287 research outputs found

    Resetting of free and confined motion with generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck distribution

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    Recently, a new formalism describing the anomalous diffusion processes, based on the Onsager-Machlup fluctuation theory, has been suggested \cite{Smain, Spub}. We study particles performing this new type of motion, under the action of resetting at a constant rate, or Poissonian resetting. We derive the mean-squared displacement and probability density function, and investigate their dependence on the shape parameter, diffusion coefficient, potential strength and resetting rate

    Experience in the use of ultrasound examination in diagnosis of acute pleural emphyema

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    Introduction: The study aim was to investigate the possibility of using the pleural cavity ultrasonography in a complex of diagnostic measures in patients with acute pleural emphysema. Material and Methods: We studied the results of treatment in 38 patients with acute emphysema, which were examined by pleural cavity ultrasonography in a complex of diagnostic measures. All patients had unilateral localization of acute emphysema. The multichamber emphysema was observed in 12 cases. All patients had pleural puncture. Results: We used the combination of ultrasound examination of pleural cavity with radiological methods of diagnosis and CT in the dynamics in 26 patients. In 12 patients, the X-ray of the chest was performed only on the admission; further dynamic control of the pleural cavity was performed only by ultrasonography. This approach of dynamic diagnostics can reduce the radiation exposure of patients. Conclusions: 1. The pleural cavity ultrasonography is a highly informative diagnostic method in the complex diagnosis of acute pleural emphysema. Its use is demonstrated for determining the boundaries, structure, localization of encapsulation; determining the place of puncture of pleural cavity; for the differentiation of adhesive process and the free liquid in pleural cavity. 2. Combined application of X-ray and ultrasonography of pleural cavity increases the efficiency of diagnostic measures and reduces radiation exposure of patients. . 3. The use of ultrasonography is a promising method of diagnosis of acute pleural emphysema

    Modern correction of an underactive bladder after spinal cord injuries

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    The article presents an overview of the literature on modern correction methods of an underactive bladder in spinal cord injury patients. The article provides data on the effectiveness of treatment and possible complications

    "Stranger" as a Sick Person in Yugoslav Travelogues of the First Half of the 20 th Century

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    В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь конструкта этнически "чужого" и феномена болезни в некоторых югославских травелогах первой половины ХХ в.The paper deals with the connection between the figure of the ethnic "stranger" and the phenomenon of illness in Yugoslav travelogues in the second half of the 20th century

    Травелоги словенских писательниц и их проблематика

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    В статье рассматривается специфика травелогов, созданных словенскими писательницами в конце XIX - начале XX вв.The purpose of this paper is to study the specificity of travelogues created by Slovenian female writers in the late 19th and early 20th century


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    The article aims for description of glandular/lymphoid interactions within digestive tract over the postnatal ontogenesis which is of special importance for clinical immunology. We have examined lingual salivary glands obtained from 299 autopsies, using macroscopic and histological techniques. Their age ranged from newborns to senile individuals; both males and females were included. The biological material was sampled at the local pathology departments at the Moscow Bureau for Forensic and Medical Expertise, according to approval by Russian federal law (No. 323, art. 47, 4180-1, 355н). The cases with pathological changes of digestive system revealed upon autopsies were excluded from evaluation. The transverse tissue sections were stained with H&E and picro fuchsin by van Gieson technique.The minor salivary lingual and pharyngeal glands, being located in the depth of tongue and pharyngeal walls, perform an important endocrine function, i.e they participate in oral immunity responses. A lot of publications concerns regenerative changes of oral mucosa caused by secretory IgA which plays a main role in regulation of local immunity. The article describes important age-dependent changes of both lingual and pharyngeal minor salivary glands. Typical scarcity of the glands in childhood may be caused by the uniform nutrition at this age, whereas decreased secretory IgA production, is generally leading to development of common inflammatory events in the oropharyngeal area. With increasing age, the glandular apertures become wider and more numerous, thus leading to increased local immunity in oral cavity and oropharynx. Sufficient involutional changes are observed in old and senile age cohorts, accompanied by diminished secretory IgA production, and, respectively, by decreased indexes of local and humoral immunity. These results are entirely reflecting topographical interrelations between the glands and lymphoid cells, and appropriate data are quite important for clinical immunology

