16 research outputs found

    Insegnare l’Europa. Concetti e rappresentazioni nei libri di testo europei

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    Il volume presenta i risultati di una ricerca comparata che ha analizzato i manuali scolastici utilizzati oggi nei diversi paesi europei per verificare quale spazio abbia in essi la trattazione dell’Europa, quali valori e concetti vengano presentati come caratterizzanti la civiltĂ  europea, e in quali modi l’attenzione alle appartenenze nazionali venga coniugata con la nuova centralitĂ  dell’Europa.- Indice #5- Introduzione Nazioni ed Europa nell’educazione scolastica: come vediamo noi stessi e gli “altri”?, Falk Pingel #13- Insegnare la singolaritĂ  dell’Europa, Charles Olivier Carbonell #75- Tradizione religiosa e identitĂ  nazionale nell’Europa sudorientale, Răzvan Theodorescu #103- Cittadino, europeo e cosmopolita: scopi e compiti dell’educazione civica, Alistair Ross #119- Diversi modi di vedere l’integrazione europea, Juan DĂ­ez Medrano #153- Tendenze attuali nei manuali spagnoli di storia e di geografia dell’educazione secondaria obbligatoria, Rafael Valls #173- L’Europa nei programmi e nei manuali scolastici francesi: verso una nuova comunitĂ  immaginaria europea?, HĂ©lĂšne Baeyens #189- L’Europa del Novecento: un’analisi dei manuali di storia della scuola media italiana degli anni Novanta, Luigi Cajani #141- “Una nuova cultura capace di superare nazionalismi e separatismi”. Esempi da libri di educazione civica italiani, Olga Bombardelli #239- L’Europa nei libri di testo di storia del Regno Unito: insegnamento e apprendimento, Keith Crawford #265- L’Europa nei testi di geografia inglesi, John Hopkin #295- “Un lento avvicinamento all’Europa”: la dimensione europea nei testi britannici di storia contemporanea, Mark Engel #319- L’Europa si sta aprendo al resto del mondo? I cambiamenti avvenuti nella rappresentazione dell’Europa nei testi scolastici della Germania dopo la riunificazione (Wende) del 1989/90, Rolf Westheider #329- Visioni del mondo legate alla geografia: l’Europa vista dagli studenti della Germania, Armin HĂŒttermann #353- Cittadini della Germania e dell’Ue. La rappresentazione dell’Europa nei manuali scolastici tedeschi di educazione politica, K. Peter Fritzsche #375- L’Europa nei manuali greci di educazione civica, Despina Karakatsani #395- Dalla rivoluzione mondiale al dominio degli ambienti culturali? La rappresentazione dell’Europa nei testi scolastici russi di “storia mondiale”, Michail A. Bojcov #417- Alla ricerca di un cammino verso l’Europa: la dimensione europea nei testi di storia del XX secolo della Russia, Vera Kaplan #441- L’immagine dell’Europa nei libri di testo della Romania, Mirela LuminiĆŁa Murgescu #473- L’”altra” entitĂ  politica esterna e le immagini dell’Europa nei manuali di storia moderna della Bulgaria successivi al 1917, Snezhana Dimitrova #501- La storia europea all’universitĂ  di Belgrado: momenti concettuali della sua rappresentazione, Milan Ristović #521- Ricerca storica e redazione dei libri di testo nelle entitĂ  statali nate dalla Jugoslavia socialista, Neven Budak #535- Tra euforia, moderazione e isolamento: l’Europa nei testi scolastici di storia delle repubbliche della ex Jugoslavia, Heike Karge #551- Prospettive sull’educazione ai diritti dell’uomo nella Repubblica serba, Aleksandra Petrović #59

    when history teaching turns into parrhesia the case of italian colonial crimes

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    The aim of this chapter was to highlight the importance and the consequentiality of a specific kind of history education that happens when teachers decide to openly narrate to their students the crimes committed by previous generations of their own group—crimes so far kept silenced and literally denied in the general social discourse. According to Foucault's categorization of different kinds of truth's speaking, we propose to call parrhesia this history teaching. After reviewing theoretical stances on consequences expected for young people receiving this kind of history education, empirical evidence is discussed referring to recent researches conducted on chosen case studies. Data suggest that knowledge conveyed by parrhesiastic historical teaching on previously silenced ingroup crimes allow young students to morally distance themselves from wrongdoings of older generations

