522 research outputs found

    Comparing the vibrational behaviour of e-kick scooters and e-bikes: Evidence from Italy

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    E-kick scooters are currently among the most popular emerging electric-powered Personal micro–Mobility Vehicles (e-PMVs) and have recently been equated to e-bikes. However, even if the dynamic behaviour of e-bikes is well studied, much less has been done to understand the behaviour of e-kick scooters. Furthermore, comparisons between the two vehicles have rarely been investigated and only based on mechanical models. This study covers this gap by proposing a novel framework that evaluates the vibrational behaviours of both vehicles when driven by different users and exposed to the pavement irregularities, using both real and simulated data. The experimental data are collected equipping an e-kick scooter and an e-bike with Inertial Measurement Units, and then processed by ISO 2631–1 method to obtain an objective evaluation of the comfort. Next, the experimental data are expanded to include uncertainty applying a Monte Carlo Simulation based on a two-layer feed-forward Artificial Neural Network. Afterwards, several statistical analyses are performed to understand the key factors affecting the vibrational magnitude (and their extent) for each vehicle. This framework was tested in an Italian city (Brescia) along urban paths with five different pavement surfaces. The results showed that the e-kick scooter appears to be globally more solicited than the e-bike in terms of vibrational magnitude. Moreover, pavement surface, sensor position, user gender, user height, and travel speed are identified as crucial factors explaining the vibrational magnitude for both vehicles. The overall findings challenge the recent European regulations that equated e-kick scooters with bikes. These findings may help public administrations in planning the circulation of e-bikes and e-kick scooters in cities and recommend that manufacturers improve the e-kick scooter design by including shock absorbers to increase comfort

    Usefulness of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in addition to mesalazine in maintaining remission in pediatric Crohn's disease: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study.

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    AIM: To assess the value of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (FAs) supplementation in addition to amino-salicylic-acid (5-ASA) in pediatric patients with Crohn's disease (CD). METHODS: Thirty-eight patients (20 males and 18 females, mean age 10.13 years, range 5-16 years) with CD in remission were randomized into two groups and treated for 12 mo. Group I (18 patients) received 5-ASA (50 mg/kg/d)+ omega-3 FAs as triglycerides in gastro-resistant capsules, 3 g/d (eicosapentanoic acid, EPA, 400 mg/g, docosahexaenoic acid, DHA, 200 mg/g). Group II (20 patients) received 5-ASA (50 mg/kg/d)+ olive oil placebo capsules. Patients were evaluated for fatty acid incorporation in red blood cell membranes by gas chromatography at baseline 6 and 12 mo after the treatment. RESULTS: The number of patients who relapsed at 1 year was significantly lower in group I than in group II (P < 0.001). Patients in group I had a significant increase in the incorporation of EPA and DHA (P < 0.001) and a decrease in the presence of arachidonic acids. CONCLUSION: Enteric-coated omega-3 FAs in addition to treatment with 5-ASA are effective in maintaining remission of pediatric CD

    Origin–destination matrices from smartphone apps for bus networks

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    The knowledge of passenger flows between each origin–destination (OD) pair is a main requirement in public transport for service planning, design, operation, and monitoring, and is represented by OD matrices. Although they can be determined by traditional approaches (e.g., surveys, ride-check counts, and/or smartcard-based methods), the availability of new technologies and the proliferation of portable devices triggers an emerging interest in building OD matrices from the apps of bus operators. This research proposes the first framework for the estimation of OD matrices on transit networks by processing smartphone app call detail records (SACDRs). The framework is experimentally tested on a sample of 30 workdays of an Italian bus operator. The results are represented by easy-to-read control dashboards based on maps, which help quantify and visualise the OD matrices in the metropolitan area of Cagliari (Italy). The experimentation shows that the framework can properly estimate the number of trips for both origin and destination w.r.t. OD matrices built from household surveys: the mean absolute error is on average lower than five movements for 90% of the origins and 85% of the destinations

