439 research outputs found

    Atomic Layer Deposition-Based Synthesis of Photoactive TiO2 Nanoparticle Chains by Using Carbon Nanotubes as Sacrificial Templates

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    Highly ordered and self supported anatase TiO2 nanoparticle chains were fabricated by calcining conformally TiO2 coated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). During annealing, the thin tubular TiO2 coating that was deposited onto the MWCNTs by atomic layer deposition (ALD) was transformed into chains of TiO2 nanoparticles (~12 nm diameter) with an ultrahigh surface area (137 cm2 per cm2 of substrate), while at the same time the carbon from the MWCNTs was removed. Photocatalytic tests on the degradation of acetaldehyde proved that these forests of TiO2 nanoparticle chains are highly photo active under UV light because of their well crystallized anatase phase

    Synthesis of a 3D network of Pt nanowires by atomic layer deposition on carbonaceous template

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    The formation of a 3D network composed of free standing and interconnected Pt nanowires is achieved by a two-step method, consisting of conformal deposition of Pt by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on a forest of carbon nanotubes and subsequent removal of the carbonaceous template. Detailed characterization of this novel 3D nanostructure was carried out by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). These characterizations showed that this pure 3D nanostructure of platinum is self-supported and offers an enhancement of the electrochemically active surface area by a factor of 50

    Diversity among mycoplasma-like organisms inducing grapevine yellows in France

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    As antibodies and molecular probes which were previously obtained for diagnosis of grapevine flavescence doree (FD; a yellows disease induced by a MLO), showed to be highly specific, a survey of grapevine samples collected in different viticultural areas in France was undertaken, using a PCR method with primers allowing amplification of a part of the 16S rRNA gene of most MLOs, and restriction analyses of the amplified products (AHRENS and SEEMÜLLER 1992). The presence of MLO was established in all the different grapevine samples, and their diversity was demonstrated. The typcial pattern yielded by FD sensu stricto-MLO was found in samples from southern vineyards, including a symptomless rootstock. Two different patterns were found in samples affected by bois noir disease of northern French vineyards, one of these patterns being previously undescribed. The present survey was non exhaustive and should be followed in the frame of a large collaboration between viticultural countries. It showed the diversity in causal agents of diseases which converge in symptomatology, and emphasizes on the need of specific diagnosis tools, for identification of each of the vector species, for epidemiological studies, and availability of planting material

    Control of spin injection by direct current in lateral spin valves

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    The spin injection and accumulation in metallic lateral spin valves with transparent interfaces is studied using d.c. injection current. Unlike a.c.-based techniques, this allows investigating the effects of the direction and magnitude of the injected current. We find that the spin accumulation is reversed by changing the direction of the injected current, whereas its magnitude does not change. The injection mechanism for both current directions is thus perfectly symmetric, leading to the same spin injection efficiency for both spin types. This result is accounted for by a spin-dependent diffusion model. Joule heating increases considerably the local temperature in the spin valves when high current densities are injected (\sim80--105 K for 1--2×107\times10^{7}A cm2^{-2}), strongly affecting the spin accumulation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The Role of Project Coordinators in European Commission Framework Programme Projects

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    This report presents key findings of the Innovation Radar Project Coordinators Survey in Framework Programme Research and Innovation projects, a purposeful sample of European Framework Programme (FP) Project Coordinators (PC). The objective is to identify the practices and activities of PCs leading EU FP projects and to understand their impact on innovation outcomes. The survey findings confirm the lynchpin role of PCs in the European FP R&I projects. Their role clearly extends significantly beyond that identified in the Horizon 2020 User Guide which sees the PC as “the main contact point between the consortium and the Commission for a particular grant”. The PC is far more than simply “the proposal initiator in the submission phase” but taking account of their prime role in project conceptualisation and consortia formation, the PC is in effect the principal translator of the EC funded research programme and responsible for how the majority of the European research budget is invested. Identifying the PC as a scientific entrepreneur significantly changes how the PC role is viewed. From an EC perspective, recognising the PC as a scientific entrepreneur means their engagement with the PC during the project should be less about monitoring and oversight during project implementation, and more about providing the entrepreneur with support.JRC.B.6-Digital Econom

    An audit on virological efficacy of anti-retroviral therapy in a specialist infectious disease clinic.

