238 research outputs found

    The sutures in dentistry

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    In oral surgery, the last phase of a surgical operation is represented by the tissues suture, that allows the wound lips edges approximation and their stabilization, to promote haemostasis, to avoid the alimentary residues accumulation on the incision line and allow the first intention healing. A good suture avoids that the displacing forces generated by the muscular insertions, functional movements and by the external agents destabilize or cause the surgical wound deiscence. The purpose of this study was to re-examine the suture threads characteristics, properties and biological interactions evaluating the different studies published in literature results and conclusions. In conclusion, the authors recommended the use of the different suture threads on the dependence of the oral surgery operation type that must be performed, of the patient compliance and of the various suture materials physical and biocompatibility characteristics

    Digital work-flow

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    The project presents a clinical case in which the digital work-flow procedure was applied for a prosthetic rehabilitation in natural teeth and implants. Digital work-flow uses patient’s photo for the aesthetic’s planning, digital smile technology for the simulation of the final restoration and real time scanning to register the two arches. Than the scanning are sent to the laboratory that proceed with CAD-CAM production. Digital work-flow offers the opportunities to easily speak with laboratory and patients, gives better clinical results and demonstrated to be a less invasiveness method for the patient. Intra-oral scanner, digital smile design, preview using digital wax-up, CAD-CAM production, are new predictable opportunities for prosthetic team. This work-flow, compared with traditional methods, is faster, more precise and predictable

    Effect of Toothpaste on the Surface Roughness of the Resin-Contained CAD/CAM Dental Materials: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The purpose of this review is to describe the possible effect of toothbrushing on surface roughness of resin-contained CAD/CAM materials. Methods: Systematic literature search for articles published in peer-reviewed journals between January 2000 and February 2020 has been conducted, which evaluated the effect of brushing on surface roughness of resin-contained CAD/CAM dental materials. The research was conducted in Scopus, PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Embase, and Science Direct using a combination of the following MeSH/Emtree terms: “brushing”, “resin-based”, “dental”, “CAD/CAM”, and “surface roughness”. Results: A total of 249 articles were found in the search during initial screening. Fifty-five articles were selected for the full-text evaluation after the steps of reading of abstract/title and remotion of duplicate. Only six articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The Cohen’s Kappa agreement test showed an index of 0.91 for full-text. Discussion: Four of five selected articles identified an increase of surface roughness on resin-contained CAD/CAM materials after toothbrushing. Although all the articles examined used different toothpastes with no homogeneous relative dentine abrasivity (RDA) and cycles of brushing, the findings are about the same. The possible reason is attributable to the compositions of the resin-contained CAD/CAM materials. Conclusions: The surface roughness of most resin-contained CAD/CAM materials was affected by artificial toothbrushing. Correct knowledge of the composition of the dental material and toothpastes is fundamental to avoid an increase of surface roughness on prosthetic rehabilitation

    Implant surgery and oral anticoagulant therapy: case report

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    This work aims to assess the risks both thromboembolic that bleeding of a management protocol “non-conservative” in patients on oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT) to be undergoing implant surgery. We decided to take a surgical “non-conservative” protocol, to insert four implants in the aesthetic zone, without using flapless surgery and the surgical template. In accordance with the hematologist, the value of INR is lowered and warfarin was replaced with heparin low molecular weight, to have a better coagulation’s control. The modern guidelines impose a protocol of conservative management in patients with OAT, with minimally invasive surgery, flapless, and use of surgical template to reduce the risk of uncontrolled bleeding. This, thanks to the teamwork between dentist and hematologist, thanks to careful adjustment of INR and the use of local haemostatic agents, were not encountered any problems with bleeding or intra or postoperative. Surgical treatment of patients with OAT is a real problem for the oral surgeon, to treat every time in association with the hematologist. Applying this type of surgical procedure, different from today’s guidelines, in our experience there were no post-operative complications (bleeding or bleeding); osseointegration has not been compromised and the prosthetic rehabilitation was completed successfully

    Magnetic Properties of the MnBi Intermetallic Compound

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    A MnBi alloy containing over 90 wt% low-temperature phase (LTP) has been obtained by high-temperature sintering and magnetic purification. The coercivity of the bonded MnBi magnet increases with increasing temperatures. A coercivity of 2.0 T has been achieved at 400 K. The maximum energy product (BH)max; of the magnet is 7.7 MGOe (61 kJ/m3) and 4.6 MGOe (37 kJ/m3) at room temperature and 400 K, respectively. Neutron diffraction and magnetic data reveal a spin reorientation, which gives rise to low anisotropy fields and coercivity at lower temperatures for the LTP MnBi alloy

    Gnathological features in growing subjects

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    Aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a sample of consecutive subjects

    Enhanced exchange bias effects in a nanopatterned system consisting of two perpendicularly coupled ferromagnets

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.The effect of patterning on the shift of the hysteresis loop HE and coercivityHC in a system composed of two perpendicularly exchange-coupled ferromagnets (NiFe sputtered onto a [Pt/Co] multilayer) is investigated in long stripes and square dots. Setting the exchange bias coupling along the stripes results in a threefold increase of HE compared to the continuous films. HC increases dramatically when the coupling is set perpendicular to the stripes and also in the dots. Magnetic force microscopy studies and micromagnetic simulations suggest that differences in the number and orientation of the magnetic domains can account for the observed effects
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