178 research outputs found

    A tresh-culture is in youth environment: new phenomenon in the internet

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    В работе рассмотрена трэш-культура, проявляющая себя в молодежной субкультуре.A tresh-culture, proving in youth subculture, is in-process considered


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    The article discusses the processes of searching for the national identity in the Republic of Moldova in the post-Soviet period. The conditions in which the reforms took place in the country are analyzed. The factors influencing the directions and prospects of further development of the Moldovan society are investigated. It is shown that the transformation process, which was initially assumed to be democratic, took place in an atmosphere of socio-political crises and conflicts, fluctuations in domestic and foreign policy. This process had a non-linear wave-like character. The construction of statehood in the country was accompanied by the emergence of ideological, political and cultural divisions in the political elite and in the masses of Moldovan society, which were then intensified, then softened with a certain periodicity. It is noted that the Republic of Moldova is practically the only state in Europe where the crisis of national identity is the determining factor in the polarization of the views of political forces. It was concluded that the incompleteness of the process of national identity in Moldova is intensified by the action of external factors, as a result of which the state is subject to the influence of more significant subjects of international politics.У статті розглядаються процеси пошуку національної ідентичності Республіки Молдова пострадянського періоду. Проаналізовано умови, в яких відбувалися реформи в країні, та фактори, які впливають на напрями і перспективи подальшого розвитку молдовського суспільства. Показано, що трансформаційний процес, який з самого початку передбачався як демократичний, протікав в обстановці соціально-політичних криз і конфліктів, коливань у внутрішній і зовнішній політиці та мав нелінійний хвилеподібний характер. Державотворення в Молдові супроводжувалося виникненням ідейно-політичних і культурних розколів у політичній еліті та в масах молдовського суспільства, які то посилювалися, то пом’якшувалися з певною періодичністю. Зазначено, що Республіка Молдова практично єдина в Європі країна, де криза національної ідентичності являє собою визначальний фактор поляризації поглядів політичнихсил. Зроблено висновок, що незавершеність процесу національної самоідентифікації в Молдові посилюється дією зовнішніх факторів, в результаті чого держава виступає предметом впливубільш вагомих суб’єктів міжнародної політики


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    The article discusses the processes of searching for the national identity of the Republic of Moldova during the post-communist transit. The conditions in which the reforms took place in the country and the factors that influenced the directions and priorities of the development of Moldavian society are analyzed. It is shown that the processes of the formation of a political nation in the Republic proceeded in an environment of socio-political crises and conflicts, fluctuations in domestic and foreign policy and had a non-linear wave-like character. The search for national identity in Moldova was accompanied by the emergence of ideological, political and value splits in the political elite and among the masses of Moldavian society, which intensified and softened with a certain frequency. It is stated that the Republic of Moldova is practically the only country in Europe where identification differences were a determining factor in the polarization of political forces, and identity conflicts became a significant factor in political mobilization. It is noted that the incompleteness of the process of national self-identification in Moldova is largely determined by external factors, as a result of which the state acts as an object of influence of more significant subjects of international politics. It is concluded that although the political system of the Republic of Moldova supports the existence of democratic trends, the achievement of value consensus through the creation of a broad dialogue in the public space and general civil discourse remains an urgent task for the national elites. The experience of the political transit of the Republic of Moldova has confirmed the fact that during the formation of political nations there are frequent cases when the confrontation of symbols, meanings and historical dates does not occur between different states, but takes place within society itself. Moldova has become a classic example of an identification split that divides the country into East and West, North and South, whose residents appeal to different versions of national history.У статті розглянуто процеси пошуку національної ідентичності Республіки Молдова періоду посткомуністичного транзиту. Проаналізовано умови, в яких відбувалося націєтворення в країні, та фактори, які впливали на напрями і пріоритети розвитку молдовського суспільства. Показано, що процеси формування політичної нації в Республіці відбувались в обстановці суспільно-політичних криз і конфліктів, коливань у внутрішній і зовнішній політиці та мали нелінійний хвилеподібний характер. Пошук національної ідентичності в Молдові супроводжувався виникненням ідейно-політичних і ціннісних розколів у політичній еліті та в масах молдовського суспільства, які то посилювалися, то пом’якшувалися з певною періодичністю. Констатовано, що Республіка Молдова практично єдина в Європі країна, де ідентифікаційні розбіжності були визначальним фактором поляризації політичних сил, а конфлікти ідентичностей ставали вагомим чинником політичної мобілізації. Зазначено, що незавершеність процесу національної самоідентифікації в Молдові значною мірою обумовлюють зовнішні фактори, в результаті чого держава виступає предметом впливу більш вагомих суб’єктів міжнародної політики. Зроблено висновок, що хоча політична система Республіки Молдова підтримує існування демократичних тенденцій, досягнення ціннісного консенсусу на основі створення широкого діалогу у публічному просторі та загальногромадянського дискурсу залишається актуальним завданням для національних еліт держави. Досвід політичного транзиту Республіки Молдова став підтвердженням того факту, що при формуванні політичних націй непоодинокі випадки, коли протистояння символів, смислів і історичних дат відбувається не між різними державами, а проходить усередині самого суспільства. Молдова стала класичним прикладом ідентифікаційного розколу, який поділяє країну на Схід і Захід, Північ і Південь, мешканці яких апелюють до різних версій національної історії


