2,917 research outputs found

    Effect of metal clusters on the swelling of gold-fluorocarbon-polymer composite films

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    We have investigated the phenomenon of swelling due to acetone diffusion in fluorocarbon polymer films doped with different gold concentrations below the percolation threshold. The presence of the gold clusters in the polymer is shown to improve the mixing between the fluorocarbon polymer and the acetone, which is not a good solvent for this kind of polymers. In order to explain the experimental results the stoichiometry and the morphology of the polymer--metal system have been studied and a modified version of the Flory--Huggins model has been developed


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    Esiste un’ampia discussione tra le Istituzioni Europee (Commissione, Parlamento e Governi degli Stati Membri) sull’opportunità di istituire un quadro istituzionale di riferimento a livello europeo per la gestione del rischio e delle crisi in agricoltura. Allo scopo di analizzare la posizione assunta dalla Commissione Europea nel Marzo del 2004, l’articolo discute della possibilità di istituire un tale quadro comune di riferimento date le prospettive cui si trova di fronte la Politica Agricola Comune recentemente riformata. Nel far ciò, vengono passate in rassegna le misure esistenti nei vari Stati Membri e vengono valutati i punti di forza e di debolezza delle opzioni avanzate dalla Commissione. La conclusione è che, dati i vincoli esistenti sulla possibile espansione della spesa in agricoltura, l’istituzione di un programma comune basato sul pagamento di integrazioni di reddito o di sussidi a premi assicurativi è molto poco verosimile. Prospettive migliori sono quelle per un intervento basato sul sostegno di fondi mutualistici tra gli agricoltorie, più in generale, su sostegni indiretti al credito, alle assicurazioni e ai mercati finanziari, orientati al rendere tali strumenti più facilmente accessibili per gli agricoltor

    POOL File Catalog, Collection and Metadata Components

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    The POOL project is the common persistency framework for the LHC experiments to store petabytes of experiment data and metadata in a distributed and grid enabled way. POOL is a hybrid event store consisting of a data streaming layer and a relational layer. This paper describes the design of file catalog, collection and metadata components which are not part of the data streaming layer of POOL and outlines how POOL aims to provide transparent and efficient data access for a wide range of environments and use cases - ranging from a large production site down to a single disconnected laptops. The file catalog is the central POOL component translating logical data references to physical data files in a grid environment. POOL collections with their associated metadata provide an abstract way of accessing experiment data via their logical grouping into sets of related data objects.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 4 pages, 1 eps figure, PSN MOKT00

    Projecting Changes in Tanzania Rainfall for the 21st century: Scenarios, Downscaling & Analysis

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    A Non-Homogeneous hidden Markov Model (NHMM) is developed using a 40-years record (1950-1990) of daily rainfall at eleven stations in Tanzania and re-analysis atmospheric fields of Temperature (T) at 1000 hPa, Geo Potential Height (GPH) at 1000 hPa, Meridional Winds (MW) and Zonal Winds (ZW) at 850 hPa, and Zonal Winds at the Equator(ZWE) from 10 to 1000 hPa. The NHMM is then used to predict future rainfall patterns under a global warming scenario (RCP8.5), using predictors from the CMCC-CMS simulations from 1950-2100. The model directly considers seasonality through changes in the driving variables thus addressing the question of how future changes in seasonality of precipitation can be modeled. The future downscaled simulations from NHMM, with predictors derived from the simulations of the CMCC-CMS CGM, in the worst conditions of global warming as simulated by RCP8.5 scenario, indicate that, Tanzania may be subjected to to a reduction of total annual rainfall; this reduction is concentrated in the wet seasons, OND, mainly as a consequence of decreasing of seasonal number of wet days. . Frequency and Intensity of extreme events don’t show any evident trend during the 21 century

    Fibre-reinforced geopolymer concretes for sensible heat thermal energy storage: Simulations and environmental impact