    Spatial Engineering of Osteochondral Tissue Constructs Through Microfluidically Directed Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    The development of tissue engineered osteochondral units has been slowed by a number of technical hurdles associated with recapitulating their heterogeneous nature ex vivo. Subsequently, numerous approaches with respect to cell sourcing, scaffolding composition, and culture media formulation have been pursued, which have led to high variability in outcomes and ultimately the lack of a consensus bioprocessing strategy. As such, the objective of this study was to standardize the design process by focusing on differentially supporting formation of cartilaginous and bony matrix by a single cell source in a spatially controlled manner within a single material system. A cell-polymer solution of bovine mesenchymal stem cells and agarose was cast against micromolds of a serpentine network and stacked to produce tissue constructs containing two independent microfluidic networks. Constructs were fluidically connected to two controlled flow loops and supplied with independently tuned differentiation parameters for chondrogenic and osteogenic induction, respectively. Constructs receiving inductive media showed differential gene expression of both chondrogenic and osteogenic markers in opposite directions along the thickness of the construct that was recapitulated at the protein level with respect to collagens I, II, and X. A control group receiving noninductive media showed homogeneous expression of these biomarkers measured in lower concentrations at both the mRNA and protein level. This work represents an important step in the rational design of engineered osteochondral units through establishment of an enabling technology for further optimization of scaffolding formulations and bioprocessing conditions toward the production of commercially viable osteochondral tissue products

    Real-time evaluation of the on-board comfort of standing passenger in bus transit services

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    Bus on-board comfort may be intended as a multidimensional concept declined according to several attributes (e.g., vibrations, the load factor, the driving style, etc.) and represents a key factor of service quality. Thus, its measurement is crucial for public transport companies as it can support for the monitoring, evaluation and implementation of specific actions to improve their services. The objective of this paper is to build a numerical scale for real-time measurement of bus on-board comfort. This is pursued integrating subjective measurements of the driving style provided by the passengers with objective ones of longitudinal and transversal accelerations data collected by Intelligent Transportation System tools. The results are very useful because they represent a contribution to establish a comfort scale in a real operational environment, as a tool to regulate the driver's behavior: each driver is in the position of real-time monitoring the quality of a bus ride regarding on-board comfort level

    Clinical course and features of persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis with BCL-6 amplification during pregnancy

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    Background: Persistent polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis is a rare nonmalignant disorder characterized by mild persistent lymphocyte proliferation with possible evolution to aggressive lymphoma. Its biology is not well known, but it is characterized by a specific immunophenotype with rearrangement of the BCL-2/IGH gene, whereas amplification of the BCL-6 gene has rarely been reported. Given the paucity of reports, it has been hypothesized that this disorder is associated with poor pregnancy outcomes. Case report: To our knowledge, only two successful pregnancies have been described in women with this condition. We report the third successful pregnancy in a patient with PPBL and the first with amplification of the BCL-6 gene. Conclusions: PPBL is still a poorly understood clinical condition with insufficient data to demonstrate an adverse effect on pregnancy. The role of BCL-6 dysregulation in the pathogenesis of PPBL and its prognostic significance are still unknown. Evolution into aggressive clonal lymphoproliferative disorders is possible and prolonged hematologic follow-up is warranted in patients with this rare clinical disorder

    Mega-Events: Assessing Road Safety through an Operating Framework. An Application for the Milano–Cortina 2026 Winter Olympic Games †

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    To meet the United Nations and European Union goals of reducing road crash fatalities and injuries, it is also relevant to address the negative externalities due to mega-events on the road network and the local communities, to assess the safety of the road network involved, and to implement appropriate measures for different road environments. Despite their relevance, the literature often overlooks social costs and risks associated with mega-events. This study presents an operating framework for rapidly assessing the safety of the Milano–Cortina 2026—“Via Olimpica” road—which will host a significant proportion of the traffic during the Winter Olympic Games in 2026. The framework proposes a simplified Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) to address the unique challenges posed by the limited time available for screening and implementation by local authorities. The framework integrates four data sources and follows a seven-step procedure. It provides recommendations for improving road safety by identifying critical road sections and blackspots. Road authorities, practitioners, and public administrations may all benefit from the framework, as it makes it easier to prioritise safety improvements within time constraints

