102 research outputs found

    T-Wave Morphology Restitution Predicts Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic heart failure are at high risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). Increased dispersion of repolarization restitution has been associated with SCD, and we hypothesize that this should be reflected in the morphology of the T-wave and its variations with heart rate. The aim of this study is to propose an electrocardiogram (ECG)-based index characterizing T-wave morphology restitution (TMR), and to assess its association with SCD risk in a population of chronic heart failure patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: Holter ECGs from 651 ambulatory patients with chronic heart failure from the MUSIC (MUerte Súbita en Insuficiencia Cardiaca) study were available for the analysis. TMR was quantified by measuring the morphological variation of the T-wave per RR increment using time-warping metrics, and its predictive power was compared to that of clinical variables such as the left ventricular ejection fraction and other ECG-derived indices, such as T-wave alternans and heart rate variability. TMR was significantly higher in SCD victims than in the rest of patients (median 0.046 versus 0.039, P<0.001). When TMR was dichotomized at TMR=0.040, the SCD rate was significantly higher in the TMR≥0.040 group (P<0.001). Cox analysis revealed that TMR≥0.040 was strongly associated with SCD, with a hazard ratio of 3.27 (P<0.001), independently of clinical and ECG-derived variables. No association was found between TMR and pump failure death. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that TMR is specifically associated with SCD in a population of chronic heart failure patients, and it is a better predictor than clinical and ECG-derived variables

    Signal-averaged P wave analysis for delineation of interatrial conduction – Further validation of the method

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study was designed to investigate the effect of different measuring methodologies on the estimation of P wave duration. The recording length required to ensure reproducibility in unfiltered, signal-averaged P wave analysis was also investigated. An algorithm for automated classification was designed and its reproducibility of manual P wave morphology classification investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twelve-lead ECG recordings (1 kHz sampling frequency, 0.625 <it>μ</it>V resolution) from 131 healthy subjects were used. Orthogonal leads were derived using the inverse Dower transform. Magnification (100 times), baseline filtering (0.5 Hz high-pass and 50 Hz bandstop filters), signal averaging (10 seconds) and bandpass filtering (40–250 Hz) were used to investigate the effect of methodology on the estimated P wave duration. Unfiltered, signal averaged P wave analysis was performed to determine the required recording length (6 minutes to 10 s) and the reproducibility of the P wave morphology classification procedure. Manual classification was carried out by two experts on two separate occasions each. The performance of the automated classification algorithm was evaluated using the joint decision of the two experts (i.e., the consensus of the two experts).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The estimate of the P wave duration increased in each step as a result of magnification, baseline filtering and averaging (100 ± 18 vs. 131 ± 12 ms; P < 0.0001). The estimate of the duration of the bandpass-filtered P wave was dependent on the noise cut-off value: 119 ± 15 ms (0.2 <it>μ</it>V), 138 ± 13 ms (0.1 <it>μ</it>V) and 143 ± 18 ms (0.05 <it>μ</it>V). (P = 0.01 for all comparisons).</p> <p>The mean errors associated with the P wave morphology parameters were comparable in all segments analysed regardless of recording length (95% limits of agreement within 0 ± 20% (mean ± SD)). The results of the 6-min analyses were comparable to those obtained at the other recording lengths (6 min to 10 s).</p> <p>The intra-rater classification reproducibility was 96%, while the interrater reproducibility was 94%. The automated classification algorithm agreed with the manual classification in 90% of the cases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The methodology used has profound effects on the estimation of P wave duration, and the method used must therefore be validated before any inferences can be made about P wave duration. This has implications in the interpretation of multiple studies where P wave duration is assessed, and conclusions with respect to normal values are drawn.</p> <p>P wave morphology and duration assessed using unfiltered, signal-averaged P wave analysis have high reproducibility, which is unaffected by the length of the recording. In the present study, the performance of the proposed automated classification algorithm, providing total reproducibility, showed excellent agreement with manually defined P wave morphologies.</p

    Pretreatment with corticosteroids attenuates the efficacy of colchicine in preventing recurrent pericarditis: A multi-centre all-case analysis

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    Aims Effective prevention of recurrent pericarditis remains an important yet elusive goal. Corticosteroid therapy often needs to be continued for a prolonged period and causes severe side effects. We performed a multi-centre all-case analysis to investigate the efficacy of colchicine in preventing subsequent relapses of pericarditis, and addressed the hypothesis that pretreatment with corticosteroids may attenuate the beneficial effect of colchicine. Methods and results One hundred and forty published and unpublished cases of patients treated with colchicine after at least two relapses of pericarditis were aggregated from European centres. Of those 119 were included in the study group. Only 18% of the patients had relapses under colchicine therapy, and 30% after its discontinuation. There were significantly more relapses among mate patients after colchicine treatment (36 vs. 17%, P = 0.046), and those with previous corticosteroid treatment (43 vs. 13%, P = 0.02). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified previous corticosteroid therapy (OR 6.68, 95% Cl: 1.65-27.02) and mate gender (OR 4.20, 95% Cl: 1.16-15.21) as independent risk factors for recurrence following colchicine therapy. Conclusion Treatment with colchicine is highly effective in preventing recurrent pericarditis, white pretreatment with corticosteroids exacerbates and extends the course of recurrent pericarditis

