546 research outputs found

    Cascade-based disaggregation of continuous rainfall time series: the influence of climate

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    International audienceRainfall data of high temporal resolution are required in a multitude of hydrological applications. In the present paper, a temporal rainfall disaggregation model is applied to convert daily time series into an hourly resolution. The model is based on the principles of random multiplicative cascade processes. Its parameters are dependent on (1) the volume and (2) the position in the rainfall sequence of the time interval with rainfall to be disaggregated. The aim is to compare parameters and performance of the model between two contrasting climates with different rainfall generating mechanisms, a semi-arid tropical (Brazil) and a temperate (United Kingdom) climate. In the range of time scales studied, the scale-invariant assumptions of the model are approximately equally well fulfilled for both climates. The model parameters differ distinctly between climates, reflecting the dominance of convective processes in the Brazilian rainfall and of advective processes associated with frontal passages in the British rainfall. In the British case, the parameters exhibit a slight seasonal variation consistent with the higher frequency of convection during summer. When applied for disaggregation, the model reproduces a range of hourly rainfall characteristics with a high accuracy in both climates. However, the overall model performance is somewhat better for the semi-arid tropical rainfall. In particular, extreme rainfall in the UK is overestimated whereas extreme rainfall in Brazil is well reproduced. Transferability of parameters in time is associated with larger uncertainty in the semi-arid climate due to its higher interannual variability and lower percentage of rainy intervals. For parameter transferability in space, no restrictions are found between the Brazilian stations whereas in the UK regional differences are more pronounced. The overall high accuracy of disaggregated data supports the potential usefulness of the model in hydrological applications. Keywords: Rainfall, temporal disaggregation, random cascade, scaling, semi-arid, temperate climate

    Recharge Response Functions

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    International audienceThis paper explores the establishment of transfer functions for describing the annual oscillation of unconfined aquifer water levels in response to effective precipitation. A simple saturated zone representation is developed to accompany the unsaturated zone mechanism. Practical examples are drawn from a sample of sites from the chalk and the Permo-Triassic sandstones of England and Wales. Modelled water levels are in many cases good. The technique is most appropriate within the usual range of fluctuation of aquifer water level, with no great change in influence of abstractions, and when it is acceptable to approximate the complexity of unsaturated zone processes in practical analysis

    Response to Wolf et al.: Furthering Debate over the Suitability of Trap-Neuter-Return for Stray Cat Management

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    To continue dialogue over proposed Australian trials of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), we applied a framework requiring identification of areas of agreement, areas of disagreement, and identification of empirical data collection required to resolve disagreements. There is agreement that Australia has a problem with stray cats, causing problems of impacts on wildlife, nuisance,disease transmission (including public health issues and exchange of diseases between stray cat and pet cat populations), poor welfare outcomes for stray cats, and an emotional burden on staff euthanising healthy stray cats. There is disagreement on whether (i) current measures are failing, leading to unacceptably high euthanasia levels, (ii) some contributors to the debate misunderstand TNR, (iii) TNR trials will reduce urban cat populations and associated problems, (iv) TNR is an ethical solution to cat overpopulation, and (v) some contributors to the debate promulgated misinformation. Although not everyone agrees that TNR trials should proceed, as a hypothetical exploration, we propose an experimental approach explicitly comparing TNR to alternatives. Trials could only be considered if other detailed and well-funded attempts at stray cat control focusing across an entire Local Government Area (LGA) prove ineffective

    A Case of Letting the Cat out of the Bag - Why Trap-Neuter-Return is Not an Ethical Solution for Stray Cat (Felis Catus) Management.

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    Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs, in which stray cats are captured, neutered and returned to the environment are advocated as a humane, ethical alternative to euthanasia. We review the TNR literature in light of current debate over whether or not there should be further TNR trials in Australia. We revisit the problems arising from stray cats living in association with human habitation and estimate how many stray cats would have to be processed through a scientifically-guided TNR program to avoid high euthanasia rates. We also identify10 ethical and welfare challenges that have to be addressed: we consider the quality of life for stray cats, where they would live, whether the TNR process itself is stressful, whether TNR cats are vulnerable to injury, parasites and disease, can be medically treated, stray cats’ body condition and diet, and their impacts on people, pet cats, and urban wildlife, especially endemic fauna. We conclude that TNR is unsuitable for Australia in almost all situations because it is unlikely to resolve problems caused by stray cats or meet ethical and welfare challenges. Targeted adoption, early-age desexing, community education initiatives and responsible pet ownership have greater promise to minimize euthanasia, reduce numbers rapidly, and address the identified issues

