129 research outputs found

    Reinforced Concrete Building with IED Detonation: Test and Simulation

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    There is growing concern about the possibility of a suicide bomber being immolated when the army forces or the law enforcement agencies discover the place where they prepare their material or simply find themselves inside a building. To study the possible effects that these improvised explosive devices (IEDs) would have on the structures, eight tests were carried out with various configurations of IEDs with vest bombs inside a reinforced concrete (including walls and roof) building constructed ad hoc for these tests. These vests were made with different explosives (black powder, ANFO, AN/AL, PG2). For the characterization of these tests, a high-speed camera and pressure and acceleration sensors were used. The structure behaved surprisingly well, as it withstood all the first seven detonations without apparent structural damage. In the last detonation, located on the ground and with a significant explosive charge, the structural integrity of the roof and some of the walls was compromised. The simulation of the building was carried out with the LS-DYNA software with a Lagrangian formulation for the walls, using the LBE (based on CONWEP) module for the application of the charge. Despite the difficulty of this simulation, the results obtained, in terms of applied pressures and measured accelerations, are acceptable with differences of about 20%

    Magnetoresistance in Sn-Doped In2O3Nanowires

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    In this work, we present transport measurements of individual Sn-doped In2O3nanowires as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The results showed a localized character of the resistivity at low temperatures as evidenced by the presence of a negative temperature coefficient resistance in temperatures lower than 77 K. The weak localization was pointed as the mechanism responsible by the negative temperature coefficient of the resistance at low temperatures

    Direct preparation of standard functional interfaces in oxide heterostructures for 2DEG analysis through beam-induced platinum contacts

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    Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in SrTiO3/LaAlO3 heterostructures has been extensively studied in the last few years; however, little attention has been given to a practical way to contact electrically the low dimensional gas at the interface. This work demonstrates a method to contact the 2DEG formed at the oxide interfaces connected by platinum electrodes which were made by the decomposition of organometallic gas using focused ion beams. On the surface, the electrodes were defined through photolithography, and at the interface, the electrodes were deposited through the focused ion beams and electrons, which were then evaluated. The quality of the interface electrodes was evaluated at two different partial oxygen pressures (pO2) used for the film deposition: low (10−4 mbar) and high (10−1 mbar). The electrode deposition conditions using electrons or ions have resulted in different rates of metal deposition and interaction with the interface leading to either metallic (2DEG) or insulating behavior

    Sleep and academic performance: correlational study in Ecuadorian children and adolescents during covid-19 confinement

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    El sueño como una necesidad biológica de los seres vivos no solo posibilita la recuperación física y psicológica, también se asocia a funciones cognitivas complejas como la memoria y el aprendizaje. Bajo esa premisa y dados los cambios bruscos en la vida de las personas durante el período de confinamiento por el COVID -19, se desarrolló un estudio para determinar el nivel de correlación entre la calidad del sueño y el rendimiento académico. Participaron 402 niños y adolescentes ecuatorianos de 8 a 15 años. Se utilizó el registro de calificaciones finales de los educandos, se recogieron datos sociodemográficos y se aplicó el Test de Trastornos del Sueño de Bruni para medir cómo y hasta dónde una variable influía sobre la otra. Se encontró una correlación fuerte (0,76; < .001) entre la calidad del sueño y el rendimiento académico y diferencias significativas < .001 en el rendimiento académico de los grupos de escolares que descansaban más y aquellos lo hacían menos.Sleep as a biological need of living beings not only enables physical and psychological recovery, but is also associated with complex cognitive functions such as memory and learning. Under this premise and given the abrupt changes in people's lives during the period of confinement by COVID-19, a study was developed to determine the level of correlation between the quality of sleep and academic performance. A total of 402 Ecuadorian children and adolescents between 8 and 15 years of age participated. The students' final grade records were used, sociodemographic data were collected and the Bruni Sleep Disorders Test was applied to measure how and to what extent one variable influenced the other. A strong correlation (0.76; < .001) was found between sleep quality and academic performance and significant differences < .001 in the academic performance of the groups of schoolchildren who rested more and those who rested less

    Weak localization and electron-electron interactions in Indium-doped ZnO nanowires

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    Single crystal ZnO nanowires doped with indium are synthesized via the laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition method. The conductivity of the nanowires is measured at low temperatures in magnetic fields both perpendicular and parallel to the wire axes. A quantitative fit of our data is obtained, consistent with the theory of a quasi-one-dimensional metallic system with quantum corrections due to weak localization and electron-electron interactions. The anisotropy of the magneto-conductivity agrees with theory. The two quantum corrections are of approximately equal magnitude with respective temperature dependences of T^-1/3 and T^-1/2. The alternative model of quasi-two-dimensional surface conductivity is excluded by the absence of oscillations in the magneto-conductivity in parallel magnetic fields.Comment: 13 pages, Corrected forma