    GWAS for discovery and replication of genetic loci associated with sudden cardiac arrest in patients with coronary artery disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epidemiologic evidence suggests a heritable component to risk for sudden cardiac arrest independent of risk for myocardial infarction. Recent candidate gene association studies for community sudden cardiac arrests have focused on a limited number of biological pathways and yielded conflicting results. We sought to identify novel gene associations for sudden cardiac arrest in patients with coronary artery disease by performing a genome-wide association study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tagging SNPs (n = 338,328) spanning the genome were typed in a case-control study comparing 89 patients with coronary artery disease and sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation to 520 healthy controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fourteen SNPs including 7 SNPs among 7 genes (ACYP2, AP1G2, ESR1, DGES2, GRIA1, KCTD1, ZNF385B) were associated with sudden cardiac arrest (all p < 1.30 × 10<sup>-7</sup>), following Bonferroni correction and adjustment for population substructure, age, and sex; genetic variation in ESR1 (p = 2.62 × 10<sup>-8</sup>; Odds Ratio [OR] = 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.277, 1.596) has previously been established as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In tandem, the role of 9 genes for monogenic long QT syndrome (LQT1-9) was assessed, yielding evidence of association with CACNA1C (LQT8; p = 3.09 × 10<sup>-4</sup>; OR = 1.18, 95% CI:1.079, 1.290). We also assessed 4 recently published gene associations for sudden cardiac arrest, validating NOS1AP (p = 4.50 × 10<sup>-2</sup>, OR = 1.15, 95% CI:1.003, 1.326), CSMD2 (p = 6.6 × 10<sup>-3</sup>, OR = 2.27, 95% CI:1.681, 2.859), and AGTR1 (p = 3.00 × 10<sup>-3</sup>, OR = 1.13, 95% CI:1.042, 1.215).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We demonstrate 11 gene associations for sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation in patients with coronary artery disease. Validation studies in independent cohorts and functional studies are required to confirm these associations.</p

    Age-related changes in P wave morphology in healthy subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have previously documented significant differences in orthogonal P wave morphology between patients with and without paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). However, there exists little data concerning normal P wave morphology. This study was aimed at exploring orthogonal P wave morphology and its variations in healthy subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>120 healthy volunteers were included, evenly distributed in decades from 20–80 years of age; 60 men (age 50+/-17) and 60 women (50+/-16). Six-minute long 12-lead ECG registrations were acquired and transformed into orthogonal leads. Using a previously described P wave triggered P wave signal averaging method we were able to compare similarities and differences in P wave morphologies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Orthogonal P wave morphology in healthy individuals was predominately positive in Leads X and Y. In Lead Z, one third had negative morphology and two-thirds a biphasic one with a transition from negative to positive. The latter P wave morphology type was significantly more common after the age of 50 (P < 0.01). P wave duration (PWD) increased with age being slightly longer in subjects older than 50 (121+/-13 ms vs. 128+/-12 ms, P < 0.005). Minimal intraindividual variation of P wave morphology was observed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Changes of signal averaged orthogonal P wave morphology (biphasic signal in Lead Z), earlier reported in PAF patients, are common in healthy subjects and appear predominantly after the age of 50. Subtle age-related prolongation of PWD is unlikely to be sufficient as a sole explanation of this finding that is thought to represent interatrial conduction disturbances. To serve as future reference, P wave morphology parameters of the healthy subjects are provided.</p

    Sudden cardiac death

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    La mort sobtada representa un problema clínic per resoldre que succeeix amb molta freqüència. En un elevat percentatge de casos, l'origen es cardíac. La mort sobtada d'origen cardíac es la conseqüència final de múltiplesmecanismes fisiopatològics possibles, que promouen un substrat arritmogènic de manera aguda o crònica. El desenvolupament d'un o múltiples factors desencadenants pot interactuar amb el substrat arritmogènic i facilitar l'arítmia final amb característiques letals. A pesar de que l'estratificació de risc de les poblacions es factible, la prevenció delsmecanismes desencadenants i promotors de malalties es la mesura més necessària i correcta. El tractament amb el cardioversor-desfibril.lador implantable (ICD) és el més segur per la gran majoria de persones en les que s'ha pogut interrompre la mort sobtada cardíaca. Només en un petit subgrup de pacients molt seleccionats, la teràpia amb fàrmacs, l'ablació transcateter, la cirurgia antitaquicàrdica o el trasplantament de cor poden ésser considerades com el tractament electiu. La decisió del millor tractament per cada pacient cal considerar-la de forma individualitzada, tenint en compte les seves característiques, el tipus d'arítmia que ha sofert el pacient i la pròpia experiència de cada hospital en un tècnica determinada.Sudden death is a frequent event whose causes may not be anticipated, but often has a cardiac origin. Sudden cardiac death is the final consequence of many pathophysiological mechanisms which have caused acute or chronic arrhythmogenic disease. Single or multifactorial triggering factors may interact with the arrhythmogenic substrate to lead to lethal arrhythmias. Stratifying populations according to risk is feasible, but the immediate priority is prevention of triggering and disease-promoting factors. ICD therapy is the best treatment for most survivors of sudden cardiac death. Drug therapy, catheter ablation, antitachycardia surgery or heart transplant are only first-choice treatments for very few patients. Choosing the best therapy is an individual decision based on the patient's clinical picture, the type of arrhythmia seen and hospital experience in the various technique