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    We have assessed the efficacy of anti retroviral therapy (ART) using undetectable viral load (VL) (/ml) as a marker of virological success, in patients who have Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) attending the Department of Infectious Disease. A cross-sectional review of patients\u27 case notes was used to obtain their demographics and treatment details. 79% (253) of the hospital case notes of clinic population was available for analysis, which represents 90% of those receiving ART in the clinic. 166/253 of the cohort were receiving treatment at the time of this study and 95% (157/166) of these were on treatment for greater than 6 months. The total virological success rate is 93%, which is comparable to other centres and are as good as those from published clinical trials. 56% of those on therapy who have virological failure were Intravenous Drug Users (IVDUs). Case by case investigation for those with treatment failure is warranted

    The Role of Project Coordinators in European Commission Framework Programme Projects

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    Programme Research and Innovation projects, a purposeful sample of European Framework Programme (FP) Project Coordinators (PC). The objective is to identify the practices and activities of PCs leading EU FP projects and to understand their impact on innovation outcomes. The survey findings confirm the lynchpin role of PCs in the European FP R&I projects. Their role clearly extends significantly beyond that identified in the Horizon 2020 User Guide which sees the PC as “the main contact point between the consortium and the Commission for a particular grant”. The PC is far more than simply “the proposal initiator in the submission phase” but taking account of their prime role in project conceptualisation and consortia formation, the PC is in effect the principal translator of the EC funded research programme and responsible for how the majority of the European research budget is invested. Identifying the PC as a scientific entrepreneur significantly changes how the PC role is viewed. Recognising the PC as a scientific entrepreneur means their engagement with the PC during the project should be less about monitoring and oversight during project implementation, and more about providing the entrepreneur with support

    Predicted distribution of High Nature Value farmland in the Republic of Ireland

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    peer-reviewedHigh Nature Value (HNV) farmland is typically characterised by low-intensity farming associated with high biodiversity and species of conservation concern. Mapping the occurrence and distribution of such farmland are useful for appropriate targeting of conservation measures and supporting associated rural communities. We mapped the likely distribution of HNV farmland in the Republic of Ireland using a linear regression model incorporating established European indicators, adapted for Ireland and weightings based on expert opinion. The indicators used were semi-natural habitat cover, stocking density, hedgerow density, river and stream density and soil diversity, with highest weightings placed on the first two indicators (40% and 30%, respectively). The map provides information on the likely occurrence and distribution of HNV farmland in each electoral division as a reference point for future monitoring of the distribution of HNV farmland in the Republic of Ireland in order to assist with planning and policy development for the rural environment.This study was conducted by Teagasc and IT Sligo as part of the IDEAL-HNV project [Ref. 11/S/108], funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) under the National Development Plan 2007–2013

    Evaluation of fetal MRI in a South African referral centre

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    Background. The Department of Radiology at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa, has been performing fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) since 2007. Fetal MRI findings have not previously been analysed to correlate them with antenatal and postnatal findings.Objectives. To determine the most common indication for fetal MRI, and to correlate antenatal MRI with antenatal ultrasound (US), postnatal imaging and postmortem findings.Methods. This was a retrospective study of imaging carried out between January 2006 and December 2011. Seventy fetal MRI cases with complete antenatal and postnatal medical records were included. Antenatal US and antenatal MRI were compared, and also compared with the postnatal imaging findings. Stata 12 was used to analyse the data, and Spearman’s test to test the agreement between the results.Results. Intracranial pathology was the most common indication for fetal MRI, with ventriculomegaly being the commonest indication determined from prenatal US. There was 72% agreement between antenatal US and fetal MRI. Postnatal findings showed 28% agreement with antenatal US and 39% agreement with fetal MRI.Conclusions. Intracranial pathology was the major indication for fetal MRI. There was good agreement between prenatal US and fetal MRI but poor agreement between antenatal and postnatal findings, largely as a result of resolution of ventriculomegaly