198 research outputs found

    Generalized solutions and distributional shadows for Dirac equations

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    We discuss the application of recent results on generalized solutions to the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic systems to Dirac equations with external fields. In further analysis we focus on the question of existence of associated distributional limits and derive their explicit form in case of free Dirac fields with regularizations of initial values corresponding to point-like probability densities

    Generalized Qualification and Qualification Levels for Spectral Regularization Methods

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    The concept of qualification for spectral regularization methods for inverse ill-posed problems is strongly associated to the optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. In this article, the definition of qualification is extended and three different levels are introduced: weak, strong and optimal. It is shown that the weak qualification extends the definition introduced by Mathe and Pereverzev in 2003, mainly in the sense that the functions associated to orders of convergence and source sets need not be the same. It is shown that certain methods possessing infinite classical qualification, e.g. truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD), Landweber's method and Showalter's method, also have generalized qualification leading to an optimal order of convergence of the regularization error. Sufficient conditions for a SRM to have weak qualification are provided and necessary and sufficient conditions for a given order of convergence to be strong or optimal qualification are found. Examples of all three qualification levels are provided and the relationships between them as well as with the classical concept of qualification and the qualification introduced by Mathe and Perevezev are shown. In particular, spectral regularization methods having extended qualification in each one of the three levels and having zero or infinite classical qualification are presented. Finally several implications of this theory in the context of orders of convergence, converse results and maximal source sets for inverse ill-posed problems, are shown.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Time-dependent angularly averaged inverse transport

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    This paper concerns the reconstruction of the absorption and scattering parameters in a time-dependent linear transport equation from knowledge of angularly averaged measurements performed at the boundary of a domain of interest. We show that the absorption coefficient and the spatial component of the scattering coefficient are uniquely determined by such measurements. We obtain stability results on the reconstruction of the absorption and scattering parameters with respect to the measured albedo operator. The stability results are obtained by a precise decomposition of the measurements into components with different singular behavior in the time domain

    The weakly coupled fractional one-dimensional Schr\"{o}dinger operator with index 1<α2\bf 1<\alpha \leq 2

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    We study fundamental properties of the fractional, one-dimensional Weyl operator P^α\hat{\mathcal{P}}^{\alpha} densely defined on the Hilbert space H=L2(R,dx)\mathcal{H}=L^2({\mathbb R},dx) and determine the asymptotic behaviour of both the free Green's function and its variation with respect to energy for bound states. In the sequel we specify the Birman-Schwinger representation for the Schr\"{o}dinger operator KαP^αgV^K_{\alpha}\hat{\mathcal{P}}^{\alpha}-g|\hat{V}| and extract the finite-rank portion which is essential for the asymptotic expansion of the ground state. Finally, we determine necessary and sufficient conditions for there to be a bound state for small coupling constant gg.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Generalized Smoluchowski equation with correlation between clusters

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    In this paper we compute new reaction rates of the Smoluchowski equation which takes into account correlations. The new rate K = KMF + KC is the sum of two terms. The first term is the known Smoluchowski rate with the mean-field approximation. The second takes into account a correlation between clusters. For this purpose we introduce the average path of a cluster. We relate the length of this path to the reaction rate of the Smoluchowski equation. We solve the implicit dependence between the average path and the density of clusters. We show that this correlation length is the same for all clusters. Our result depends strongly on the spatial dimension d. The mean-field term KMFi,j = (Di + Dj)(rj + ri)d-2, which vanishes for d = 1 and is valid up to logarithmic correction for d = 2, is the usual rate found with the Smoluchowski model without correlation (where ri is the radius and Di is the diffusion constant of the cluster). We compute a new rate: the correlation rate K_{i,j}^{C} (D_i+D_j)(r_j+r_i)^{d-1}M{\big(\frac{d-1}{d_f}}\big) is valid for d \leq 1(where M(\alpha) = \sum+\infty i=1i\alphaNi is the moment of the density of clusters and df is the fractal dimension of the cluster). The result is valid for a large class of diffusion processes and mass radius relations. This approach confirms some analytical solutions in d 1 found with other methods. We also show Monte Carlo simulations which illustrate some exact new solvable models

    Inverse Transport Theory of Photoacoustics

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    We consider the reconstruction of optical parameters in a domain of interest from photoacoustic data. Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) radiates high frequency electromagnetic waves into the domain and measures acoustic signals emitted by the resulting thermal expansion. Acoustic signals are then used to construct the deposited thermal energy map. The latter depends on the constitutive optical parameters in a nontrivial manner. In this paper, we develop and use an inverse transport theory with internal measurements to extract information on the optical coefficients from knowledge of the deposited thermal energy map. We consider the multi-measurement setting in which many electromagnetic radiation patterns are used to probe the domain of interest. By developing an expansion of the measurement operator into singular components, we show that the spatial variations of the intrinsic attenuation and the scattering coefficients may be reconstructed. We also reconstruct coefficients describing anisotropic scattering of photons, such as the anisotropy coefficient g(x)g(x) in a Henyey-Greenstein phase function model. Finally, we derive stability estimates for the reconstructions

    A variational approach to strongly damped wave equations

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    We discuss a Hilbert space method that allows to prove analytical well-posedness of a class of linear strongly damped wave equations. The main technical tool is a perturbation lemma for sesquilinear forms, which seems to be new. In most common linear cases we can furthermore apply a recent result due to Crouzeix--Haase, thus extending several known results and obtaining optimal analyticity angle.Comment: This is an extended version of an article appeared in \emph{Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations -- The G\"unter Lumer Volume}, edited by H. Amann et al., Birkh\"auser, Basel, 2008. In the latest submission to arXiv only some typos have been fixe

    Reconstructing initial data using observers: error analysis of the semi-discrete and fully discrete approximations

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    A new iterative algorithm for solving initial data inverse problems from partial observations has been recently proposed in Ramdani et al. (Automatica 46(10), 1616-1625, 2010 ). Based on the concept of observers (also called Luenberger observers), this algorithm covers a large class of abstract evolution PDE's. In this paper, we are concerned with the convergence analysis of this algorithm. More precisely, we provide a complete numerical analysis for semi-discrete (in space) and fully discrete approximations derived using finite elements in space and an implicit Euler method in time. The analysis is carried out for abstract Schrödinger and wave conservative systems with bounded observation (locally distributed)

    Quantum Kinetic Evolution of Marginal Observables

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    We develop a rigorous formalism for the description of the evolution of observables of quantum systems of particles in the mean-field scaling limit. The corresponding asymptotics of a solution of the initial-value problem of the dual quantum BBGKY hierarchy is constructed. Moreover, links of the evolution of marginal observables and the evolution of quantum states described in terms of a one-particle marginal density operator are established. Such approach gives the alternative description of the kinetic evolution of quantum many-particle systems to generally accepted approach on basis of kinetic equations.Comment: 18 page