2,876 research outputs found

    Multi Agent Diagnosis: an analysis

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    The paper analyzes the use of a Multi Agent System for Model Based Diagnosis. In a large dynamical system, it is often infeasible or even impossible to maintain a model of the whole system. Instead, several incomplete models of the system have to be used to detect possible faults. These models may also be physically be distributed. A Multi Agent System of diagnostic agents may offer solutions for establishing a global diagnosis. If we use a separate agent for each incomplete model of the system, establishing a global diagnosis becomes a problem cooperation and negotiation between the diagnostic agents. This raises the question whether `a set of diagnostic agents, each having an incomplete model of the system, can (efficiently) determine the same global diagnosis as an ideal single diagnostic agent having the combined knowledge of the diagnostic agents?''economics of technology ;

    A CCA2 Secure Variant of the McEliece Cryptosystem

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    The McEliece public-key encryption scheme has become an interesting alternative to cryptosystems based on number-theoretical problems. Differently from RSA and ElGa- mal, McEliece PKC is not known to be broken by a quantum computer. Moreover, even tough McEliece PKC has a relatively big key size, encryption and decryption operations are rather efficient. In spite of all the recent results in coding theory based cryptosystems, to the date, there are no constructions secure against chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model - the de facto security notion for public-key cryptosystems. In this work, we show the first construction of a McEliece based public-key cryptosystem secure against chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. Our construction is inspired by a recently proposed technique by Rosen and Segev

    Clarifying spherical collapse in coupled dark energy cosmologies

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    The spherical collapse model is often used to follow the evolution of overdensities into the nonlinear regime. We describe the correct approach to be used in coupled dark energy cosmologies, where a fifth force, different from gravity and mediated by the dark energy scalar field, influences the collapse. We reformulate the spherical collapse description by deriving it directly from the set of nonlinear hydrodynamical Navier Stokes equations. By comparing with the corresponding relativistic equations, we show how the fifth force should be taken into account within the spherical collapse picture and clarify the problems arising when an inhomogeneous scalar field is considered within a spherical collapse picture. We then apply our method to the case of coupled quintessence, where the fifth force acts among cold dark matter particles, and to growing neutrino quintessence, where the fifth force acts between neutrinos. Furthermore, we review this method when applied to standard cosmologies and apply our analysis to minimally coupled quintessence and check past results for early dark energy parametrizations.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, published in Physical Review D, minor changes and correction

    Treatment of estrogen-induced dermatitis with omalizumab

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    In 1945, Drs Bernhard Zondek and Yehuda Bromberg demonstrated intradermal treatment with estrone and estradiol benzoate induced urticarial lesions in some patients.1 Fifty years later, Shelley et al,2 who introduced the concept of progesterone dermatitis several decades prior, defined estrogen dermatitis based on studies of 7 women with premenstrual flares of skin eruptions including papulovesicular, urticarial, or eczematous lesions or generalized pruritus. Previously described therapies for estrogen dermatitis include estrogen desensitization, tamoxifen, leuprolide, and oophorectomy.3 Here we report a case of estrogen-induced dermatitis successfully treated with omalizumab

    Surface induced selective delamination of amphiphilic ABA block copolymer thin films

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    This is the result of an ongoing collaboration with Dr. N. Sommerdijk’s Biomaterials group at the University of Eindhoven (the Netherlands) and illustrates the close collaboration that exists in pursuing the design and application of novel polymeric materials between the two groups. This details work on a physical phenomenon (selective delamination) and key materials (amphiphilic block copolymers) that have subsequently been applied in the design of novel biomaterials. These results have appeared in a larger body of work including Advanced Materials, Angewandtie Chemie International Edition and the Journal of Materials Chemistry

    Very complex internal standard response variation in LC-MS/MS bioanalysis: Root cause analysis and impact assessment

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    Internal standards (ISs) are essential for the development and use of reliable quantitative bioanalytical LC-MS/MS methods, because they correct for fluctuations in the analytical response that are caused by variations in experimental conditions. Sample-to-sample differences in the IS response are thus to be expected, but a large variability often is an indication of nonoptimal sample handling or analysis settings. This paper discusses a number of cases of very complex variation of IS responses that could be attributed to analytical problems such as injection errors and sample inhomogeneity, and matrix-related issues such as degradation and increased ionization efficiency. A decision tree is proposed to help find the underlying root cause for extreme IS variability

    Development and Evaluation of the Taxonomy of Trauma Leadership Skills-Shortened for Observation and Reflection in Training:A Practical Tool for Observing and Reflecting on Trauma Leadership Performance

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    INTRODUCTION: Trauma leadership skills are increasingly being addressed in trauma courses, but few resources are available to systematically observe and debrief trainees' performances. The authors therefore translated their previously developed, extensive Taxonomy of Trauma Leadership Skills (TTLS) into a practical observation tool that is tailored to the vocabulary of clinician instructors and their workflow and workload during simulation-based training. METHODS: In 2016 to 2018, the TTLS was subjected to practical evaluation in an iterative process of 2 stages. In the first stage, testing panels of trauma specialists observed excerpts from videotaped simulations and indicated from the list of elements which behaviors they felt were being shown. Any ambiguities or redundancy were addressed by rephrasing or combining elements. In the second stage, iterations were used in actual scenario training to observe and debrief trainees' performances. The instructors' recommendations resulted in further improvements of clarity, ease of use, and usefulness, until no new suggestions were raised. RESULTS: The resultant "TTLS-Shortened for Observation and Reflection in Training" was given a simpler structure and more concrete and self-explanatory benchmarks. It contains 6 skill categories for evaluation, each with 4 to 6 benchmark behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: The TTLS-Shortened for Observation and Reflection in Training is an important addition to other trauma assessment tools because of its specific focus on leadership skills. It helps set concrete performance expectations, simplify note taking, and target observations and debriefings. One central challenge was striking a balance between its conciseness and specificity. The authors reflected on how the decisions for the resultant structure ease and leverage the conduct of observations and performance debriefing

    Parental well-being in times of Covid-19 in Germany

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    We examine the effects of Covid-19 and related restrictions on individuals with dependent children in Germany. We specifically focus on the role of day care center and school closures, which may be regarded as a “disruptive exogenous shock” to family life. We make use of a novel representative survey of parental well-being collected in May and June 2020 in Germany, when schools and day care centers were closed but while other measures had been relaxed and new infections were low. In our descriptive analysis, we compare well-being during this period with a pre-crisis period for different groups. In a difference-in-differences design, we compare the change for individuals with children to the change for individuals without children, accounting for unrelated trends as well as potential survey mode and context effects. We find that the crisis lowered the relative well-being of individuals with children, especially for individuals with young children, for women, and for persons with lower secondary schooling qualifications. Our results suggest that public policy measures taken to contain Covid-19 can have large effects on family well-being, with implications for child development and parental labor market outcomes

    A CCA2 Secure Variant of the McEliece Cryptosystem

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