41 research outputs found

    Определение условий перехода вязкой суспензии в вязкопластинчатый материал на сите виброгрохота

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    На підставі рішення рівнянь Нав’є-Стокса для установленої течії в’язкої сировини, що не стискується, по похилій ситовій поверхні аналітично визначені умови переходу вугільної шламової суспензії у в’язкопластичний матеріал при зневоднені на ситі віброгрохота.На основе решения уравнений Навье-Стокса для установившегося течения вязкой несжигаемой жидкости по наклонной ситовой поверхности аналитически определены условия перехода угольной шламовой суспензии в вязкопластинчатый материал при обезвоживании на сите виброгрохота

    Inter-species variation in the oligomeric states of the higher plant Calvin cycle enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphoribulokinase

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    In darkened leaves the Calvin cycle enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and phosphoribulokinase (PRK) form a regulatory multi-enzyme complex with the small chloroplast protein CP12. GAPDH also forms a high molecular weight regulatory mono-enzyme complex. Given that there are different reports as to the number and subunit composition of these complexes and that enzyme regulatory mechanisms are known to vary between species, it was reasoned that protein-protein interactions may also vary between species. Here, this variation is investigated. This study shows that two different tetramers of GAPDH (an A2B2 heterotetramer and an A4 homotetramer) have the capacity to form part of the PRK/GAPDH/CP12 complex. The role of the PRK/GAPDH/CP12 complex is not simply to regulate the 'non-regulatory' A4 GAPDH tetramer. This study also demonstrates that the abundance and nature of PRK/GAPDH/CP12 interactions are not equal in all species and that whilst NAD enhances complex formation in some species, this is not sufficient for complex formation in others. Furthermore, it is shown that the GAPDH mono-enzyme complex is more abundant as a 2(A2B2) complex, rather than the larger 4(A2B2) complex. This smaller complex is sensitive to cellular metabolites indicating that it is an important regulatory isoform of GAPDH. This comparative study has highlighted considerable heterogeneity in PRK and GAPDH protein interactions between closely related species and the possible underlying physiological basis for this is discussed. © 2011 The Author(s)

    The bandstructure of gold from many-body perturbation theory

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    The bandstructure of gold is calculated using many-body perturbation theory (MBPT). Different approximations within the GW approach are considered. Standard single shot G0W0 corrections shift the unoccupied bands up by ~0.2 eV and the first sp-like occupied band down by ~0.4 eV, while leaving unchanged the 5d occupied bands. Beyond G0W0, quasiparticle self-consistency on the wavefunctions lowers the occupied 5d bands by 0.35 eV. Globally, many-body effects achieve an opening of the interband gap (5d-6sp gap) of 0.35 to 0.75 eV approaching the experimental results. Finally, the quasiparticle bandstructure is compared to the one obtained by the widely used HSE (Heyd, Scuseria, and Ernzerhof) hybrid functional

    Astrospheres of Planet-Hosting Cool Stars and Beyond ⋅ When Modeling Meets Observations

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    Thanks to dedicated long-term missions like Voyager and GOES over the past 50 years, much insight has been gained on the activity of our Sun, the solar wind, its interaction with the interstellar medium, and, thus, about the formation, the evolution, and the structure of the heliosphere. Additionally, with the help of multi-wavelength observations by the Hubble Space Telescope, Kepler, and TESS, we not only were able to detect a variety of extrasolar planets and exomoons but also to study the characteristics of their host stars, and thus became aware that other stars drive bow shocks and astrospheres. Although features like, e.g., stellar winds, could not be measured directly, over the past years several techniques have been developed allowing us to indirectly derive properties like stellar mass-loss rates and stellar wind speeds, information that can be used as direct input to existing astrospheric modeling codes. In this review, the astrospheric modeling efforts of various stars will be presented. Starting with the heliosphere as a benchmark of astrospheric studies, investigating the paleo-heliospheric changes and the Balmer α projections to , we investigate the surroundings of cool and hot stars, but also of more exotic objects like neutron stars. While pulsar wind nebulae (PWNs) might be a source of high-energy galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), the astrospheric environments of cool and hot stars form a natural shield against GCRs. Their modulation within these astrospheres, and the possible impact of turbulence, are also addressed. This review shows that all of the presented modeling efforts are in excellent agreement with currently available observations