    Novel titanium carbenoid reagents: diversity orientated synthesis of indoles and spirocycles

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    A new synthetic strategy for the preparation of a 96-member library of 2,5-disubstituted indoles involving traceless cleavage from resin is presented. A boronate-bearing titanium alkylidene was prepared and used to convert 8 resin-bound esters into immobilised enol ethers. Cleavage from resin in mild acid with concomitant cyclisation yielded boronate-bearing indoles. Capitalising on the immobilised boronate functionality in enol ethers, Suzuki cross-coupling reactions were performed with 12 aryl iodides to give a 96-member library after cleavage from resin with mild acid. 79 members of the library were confirmed to be 2,5-disubstituted indoles. Also reported is the use of tertiary butyllithium and 2-isopropoxy-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolane to convert an aryl bromide into an arylboronate in the presence of a dithiane, with simultaneous reduction of an aryl azide to an amine. In a similar route, we synthesised dithiane for the attempted conversion of resin-bound esters into functionalised 7-azaindoles after cleavage from resin. Further investigation with a different ortho-nitrogen protecting group may yet prove successful. Alkylidenation of lactones with functionalized titanium carbenoid reagents followed by acid-induced cyclisation of the resulting enol ethers constitutes a new method for the preparation of [4.4], [4.5], and [5.5] spiroacetals (1,6-dioxaspiro[4.4]nonanes, 1,6-dioxaspiro[4.5]decanes and 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecanes). The titanium carbenoids are easily generated from readily available thioacetals

    Subsidised by junk foods: factors influencing body condition in stray cats (Felis catus)

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    Domestic cats (Felis catus) are one of the most widely distributed and successful carnivores globally. While cats are popular pets, many unowned, ‘stray’ cats live freely in anthropogenic environments at high densities where they make use of anthropogenic resources. These stray cats present a management challenge due to concerns about wildlife predation, pathogen transmission, public nuisance and threats to cat welfare (e.g. vehicle collisions). In Australia, there are few studies of strays compared with pet cats or feral cats (free-roaming cats in rural areas that are independent of resources provided by humans). To contribute original data about stray cat biology, the carcasses of 188 euthanised stray cats were collected from Perth, Western Australia. Cats were assessed for general health, age, reproduction, diet and gastrointestinal parasite biomass. The influence of cat demographics, collection location, season, parasite biomass, diet and history of supplemental feeding by people were tested against body condition. Overall, strays were physically healthy and reproductive, with few life-threatening injuries or macroscopic evidence of disease; however, helminths were extremely common (95% of cats) and pose a threat. Nearly 40% of strays consumed wildlife, including two species of endemic marsupial. Alarmingly, 57.5% of strays were scavenging vast amounts of refuse, including life-threatening items in volumes that blocked their gastrointestinal tracts. These findings illustrate that strays need to be removed from anthropogenic environments for their own health and welfare and to prevent continued breeding. Targeted control programmes should prioritise removal of cats from areas where refuse is common and where valued native fauna exist

    Body Size and Bite Force of Stray and Feral Cats - Are Bigger or Older Cats Taking the Largest or More Difficult to Handle Prey

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    As carnivorans rely heavily on their head and jaws for prey capture and handling, skull morphology and bite force can therefore reflect their ability to take larger or more difficult-to-handle prey. For 568 feral and stray cats (Felis catus), we recorded their demographics (sex and age), source location (feral or stray) and morphological measures (body mass, body condition); we estimated potential bite force from skull measurements for n = 268 of these cats, and quantified diet composition from stomach contents for n = 358. We compared skull measurements to estimate their bite force and determine how it varied with sex, age, body mass, body condition. Body mass had the strongest influence of bite force. In our sample, males were 36.2% heavier and had 20.0% greater estimated bite force (206.2 ± 44.7 Newtons, n = 168) than females (171.9 ± 29.3 Newtons, n = 120). However, cat age was the strongest predictor of the size of prey that they had taken, with older cats taking larger prey. The predictive power of this relationship was poor though (r2 \u3c 0.038, p \u3c 0.003), because even small cats ate large prey and some of the largest cats ate small prey, such as invertebrates. Cats are opportunistic, generalist carnivores taking a broad range of prey. Their ability to handle larger prey increases as the cats grow, increasing their jaw strength, and improving their hunting skills, but even the smallest cats in our sample had tackled and consumed large and potentially ‘dangerous’ prey that would likely have put up a defence
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