997 research outputs found

    Liderazgo en equipos de trabajo

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    El objeto de anålisis de la presente investigación son los equipos de trabajo, la interacción entre sus miembros y el liderazgo que los guía a alcanzar sus objetivos. Todos estos aspectos estån fundados en la acción humana, es por ello que para poder hablar de equipos y grupos, debemos hablar primero del hombre, ya que éste es su elemento constitutivo primario.Fil: Boggio Giménez, Martín A.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Generation of optical frequency combs in fibres

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    We numerically investigated the possibility of generating high-quality ultra-short optical pulses with broad frequencycombs spectra in a system consisting of three optical fibres. In this system, the first fibre is a conventional single-mode fibre, the second one is erbium-doped, and the last one is a low-dispersion fibre. The system is pumped with a modulated sine-wave generated by two equally intense lasers with the wavelengths λ ;1and λ2 such that their central wavelength is at λc = (λ1 + λ2)/2 = 1531 nm. The modelling was performed using the generalised nonlinear Schrödinger equation which includes the Kerr and Raman effects, as well as the higher-order dispersion and gain. We took a close look at the pulse evolution in the first two stages and studied the pulse behaviour depending on the group-velocity dispersion and the nonlinear parameter of first fibre, as well as the initial laser frequency separation. For these parameters, the optimum lengths of fibre 1 and 2 were found that provide low-noise pulses. To characterise the pulse energy content, we introduced a figure of merit that was dependent on the group-velocity dispersion, the nonlinearity of fibre 1, and the laser separation

    Chromophore Protonation State Controls Photoswitching of the Fluoroprotein asFP595

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    Fluorescent proteins have been widely used as genetically encodable fusion tags for biological imaging. Recently, a new class of fluorescent proteins was discovered that can be reversibly light-switched between a fluorescent and a non-fluorescent state. Such proteins can not only provide nanoscale resolution in far-field fluorescence optical microscopy much below the diffraction limit, but also hold promise for other nanotechnological applications, such as optical data storage. To systematically exploit the potential of such photoswitchable proteins and to enable rational improvements to their properties requires a detailed understanding of the molecular switching mechanism, which is currently unknown. Here, we have studied the photoswitching mechanism of the reversibly switchable fluoroprotein asFP595 at the atomic level by multiconfigurational ab initio (CASSCF) calculations and QM/MM excited state molecular dynamics simulations with explicit surface hopping. Our simulations explain measured quantum yields and excited state lifetimes, and also predict the structures of the hitherto unknown intermediates and of the irreversibly fluorescent state. Further, we find that the proton distribution in the active site of the asFP595 controls the photochemical conversion pathways of the chromophore in the protein matrix. Accordingly, changes in the protonation state of the chromophore and some proximal amino acids lead to different photochemical states, which all turn out to be essential for the photoswitching mechanism. These photochemical states are (i) a neutral chromophore, which can trans-cis photoisomerize, (ii) an anionic chromophore, which rapidly undergoes radiationless decay after excitation, and (iii) a putative fluorescent zwitterionic chromophore. The overall stability of the different protonation states is controlled by the isomeric state of the chromophore. We finally propose that radiation-induced decarboxylation of the glutamic acid Glu215 blocks the proton transfer pathways that enable the deactivation of the zwitterionic chromophore and thus leads to irreversible fluorescence. We have identified the tight coupling of trans-cis isomerization and proton transfers in photoswitchable proteins to be essential for their function and propose a detailed underlying mechanism, which provides a comprehensive picture that explains the available experimental data. The structural similarity between asFP595 and other fluoroproteins of interest for imaging suggests that this coupling is a quite general mechanism for photoswitchable proteins. These insights can guide the rational design and optimization of photoswitchable proteins

