498 research outputs found

    RNA content in motor and sensory neurons and surrounding neuroglia of mouse spinal cord under conditions of hypodynamia and following normalization

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    The differences in the dynamics of reparative processes in RNA metabolism within the neuron-neuroglia unit after the cessation of hyper- and hypodynamia is dicussed. The role of neuroglia is stressed in compensatory, reparative and trophic processes in the nervous system as well as the possibility in an adaptation at the cellular level

    RNA content in motor and sensory neurons and surrounding neuroglia of mouse spinal cord under conditions of hypodynamia and following normalization

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    Male white mice were subjected to two and three week hypodynamia and then decapitated. Cytoplasmic RNA content per cell was measured by means of ultraviolet cytospectrometry. Changes in RNA content are shown, and the dynamics of the reparative processes of cells are discussed

    Comment on "The gravitomagnetic influence on gyroscopes and on the lunar orbit"

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    Analysis of the gauge residual freedom in the relativistic theory of lunar motion demonstrates that lunar laser ranging (LLR) is not currently capable to detect gravitomagnetic effects.Comment: 1 page, accepted to Physical Review Letter

    Binary spinning black hole Hamiltonian in canonical center-of-mass and rest-frame coordinates through higher post-Newtonian order

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    The recently constructed Hamiltonians for spinless binary black holes through third post-Newtonian order and for spinning ones through formal second post-Newtonian order, where the spins are counted of zero post-Newtonian order, are transformed into fully canonical center-of-mass and rest-frame variables. The mixture terms in the Hamiltonians between center-of-mass and rest-frame variables are in accordance with the relation between the total linear momentum and the center-of-mass velocity as demanded by global Lorentz invariance. The various generating functions for the center-of-mass and rest-frame canonical variables are explicitly given in terms of the single-particle canonical variables. The no-interaction theorem does not apply because the world-line condition of Lorentz covariant position variables is not imposed.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Prospects in the orbital and rotational dynamics of the Moon with the advent of sub-centimeter lunar laser ranging

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    Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) measurements are crucial for advanced exploration of the laws of fundamental gravitational physics and geophysics. Current LLR technology allows us to measure distances to the Moon with a precision approaching 1 millimeter. As NASA pursues the vision of taking humans back to the Moon, new, more precise laser ranging applications will be demanded, including continuous tracking from more sites on Earth, placing new CCR arrays on the Moon, and possibly installing other devices such as transponders, etc. Successful achievement of this goal strongly demands further significant improvement of the theoretical model of the orbital and rotational dynamics of the Earth-Moon system. This model should inevitably be based on the theory of general relativity, fully incorporate the relevant geophysical processes, lunar librations, tides, and should rely upon the most recent standards and recommendations of the IAU for data analysis. This paper discusses methods and problems in developing such a mathematical model. The model will take into account all the classical and relativistic effects in the orbital and rotational motion of the Moon and Earth at the sub-centimeter level. The new model will allow us to navigate a spacecraft precisely to a location on the Moon. It will also greatly improve our understanding of the structure of the lunar interior and the nature of the physical interaction at the core-mantle interface layer. The new theory and upcoming millimeter LLR will give us the means to perform one of the most precise fundamental tests of general relativity in the solar system.Comment: 26 pages, submitted to Proc. of ASTROCON-IV conference (Princeton Univ., NJ, 2007

    Post-Newtonian Theory for Precision Doppler Measurements of Binary Star Orbits

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    The determination of velocities of stars from precise Doppler measurements is described here using relativistic theory of astronomical reference frames so as to determine the Keplerian and post-Keplerian parameters of binary systems. We apply successive Lorentz transformations and the relativistic equation of light propagation to establish the exact treatment of Doppler effect in binary systems both in special and general relativity theories. As a result, the Doppler shift is a sum of (1) linear in c1c^{-1} terms, which include the ordinary Doppler effect and its variation due to the secular radial acceleration of the binary with respect to observer; (2) terms proportional to c2c^{-2}, which include the contributions from the quadratic Doppler effect caused by the relative motion of binary star with respect to the Solar system, motion of the particle emitting light and diurnal rotational motion of observer, orbital motion of the star around the binary's barycenter, and orbital motion of the Earth; and (3) terms proportional to c2c^{-2}, which include the contributions from redshifts due to gravitational fields of the star, star's companion, Galaxy, Solar system, and the Earth. After parameterization of the binary's orbit we find that the presence of periodically changing terms in the Doppler schift enables us disentangling different terms and measuring, along with the well known Keplerian parameters of the binary, four additional post-Keplerian parameters, including the inclination angle of the binary's orbit, ii. We briefly discuss feasibility of practical implementation of these theoretical results, which crucially depends on further progress in the technique of precision Doppler measurements.Comment: Minor changes, 1 Figure included, submitted to Astrophys.

