143 research outputs found

    Transport of topological defects in a biphasic mixture of active and passive nematic fluids

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    Collectively moving cellular systems often contain a proportion of dead cells or non-motile genotypes. When mixed, nematically aligning motile and non-motile agents are known to segregate spontaneously. However, the role that topological defects and active stresses play in shaping the distribution of the two phases remains unresolved. In this study, we investigate the behaviour of a two-dimensional binary mixture of active and passive nematic fluids to understand how topological defects are transported between the two phases and, ultimately, how this leads to the segregation of topological charges. When the activity of the motile phase is large, and the tension at the interface of motile and non-motile phases is weak, we find that the active phase tends to accumulate +1/2 defects and expel −1/2 defects so that the motile phase develops a net positive charge. Conversely, when the activity of the motile phase is comparatively small and interfacial tension is strong, the opposite occurs so that the active phase develops a net negative charge. We then use these simulations to develop a physical intuition of the underlying processes that drive the charge segregation. Lastly, we quantify the sensitivity of this process on the other model parameters, by exploring the effect that anchoring strength, orientational elasticity, friction, and volume fraction of the motile phase have on topological charge segregation. As +1/2 and −1/2 defects have very different effects on interface morphology and fluid transport, this study offers new insights into the spontaneous pattern formation that occurs when motile and non-motile cells interact

    Bacteria solve the problem of crowding by moving slowly

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    Bacteria commonly live attached to surfaces in dense collectives containing billions of cells1. While it is known that motility allows these groups to expand en masse into new territory2,3,4,5, how bacteria collectively move across surfaces under such tightly packed conditions remains poorly understood. Here we combine experiments, cell tracking and individual-based modelling to study the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa as it collectively migrates across surfaces using grappling-hook-like pili3,6,7. We show that the fast-moving cells of a hyperpilated mutant are overtaken and outcompeted by the slower-moving wild type at high cell densities. Using theory developed to study liquid crystals8,9,10,11,12,13, we demonstrate that this effect is mediated by the physics of topological defects, points where cells with different orientations meet one another. Our analyses reveal that when defects with topological charge +1/2 collide with one another, the fast-moving mutant cells rotate to point vertically and become trapped. By moving more slowly, wild-type cells avoid this trapping mechanism and generate collective behaviour that results in faster migration. In this way, the physics of liquid crystals explains how slow bacteria can outcompete faster cells in the race for new territory

    Twist-induced crossover from two-dimensional to three-dimensional turbulence in active nematics

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    While studies of active nematics in two dimensions have shed light on various aspects of the flow regimes and topology of active matter, three-dimensional properties of topological defects and chaotic flows remain unexplored. By confining a film of active nematics between two parallel plates, we use continuum simulations and analytical arguments to demonstrate that the crossover from quasi-2D to 3D chaotic flows is controlled by the morphology of the disclination lines. For small plate separations, the active nematic behaves as a quasi-2D material, with straight topological disclination lines spanning the height of the channel and exhibiting effectively 2D active turbulence. Upon increasing channel height, we find a crossover to 3D chaotic flows due to the contortion of disclinations above a critical activity. We further show that these contortions are engendered by twist perturbations producing a sharp change in the curvature of disclinations.Comment: Accepted for PRE Rapid Communication

    Evidence of robust, universal conformal invariance in living biological matter

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    Collective cellular movement plays a crucial role in many processes fundamental to health, including development, reproduction, infection, wound healing, and cancer. The emergent dynamics that arise in these systems are typically thought to depend on how cells interact with one another and the mechanisms used to drive motility, both of which exhibit remarkable diversity across different biological systems. Here, we report experimental evidence of a universal feature in the patterns of flow that spontaneously emerges in groups of collectively moving cells. Specifically, we demonstrate that the flows generated by collectively moving dog kidney cells, human breast cancer cells, and by two different strains of pathogenic bacteria, all exhibit conformal invariance. Remarkably, not only do our results show that all of these very different systems display robust conformal invariance, but we also discovered that the precise form of the invariance in all four systems is described by the Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE), and belongs to the percolation universality class. A continuum model of active matter can recapitulate both the observed conformal invariance and SLE form found in experiments. The presence of universal conformal invariance reveals that the macroscopic features of living biological matter exhibit universal translational, rotational, and scale symmetries that are independent of the microscopic properties of its constituents. Our results show that the patterns of flows generated by diverse cellular systems are highly conserved and that biological systems can unexpectedly be used to experimentally test predictions from the theories for conformally invariant structure

