47 research outputs found

    Neutrinoless double beta decay within Self-consistent Renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation and inclusion of induced nucleon currents

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    The first, to our knowledge, calculation of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay) matrix elements within the self-consistent renormalised Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (SRQRPA) is presented. The contribution from the momentum-dependent induced nucleon currents to 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay amplitude is taken into account. A detailed nuclear structure study includes the discussion of the sensitivity of the obtained SRQRPA results for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay of 76^{76}Ge to the parameters of nuclear Hamiltonian, two-nucleon short-range correlations and the truncation of the model space. A comparision with the standard and renormalized QRPA is presented. We have found a considerable reduction of the SRQRPA nuclear matrix elements, resulting in less stringent limits for the effective neutrino mass.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Classification methods of text documents using ontology based approach

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    Розглянуто підхід до класифікації текстових документів із використанням онтологічного підходу. Розроблено метод рубрикування електронних текстових документів, що ґрунтується на метриці, яка, у свою чергу, використовує специфіку онтології рубрик.This article discusses an approach to classification of text documents using ontological approach. The method of text documents categorization based on metrics, which uses the rubric ontology specificity, is built

    The Majorana neutrino masses, neutrinoless double beta decay and nuclear matrix elements

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    The effective Majorana neutrino mass is evaluated by using the latest results of neutrino oscillation experiments. The problems of the neutrino mass spectrum,absolute mass scale of neutrinos and the effect of CP phases are addressed. A connection to the next generation of the neutrinoless double beta decay (0nbb-decay) experiments is discussed. The calculations are performed for 76Ge, 100Mo, 136Xe and 130Te by using the advantage of recently evaluated nuclear matrix elements with significantly reduced theoretical uncertainty. An importance of observation of the 0nbb-decay of several nuclei is stressed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, EXO (10 t) experiment considere

    Recent advances in neutrinoless double beta decay search

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    Even after the discovery of neutrino flavour oscillations, based on data from atmospheric, solar, reactor, and accelerator experiments, many characteristics of the neutrino remain unknown. Only the neutrino square-mass differences and the mixing angle values have been estimated, while the value of each mass eigenstate still hasn't. Its nature (massive Majorana or Dirac particle) is still escaping. Neutrinoless double beta decay (0ν0\nu-DBD) experimental discovery could be the ultimate answer to some delicate questions of elementary particle and nuclear physics. The Majorana description of neutrinos allows the 0ν0\nu-DBD process, and consequently either a mass value could be measured or the existence of physics beyond the standard should be confirmed without any doubt. As expected, the 0ν0\nu-DBD measurement is a very difficult field of application for experimentalists. In this paper, after a short summary of the latest results in neutrino physics, the experimental status, the R&D projects, and perspectives in 0ν0\nu-DBD sector are reviewed.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, To be publish in Czech Journal of Physic

    Fully-Renormalized QRPA fulfills Ikeda sum rule exactly

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    The renormalized quasiparticle-RPA is reformulated for even-even nuclei using restrictions imposed by the commutativity of the phonon creation operator with the total particle number operator. This new version, Fully-Renormalized QRPA (FR-QRPA), is free from the spurious low-energy solutions. Analytical proof is given that the Ikeda sum rule is fullfiled within the FR-QRPA.Comment: 9 page

    Grand unified theory constrained supersymmetry and neutrinoless double beta decay

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    We analyze the contributions to the neutrinoless double β\beta decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay) coming from the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with trilinear R-parity breaking. We discuss the importance of two-nucleon and pion-exchange realizations of the quark-level 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay transitions. In this context, the questions of reliability of the calculated relevant nuclear matrix elements within the Renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (pn-RQRPA) for several medium and heavy open-shell nuclei are addressed. The importance of gluino and neutralino contributions to 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay is also analyzed. We review the present experiments and deduce limits on the trilinear R-parity breaking parameter λ111\lambda_{111}' from the non-observability of 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay for different GUT constrained SUSY scenarios. In addition, a detailed study of limits on the MSSM parameter space coming from the BXsγB \to X_s \gamma processes by using the recent CLEO and OPAL results is performed. Some studies in respect to the future 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay project GENIUS are also presented.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    What can we learn from neutrinoless double beta decay experiments?

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    We assess how well next generation neutrinoless double beta decay and normal neutrino beta decay experiments can answer four fundamental questions. 1) If neutrinoless double beta decay searches do not detect a signal, and if the spectrum is known to be inverted hierarchy, can we conclude that neutrinos are Dirac particles? 2) If neutrinoless double beta decay searches are negative and a next generation ordinary beta decay experiment detects the neutrino mass scale, can we conclude that neutrinos are Dirac particles? 3) If neutrinoless double beta decay is observed with a large neutrino mass element, what is the total mass in neutrinos? 4) If neutrinoless double beta decay is observed but next generation beta decay searches for a neutrino mass only set a mass upper limit, can we establish whether the mass hierarchy is normal or inverted? We base our answers on the expected performance of next generation neutrinoless double beta decay experiments and on simulations of the accuracy of calculations of nuclear matrix elements.Comment: Added reference

    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of Ge76, Se82, Mo100 and Xe136 to excited 0^+ states

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    The neutrinoless double beta decay transition to the first excited 0^+ collective final state is examined for A=76, 82, 100 and 136 nuclei by assuming light and heavy Majorana neutrino exchange mechanisms as well as the trilinear R-parity violating contributions. Realistic calculations of nuclear matrix elements have been performed within the renormalized quasiparticle random phase approximation. Transitions to the first excited two-quadrupole phonon 0^+ state are described within a boson expansion formalism and alternatively by using the operator recoupling method. We present the sensitivity parameters to different lepton number violating signals, which can be used in planning the neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. The half-life of neutrinoless double beta decay to the first excited state 0^+_1 is by a factor of 10 to 100 larger than that of the transition to the ground state.Comment: 31 pages, RevTex, 1 Postscript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.