    Usefulness and safety of double endoscopy in children with gastroesophageal reflux and respiratory symptoms

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    SummaryBackgroundManagement of children with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and difficult-to-treat (D-T-T) respiratory symptoms may include double fiberoptic, airway and oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopies (DE). A study was performed to evaluate the usefulness and safety of DE in children with severe GORD and D-T-T respiratory symptoms.MethodsA 3-year retrospective review of records of children who underwent DE under general anaesthesia was performed: the relevant clinical information obtained and the occurrence of complications in the 72h following the DE.ResultsInflammatory changes of the airways were found at bronchoscopy in 40 out of the 60 children: bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) demonstrated positive lipid-laden alveolar macrophages (LLAM), neutrophilic inflammation or both, respectively in 9, 12 and 16 patients. BAL bacterial cultures were positive in 2 patients with elevated airway neutrophilia. Structural airway abnormalities, explaining not GOR-related D-T-T respiratory symptoms were identified in 11 patients. Oesophagoscopic findings supporting GORD were detected in 32/60 children and confirmed by consistent histological changes in oesophageal mucosal biopsies (OEB) in 27.The frequency of complications, all minor, was low during the procedure and in the following 72h. They included mild desaturation, stridor or bronchospasm, vomiting, dysphagia and hyperthermia requiring antibiotic treatment in 1 patient. No “new onset” complication was observed after 48h following DE. The time-dependent hazard of complications was significantly higher for patients with a history of onset of respiratory symptoms early in life (≤2 years of age) (p=0.038).ConclusionDE can be useful in the clinical evaluation of children with D-T-T respiratory symptoms and GORD and is associated with low frequency of mild complications when performed by appropriately trained and experienced personnel

    The use of ciclosporin in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: an Italian experience

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    Aim: To asses the efficacy and safety of ciclosporin in a paediatric population with inflammatory bowel disease. Patients and methods: Twenty-three Italian children treated with ciclosporin were studied retrospectively. The indications for treatment were severe unresponsive colitis, chronic active colitis or severe fistulizing Crohn's disease. The treatment duration, follow-up and causes of drug discontinuation were assessed. Results: Sixteen patients were treated intravenously for a mean time of 10 +/- 7 days (1-24 days) and 19 orally for a mean time of 133 days (17-660 days). The mean follow-up of all patients was 13.2 months. Ciclosporin was totally ineffective, being discontinued for surgery, in nine of 23 patients (39%); it was discontinued for partial response in three patients (13%). During treatment, clinical remission was achieved in eight children (35%) and maintained after drug withdrawal in four (17%). In severe unresponsive colitis, urgent colectomy was avoided in 12 (85%) of 14 patients who tolerated the drug. Side-effects appeared in six of 23 patients (26%), and three (13%) required ciclosporin to be discontinued due to neurotoxicity. Conclusions: Ciclosporin shows disappointing long-term results in the treatment of refractory inflammatory bowel disease, but can play an important role in preventing urgent surgery in unresponsive severe colitis. Severe side-effects can occur

    Exploring Response to Immunotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Delta-Radiomics

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    Delta-radiomics is a branch of radiomics in which features are confronted after time or after introducing an external factor (such as treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy) to extrapolate prognostic data or to monitor a certain condition. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are currently revolutionizing the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC); however, there are still many issues in defining the response to therapy. Contrast-enhanced CT scans of 33 NSCLC patients treated with ICIs were analyzed; altogether, 43 lung lesions were considered. The radiomic features of the lung lesions were extracted from CT scans at baseline and at first reassessment, and their variation (delta, 06) was calculated by means of the absolute difference and relative reduction. This variation was related to the final response of each lesion to evaluate the predictive ability of the variation itself. Twenty-seven delta features have been identified that are able to discriminate radiologic response to ICIs with statistically significant accuracy. Furthermore, the variation of nine features significantly correlates with pseudo-progression
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