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    The article discusses the features of the stage method in accordance with the genre of "Circus gymnastics" in the context of art education of the circus movement. Considering the terminological characteristics of individual concepts in gymnastics, understand their specificity. Elements of work in aerial gymnastics on a trapeze are described. Certain features of individual exercises and elements on the trapezoid.Keywords: circus art, circus genre, gymnastics, circus gymnastics, scenic method.Анатолий Стеценко, Светлана Добровольская, доценты кафедры цирковых жанров, заслуженные артисты Украины. Специфические особенности в сценическом методе жанра «Цирковая гимнастика»: формально-технические характеристики, а также анализ работы воздушной гимнастики на трапеции / Киевская муниципальная академия эстрадного и циркового искусств, Украина, Киев.В статье рассмотрены особенности сценического метода по жанру «Цирковая гимнастика», в контексте художественного образования циркового направления. Даны терминологические  характеристики отдельных понятий по гимнастике, для понимания их специфики. Описаны элементы работы в воздушной гимнастике на трапеции. Уточнены особенности выполнения отдельных упражнений и элементов на трапеции.Ключевые слова: цирковое искусство, цирковой жанр, гимнастика, цирковая гимнастика, сценический метод

    On the Study of Scythian Mobility Based on Paleoanthropological Materials

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    Introduction. The paper is about the study of the human skeletal remains isotopic composition from Middle Don burial mounds of the Scythian time to characterize the population mobility. Methods and materials. The materials from the monuments of Kolbino 1, Ternovoe 1, Gorki I, Devitsa V, Durovka are considered. Data on the isotopic composition of strontium enamel in teeth and bone tissue is used to estimate the mobility of the population. Information on the isotopic composition of bone carbon collagen and nitrogen is also used to reconstruct food models that reflect cultural traditions as well as environmental patterns. Analysis. Values of 87/86 Sr of bone and tooth enamel are considered as markers of an individuals stay at different ages in a territory similar or different by geochemical parameters to regional Middle Don. Data on the isotopic composition of nitrogen and carbon in bone tissue from the burial mounds are considered with broad comparative data of the steppe Eurasian population of the Early Iron Age. Results. The authors discuss carbon delta values marking the use of C4 type photosynthesis plants. Millet is this cultural plant in Eurasian history of the Early Iron Age. This plant is widely spread in all steppe and nomadic cultures. The individual variability of carbon delta of Middle Don population is increased compared to all others. There are individuals who differ from the majority in lower carbon deltas corresponding to the C3 type of photosynthesis. This feature is proposed to consider as an evidence of contacts with the territories with the antique agriculture traditions

    Cereal inflorescence: features of morphology, development and genetic regulation of morphogenesis

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    Cereals (Poaceae Barnh.) are the largest family of monocotyledonous flowering plants growing on all continents and constituting a significant part of Earth's many ecological communities. The Poaceae includes many important crops, such as rice, maize, wheat, barley, and rye. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of cereal inflorescences are directly related to yield and are determined by the features of inflorescence development. This review considers modern concepts of the morphology, development and genetic mechanisms regulating the cereal inflorescence development. A common feature of cereal inflorescences is a spikelet, a reduced branch that bears florets with a similar structure and common scheme of development in all cereals. The length and the structure of the main axis, the presence and type of lateral branches cause a great variety of cereal inflorescences. Complex cereal inflorescences are formed from meristems of several types. The transition from the activity of one meristem to another is a multi-step process. The genes involved in the control of the cereal inflorescence development have been identified using mutants (mainly maize and rice) with altered inflorescence and floret morphology; most of these genes regulate the initiation and fate of meristems. The presence of some genetic mechanisms in cereals confirms the models previously discovered in dicotyledonous plants; on the other hand, there are cereal-specific developmental processes that are controlled by new modules of genetic regulation, in particular, associated with the formation of a branched inflorescence. An important aspect is the presence of quantitative variability of traits under the control of developmental genes, which is a prerequisite for the use of weak alleles contributing to the variability of plant growth and yield in breeding programs (for example, genes of the CLAVATA signaling pathway)