    Verticalization of bacterial biofilms

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    Biofilms are communities of bacteria adhered to surfaces. Recently, biofilms of rod-shaped bacteria were observed at single-cell resolution and shown to develop from a disordered, two-dimensional layer of founder cells into a three-dimensional structure with a vertically-aligned core. Here, we elucidate the physical mechanism underpinning this transition using a combination of agent-based and continuum modeling. We find that verticalization proceeds through a series of localized mechanical instabilities on the cellular scale. For short cells, these instabilities are primarily triggered by cell division, whereas long cells are more likely to be peeled off the surface by nearby vertical cells, creating an "inverse domino effect". The interplay between cell growth and cell verticalization gives rise to an exotic mechanical state in which the effective surface pressure becomes constant throughout the growing core of the biofilm surface layer. This dynamical isobaricity determines the expansion speed of a biofilm cluster and thereby governs how cells access the third dimension. In particular, theory predicts that a longer average cell length yields more rapidly expanding, flatter biofilms. We experimentally show that such changes in biofilm development occur by exploiting chemicals that modulate cell length.Comment: Main text 10 pages, 4 figures; Supplementary Information 35 pages, 15 figure

    IGAPS: the merged IPHAS and UVEX optical surveys of the Northern Galactic Plane

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    The INT Galactic Plane Survey (IGAPS) is the merger of the optical photometric surveys, IPHAS and UVEX, based on data from the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) obtained between 2003 and 2018. Here, we present the IGAPS point source catalogue. It contains 295.4 million rows providing photometry in the filters, i, r, narrow-band Hα, g, and U_(RGO). The IGAPS footprint fills the Galactic coordinate range, |b| 5σ confidence)

    A growing bacterial colony in two dimensions as an active nematic

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    Rod-shaped bacteria are an example of active matter. Here the authors find that a growing bacterial colony harbours internal cellular flows affecting orientational ordering in its interior and at the boundary. Results suggest this system may belong to a new active matter universality class

    IGAPS: the merged IPHAS and UVEX optical surveys of theNorthern Galactic Plane

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    The INT Galactic Plane Survey (IGAPS) is the merger of the optical photometric surveys, IPHAS and UVEX, based on data from the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) obtained between 2003 and 2018. Here, we present the IGAPS point source catalogue. It contains 295.4 million rows providing photometry in the filters, i, r, narrow-band Halpha, g and U_RGO. The IGAPS footprint fills the Galactic coordinate range, |b| < 5deg and 30deg < l < 215deg. A uniform calibration, referred to the Pan-STARRS system, is applied to g, r and i, while the Halpha calibration is linked to r and then is reconciled via field overlaps. The astrometry in all 5 bands has been recalculated on the Gaia DR2 frame. Down to i ~ 20 mag (Vega system), most stars are also detected in g, r and Halpha. As exposures in the r band were obtained within the IPHAS and UVEX surveys a few years apart, typically, the catalogue includes two distinct r measures, r_I and r_U. The r 10sigma limiting magnitude is ~21, with median seeing 1.1 arcsec. Between ~13th and ~19th magnitudes in all bands, the photometry is internally reproducible to within 0.02 magnitudes. Stars brighter than r=19.5 have been tested for narrow-band Halpha excess signalling line emission, and for variation exceeding |r_I-r_U| = 0.2 mag. We find and flag 8292 candidate emission line stars and over 53000 variables (both at >5sigma confidence). The 174-column catalogue will be available via CDS Strasbourg.Comment: 28 pages, 22 figure

    MicroMotility: State of the art, recent accomplishments and perspectives on the mathematical modeling of bio-motility at microscopic scales

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    Mathematical modeling and quantitative study of biological motility (in particular, of motility at microscopic scales) is producing new biophysical insight and is offering opportunities for new discoveries at the level of both fundamental science and technology. These range from the explanation of how complex behavior at the level of a single organism emerges from body architecture, to the understanding of collective phenomena in groups of organisms and tissues, and of how these forms of swarm intelligence can be controlled and harnessed in engineering applications, to the elucidation of processes of fundamental biological relevance at the cellular and sub-cellular level. In this paper, some of the most exciting new developments in the fields of locomotion of unicellular organisms, of soft adhesive locomotion across scales, of the study of pore translocation properties of knotted DNA, of the development of synthetic active solid sheets, of the mechanics of the unjamming transition in dense cell collectives, of the mechanics of cell sheet folding in volvocalean algae, and of the self-propulsion of topological defects in active matter are discussed. For each of these topics, we provide a brief state of the art, an example of recent achievements, and some directions for future research
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