    Discovering study-specific gene regulatory networks

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Microarrays are commonly used in biology because of their ability to simultaneously measure thousands of genes under different conditions. Due to their structure, typically containing a high amount of variables but far fewer samples, scalable network analysis techniques are often employed. In particular, consensus approaches have been recently used that combine multiple microarray studies in order to find networks that are more robust. The purpose of this paper, however, is to combine multiple microarray studies to automatically identify subnetworks that are distinctive to specific experimental conditions rather than common to them all. To better understand key regulatory mechanisms and how they change under different conditions, we derive unique networks from multiple independent networks built using glasso which goes beyond standard correlations. This involves calculating cluster prediction accuracies to detect the most predictive genes for a specific set of conditions. We differentiate between accuracies calculated using cross-validation within a selected cluster of studies (the intra prediction accuracy) and those calculated on a set of independent studies belonging to different study clusters (inter prediction accuracy). Finally, we compare our method's results to related state-of-the art techniques. We explore how the proposed pipeline performs on both synthetic data and real data (wheat and Fusarium). Our results show that subnetworks can be identified reliably that are specific to subsets of studies and that these networks reflect key mechanisms that are fundamental to the experimental conditions in each of those subsets

    Synergies between interstellar dust and heliospheric science with an interstellar probe

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    We discuss the synergies between heliospheric and dust science, the open science questions, the technological endeavours, and programmatic aspects that are important to maintain or develop in the decade to come. In particular, we illustrate how we can use interstellar dust in the solar system as a tracer for the (dynamic) heliosphere properties, and emphasize the fairly unexplored, but potentially important science question of the role of cosmic dust in heliospheric and astrospheric physics. We show that an interstellar probe mission with a dedicated dust suite would bring unprecedented advances to interstellar dust research, and can also contribute – through measuring dust – to heliospheric science. This can, in particular, be done well if we work in synergy with other missions inside the solar system, thereby using multiple vantage points in space to measure the dust as it ‘rolls’ into the heliosphere. Such synergies between missions inside the solar system and far out are crucial for disentangling the spatially and temporally varying dust flow. Finally, we highlight the relevant instrumentation and its suitability for contributing to finding answers to the research questions

    Synergies between interstellar dust and heliospheric science with an Interstellar Probe

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    We discuss the synergies between heliospheric and dust science, the open science questions, the technological endeavors and programmatic aspects that are important to maintain or develop in the decade to come. In particular, we illustrate how we can use interstellar dust in the solar system as a tracer for the (dynamic) heliosphere properties, and emphasize the fairly unexplored, but potentially important science question of the role of cosmic dust in heliospheric and astrospheric physics. We show that an Interstellar Probe mission with a dedicated dust suite would bring unprecedented advances to interstellar dust research, and can also contribute-through measuring dust - to heliospheric science. This can, in particular, be done well if we work in synergy with other missions inside the solar system, thereby using multiple vantage points in space to measure the dust as it `rolls' into the heliosphere. Such synergies between missions inside the solar system and far out are crucial for disentangling the spatially and temporally varying dust flow. Finally, we highlight the relevant instrumentation and its suitability for contributing to finding answers to the research questions.Comment: 18 pages, 7 Figures, 5 Tables. Originally submitted as white paper for the National Academies Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics 2024-203

    Plasmareinigung - effektiv und umweltfreundlich

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    Die Reinigung mit Niederdruckplasmen ist nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern auch aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht für den industriellen Serieneinsatz interessant. Das Aufbringen dünner polymerähnlicher Schichten im direkten Anschluß an die Plasmareinigung als Korrosionsschutz oder als Primer für eine nachfolgende Lackierung bietet eine weitere Möglichkeit der Kostenreduzierung

    Preparation and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained metals

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    Ultrafine-grained polycrystalline metallic components (Cu, Au, Fe) have been prepared by means of the inert gas evaporation technique combined with an integrated uniaxial cold compaction device. The average grain sizes ranged typically from 20 nm to about 100 nm. The microstructure and impurity content of the as-pressed samples have been investigated by means of TEM and AES, respectively. The yield strength of ultrafine (30 nm) grained Cu specimens obtained in tensile tests compares well with respective values for heavily cold- worked coarse grained copper. Al slight heat treatment (150 degreeC/30 min.) improves the strain-to-fracture at slightly reduced yield strength values. The results are discussed within the picture of two concurrent processes determining the strength of ultrafine grained metals: Coble creep vs. grain boundary strengthening effect