    Cu-Cr-W composite alloy with thin dispersive inclusions of w, received by vibrational reactive infiltration of Cr+W powder mixture by copper melt

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    The formation of submicron lamellar structures after the decay of (W,Cr) solid solutions in the Cu-Cr-W composite alloys was detected. The alloys were received by vibrational reactive infiltration of a mixture of Cr and W powders at 1400 °C for 10 minutes.The work was carried out within the framework of the state task of IMET UB RAS

    The effectiveness of active medical rehabilitation technologies among Paralympians engaged in playing sports

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    The purpose of the study: to study the effectiveness of active medical rehabilitation technologies among Paralympians engaged in playing sports.Materials and methods: examined 48 male patients aged 25.9 ± 2.1 years with traumatic disease of the lumbar spinal cord. All examined were divided into 2 groups: patients of the main group (19 people) against the background of standard therapy received a course of active medical rehabilitation (AMR), including mechanotherapy and electrical stimulation with biofeedback under the control of electromyography (EMG) of the muscles of the lower extremities and back. Patients in the comparison group (29 people) received standard therapy. After the AMR course, a comprehensive examination was performed, including the data of the questionnaires: the ASIA classification (American Spinal Injury Association), the FIM (Functional Independence Measure) scale of functional independence, the modified functional assessment scale of activity and quality of life VFM (Valutazione Funzionale Mielolesi), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Beck depression scale; electroneurophysiological studies on the Neurosoft Neuro-EMG-Micro device, heart rate variability (HRV) on the Neurosoft Poly-Spectrum computer electrocardiograph, indicators of free movement with concentric and eccentric muscle contractions on EN-TreeM.Results: polysympathetic reflex excitability (PRV) significantly decreased in patients of the main group. There was also an improvement in vegetative reactivity (coefficient 30/15 is 1.45; p <0.001) during the orthostatic test, indicating normalization of parasympathetic regulation and heart rate. The assessment on the ASIA scale revealed an improvement in sensory function by 13.4 % and motor function by 17.4 %. On the VFM scale, an increase in indicators was observed by 14.7 % and on the FIM scale by 11.5 %. When assessing the psycho-emotional sphere on the Spielberger-Khanin scale, a significant decrease in the level of reactive anxiety was noted by 10.9 %, and the level of depression by 30.5 %. A significant increase in muscle strength by 18.1 % (p < 0.001) was also observed during concentric contractions, the average power increased by 83.1 % (p < 0.001), the average amplitude increased by 68.7 % (p < 0.001), the average speed by 27.2 % (p=0.002). When analyzing the indicators after the treatment, significant differences were obtained between the main and the comparison group (p < 0.001).Conclusion: the use of biofeedback technologies under the control of electromyography leads to an increase in the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation and improves the quality of life in Paralympians with traumatic spinal cord disease


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    The myopia incidence in children and teenagers for the last 10 years increased by 1.5 times, the most widely spread it received among graduates of lyceums and gymnasiums (50%).Purpose. To reveal the dynamics of changes in refraction, accommodation and viscoelastic properties of the cornea in schoolchildren within 3 years.Material and methods. The dynamics of myopia progression was investigated in 323 children (182 children with emmetropia and 141 – with myopia). The examined children were divided into 2 groups: the group 1 included children with emmetropia; the group 2 – children with mild to moderate myopia (mean spherical equivalent: -1.65±1.07D) aged from 7 to 12 years (mean age: 8.52±1.00). The period of follow-up was 3 years. The study carried out an estimation of axial length (AL), refraction, accommodation.Results. During 3 year follow-up the axial length steadily increased: within the first year – most intensively in the group 2, in the second and third years – in both groups. In the examination of refraction of the eye a gradual increase in the quantity of myopic children was noted in the group 1 with the initial emmetropia, reaching to the end of the 3rd year 82 children (34.7%). During the study, lower indices of reserve of relative accommodation were detected in the group 2 that remained during the entire period of follow-up.Conclusions. 1. Children with myopia have lower reserves of relative accommodation compared with healthy pupils. 2. Children with myopia have a higher gradient of AL growth compared with children of the same age group with the initial emmetropia. 3. The increase of myopia in 8-year schoolchildren is related to the intensive visual load, provoking habituallyexcessive accommodation tension