38 research outputs found

    Menstruation as a Weapon of War – The Politics of the Bleeding Body for Women on Political Protest at Armagh Prison Northern Ireland.

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    This article draws on the voices of women political prisoners who were detained at Armagh Prison during the period of the Troubles or the Conflict in Northern Ireland. It focuses on women who undertook an extraordinary form of protest against the prison authorities during the 1980s, known as the No Wash Protest. As the prisoners were prevented from leaving their cells by prison officer either to wash or to use the toilet, the women, living in the midst of their own dirt and body waste, added menstrual blood as a form of protest

    Anisotropic neutron stars with hyperons: implication of the recent nuclear matter data and observations of neutron stars

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    Motivated by a recent report by Biwas and Bose (Phys Rev D 99:104002, 2019) that the observations of GW170817 to constrain the extent of pressure anisotropy in neutron stars within Bower–Liang anisotropic model, we systematically study the effects of anisotropic pressure on properties of the neutron stars with hyperons. The equation of state is calculated using the relativistic mean-field model with a BSP parameter set to determine nucleonic coupling constants and by using SU(6) and hyperon potential depths to determine hyperonic coupling constants. We investigate three models of anisotropic pressure known in literature namely Bowers and Liang (Astrophys J 88:657, 1974), Horvat et al. (Class Quant Grav 28:025009, 2011), and Cosenza et al. (J Math Phys (NY) 22:118, 1981). The reliability of the equation of state used is checked by comparing the parameters of the corresponding EOS to recent experimental data. The mass–radius, moment of inertia, and tidal deformability results of Bowers–Liang, Horvat et al., and Cosenza et al. anisotropic models are compared to the corresponding recent results extracted from the analysis of some NS observation data. We have found that the radii predicted by anisotropic NS are sensitive to the anisotropic model used and the results obtained by using the model proposed by Horvat et al. with anisotropic free parameter Υ \varUpsilon ~\approx - 1.15 are relative compatible with all taken constraints

    Minimal length, nuclear matter, and neutron stars

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    In this paper, we employ one variant of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) model, i.e., the Kempf–Mangano–Mann (KMM) model, and discuss the impact of GUP on the EoS of nuclear and neutron star matter based on the relativistic mean field (RMF) model. We input the result in the Serrano–Liška (SL) gravity theory to discuss the corresponding Neutron Star (NS) properties. We have shown that the upper bound for the GUP parameter from nuclear matter properties is β2×107\beta \le 2\times 10^{-7} MeV2^{-2}. If we used this β\beta upper bound to calculate NS matter, and considering SL parameter c~{\tilde{c}} as an independent parameter, we have found that the upper bound for the SL parameter, which modifies the Einstein field equation, is c~107{\tilde{c}} \le 10^7 m2^2. This beta upper bound is determined by considering the anisotropy magnitude smaller than the pressure magnitude. By employing β=2×107\beta =2\times 10^{-7} MeV2^{-2} and c~=107{\tilde{c}} = 10^7 m2^2, we obtain the mass–radius relation that satisfies NICER data for both PSR J0740+6620 (whose mass is 2.1M\sim 2.1M_\odot ) and PSR J0030+0451 (M1.4MM\sim 1.4M_\odot ). Our GUP parameter upper bound perfectly matches the constraint from 87^{87}Rb cold-atom-recoil experiment. If we consider that the same strength from the additional logarithmic term in the entropy from both GUP and SL model are dependent, for β16×1034\beta -16\times 10^{-34} m2^2. The magnitude of this bound is 104010^{-40} smaller than the upper bound magnitude of SL parameter considering as independent parameter i.e., c~107{\tilde{c}} \le 10^7 m2^2

    Production of bacterial pigments in low cost medium and formulation of biodegradable ink

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    Bacterial pigment production is an emerging field of research for its wide potential industrial applications. Prodigiosin (Serratia marcescens UTM1) and violacein (Chromobacterium violaceum UTM5) are such pigments which possess several biological properties and and have gained increasing importance in industrial markets such as drugs, cosmetics, textile dyeing, etc. The present study demonstrates the use of low cost medium for growth of locally isolated red, violet pigment producing bacteria and their application as biodegradable ink on plastic materials. The natural inks were successfully formulated using polyvinyl butyral, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, and applied on plastic materials. They were able to withstand heat up to 60°C and showed no damage to plastic material during physical contact. The hue and chroma values showed the formulated natural inks falls within the red and violet colour. The results have shown that the bacterial pigments act as natural colourants and have great potential as biodegradable inks

    Analysis and Design of Web-Based Billing Information System at the Employee Cooperative of PT. Spindo Karawang Factory

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     In the digital era, people often call the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 demanding speed and accuracy in all fields. Moreover, the speed and accuracy in delivering and receiving information for decision making so as not to compete with competitors. The presentation of information is not only Fast, accurate, it must also be easily understood by the person receiving the information. One business entity that must also take advantage of this technological development is a cooperative. In the cooperative PT. Spindo Karawang Factory transaction activities still have to be processed in Microsoft Excel, so that data duplication or inconsistency often occurs, data updates are not updated, there is no data backup and data that has not been integrated with other systems. The purpose of this research is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the transaction process in the cooperative. The research method used in this research is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with the waterfall approach. The result of this research is the cooperative invoice information system of PT. Spindo Karawang Factory is web-based which is expected to be able to improve the process in the cooperative to be more effective and efficient