    Implementación de laboratorios 2.0 para mecánica de fluidos

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    Se ha desarrollado una serie de mejoras en aras de la digitalización de los laboratorios de Mecánica de Fluidos e Hidráulica que se cursan en las asignaturas de fluidos de 2º curso de diversos grados en la ETSIME de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Esta experiencia se realiza durante el curso 2020-21, acelerado en parte debido a los problemas por la pandemia en el curso 2019-20. Se han creado unos videos resumen de las prácticas, actualizado los guiones y mantenido las sesiones presenciales en grupos reducidos. Para la entrega de resultados se han desarrollado unas aplicaciones en Matlab que el alumno debe emplear. En estas aplicaciones el alumno realiza o elige los cálculos o soluciones a lo visto en el laboratorio, realiza minijuegos y discute los resultados obtenidos. La mejora global en la entrega de resultados frente al método clásico en papel se sitúa en torno al 11%, siendo más importante en hombres que en mujeres. La apreciación de los alumnos, en base a encuestas, de la nueva metodología es bastante buena con valores superiores al 4 sobre 5 en todos los grupos en ambos géneros

    Ge/Si Quantum Dots Superlattices Grown at Different Temperatures and Characterized by Raman Spectroscopy and Capacitance Measurements

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    Ge/Si heterostructures with Ge self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) grown at various temperatures by molecular beam epitaxy were investigated using resonant Raman spectroscopy and capacitance measurements. The occurrence of quantum confinement effects was confirmed by both techniques. For the structures grown at low temperatures (300 − 400 • C), the SAQDs optical phonon wavenumbers decrease as the Raman excitation energy is increased; this is an evidence of the scattering sensitivity to the size of the SAQDs and to the inhomogeneity in their sizes. However, the opposite behavior is observed for the SAQDs grown at higher temperatures, as a consequence of the competition between the phonon localization and internal mechanical stress effects. The E 1 electronic transition of the Ge in the SAQDs was found to be shifted towards higher energies as compared to bulk Ge, due to biaxial compressive stress and to the electronic confinement effect present in the structures. The intermixing of Si atoms in the quantum dots was found to be much more significant for the sample grown at higher temperatures. The capacitance measurements, besides confirming the existence of the dots in these structures, showed that the deepest Ge layers lose their 0D signature as the growth temperature increases

    Integrated olfactory receptor and microarray gene expression databases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene expression patterns of olfactory receptors (ORs) are an important component of the signal encoding mechanism in the olfactory system since they determine the interactions between odorant ligands and sensory neurons. We have developed the Olfactory Receptor Microarray Database (ORMD) to house OR gene expression data. ORMD is integrated with the Olfactory Receptor Database (ORDB), which is a key repository of OR gene information. Both databases aim to aid experimental research related to olfaction.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>ORMD is a Web-accessible database that provides a secure data repository for OR microarray experiments. It contains both publicly available and private data; accessing the latter requires authenticated login. The ORMD is designed to allow users to not only deposit gene expression data but also manage their projects/experiments. For example, contributors can choose whether to make their datasets public. For each experiment, users can download the raw data files and view and export the gene expression data. For each OR gene being probed in a microarray experiment, a hyperlink to that gene in ORDB provides access to genomic and proteomic information related to the corresponding olfactory receptor. Individual ORs archived in ORDB are also linked to ORMD, allowing users access to the related microarray gene expression data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ORMD serves as a data repository and project management system. It facilitates the study of microarray experiments of gene expression in the olfactory system. In conjunction with ORDB, ORMD integrates gene expression data with the genomic and functional data of ORs, and is thus a useful resource for both olfactory researchers and the public.</p

    Caracterização molecular do Cão Barbado da Terceira

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica.Neste trabalho analisaram-se 257 animais da raça Cão Barbado da Terceira sendo caracterizados geneticamente, por doze microssatélites identificando-se um total de 79 alelos. A variabilidade genética foi estimada através das frequências alélicas, diversidade genética, heterozigocidade esperada e observada, probabilidade de identidade e verificação do equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. Analisou-se as distâncias genéticas entre grupos pré-definidos consoante o ano de nascimento. Realizaram-se testes de paternidade comparando com os dados cedidos pelos criadores dos animais em questão, com bons resultados confirmando-se a compatibilidade com os progenitores na maioria dos casos. A população continua a manter variabilidade genética suficiente para não sofrer um processo de inbreeding, contudo deve ser dada atenção aos reprodutores a serem utilizados no futuro de forma a se conseguir uma maior heterozigocidade na raça para que haja uma evolução positiva da mesma. Desta forma os objectivos deste trabalho foram conseguidos, sendo este tipo de marcadores moleculares suficientemente informativos para esta caracterização.ABSTRACT: In this study 257 animals from the Cão Barbado da Terceira breed were analyzed, which were genetically characterized with twelve microsatellites, with a total of 79 alleles identified. The genetic variability was estimated through the allelic frequencies, genetic diversity, expected and observed heterozygosity, identity probability and verification of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. There was also the analysis of the genetic distances between groups predefined according to the year of birth, as well as paternity tests by the comparison with the data provided by the breeders. Good results were obtained and the compatibility with the parents was confirmed in most cases. The population still maintains enough genetic variability in order not to undergo inbreeding however one should pay attention to the breeders to be used in the future, in a way to obtain a higher heterozygosity so there is a positive evolution of the breed. Therefore the aims of this study were achieved, and this type of molecular markers was sufficiently informative for this characterization