    Reading point-light walkers and amorphous: a TMS study

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    Objectives: (i) Evaluate if human actions with and without pictorial information result in comparable motor facilitation clarifying the adequacy of point-light (PL) human actions in motor observation and motor resonance research; (ii) Verify if the isolated aspects of human shape, i.e., without movement; and the isolated aspect of movement, i.e., PL in amorphous shape, are not enough for eliciting motor network response and thus that motor facilitation is specific to human action perception involving human motor and spatial configurations. Research question: Are PL human actions suitable stimuli for action observation experiments evaluating motor resonance response and what are the adequate parameters for preparing their control stimuli? Methods: Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) of M1 were recorded from 18 healthy subjects using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during presentation of full-body video clips of: everyday human actions either with (real movement - RM) or without (biological point-light - PLbio) pictorial information, scrambled moving point-lights (PLscr) and static point-lights forming a human shape (PLs). All videos were approximately 1000ms long. Peak-to-peak MEP amplitude (maximal distance) was individually averaged for each condition (RM, PLbio, PLscr, PLs). Results: rmANOVA considering MEP as dependent variable and condition as within-subject factor revealed a main effect for Stimuli (F1,17= 6.91; p=.029; np2 =.16). Specifically, Fisher LSD post hoc revealed that such effect was due to inferior MEP amplitude in PLs condition when compared to RM (p=.016), PLbio (p= .006) and PLscr (p=.047). Conclusion: Our findings account for future studies elaboration by providing information on similar CE increase during PLbio and RM observation, thus corroborating the use of human PL in motor resonate/action observation studies. Noteworthy, PLscr also engaged the motor network, which could be due to kinematic aspects of human velocity profile or anthropomorphism of non- biological agents. Observation of PLs resulted in significantly smaller MEPs. Therefore, M1 activation seems restrict to movement perception but not to human form. Thus, planning the control stimuli and task context is crucial when using PL displays in the study of human action perception and the action observation network activation

    Promoting social plasticity in developmental disorders with non-invasive brain stimulation techniques

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    Being socially connected directly impacts our basic needs and survival. People with deficits in social cognition might exhibit abnormal behaviors and face many challenges in our highly social-dependent world. These challenges and limitations are associated with a substantial economical and subjective impact. As many conditions where social cognition is affected are highly prevalent, more treatments have to be developed. Based on recent research, we review studies where noninvasive neuromodulatory techniques have been used to promote Social Plasticity in developmental disorders. We focused on three populations where non-invasive brain stimulation seems to be a promising approach in inducing social plasticity: Schizophrenia, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Williams Syndrome (WS). There are still very few studies directly evaluating the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the social cognition of these populations. However, when considering the promising preliminary evidences presented in this review and the limited amount of clinical interventions available for treating social cognition deficits in these populations today, it is clear that the social neuroscientist arsenal may profit from non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for rehabilitation and promotion of social plasticity

    A mutation in caspase-9 decreases the expression of BAFFR and ICOS in patients with immunodeficiency and lymphoproliferation

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    Lymphocyte apoptosis is mainly induced by either death receptor-dependent activation of caspase-8 or mitochondria-dependent activation of caspase-9. Mutations in caspase-8 lead to autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation and immunodeficiency. This work describes a heterozygous H237P mutation in caspase-9 that can lead to similar disorders. H237P mutation was detected in two patients: Pt1 with autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation, severe hypogammaglobulinemia and Pt2 with mild hypogammaglobulinemia and Burkitt lymphoma. Their lymphocytes displayed defective caspase-9 activity and decreased apoptotic and activation responses. Transfection experiments showed that mutant caspase-9 display defective enzyme and proapoptotic activities and a dominant-negative effect on wild-type caspase-9. Ex vivo analysis of the patients' lymphocytes and in vitro transfection experiments showed that the expression of mutant caspase-9 correlated with a downregulation of BAFFR (B-cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF) receptor) in B cells and ICOS (inducible T-cell costimulator) in T cells. Both patients carried a second inherited heterozygous mutation missing in the relatives carrying H237P: Pt1 in the transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI) gene (S144X) and Pt2 in the perforin (PRF1) gene (N252S). Both mutations have been previously associated with immunodeficiencies in homozygosis or compound heterozygosis. Taken together, these data suggest that caspase-9 mutations may predispose to immunodeficiency by cooperating with other genetic factors, possibly by downregulating the expression of BAFFR and ICO
