The Influence of School Sector

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    Bourdieu (1973) theorized that differences in social background correspond to differences in possession of cultural resources (cultural capital), as well as the orientation to those resources (habitus). Additionally, Bourdieu argued that struggles for power occur in different settings (fields). His essay reviews Bourdieu’s main ideas and describes how they may apply to the American educational system. In particular, two setting are considered; public elementary schools and Catholic elementary schools. Based in analyses using data form the Early Childhood, Longitudinal Study (ECLS), Catholic school kindergartners are more likely to participate in arts activities, and their parents are more likely to be involved in and comfortable with the school environment. Regression analysis show that arts lessons and attendance at arts events do not affect teachers’ perceptions of the effort or ability of students in either public or Catholic schools. Parents’ orientation toward school has more of an effect in public than in Catholic schools. In public schools, attending open houses and conferences, volunteering, and feeling unwelcome at school all affect teachers’ evaluations of students’ effort and ability, while only attendance at school events and conferences affect teachers’ perceptions in Catholic schools. These findings suggest that the traditional definition of cultural capital may not be appropriate for young American children, that parents’ orientation toward schooling should be included in future studies of educational stratification, and that more research is needed in the examination of public-Catholic school differences in cultural resources

    Prop-fan data support study

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    Updated parametric prop-fan data packages are presented and the rationale used in developing the new prop-fan data is detailed. These data represent Hamilton Standard's projections of prop-fan characteristics for aircraft that are expected to be in-service in the 1985 to 1990 time frame. The basic prop-fan configuration was designed for efficient cruise operation at 0.8 Mach number and 10,668M altitude. The design blade tip speed is 244 mps and the design power loading is 301 KW/M squared

    Multi-Prover Commitments Against Non-Signaling Attacks

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    We reconsider the concept of multi-prover commitments, as introduced in the late eighties in the seminal work by Ben-Or et al. As was recently shown by Cr\'{e}peau et al., the security of known two-prover commitment schemes not only relies on the explicit assumption that the provers cannot communicate, but also depends on their information processing capabilities. For instance, there exist schemes that are secure against classical provers but insecure if the provers have quantum information processing capabilities, and there are schemes that resist such quantum attacks but become insecure when considering general so-called non-signaling provers, which are restricted solely by the requirement that no communication takes place. This poses the natural question whether there exists a two-prover commitment scheme that is secure under the sole assumption that no communication takes place; no such scheme is known. In this work, we give strong evidence for a negative answer: we show that any single-round two-prover commitment scheme can be broken by a non-signaling attack. Our negative result is as bad as it can get: for any candidate scheme that is (almost) perfectly hiding, there exists a strategy that allows the dishonest provers to open a commitment to an arbitrary bit (almost) as successfully as the honest provers can open an honestly prepared commitment, i.e., with probability (almost) 1 in case of a perfectly sound scheme. In the case of multi-round schemes, our impossibility result is restricted to perfectly hiding schemes. On the positive side, we show that the impossibility result can be circumvented by considering three provers instead: there exists a three-prover commitment scheme that is secure against arbitrary non-signaling attacks

    Perbandingan Pendapatan USAhatani Campuran Berdasarkan Pengelompokan Jenis Tanaman

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    The objective of research is to compare how much the average income per hectare of farms mixture by grouping types of plants in the Airmadidi Bawah Village. This research was conducted in the Airmadidi Bawah urban village for 3 months, from September to November 2015 with the method of data collection by using primary data. Samples taken were 15 for each farming mix using cluster random sampling technique. To determine the ratio mix used farm income analysis tool SPSS by using t-test. The results showed that there were significant differences between 1st mixed farming with 2nd mixed farming; the average income per hectare of 1st mixed farming Rp. 35.921.389,- was higher than the average income per hectare of 2nd mixed farming Rp. 30.430.699,- Results of testing the hypothesis 1st mixed farming and 2nd mixed farming shows the t-test (4.910) > t-table (1,761). From the test results, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, it means that there are differences in the average income per hectare of the 1st mixed farming and 2nd mixed farming.jnk