    A generalized lens equation for light deflection in weak gravitational fields

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    A generalized lens equation for weak gravitational fields in Schwarzschild metric and valid for finite distances of source and observer from the light deflecting body is suggested. The magnitude of neglected terms in the generalized lens equation is estimated to be smaller than or equal to 15 Pi/4 (m/d')^2, where m is the Schwarzschild radius of massive body and d' is Chandrasekhar's impact parameter. The main applications of this generalized lens equation are extreme astrometrical configurations, where 'Standard post-Newtonian approach' as well as 'Classical lens equation' cannot be applied. It is shown that in the appropriate limits the proposed lens equation yields the known post-Newtonian terms, 'enhanced' post-post-Newtonian terms and the Classical lens equation, thus provides a link between these both essential approaches for determining the light deflection.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Gravitational bending of light by planetary multipoles and its measurement with microarcsecond astronomical interferometers

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    General relativistic deflection of light by mass, dipole, and quadrupole moments of gravitational field of a moving massive planet in the Solar system is derived. All terms of order 1 microarcsecond are taken into account, parametrized, and classified in accordance with their physical origin. We calculate the instantaneous patterns of the light-ray deflections caused by the monopole, the dipole and the quadrupole moments, and derive equations describing apparent motion of the deflected position of the star in the sky plane as the impact parameter of the light ray with respect to the planet changes due to its orbital motion. The present paper gives the physical interpretation of the observed light-ray deflections and discusses the observational capabilities of the near-future optical (SIM) and radio (SKA) interferometers for detecting the Doppler modulation of the radial deflection, and the dipolar and quadrupolar light-ray bendings by the Jupiter and the Saturn.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Topochemical differences in the amount of RNA in the motoneurons of the spinal chord in hypoxia and hypokinesia

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    Reactions to hypoxia and hypoknesia were compared by measuring charges in the amount of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the cytoplasm of neurons of the intumescentia cervicalis and lumbalis. Animals were subjected to hypoxia, hypokinesia and both combined and a control group to neither. A total of two groups of motoneurons were compared, one innervating the respiratory musculature, the other the musculature of the lower extremities, so that hypoxic hypoxia would probably affect the first group primarily and hypokinesia the second. Results indicate that neither affect the amount of RNA in the neurons of the first group but a significant increase is noted in neurons of the second group. Other significant results are reported

    Numerical versus analytical accuracy of the formulas for light propagation

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    Numerical integration of the differential equations of light propagation in the Schwarzschild metric shows that in some situations relevant for practical observations the well-known post-Newtonian solution for light propagation has an error up to 16 microarcsecond. The aim of this work is to demonstrate this fact, identify the reason for this error and to derive an analytical formula accurate at the level of 1 microarcsecond as needed for high-accuracy astrometric projects (e.g., Gaia). An analytical post-post-Newtonian solution for the light propagation for both Cauchy and boundary problems is given for the Schwarzschild metric augmented by the PPN and post-linear parameters β\beta, γ\gamma and ϵ\epsilon. Using analytical upper estimates of each term we investigate which post-post-Newtonian terms may play a role for an observer in the solar system at the level of 1 microarcsecond and conclude that only one post-post-Newtonian term remains important for this numerical accuracy. In this way, an analytical solution for the boundary problem for light propagation is derived. That solution contains terms of both post-Newtonian and post-post-Newtonian order, but is valid for the given numerical level of 1 microarcsecond. The derived analytical solution has been verified using the results of a high-accuracy numerical integration of differential equations of light propagation and found to be correct at the level well below 1 microarcsecond for arbitrary observer situated within the solar system. Furthermore, the origin of the post-post-Newtonian terms relevant for the microarcsecond accuracy is elucidated. We demonstrate that these terms result from an inadequate choice of the impact parameter in the standard post-Newtonian formulas