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    Power plants based on solar energy are spreading to accomplish the incoming green energy transition. Besides, affordable high-temperature sensible heat thermal energy storage (SHTES) is required. In this work, the temperature distribution and thermal performance of novel solid media for SHTES are investigated by finite element method (FEM) modelling. A geopolymer, with/without fibre reinforcement, is simulated during a transient charging/discharging cycle. A life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis is also carried out to investigate the environmental impact and sustainability of the proposed materials, analysing the embodied energy, the transport, and the production process. A Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach, taking into account thermal/environmental performance, is used to select the most suitable material. The results show that the localized reinforcement with fibres increases thermal storage performance, depending on the type of fibre, creating curvatures in the temperature profile and accelerating the charge/discharge. High-strength, high-conductivity carbon fibres performed well, and the simulation approach can be applied to any fibre arrangement/material. On the con-trary, the benefit of the fibres is not straightforward according to the three different scenarios developed for the LCA and MCDM analyses, due to the high impact of the fibre production processes. More investigations are needed to balance and optimize the coupling of the fibre material and the solid medium to obtain high thermal performance and low impacts

    Evolutionary Dynamics of Multigene Families in Triportheus (Characiformes, Triportheidae): A Transposon Mediated Mechanism?

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    Triportheus (Characiformes, Triportheidae) is a freshwater fish genus with 18 valid species. These fishes are widely distributed in the major river drainages of South America, having commercial importance in the fishing market, mainly in the Amazon basin. This genus has diverged recently in a complex process of speciation carried out in different river basins. The use of repetitive sequences is suitable to trace the genomic reorganizations occured along the speciation process. In this work, the 5S rDNA multigene family has been characterized at molecular and phylogenetic level. The results showed that other multigene family has been found within the non-transcribed spacer (NTS): the U1 snRNA gene. Double-FISH with 5S and U1 probes were also performed, confirming the close linkage between these two multigene families. Moreover, evidences of different transposable elements (TE) were detected within the spacer, thus suggesting a transposon-mediated mechanism of 5S-U1 evolutionary pathway in this genus. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated a species-specific grouping, except for Triportheus pantanensis, Triportheus aff. rotundatus and Triportheus trifurcatus. The evolutionary model of the 5S rDNA in Triportheus species has been discussed. In addition, the results suggest new clues for the speciation and evolutionary trend in these species, which could be suitable to use in other Characiformes species

    Web-based randomised controlled trials in orthodontics

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    Randomised controlled trials (RCT) are considered the best source of scientific evidence--the gold standard--when evaluating the efficacy of orthodontic treatments. Frequently, RCT are planned as multicentre trials, with the intention of increasing statistical power and raising the precision of outcome estimates. The management of large-scale RCT, however, requires even more thorough organisation than conventional RCT. Indeed, the need for high accuracy and standardisation in data collection, research aids, secretarial skills, staff and patient training, and organisational meetings, make these studies time-consuming, expensive and, in general, relatively complex to carry out well. A website was developed to support a large scale-orthodontic RCT which aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a functional appliance(www.ortodonzia.unina.it). Websites such as this can increase the quality of data collection, simplify the randomisation process, speed up data collection, and improve trial monitoring. Web-based RCT have the potential to help globalise orthodontic research and also increase our rate of acquisition of evidence in orthodontics

    Metastatic lung cancer presenting as thoracic empyema: A Case report

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    Increased cancer risk in patients with inflammatory and infectious diseases has been reported in many studies and lung cancer\u2010associated empyema in <0.3% patients. We present a patient with empyema in whom the final diagnosis was metastatic lung adenocarcinoma. Purulent pleural fluid obtained by drainage or thoracentesis must always been examined because the association of malignant tumors and empyema should be taken into consideration

    NLRP3 Inflammasome From Bench to Bedside: New Perspectives for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    The tumor microenvironment (TME) is crucial in cancer onset, progression and response to treatment. It is characterized by an intricate interaction of immune cells and cytokines involved in tumor development. Among these, inflammasomes are oligomeric molecular platforms and play a key role in inflammatory response and immunity. Inflammasome activation is initiated upon triggering of pattern recognition receptors (Toll-like receptors, NOD-like receptors, and Absent in melanoma like receptors), on the surface of immune cells with the recruitment of caspase-1 by an adaptor apoptosis-associated speck-like protein. This structure leads to the activation of the pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18 and participates in different biological processes exerting its effects. To date, the Nod–Like Receptor Protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome has been well studied and its involvement has been established in different cancer diseases. In this review, we discuss the structure, biology and mechanisms of inflammasomes with a special focus on the specific role of NLRP3 in breast cancer (BC) and in the sub-group of triple negative BC. The NLRP3 inflammasome and its down-stream pathways could be considered novel potential tumor biomarkers and could open new frontiers in BC treatment
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