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    This research aimed to compare the marketing margin on farmers, traders, and retailers in the harvest of last season and the season now and see rice marketing distribution channels. As a very important sector, rice is still facing many problems, especially with regard to the welfare of peasant producers. Rice marketing issues, including low selling price at the level of farmers marketing channel pattern, margin and marketing efficiency. This research was conducted in the district of West Kakas in four villages namely Tountimomor, Passo, Panasen, Kalawiran, as the biggest producer in West Kakas and this research during the month of July until completed. The data obtained are primary and secondary data. Primary data sourced from the opinions and interviews with related parties are the subject of research. Secondary data is data obtained by researchers who comes from a document from the relevant authorities, such as: internet, literature sources or literature books and the Central Bureau of Statistics. This study uses a snowball to the rice marketing channel. Based on research conducted showed that the cost and the marketing margin level channel 1 at harvest 1 lower than the cost and the marketing margin level channel 1 for the season 2, also the cost and marketing margin on channel 2 at harvest level 1 is still lower than the cost and the marketing margin at the channel level 2 for the season 2. The greater the marketing margin, the more inefficient the marketing system

    Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen Restoran Pondok Hijau Kota Manado

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    This study aims to measure the level of customer satisfaction of green cottage restaurant viewed from the aspect of product, price, place, promotion and service. This research was conducted from February to April 2017, using primary and secondary data with sampling technique of accidental sampling method and respondents were 96 people. The method of analysis used is descriptive data analysis depicting Level of Consumer Satisfaction at Restaurant Pondok Hijau Manado City. To measure the Level of Consumer Satisfaction at Restaurant Pondok Hijau Manado City, use the Likert Scale. The result of the research showed that the perception index of customer satisfaction to the service of distribution for credit of grassroot business at Bank BRI Unit Tomohon Utara Tomoho City, Consumer Satisfaction Level of Pondok Hijau Restaurant in Manado was 76.64% and classified as Very Satisfied (SP)

    Effect of Tuned Parameters on a LSA MCQ Answering Model

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    This paper presents the current state of a work in progress, whose objective is to better understand the effects of factors that significantly influence the performance of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). A difficult task, which consists in answering (French) biology Multiple Choice Questions, is used to test the semantic properties of the truncated singular space and to study the relative influence of main parameters. A dedicated software has been designed to fine tune the LSA semantic space for the Multiple Choice Questions task. With optimal parameters, the performances of our simple model are quite surprisingly equal or superior to those of 7th and 8th grades students. This indicates that semantic spaces were quite good despite their low dimensions and the small sizes of training data sets. Besides, we present an original entropy global weighting of answers' terms of each question of the Multiple Choice Questions which was necessary to achieve the model's success.Comment: 9 page

    Pemasaran Buah Stroberi dari Kelurahan Rurukan dan Rurukan Satu Kecamatan Tomohon Timur, Kota Tomohon

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    This study aims to find out the marketing channels of strawberries ranging from farmers in the Village Rurukan and Rurukan one to the supermarket. The research was conducted in Kelurahan Rurukan and Rurukan Satu East Tomohon Subdistrict Tomohon City for three months from May 2016 until July 2016. The data obtained are primary and secondary data. Primary data is data sourced from direct interviews with related parties, among others strawberry farmers who became the subject of research. Secondary data is data obtained by the researcher who sourced from documents from related agencies, such as: Rurukan urban village office and Rurukan Satu East Tomohon subdistrict Tomohon City, internet and library sources or literature book data is analyzed by using marketing margin, farmer's share and profit margin. Based on the results of marketing channel research as much as two channels of marketing channel I ranging from farmers to final consumers, marketing channels II farmers to the Supermarket divided into two places namely Cool Tomohon and Freshmart Bahu. The result of marketing Margin of strawberry fruit on channel I is Rp. 0 (0%). For marketing margin value II is Rp. 6500 (30, 23%) (Cool) and Rp. 13,000 (46, 42%) (Freshmart). This shows that the largest margin of marketing value occurs in the marketing channel II in the supermarket Freshmart. The largest profit margin in the strawberry fruit sequence that occurs in marketing channel I between farmers to consumers with profit margin of Rp. 13,250 (98.14%).*jnkd
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