    Reduced in vivo oxidative stress following 5-methyltetrahydrofolate supplementation in patients with early-onset thrombosis and 677TT methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotype

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    The protective role of folate in vascular disease has been related to antioxidant effects. In 45 patients with previous early-onset (at age < 50 years) thrombotic episodes and the 677TT methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotype, we evaluated the effects of a 28d-course (15 mg/d) of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF) on homocysteine metabolism and on in vivo generation of 8-iso-prostaglandin F-2 alpha (8-iso-PGF(2 alpha)), a reliable marker of oxidative stress. At baseline, patients' fasting total homocysteine (tHcy) was 11.5 mu mol/1 (geometric mean) and urinary excretion of 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha) was 304 pg/mg creatinine, with the highest metabolite levels in the lowest quartile of plasma folate distribution (P < 0.05). After 5-MTHF supplementation, plasma folate levels increased approximately 13-fold (P < 0.0001 versus baseline); tHcy levels (6.7 mu mol/1, P < 0.0001) and urinary 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha) (254 pg/mg creatinine, P < 0.001) were both significantly lowered, their reduction being proportional to baseline values (r = 0.98 and r 0.77, respectively) and maximal in patients with the lowest pre-supplementation folate levels (P < 0.05). The effects on folate (P < 0.0001) and tHcy (P = 0.0004) persisted for at least up to 2 months after withdrawing 5-MTHF. In parallel with long- lasting tHcy-lowering effects, a short-course 5-MTHF supplementation reduces in vivo formation of 8-iso-PGF(2 alpha) in this population, supporting the antioxidant protective effects of folate in vascular disease

    Un convegno a Berlino est alla vigilia del crollo del muro

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    sta in: Dimensioni e Problemi della Ricerca Storica, 3 (1990)/1, ISSN 1125-517X; anche in formato elettronico:

    Riparare Risarcire Ricordare. Un dialogo tra storici e giuristi

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    Il volume contiene le principali ricerche svolte nel quadro del PRIN"Le ferite della storia e il diritto riparatore" e unisce, per la prima volta, contributi di storici puri e di giuristiThe book is the result of an interdiscplinary (historians and lawyers) research on the reparation of historical injustice

    Historical culture and peace. How older generations address the need of younger generations to learn about theier in-group past

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    This chapter has three aims. First, it aims to disentangle social denial of in-group responsibilities for intergroup violence from other types of silence about intergroup violence. Secondly, it argues that intergenerational narratives which omit information about in-group responsibilities for violence that occurred before the birth of younger generations are highly risky to the descendants of perpetrators. Finally, it emphasises the importance of exploring in greater depth the understudied moment when a literal social denial about past in-group war crimes is exposed. To support these aims, the chapter presents results from a recent mixed methods, quasi-experimental study, which used between- and within-subject comparisons. The study asked young Italian university students to read an explicit text (“detailed text”) vs. a more nuanced one (“mild text”) about Italian war crimes occurring during the colonial invasion of Ethiopia. Data were collected before reading the text, during the reading and after it. Texts were constructed by manipulating the wording of a single historical narrative, taken from a textbook currently used in Italian high schools. The inclusion of this information in Italian history textbooks is quite recent, taking place approximately 70 years after the end of the war. Prior to this a widespread social denial silenced these crimes and as a result they were largely ignored in general social discourse. Results showed that participants reacted not only to the new information received but also to the way in which it was conveyed. The detailed narrative, by frankly taking a moral stance on past violence (a strategy that we named, after classic works of Foucault, 1983, parrhesia), provoked a better understanding of information, together with an increase of negative group-based moral emotions. Interestingly, while collective guilt did not differ between participants exposed to a detailed or a mild text, moral emotions distancing young participants from the responsibilities of older generations increased when these crimes were clearly exposed