    The Triple Higgs Boson Self-Coupling at Future Linear e+e- Colliders Energies: ILC and CLIC

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    We analyzed the triple Higgs boson self-coupling at future e+ee^{+}e^{-} colliders energies, with the reactions e+ebbˉHH,ttˉHHe^{+}e^{-}\to b \bar b HH, t \bar t HH. We evaluate the total cross-sections for both bbˉHHb\bar bHH and ttˉHHt\bar tHH, and calculate the total number of events considering the complete set of Feynman diagrams at tree-level. We vary the triple coupling κλ3H\kappa\lambda_{3H} within the range κ=1\kappa=-1 and +2. The numerical computation is done for the energies expected to be available at a possible Future Linear e+ee^{+}e^{-} Collider with a center-of-mass energy 800,1000,1500800, 1000, 1500 GeVGeV and a luminosity 1000 fb1fb^{-1}. Our analysis is also extended to a center-of-mass energy 3 TeVTeV and luminosities of 1000 fb1fb^{-1} and 5000 fb1fb^{-1}. We found that for the process e+ebbˉHHe^{+}e^{-}\to b \bar b HH, the complete calculation differs only by 3% from the approximate calculation e+eZHH(Zbbˉ)e^{+}e^{-}\to ZHH(Z\to b\bar b), while for the process e+ettˉHHe^{+}e^{-}\to t \bar tHH, the expected number of events, considering the decay products of both tt and HH, is not enough to obtain an accurate determination of the triple Higgs boson self-coupling.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Study on early inflorescence development in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) lines with non-standard SCR-morphotype

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    Features of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) inflorescence development define its architecture and have an impact on yield potential. Wheat lines and forms with altered inflorescence morphology are important genetic resources for the study on the genetic mechanisms underlying plant developmental programs and inflorescence architecture; they are also important for practical use to increase productivity. Normally, wheat spikelets are arranged in two parallel rows along the spike axis. The SCR (screwed spike rachis) lines represent a non-standard morphotype, which is characterized by a spiral arrangement of spikelets along the spiked rachis. The study of the early stages of the inflorescence development in SCR-lines using light and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the spiral arrangement of spikelets were not related to changes at the early stage of inflorescence development, and resulted from spiral growth of spike rachis cells at later stages of spike growth. Thus, the spiral arrangement of spikelets in cereal inflorescence may have resulted not only from peculiarities of the mutual arrangement of spikelet meristems (phyllotaxis), but also from cell growth features at later stages of inflorescence growth. It was shown that SCR is inherited as a dominant monogenic trait; its expression can be modified by genotypic background. The SCR-lines characterized using light and scanning electron microscopy represent an important genetic resource for further study of the molecular-genetic mechanisms determining plant architecture. Furthermore, they can be used to develop wheat lines and cultivars with new inflorescence phenotypes

    The frequency of sarcopenia and factors affecting appendicular muscle mass in patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Aim. To determine the frequency of sarcopenia (SP) and to identify factors associated with the muscle mass in women with systemic sclerosis (SSc).Materials and methods. The study included 64 women with SSc aged 40–70 years. Questionnaires, clinical, instrumental, laboratory examinations and absorptiometry. Linear regression analysis was performed to identify factors associat ed with appendicular muscle mass (AMM).Results. Probable SP was detected in 35 (54.7 %), and confirmed SP – 17 (26.5 %) women with SSc. The frequency of SP did not differ depending on the form of the disease. Univariate linear analysis revealed the relationship between the AMM and BMI, nutritional status; mid-upper arm, waist, hip and calf circumferences, skin Rodnan score, cumulative dose of glucocorticoids (GC) and BMD of the proximal hip. Multivariate linear analysis confirmed the presence of associations between the AMM index and BMI (b = 0.65; p <0.001), the Rodnan skin score (b = –0.19; p = 0.047), the cumulative dose of GC (b = –0.22; p = 0.021).Conclusion. The study demonstrated that more than a quarter of patients with SSc had a confirmed SP. Although age is the main risk factor for SP in the general population, in our study it did not differ between patients with low and normal AMM. The cumulative dose of GC and the Rodnan skin score were negatively, and BMI was positively associated with the value of AMМ